Vid #200: “Cindy, your Teardrop technique has brought a wonderful and sudden change in my way of working with color blends.” ~Debbie-G
I’ve got something very exciting to share today… about a quick and easy way to shift the colors in your Teardrop Blends (or Skinner Blends), like you’ve probably never seen before.
It will have more than a few of you doing that forehead smack thing… just like what happened when I first announced my super simple Teardrop Method way back in February 2009.
Cindy, you are a genius! It’s like one of those “why didn’t I think of that” moments when you smack your head and say “duh.” As soon as I saw the pictures in your article of the teardrops is was so clear! You rock! ~Lindsay-W
Yes! Quick and Easy Skinner blends! And small Skinner Blend trial sizes!! Brilliant! My hands have been in polymer clay for 8 years. Your Teardrop technique has brought a wonderful and sudden change in my way of working with color blends. Thank you so much for sharing! ~Debbie-G
Hi Cindy, Have really been impressed with many of your new techniques… THE LIETZ TEARDROP BLEND IS AWESOME! Believe you should refer to the method as such. YOU HAVE EARNED THE RECOGNITION!!! ~MJ
I’ve come to realize over the years of working with different art mediums, that sometimes the most revolutionary ideas come in the simplest forms. In fact some ideas are so simple, the only reason they were not discovered earlier, is that us humans tend to over complicate things. Especially artists!
Have you ever tried to read one of those color theory text books with the templates and the formulas… only to have your eyes glaze over in confusion? I know I have… and I’m absolutely passionate about color.
As most of you know by now, my personal approach is to always keep things as simple as possible. Judith Skinner did that when she invented the Skinner Blend in the first place. Up until she came along, artists had been separately mixing up increments of color, and then placing those mixes side by side to create gradient sheets of clay. It was painstakingly tedious work. Judith tapped into her scientific brain to simplify the process by using triangles of clay that resulted in smoother, faster blends. Simply Brilliant!
The Lietz Teardrop Method for blending colors, is still based on the triangle principles that Judith originally identified and built upon. But my approach simplifies the process even more by eliminating all of the measuring and cutting that is required when making traditional Skinner Blends.
I actually came up with the Teardrop Blend, purely by accident. It was one of those head slapping moments like Lindsay-W described above, when you say Duh and can’t believe it was that easy. (The phrase “Duh… Winning!” comes to mind right now, but that’s a whole ‘nother story! LOL)
Anyway, the thing is, I recently had another one of those ‘Aha Moments’ with another technique that I’ll refer to as a Teardrop Blend Shift. It is so simple that I didn’t even realize the value of it at first. I mean, shouldn’t making an unlimited number of shades and color ways from a single color blend, be a complicated process? The end result sure looks complicated.
And heck, if it really is that simple, then surely someone else would have already thought of it!? Who knows, maybe they already have. But I’ve certainly not seen anyone talking about it. I guess it takes a simple mind to come up with such simple ideas. Aren’t you glad I am so simple minded!? :-)
With a polymer clay idea this versatile… this cool… and this easy… every polymer clay artist and crafter really should know how to do it. In fact, for many of my upcoming cane making videos, it will be a prerequisite technique you’ll need to know how to do.
So… coming up tomorrow (Friday April 15th, 2011) in the Vol-035-3 Teardrop Blend Shift video at the Polymer Clay Library, I will share with you all my tips and tricks for creating this amazingly simple and beautiful color shift technique… which takes blending to a whole new level!
Please Note: A general prerequisite for all of my weekly tutorials is that you have a good understanding of the polymer clay basics, including: conditioning clay, using a pasta machine, clay blade and other simple tools, making Skinner Blends or Teardrop Blends, baking clay, as well as sanding and finishing. If you need help in these areas, my Polymer Clay Beginners Course will get you up to speed quickly. There is also plenty of free information on this blog. Use the search box at the top of the page to find articles on specific topics.
Supplies & Tools: Video-035-3 Teardrop Blend Shift:
- Conditioned Polymer Clay. You can use this technique to blend and shift any color combination of your choice. For the video I used approximately one section each of the following Premo colors: Red Pearl (or Magenta Pearl), Gold, Green Pearl (or Light Green Pearl), Blue Pearl and a small amount of White.
- Pasta Machine. In theory you can use an acrylic roller, but it will be way more work.
- Clay Blade.
- Additional reading resources if you are interested:
Lietz Teardrop Blend Articles
The full version of the Vid-035-3 Teardrop Blend Color Shift video, will be posted in the Polymer Clay Members Library on Friday April 15th, 2011. But if you would like to see a sneak peek intro clip right now, scroll down the page a bit to the video player below.
The full version of the “Teardrop Blend Shift” preview video shown above, is now avail for purchase at the Polymer Clay Library in the Vol-035 Back Issue Pckg.
