Teardrop Blend Shift Video – Free Access Next Week (May 2nd)

Polymer Clay Tutor 5th Friday Teardrop Blend Shift Technique With a polymer clay
idea this versatile… this
cool… and this easy… every
pc artist and crafter really
should know how to do
~Cindy Lietz

A couple of weeks ago I posted the video for my Teardrop Blend Shift Technique, in the Polymer Clay Tutor members library.

Since then, I’ve received a ton of emails from non-members asking about it. A lot of these messages were prompted because of something I said in my April 14th blog post

With a polymer clay idea this versatile… this cool… and this easy… every polymer clay artist and crafter really should know how to do it. In fact, for many of my upcoming cane making videos, it will be a prerequisite technique you’ll need to know how to do. ~Cindy Lietz

So Doug suggested that we do a similar promotion to what happened back in February 2009, when the original Teardrop Blend Video went live. And that was to make the full tutorial available for everyone… for a limited time… no password required.

As a result of that free showing, not only did a bunch of new clayers end up getting a chance to learn the technique… but many of them also decided to join the community here… so they could start benefiting from all the weekly lessons that get posted at the members library on Fridays. Jaime-H said it best with this…

Wow Cindy! This Teardrop Blend video is the first of your tutorials I have watched, and I have to say what a nice job! The camera angles were great and the picture was very bright and clear. Much better than the blurry, dark, jumpy videos I have seen elsewhere. If all your videos are this well done, then what a value your membership really is! Thank you so very much for sharing this one in particular with all of us. I am sure everyone who watches this will be able to use this method easily after watching you do it. Even if they have been intimidated by the skinner blend in the past. What a sweetheart you are to give us all this chance to see it. XOXO ~Jamie-H

Now many of you already know that tomorrow is another 5th Friday. It means no new video or color recipes this week. If you are new around here and don’t know what I’m talking about, here is a link for more info about How The 5th Friday Works.

And since you will not have a new video to watch tomorrow, what I’m hoping is that everyone will join me in helping to publicize a unique event that is scheduled for next week… free access to the full version of my Volume-035-3 Teardrop Blend Shift video.

For those who are not currently paid members, this complimentary video showing will:

(1) Allow you to learn a couple of unique polymer clay techniques that I know will come in very handy for you; and it will…

(2) Give you a chance to experience the quality of learning that paid members experience pretty much every week of the year, for a measly $3 to $4 per month ($9.95 per quarter).

Cindy – just wanted to tell you that I love your tutorials. I have learned more in the last two weeks than I have in the last four years. I love working with clay but you have made it into an obsession for me. I learn so much faster when I can see it done rather than reading and making so many mistakes. I had made up my mind to pay for the video lessons at another site, at upwards of fifty dollars for just one class. Then I stumbled upon your site. Wow!!! you have made it affordable even for those of us on a limited income. THANK You so much! I will continue to purchase all the back issues as I can and look forward to all the new ones. Again thanks for being there. ~Karon-C

I seem to be in a chatty mood tonight so I will share a short story with all of you about how lucky we are to have Cindy as our teacher. My sister lives in D.C. – we have many interests in common, she does mostly wire work, decided to take a clay class last weekend. She wanted to see what I was raving about when I told her about Cindy and the tutorials. And the class was on making Calla Lilies – which I had told her I was doing as one of our classes. She paid three times what we pay for three months of classes for a single afternoon! She went to the class, and was very disappointed with it as they did not learn how to make a skinner blend or anything that Cindy teaches and we tend to take for granted. So, Cindy I want you to know how grateful I am for all your teaching skills and how blessed we are that you take your time to teach us and help make our creations great. And for holding my hand through my fears of using the Dremel buffer. ~Karon-C

Karon – Wow, isn’t Cindy a bargain, lol? I simply love, love, love the fact that we keep all these videos in our libraries and can simply pull them up to watch at any time! I could never remember all the steps to do some of these effects and styles without going back to look at the videos again. I truly am still so thrilled I found Cindy’s site and subscribed. Worth every penny and then some. ~Rebecca-C