Customer Feedback About Membership Value:
Wow! I agree with Laurel… Cindy’s a hooker! I mean, her videos hook me in, too! Sorry… just kidding with my choice of words there… :D I can’t imagine ever letting Cindy go… I’m always afraid she’ll leave ME (afraid she’ll wise-up and realize she’s practically giving her video tutes away! LOL) She always has something cool to show us. BUT, even if I only liked 1 of the 4 tutes each month, I’d only be out 3 bucks. That never happens, though – I always love ’em all. Once in awhile she’ll show a technique I already know… but she puts her own spin on it, and I end up learning a trick or two (or more!) Cindy always finds a way to teach something amazing, and stretch our creativity and imagination. I place a high value on my membership… it’s more than worth the small fee, which I barely miss even on my low income. ~Phaedrakat
Cindy, your tutes are worth a lot more than what you are charging for them. Thanks to you and Doug for all you do for us for so very little. Can’t get this kind of quality tute for this kind of money anywhere else, and we should have to pay more, even here. Many Uuuuggggggggss. ~Peggy-B
To have a resource on tap for all those late night problems is amazing. I only have to refer to the back log of videos and I have the answer. What is even better about this library of video instruction is the price. I can’t believe it is so inexpensive. I would never discontinue this weekly service. Besides Cindy has this uncanny knack of taking a complex technique and simplifying it. Just look at her take on the ‘skinner’ blend! ~Cara-L
The following topics are included in this week’s Polymer Clay Tutor Library, Teardrop Blend Color Shift video tutorial:
- See examples of several Beads and jewelry projects made using a variety of different Lietz Teardrop Shifted Blends.
- Discussion of the tools and materials needed to create your own beautiful Teardrop Blend Shifts.
- Learn how to get that perfect blend quickly and easily, plus learn how to get unlimited variations on your blends with a simple color shifting technique.
- And of course, tips on how to use this technique to get exactly the unique look you want!
The full version of the “Teardrop Blend Shift” preview video shown above, is now avail for purchase at the Polymer Clay Library in the Vol-035 Back Issue Pckg.
I love this. I have been looking at polymer clay artist’s work both in books and online lately, and I think that a lot of the items pictured may use a similar technique to this, though probably not as quick and easy as Cindy’s. I think the addition of this shift technique to our arsenals will add some sophistication and pizazz! Can’t wait!
really enjoyed this. Simple and yet intricate.
Actually, clay artists’, lol. I hate to make a typo.
Oooooo, having a can’t wait till Friday moment!!!!!!
Becky, I agree wholeheartedly! I, too can see how knowing how to do this will take our work to a new level of beauty and sophistication.
Cindy, the pieces you included in the preview are so awesome!! Can’t wait to learn this.
I agree with Elizabeth. I love the pieces you show in the preview. Looking forward to it.
Oh my ! Additions to the Lietz Tear Drop Blend. Couldn’t ask for more. You certainly get my creative juices going………
Wow!!! I thought the tear drop blend was the best thing I learned but now I see the shift and my head is spinning with ideas. Another, can’t wait for friday ….
Looking forward to the many new creative ideas to come from this tutorial! You’re amazing!! :)
Very much pining for Friday. I cannot think of one single thing that has changed my overall work in polymer as being exposed and learning to use Cindy’s Teardrop Blend.
I know routinely profile small bits of blends and finding I like color. Now I need to get a box of magnets and make something similar to Silverleaf’s innovating color chips.
Think this tut will find more places on the board.
Beautiful shimmery, gorgeous. wish I were going to be home this weekend to play. Love the examples you have on the teaser. sooo pretty.
Can’t wait to see the rest of it!
To imagine the people who miss out on the beauty of this. My son-in-law is color blind and I never even realized how awful that can be till just now. Those colors are remarkable. This is going to be one good tute but when aren’t they?
Cindy I don’t believe for one minute there is anything simple about your mind or life. You are a remarkable artist and look how busy you are. Then Doug oh no nothing simple about either one of you. Not when he captures the beauty of your art and his surroundings the way he does.
Absolutely Remarkable, Thank you for being the both of you. Nothing close to SIMPLE!!!
Many Uuuuuuggggs, Peggy
Cool, I’m SO looking forward to seeing this “colorful” video! Love the pieces shown in the intro…the “shifted” stripe tube bead, the pretty modern flower, the checkerboard bezel pendant, the cute little “fabric” charm…AND the leaf dangle pendant (luv it!) The bar w/embedded loops is such a clever way to keep it all together — what a great idea. I think it would make lovely earrings, too (use small dangles for the “chandelier-shy”, maybe? LOL) Way to go, Cindy…awesome jewelry stuff!
@Peggy Barnes: How sad for your SIL! For people without sight, it’s impossible to even explain what the colors ARE, much less how beautiful they are. Reminds us how fortunate we are…
I agree with you…Cindy may like to think of herself as a “simple gal”, and show us “simple” ways to work. But she’s definitely not simple-minded! She’s a smarty…how else could she keep showing us fantastic new techniques & inspirational videos week after week…not to mention all the other glorious stuff she does for us. Naw, the Leitz’s are quite sharp, and quite the hardworking couple — they have to be in order to handle this great site (and the unseen side of the business, family life, “regular life”, etc….)
I’m so thankful for all Cindy & Doug do. Yay! Now it’s less than 2 hours ’til I get to see Cindy’s new color shift ideas. Whoo-hoo!
Thank you so much Cindy! What a brilliant video to come home to after my vacation. This opens up so many possibilities, and so simple! Thank you for always looking for quick new ways to view things, lateral thinking at its best!
Hi Cindy and all,
Wow Cindy this colour shift using the Lietz Teardrop Blend is a wonderful extention of the original Teardrop blend you had taught us earlier.
I just love it and was fascinated by it, and can see so many possibilities to use it.
I have some times included one of the colours that had got lost, but never ever thought to chang, or as you say shift the blend. Wow thats great. Loved the pastel version. Thanks for another Friday night fun video. You come up with such new and interesting lessons every week, just dont know how you do it, but thats what makes you the great teacher that you are. Thanks again Cindy and Doug, you’ve made my day
Elizabeth K.
Video #200…quite a landmark! You’ve really been busy, Cindy! So many great videos, and this one no exception. While I’ve thought about trying a couple things mentioned here (& added trans to my blends on occasion,) I never realized how far you can take this “shift your blend” idea! This technique has so many uses…shifting the blend, or just parts of it, will give some gorgeous new colors/shades to play with, and super-cool effects when used together or recombining. Thanks, Cindy, for this smart technique…it’s “simply” wonderful! (I feel so inspired…!)
Wow, didn’t even notice this was your 200th video! Congratulations! To you, and to us, lol. We are the lucky ones. I just loved this video and can imagine all sorts of beautiful and colorful things to do with the varied results! Thanks again!
All I can say is: WOW! Yes! This is soooo simple and so versatile! I’m so behind but I want to try this tute!
After my 97 year old grandma passing away and my husband’s 22 years old cousin passing away – very suddendly, and a dear family friend passing away! Also, my store under going the “Store of the Future” and the re-trainning I have to undertake and inventory – and a slight cold – first one in three years!! (Please knock on wood!) Plus, a craft show and estate sale and the help in planning the ClayStock trip in Chicago in June!! I will survive! Just at a slower pace. Polymer clay take me away!!!! :)
@catalina: Hang in there, girl! Things WILL get better
Cindy & Doug. How can you top this ? The tutes just get better and better. You both are so wonderful to share all these ideas with us ! This is a stunning addition to the Lietz Tear Drop Blend. Thank you,thank you, thank you
@catalina: Hugs and prayers, my friend. I am sure looking forward to Claystock and meeting you in Chicago.
@Elizabeth S.: I can’t wait to meet you, too! I hope to finalize the times at the Chicago store soon. I’m getting the new iPad 2 in a couple of weeks!! I will then be able to Skype right from our Claystock gathering! I hope to get the times down pat so we can get as many people to join us. We may have to do more than one session. We will be posting pics on the FB page, too! Having a busy day, it’s the hubby b-day!!!
@catalina: So sorry for your losses, Catalina.
Cindy, this tutorial is terrific. Your original Teardrop Blend was a great timesaver, but this is a HUGE timesaver. Love the pastels.
@catalina: I’m so sorry to hear things have been so difficult for you Catalina, I hope things will lighten for you soon.
Cindy, thank you for another great tutorial. I can see this working with some of the old Studio clay that I have. I make a lot of flower canes with Skinner blends and this will help change the colors a little at a time.
Catalina, you wore me out reading your note. Good luck girl. Sorry about your grandma.
This is so terrific I’m speechless…….a not normal occurance. The mind reels !!
Catalina: I’m so sorry for all your heatache and troubles. We’re here for you and I’ll say and extra prayer that you’ll get through it all.
This was a fabulous tutorial Cindy… Like always, simple and to the point. easy ,easy tips to follow. You rock!
Congratulations on 200 videos. This is a very cool technique. Can’t wait to have some time to try it.
Cindy, how many is our membership now?
Did you all ever Sykpe?
Wow!!! Guess I had better get a bigger board for my color chips. I LOVE this!!!!! Thank you! Thank you!
As an aside, I attended a pc class recently and patiently watched, and watched and watched as the instructor did a multi-color Skinner Blend for one of the projects. I smugly thought to myself, “I could sure show you a quicker way to do that”. I didn’t, of course, but it got me to thinking about what a revolutionary variation the Lietz Blend techniques really are. Out of curiosity, Cindy, does Judith Skinner know about the Lietz Blend? She would have to be impressed with the awesomely creative knowledge you have added to the pc world. Love it!
Wow that was great. Now I can find out what a Scientist feels like when he is in his lab experimenting. Because I am going to go do some of that myself with all those colors oooolala. This was Awesome!!! Thank you both for a great tute.
Many Uuuugggs, Peggy
Wonderfull tutorial. It is worth every single penny!!
Thanks Cindy.
Oh Cindy– I’m so tickled to be here–at last! YAY
Having so many new videos to watch is a blast
but does make settling on ‘one’ project a happy problem
I’ve been reading your site for years—I feel like I already know
so many of you—this is the friendliest place on earth
Tante is german for aunt–my brother married a wonderful lady from east germany and four years ago gave us a nephew named Jason
til later Sherry
@Tantesherry: Welcome Sherry!!! How wonderful to have a new friend to chat with and share ideas. Post often!