I held out for quite a while thinking it was an additional expense I could not afford. Finally decided that an extra $9.95 was not going to break me and I’m so happy that I did join. It is sometimes the little things you do that make your projects look so much better, and Cindy gives us all her tricks of the trade. I’ve made buttons before but never made them using Saran Wrap over the clay. What a difference. Another favorite was using the Adirondack inks for the Jellyroll Cane. Nice to have another use for my craft supplies. I would urge anyone to give up one movie a month, or one magazine, or anything else that equates to about $3.50 a month and join in the fun. I’ve been following your site for quite a while now Cindy, and thank you for being so generous with your free advice. It must give you a sense of great satisfaction knowing you are helping others enjoy their craft. You are much appreciated. ~Janet-A

I want to chime in here and say I think $3 to $4 a month for the extremely high quality videos, the personalized help, the recipe cards, free tuts, the 24/7 access, and the list goes on.. is a bargain! All the work you and Doug do that saves us money is worth way more than that. I’m always singing your praises and telling people this is where I get my information and learn the things I do. ~Tanya-L

SO… if you have a Blog… a Facebook page/profile… a Twitter account… a Forum presence… a Guild membership…

AND… you feel like the lessons I teach might be valuable for other clayers to learn from…

THEN… please do link back to this post to help spread the word about next week’s complimentary showing of my Teardrop Blend Shift technique video. Free access to my video tutorials does not happen very often. In fact, the last time was over 2 years ago with the original Teardrop Blend Tute.

DETAILS… on Monday, May 2nd 2011, return to this blog post and the following link will allow you to watch the full version of the Teardrop Blend Shift video…  no password required [Free promo has ended]

IF… you would like to be notified via email, when the full version of the Teardrop Blend Shift Video is available for complimentary viewing, you are more than welcome to join my Guest List. Here is the link: Polymer Clay Tutor – Free Newsletter

I still think the best thing we can do is spread the word. I know when I first came upon this site, and saw the preview videos… I wanted “more”, but was afraid to join. I didn’t know if the site was “legit” or worthwhile at first. I was ignorant of online tutorials at the time, and hadn’t purchased one before. There are people out there who just want to hear someone they know or trust say it’s OK, and that you really DO get “all that” for under $10. I think Cindy has kept the price low because it’s easier for someone to commit $9.95 to something “unknown.” It worked for me, and now I try to tell everyone about it! If we want to help Cindy (and other clayers, ‘cuz they’ll love it if they try it!) then we should tell our friends and fellow clayers how great it is… Blog about it, put “inspired by Cindy Lietz’s ____ tute” under photos of your work in Etsy, etc. That’ll make others know it’s the real deal! ~Phaedrakat

Hello, I have been a member on Cindy’s site since September of 2008, and I love it! First of all, Cindy Lietz is a real sweetheart. She really appreciates all her members and even those who just stop by for a visit. She has created a vast library of information and adds to it every week. A great deal of her instruction and information is free, no cost. Her videos are well done. she shows you close-up angles, details, and tapes at a speed that is easy to follow. But my goodness, for $3.32 per month, how can you go wrong! I feel very fortunate to have discovered her site. I have found nothing else online to compare with what she offers. Also her blog has great commentary from Cindy and other Poly artists. Polymer clay lovers, I highly recommend this wonderful site! … Thank you Cindy for your dedication to us. And hey, you dear “fence sitters” come and join us. You will be amazed and what you receive for a mere $3.32 per month. There has never been a question that Cindy has not answered for me, promise. ~Debbie-M


Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor


  1. Jocelyn, 28 April, 2011

    Cindy, so nice of you to do this. Does this mean no vid on Friday?

  2. Fran R, 28 April, 2011

    What a very special gift for both you and Doug to offer to everyone. I just love being a member here.

  3. Ken H, 28 April, 2011

    That’s correct, The 5th Friday months are a break to keep the schedule aligned correctly with the calendar, and more importantly it gives our guru a much needed week off every now and then, I haven’t had much free time to comment but I have been watching the vids, and this color shifting technique has got to be one of the best things out there.

  4. Cherie H, 28 April, 2011

    I logged onto the net and eagerly checked out your blog to see what new technique we were going to learn tomorrow and then I saw ‘5th Friday’ You can see how addicted I am to your weekly videos Cindy!! Enjoy your week; i too take a 5th week off with my piano students or only do make up lessons if needed. I hope to be able to catch up on some of the things I want to try this weekend.