@Tantesherry: Welcome Tantesherry, it’s so nice to see a new name here on the blog! This place is just filled with wonderful, helpful people…that’s why I joined too (over a year ago now!) =0)
Hey everyone,
I have to post some wonderful news about a member of our family. In the latest issue of “Polymer Cafe”, Lupe Meter was named as a runner-up for the creation she submitted in the steampunk challenge. She created an awesome plaque called “Bless This Studio”. I just love it when something like this happens! I’ve had the chance to tell Lupe in person that I am one of her biggest fans-her pieces are so beautiful and inspiring so it isn’t surprising at all to me that she received this honor. Way to go, Lupe. If she hasn’t already, maybe we can urge her to post a pic on Facebook so those who do not subscribe to the magazine can see it.
@Elizabeth S.: I stopped by the facebook page earlier….Lupe’s piece is amazing! Thanks for highlighting it here for us Elizabeth =) Lupe, once again we’re inspired by your talent!! Congratulations!
First of all, thank you Cindy for your tear drop method and now adding to it! I love this method and use it all the time and I love the different color shifts obtained with this method. It is so easy!
Elizabeth…thank you, thank you for your kind words! I have been so busy lately, that I have slacked off on reading a lot of blog posts. I was stunned to hear that I got runner-up! My friend Bonnie actually emailed me your comment. This has absolutely made my day today! Now I can show it off! I will certainly post the pix on FB! I actually have to wait to get my hands on a copy since I usually wait till it hits the stands before buying it.
Congrats, Lupe! Well done! We would love to see your winning piece. Your work is so inspiring!
Cindy I have never successfully made the mica shift or spiral shell. I did not see them in your back issues.
Congrats Lupe. Could you link us up with a pic?
Cindy I just have to tell you that this technique is a wonderful addition to your teaching. Beautiful and it looks easy for a technique that at first seemed intimidating. One other thing I want to say. I just purchased a video from another publisher about resin work. The artist is quite well known, as well as the company. However, the quality of the video was no where comparable to your videos. You and your husband do such a wonderful job producing your videos that it is the standard from which I judge others…and I have yet to find any that don’t come up short! Your instructions are clear, the photography is excellent, and the boxed close ups are so valuable. You do beautiful work, and provide a great value too. I look forward to each Friday!
Thanks everyone for your kind comments! I am so glad that the Teardrop Blend is making the process of color blending so much easier and more creative for so many of you! Be sure to upload photos of your work at the Facebook Photo Gallery page. I am so looking forward to seeing how you guys use this blending technique.
@Phaedrakat & Others: Thanks for noticing and mentioning the 200 milestone… I can’t believe it’s actually been that many… and we are only in 1st gear :-)
@Jocelyn: Our family is growing nicely but there is room for MANY more :-)
@Elizabeth S.: To tell you the truth, I actually don’t know if Judith Skinner knows about my Teardrop technique. Hopefully she gets a chance to read this thread and comment. It would be wonderful to hear from her, wouldn’t it!?
@catalina: Knocking on wood for you. So sorry to hear about all the losses and trials and tribulations :-(
@Tantesherry: Welcome, Welcome Tantesherry! It is fun to hear that you have come out of the shadows and are happily learning with the rest of us. Have fun and like Elizabeth said, post often. We’d love to hear what you have to say!
@Lupe Meter: Congratulations Lupe!!! That is so exciting to have a member of our family, out there representing! Can’t wait to see your project. Also glad to hear you’ve been using the teardrop blend in your projects. Music to my ears :-)
@Alice Frei: The mica shift video is in Volume 18. And the other one you mentioned is my spiral shell tute in Volume 8.
@Sue Werner: Wow Sue, what you said really touched me. It means a lot to hear that you are getting such good value from our tutorials. Doug and I have worked so hard to bring you all the best information and in the best format we possibly can. We try our hardest to see it from your eyes and continue to improve the videos as we go along. That means keeping the content clear, simple, quick and easy, while keeping it up close and personal. We want you to feel like you and I are a couple of friends sitting together, learning about polymer clay. I can tell you it has not been easy, but we keep on doing what we can because we love it. Thank you for being part of our clay family. We couldn’t do it without members like you!
@Cindy Lietz from Photos of Some of Lupe’s Creations: Thanks. I don’t know how I missed them.
This lesson is amazing!! I agree with all of the comments about your Lietz Teardrop Blend, it’s simple, quick, the results are beautiful – and this new twist offers the same with a bunch more possibilities. We’ve been spoiled again over the last several weeks with so many cool, new techniques. Thank you Cindy and Doug for such quality…Fridays are always a treat!!
Thank you all for the well wishes. Things are getting better. But, my Mother-in-law is not doing well and back in hospital. This blog keeps me positive. Love all the wonderful feedback and group encouragement!