  5. Lawrence, 28 April, 2011

    Thanks from me for doing this Cindy and I am sure you will get many more thanks from the newbies and lurkers out there who haven’t a clue what they are missing. I was sent your link to the free tear drop skinner blend a couple of years ago and was overwhelmed by the video quality and teaching method so joined up and have never been disappointed.

  6. Catalina, 28 April, 2011

    Yes, the fifth the Friday weekend! A chance to catch up. This past month has been a difficult one. I hope to be able to play with my clay soon. I have a few demos planned at my store and I need to get some ideas. I will be working with the eraser clay and wish I could use this technique. But I can’t find a white eraser clay. I’m not sure the colors will blend nicely. But, since I’m gearing towards young kids I like to keep the projects simple. Monsters are a favorite and lollypops. I figure if I can get the kids excited I might be able to encourage the mothers too.
    If any if you are still debating about joining I have to say that you won’t be sorry. Just be aware that you might find yourself blogging often and seeking advice and encouragement and there is no known cure! You will be hooked for life but we are here for you! :) sooooo, polymer clay, take me awaaaaaayyyyyy!

  7. Marti, 28 April, 2011

    Would love to see a Tutorial on Grommets. I noticed that you have added small grommets to many of the Pendants that you make. What type to use? How to secure? etc.

  8. Dorothy, 29 April, 2011

    Cindy, Do you mean that we shouldn’t announce this free tutorial to anyone UNTIL Monday? I could post it on a clay email group listing. But if you want me to wait, I will.

  9. Cindy Lietz, 29 April, 2011

    You guys are all such a wonderful support to Doug and I. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    @Dorothy: No need to wait to post a message to your clay group. A bit of advance notice is always helpful :-)

  10. pattw35, 29 April, 2011


  11. pattw35, 29 April, 2011

    Sorry for the testing -having computor problems.

    What a wonderful surprise ! A free tutorial for anyone ! Only the Top team of Cindy and Doug Lietz would do such a thing. Now everyone can learn how to do the -TEARDROP BLEND SHIFT. This is the Lietz Method. What a gift !
    This show how generous the POLYMER CLAY TUTOR is. O.K. you lurkers -now you can see a bit of what this site has to offer. For only $9.95 every 3 months, you too can join us. Please consider this an invitation !! Nowhere can you have -video tutorials ( very professionally done), recipe colors, help when you need it, and so much more. You can post your creations,too. This is a super friendly site!

  12. Jocelyn, 29 April, 2011

    Amen, Patti. Cindy and Doug have graciously given free access on her timesaving brilliant additions to the Skinner Blend several times.

    Think decades from now, the Lietz name will be remembered in the line up of those artist’s who truly modernized polymer clay.

    Can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future.

  13. Phaedrakat, 29 April, 2011

    What a wonderful thing to do, Cindy & Doug! This is a great idea for those who are curious about your videos…not to mention this is such a cool blend technique to learn! I’ll do my best to spread the word…everyone should know about this cool opportunity…

    Hey guys, let’s be sure to spread the word! :D Just link to this page asap…people can read the details in this post. It says it all…& includes the video link (which goes live Monday, according to the post.) Or, as Cindy says above, newbies can sign up for the free guest newsletter! This will get them an email announcement/reminder about the video — and free color recipes from the B-series palettes (once the schedule resumes the following week…I assume that’s still the same, anyway.) You normally get free color recipes, as well as the 3 free videos when you sign up for the newsletter..

    If you’re new here, please give it a try. The quality of the videos is fantastic, and Cindy’s method of teaching is just wonderful. She always has something new & fun to share with us. If you love the free video(s) — and you will! — membership is about 80 cents a video ($9.95 each 3 months.) It’s the best deal out there!