I loved that pendant with the messy wire-wrap using the melted copper head-pins, I have got to try to make one of those! Those ecru- and white-shifted blends are gorgeous too, can’t wait to start some projects!
K, asking again. Such a pest, lol. How many are card carrying members? How many guest hit the site?
Hi Jocelyn: I responded to your original question in my April 17 comment above. The safe answer is… our family is growing nicely, but there is always room for MANY more members to come on board.
There are literally 1000’s and 1000’s of clayers who read this blog. The best way to get more of them to come out of the woodwork so to speak, is to initiate engaging discussions here in the comment threads… as so many of you regulars are already doing.
Sharing ideas… answering each others questions… offering encouragement… talking about accomplishments… disappointments… solving problems… all of these types of conversations really do help with encouraging the shy people (aka “lurkers” in Internet speak), to feel comfortable enough to participate as well.
As with any community, it’s what you make of it. I love it that so many of you have chosen to hang out here and talk shop. Keep it up!
Happy Easter weekend to all!
Most impaired poster left a comment back elsewhere. Good luck finding it, I can’t…….
Time for some TV.
Back from TV.
Cindy, one little trick equals tremendous time savings. Thanks for the hand done sheet stretching to eliminate bubbles. It’s magic. I use it all the time now, and it works perfectly.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the teardrop method of doing skinner blends and not only that but you’ve told us how to do the shifts with the blends!!! Those are wayyyy cool. I spent 4-5 hours playing around with that the first night and more time since. I’m learning alot thanks to you, Cindy. Thank you again for sharing your wealth of information and giving us new inspirations. I GOTTA buy CLAY!!! Just can’t get enough of it right now with the lastest boost from you.
Thank you again and I’ll see you in the library he he he !!! Your polymer clay student. Bonnie
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for showing us.
You are a great tutor.
Thank you.
Warm regards.
Thank you Cindy for this tuto to make schift with skiner will be so magic and thank you also for giving us the information and inpiration.
Just a question:when can you came to france to teatch us some of you lovely lessons?
Thank you Cindy, excellent video. Great inspiration to explore.
Thank you, Cindy, for this generous sharing!
it’s really an efficient way of creating blends, and I liked the shift idea as well.
What a great tutorial on a faster and easy way to create a rainbow blend! The instructions were easy to follow and the camera person did a great job of getting close up shots when needed. I’ve never really thought about adding white or black or a color to a blend besides adding gold metallic to a Skinner blend once in a workshop I took. Thank you for providing this video free of charge. Your voice was at a good volume and clear and the quality was fabulous!
Thank you!
Dear Cindy,
Brilliant new blend technique! Thanks ever so much for sharing this complementary video on the web. It will save a lot of time and I cannot wait to start creating new colour mixtures. Thanks again. Best, Thessa
Hi Cindy – a lovely, clear tutorial, you explain everything so well. I can’t wait to try this blend and use it, I have ideas playing around in my head. When I come back from my holiday I must sign up for your tutorials – I just know from this snippet that they will help me enormously. We are in our infancy with Polymer Clay here in England and every little thing helps. Lynne from England
This is a great video and you have come up with a technique that is time saving specially in blending colors.
Thank You Cindy, your video was great.
Hi Cindy,
I am not a member yet, but am certain I will be as soon as I can devote the time to “polymering.”
I thank you so much for sharing the new technique with everyone. I have worked with poly clay, but have not gotten into making beads etc… yet.
I love the idea of the “Lietz Teardrop.” The way you have put the colors together to blend them is an innovation. It seems the colors wouldn’t be uniform as stripes, but they are. I like the idea that they stay that way throughout the process and look just the way you would want them to. I suppose if you want a wider stripe you could add another tear? It is going to be fun to try and I for one really appreciate someone like you who seems to be constantly looking for new ways to improve, enhance and expedite our ravenous hunger for this wonderful art medium.
I can’t wait to get started working on jewelry projects. There are so many fabulous artists out there. And just looking at your work along with theirs makes me want to start in. I just know that when I start, I won’t want to do any other projects…but I’m almost ready.
Thank you again for sharing your talent, your life with all of us. Georgette
Hi Cindi Thank you for all info on how to blend and design the different colors of polymer clay. I find that the tutes to be most helpful in giving me ideas on what I can put together and how to achieve the different colors and blends. It is amazing how much one can learn thru you tutes in a short time. This is Brilliant, Thank you. BJ
As if the two of you are not generous enough already. Now this how thoughtful to share this with everyone. I have told all my friends I have been trying to convince they need to try Polymer Clay. If this doesn’t convince them nothing will. There Loss. I have tried just about every medium and craft there is out there and this is the best by far and You and Doug are a very BIG reason for that. I have come a long way since that first video. I have them all from the beginners on. I suggest anyone who joins even if you have clayed for awhile purchase the beginners video. I still refer to it from time to time. Cindy your tutorials are worth there weight in gold and I value you them just that much. Anyone out there thinking about joining don’t think just do it join today the cost is $3 something a month and you get 4 tutes a month. I don’t even know where you can get one tutorial for that amount do you?????? To beat that if you have any questions about it they will get answered by Cindy or one of your fellow clayers. We are one big family here all ready to help each other when we can. You won’t find anything better out there.
Thanks again Cindy and Doug. Many Uuuuggggs, Peggy
@Peggy Barnes: I couldn’t have said that any better!! Best community on the Net!!
If you are in the Chicago area on June 24-25 stop by Michaels, 3131 N. Clark St, Chicago for ClayStock 2011!!! And meet some of Cindy’s students as they meet for the first time and play and share some clay time! Can’t make it?Skype with us! Details to follow. Happy claying!
What a neat idea. You have to love anything that is going to make blending a skinner quicker.
Thanks for exploring this further. I just wish the Daylight Savings fairy would give me some time back to play more.
Thanks so much for sharing this technique. So simple, and such beautiful results. I may have to do a bit of experimenting today!
It is a super video, i think i would love your teardrop way to make skinnerblends. It look´s much easy´er to do – i will try right away.
You are very generous Cindy in sharing your video. Thank you so much. I will encourage my students to visit your site and see everything that you have to offer. kind regards,
Pam in Western Australia
great tute! thanks for the hints and shortcuts.
Thanks for sharing your blending approach. Barbara McGuire also recommends less “structured” caning and color shifting in several of her books. It’s a very useful technique for creating blends of complementary colors without moving to mud when a color which blends well with two complementaries is used in the middle. Jeff Dever frequently uses this to make beautiful shifts from colors like purple to orange with cream in the middle. Happy claying. I’ve beem playing for more than twenty years and still have not become bored!
Clever and so flexible. I’ve moved away from shaded blends for a while, but this will bring me back as I explore tonal variants and create patterns with them. Excited to try! Thanks for sharing!
What a wonderful technique you have come up with! Thank you so much for sharing with everyone.
Peggy Dieu
Cindy, I love your teardrop blend technique! I was very impressed with the quality of your video and your clear and concise verbal instructions. Well done!
Great video!
Thanks for sharing it with us.
I love your weekly newsletter and learned a lot from.
Greetings from Swizerland, nina
Hi Cindy, I love this way of making a skinner blend and will never go back to doing it the traditional way. Thank you so much for sharing your techniques and making it so much easier for beginner students such as myself.
I loved it!! Great demonstration. Very easy; I will deffinitely try it.
Thank you very much for this tutorial. Looking forward to others…
Never to disappoint….you have followed through again. Wonderful, clear, lesson (both visually and verbally). Thank you! This is a short comment because I must go and try the Teardrop Blend Shift immediately. :)
Wow! Really beautiful. I love polymer clay but I do not feel as proficient as I’d like to. This video is must try. And I need my husband, who also likes to work with polymer, to watch it.
Thank you so much for this video, c’Ă©tait super, je vais essayer, c’Ă©tait fantastique ! Merci, merci !!!!!!! Dominique
Thank you for the wonderful lesson.
Thank you so much for making this video available. It was very informative and easy to understand. Great technique with many possibilities!
Two very useful techniques! Thank you for sharing them.
Thanks, Cindy, for making this video available. I’ve always hated making Skinner blends but your teardrop method has changed my way of thinking! So simple and so beautiful. And the shift technique is a wonderful bonus.
Ernie Hendrix
Thank you for giving us your complete video…I tried your tear drop before but the idea of putting another color on the back is great….I think you are terrific. Another addition could be Dan Cormier’s Shark to hold the blend in place.
That was a very good thing u did giving us the free video! I would like to join! please let me know how many videos we receive a month.
More importantly how will i store them. I am not very adept with the computer.
I shall send this email to a few friends as they might be interested in joining if the cost is not prohibitive to them. Thank you that was quite exciting!
@Lynne N: Hi Lynne! Forgive me, I just want to mention something… you might not want to wait to sign up for Cindy’s tutes. As a member, they end up costing about $0.83 each, but if you wait to buy them as a back issue, it’s more like $2.49. I mention this because I was sorry I waited to join (I had lurked around Cindy’s site for a few months before finally joining…) I realized I could have saved money if I’d only joined sooner. Anyway, have fun on your holiday! BTW, there are lots of members from the UK here, so you’ll have some new friends (who like to get together from time to time… see this post about a Manchester Meet-up.)
@Georgette Robertson: Hi Georgette! Just as I said to Lynne above: you may not want to wait! :D The videos will always be there, available for watching (and can be seen over & over as much as you like!) Like when you’re less busy…and have time to “polymerize, or “play clay!”
And it really IS cool how it works out, huh? As for having a “wider stripe” of one color, you can just start with a larger ball of clay for one of the teardrops (and shape it to fit.) That’s one of the coolest things about the teardrop method…you don’t have to measure exactly & it can be adjusted so easily. Like in the video, where Cindy adds just a small amount of red clay at the end of the rainbow blend to make purple. You could do the opposite, making larger teardrops!
@Anthea Barry: Hi Anthea! You receive 4 videos per month. They aren’t stored on your PC…they are always available at Cindy’s website (in your own personal “library” of tutorials!) So it makes it easy for you…just follow the link in the weekly newsletter to each week’s new video!