  14. Bonnie Blasingame, 29 April, 2011

    Will support you anyway I can! I always “talk” about you and what it has meant to me to have “found you”! Here is the thing….oh my how I do hate to admit this in front of all my fellow “clayers,” but I do not know how to link this to my FB page….do have one….but not even a profile pic of me as, you guessed it….I don’t know how. If someone will tell me how to link it I will and will continue to have it and anything else Cindy wants me to put up at anytime. LOVE this group I have found! Love the “tut” teacher…was positivly “AMAZED” when I emailed her way back at the start and received a personal reply in MINUTES!!!! She cares, it shows and she is wonderfully appreciated in this clayers heart! Keep up the great work! Also love the blog. Love the way you all share!!! Very thankful I found you all! Bonnie

  15. TrudyM, 29 April, 2011

    I sent the link to the president of the NY polymer clay guild a real sweetheart of a person. Suggested she send it to the membership. Fingers crossed. Very generous of you as always…….you and Doug are great folk.

  16. Bonnie Blasingame, 29 April, 2011

    Got it on my Facebook! YEA!!!!! Asked all my friends and family to send it to all their peeps and ask them to do same. I am on FB and would love for any of you clay bloggers to “be my friend.”

  17. Silverleaf, 01 May, 2011

    @Bonnie Blasingame: Hi Bonnie, I tried to find you on Facebook but there are two people with your name and I didn’t know which one was you! I’m at facebook.com/silverleaf79 if you want to be my friend. :)

  18. Laura R, 30 April, 2011

    This clay thing is so addictive and I just couldn’t do without my Friday “Cindy Lietz” emails :) AND I now think of the 5th Friday’s as my day to catch up on the tutorials that I have not had a chance to practice at, and since I just got the last ten I needed to complete it all, I cannot wait to go watch them. Have a super weekend.


  19. Christl P, 30 April, 2011

    Hi, dear Cindy:

    Discovering Polymer Clay is one of the best things ever happening to me. It took away the fear of retirement, I have not been bored for one second. You never ever have to buy gifts for friends or family again, it’s good for the environment, because one recycles many items, it keeps your brain going, I could go on and on. For me it was a real life saver as well. Born in Germany, I spent wonderful 45 years in the United States, fell in love during a visit to my home town in Germany, got married there, you can imagine the rest. I was like a fish out of water, no friends, a workaholic husband (Mayor of town), so creating with Polymer Clay and keeping my apartment in New York as a security blanket, were my two life lines. I find the Polymer Clay community to be the most sharing and wonderful people in the artistic world. And YOU should consider yourself right on top of it! Thank you Cindy for helping to get more people involved in this incredibly versatile and happy making hobby.

    Keep up your wonderful work, Cindy, you are making a lot of people happy!

    With very best regards and

  20. Jenn H, 30 April, 2011

    You just have the best tutorials that I have ever seen! Thanks again!

  21. Karonkay C, 30 April, 2011

    Cindy you are an awesome and inspired teacher. I appreciate all your hard work. I think that your new people should all understand how much you give as they are all watching the free tutorial.

    You make it easy to follow and allow us to use your knowledge as we create lovely pieces to be shared with those we love.

    Hugs- Karonkay

  22. Givelberg Asya, 02 May, 2011

    A great gift,thank you very much. The tutorial is very good and very clear

  23. Nettonya, 03 May, 2011

    Hi, Cindy,

    What a great video! It simplifies the Skinner blend and definitely quickens the process. How smart you are!!!

    If one joins your monthly video “club”, do we have indefinite access to that month’s videos? Or are we allowed to save each video to our individual computers? I find that I often forget details of my tutorials and benefit from having further access to them.

    How did we get to be so fortunate to have you in our group?!!! ; >

  24. Cindy Lietz, 04 May, 2011

    Thank you, Thank you everyone for your kind comments! I really appreciate all your kind words and support! I can’t believe that between all of the three posts relating to this Vol-035-3 Teardrop Blend Shift Video, there have been over 250 comments so far! Wow, how exciting!

    @Nettonya: Nice to hear from a fellow Vancouver Polyclayers Guild member! Great to have you here. If you click the link by my name, you will be taken to a comment that I made in the other thread, that has all the details you need for how the membership works. If you need any more help, just ask and myself or another of our friendly members will help you out. And just so you know, you will have unlimited 24/7 access to all of your membership videos as long as you keep your subscription current.

  25. pattw35, 05 May, 2011

    Just dropped in to say – this is a GREAT VIDEO, and glad you have had such a good response ! Hopefully, many will join us in our obsession of Polymer Clay !!

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