@Cindy: Thanks again for your wonderful videos! I’ve been a member for over a year now, and I am always thrilled with the fantastic value I get, and the amazing techniques you come up with! Your instructions are always clear & easy to follow…and the videos are top-notch productions! (They’re done by Cindy’s husband, Doug — he’s awesome, right?)
It’s cool seeing so many new voices here — hello & welcome, everyone!
Thanks everyone for all of your wonderful responses and support. If you haven’t yet tried the technique, I know that you are really going to enjoy its simplicity. No matter how many colors you want to blend, it is easy to do!
@Mary P: All the information about becoming a member, etc. was answered in a comment by me up above. You can go straight there, by clicking the link by my name.
@Johanne Doucet: Yes I have tons of information and tutorials about finishing your beads and jewelry projects in a professional way. If you type in the words ‘sanding’ or ‘finishes’ into the search box at the top of the page, you should be able to find what you need. If you need more help, just ask and either myself or another member here will help.
@Mrs Rainbow: That would be a fun experiment, you should try it. I am thinking because of all the colors of the rainbow are used, flipping them like that could cause a lot of mud colors in the mix, but you won’t know until you try.
@Sue I and Catalina: Isn’t that so great that the videos now work on your iPad and other portable devices! That is one of the cool benefits of us switching to the new uQast video player.
@Phaedrakat: Thank you sweetie for helping to answer questions for me! As you probably see, comments have been flying in here faster than I can keep up with, and I really appreciate your help!
@Cindy Lietz from How the Membrship Works: Yes, I love how the videos play on the iPad now! Only thing is I noticed that only the last four videos work. Will you have to re-post the earlier videos to get them to work? I’m always going back to the older videos to re-watch them and refresh my memory.
P.S. Don’t wait folks! You’ll be missing a lot of fun and information!
Great video – very inspiring. Thanks for the new technique – it really simplifies things.
Dear Cindy,
Total clarity seems to be what you are all about! Your instructions and demonstrations are crystal clear, the photography is ‘true’ and somehow in all of this you manage to infuse a confidence that is sometimes hard to come by. The Lietz Teardrop Blend is totally efficient. Not a second wasted and it makes perfect sense. I know you will have a lot of converts to your technique. Thank you for the introduction to your tutorials.
What a nice, simple technique! Wonderful ideas–thanks for making them available for free. You’re right, every clayer should know this! And, I agree with another poster–I had always hated making skinner blends because of the time it took, but the teardrops seem quick and easy.
What a teacher you are! Great job! I found your color shifting technique most informative. Thank you so much for sharing with us and for all the time you will save me in the future.
Cindy — I have used your teardrop blend method for years now, and just love the new color shift idea you have now added! You are a genius. Thanks so much for the free share.
Thank you for refresher …. one tends to forget the basics.
Cindy, Thank you for the freebie view of the teardrop blend method. I am a totally newbie (I’m still waiting on my first order of clay and the pasta machine!!) and I really appreciate learning a short cut before I even get started. The quality was superb, keep up the great work.
I want to thank you for the full video of the teardrop blend method. You have make it look so easy and you explain so it’s easy to understand. As soon as I can, I am going to become a member so I have full access to your other videos. Thank you so much.
I loved seing it.Thank you very much!
Thank you. I’m for anything that saves time and work. Leaves more time for creating.
Cindy, this is really fantastic, another Polymer Clay Miracle Technique! You should call it the LIETZ BLEND!! I really believe, Polymer Clay, “playing” and creating with it, is the most versatile, creative, fun and happy medium in the entire Art World! Thank you for opening up this exciting window for so many of us HAPPY CLAYERS!
Thank you for the video. I have tried your blend before and I prefer your technique. I didn’t think about rolling it but I will try this also. Also thank you for the shift technique to change the hues. I love it.
Thank you so much for the video! I can’t wait to try this technique.
Wow! Excellent video! These instructions were perfectly done! Thank you very much!
Thank you for making this available – I really like the idea of rolling and smushing the blend – as my skinner blends usually end up too big for my clay machine!! Off to try it out now :-)
Have been trying to play this for hours, but it just won’t play for me. Maybe because so many people are watching it right now? Thanks for any hints on how to make it play. I haven’t had any trouble with any of your video previews. Thanks for posting this, Cindy!
I love your videos they are clear and to the point with out leaving me with questions about any parts of the process at the end. Thanks so much for making this available
Thank You. Now I understand the different color blend’s.
I will try this the afternoon.
Fabulous! Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiments – opens up some new doors for me.
Cindy, this was very informative. Very good instructions, easy to understand and will give me so much variety in so much less time. Thank you so much for the chance to view the tutorial in full.
thanks for sharing – I am not a newbie, but learned some new tricks – many thanks
Cindy, Thank you for the free skinner blend video. Your an inspiration to all of us. Holly A
Hi Cindy! Thankyou so much for the video – I shall enjoy trying that!
Your video was well lit…easy to see…easy to understand. Nice job.
I have been a student and a teacher of gold techniques. Your teardrop blend video shares all the requirements. You have given simple yet detailed information without confusing the viewer. I tip my hat !!
Wow! That is a great technique. Thanks for letting us see it!! It has revitalized my interest in working with polymer clay.
Hi Cindy,
Rather than trying to contain the size of my clay with my fingers on both sides of the clay, I purchased two strong magnetic paper clips from the office supply store and placed them on the pasta machine. I just move them in as far as I like to get the size I want. It really works well.
Hi Cindy! your video was wonderful,very easy &simple way of teaching TearDrop blend method.Thanks very much for sharing such excellent videos.
Amei o seu video. Muito Obrigado pela oportunidade de aprender com você, pois sou iniciante nestas técnicas.Quero saber mais. Obrigada!!!!!!!!!!! Brasil
Thank you so much for sharing this informative technique. You are a great teacher.
Hi again Cindy and all – Being new to the group I’m soo excited about all I’m learning. I’ve lurked on the site for awhile but couldn’t stand not being a part of it any longer! Again – I’m visualizing so many new projects that stem from your teardrop blend shift that all I think of is GOTTA GET MORE CLAY!! I’ve been working on the Skinner blends for awhile now and ALWAYS have problems (too wide/too short and wide) but you have helped me fix it all and it’s sooo much easier. Thanks again and am looking forward to whatever you have in store for us. (Your videos are done very nicely, clear and concise but friendly.)
Bonnie H.
Hi again – I was just thinking that if there is anyone out there that is lurking and can’t decide if they want to join in – JUST DO IT! It is sooo worth the money and I don’t know of anywhere else you get all the info that’s available to us for the small monthly fee or the support and encouragement we get from Cindy.
Just do it!!!
Hi Cindy:
Excellent video. I have used the same “shift” technique when I want to add the pearl to a blend that has colours that don’t have the metallic flake in them. I really like the way you set up a display sheet to show the different variations.
I’ve upgraded my Adobe Flash Player – no go. I’ve gone from Firefox to IE – still no go. Does anyone know what I should do next to make it play? Thanks for any ideas.
Wonderful tutorial, very easy to understand. Thank you for sharing it. I am not a member yet but hope one day to be, so it is especially nice for me. Thanks again.
Hi Cindy!
thanks for sharing. In a few minutes I learned so much! great technique!
Now, I see that I can’t play any of Cindy’s videos. They are coming from a site called uqast – is this new for Cindy? I can play YouTube videos with no problemo. Hummmm… I have tried rebooting and even tried to play them on Safari.
Good video, bit long though.
Ifound your method easy enough to take away the fear of the triangle method for blending colors. I think that I will try it really soon
Thank you so much
Cindy, awesome. You rock girl.
Great video, Cindy. I can’t wait to try your blend method and especially the color shifts. Thank you for sharing!
What a great (and easy!) way to increase the color range of a single blend. Thanks for sharing this, Cindy.
I did enjoy this vidio. It is easy to learn new ideas and gives me a few of my own. Thanks much!
Thanks so much for this!!! It is so much easier than the Skinner Method. I can’t wait to make my own!!
Wow Cindy. You make this so easy. I am just getting into clay and must say I am getting some great ideas from your sight. Thank you so much.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU everyone for the enthusiast support! I so appreciate hearing from all of you and am really happy to to know that my Teardrop Blend video is providing value!!!!
For anyone who just happens to land here from Google or something, and is wondering what all the buzz is about, please click the link by my name just above, for info about how to gain free access to my Teardrop Blend Shift Technique video (Limited Time Offer).
@GAULTIER: You asked if I would come to France and teach… that is definitely on my “bucket” list :-) Just waiting for the right opportunity :-) :-)
@Kay: Sorry you are having troubles playing the video. The uQast player is in fact new. We are beta-testing it because the company is about to come out with some really nifty video features… one of which is a tip jar (it is VERY cool :-).
But first we need to make sure the player is going to work for everyone. The good news… out of the many 100’s of views the Teardrop video received this morning, there were only 2 reports of potential issues… you being one of them, Kay. Don’t you feel special !:~?
We would like to look into this matter further for you. Please use this Contact Cindy link to email all the details about your specific situation (i.e type of computer, age, operating system, internet connection speed, browser version, etc., etc.). I will get the info to Doug so that he can hopefully get to the bottom of this for you.
@Cindy Lietz from Teardrop Blend Shift Video (Complimentary Access): Cindy, thanks again so much for following up on this. I’ve sent you an email re my computer specifics, as requested. Do hope that this can be solved. I previously went to the uQast site to see if I could download something, but I didn’t find anything. Yes, I do feel special :-/ but glad that only two of us are missing out on this cool video. Hugs, Kay
As usual for you, Cindy, it was a great video!! I have learned so much from you and enjoy being a part of your group. Thanks for all the help you have been to me. You are a real asset to the world of polymer clay.
The other thing I need to address is all of the questions that are coming in via email as well as above, about how to become a member at my Polymer Clay Tutor Library… and how to buy other tutorial videos I have available. So here is some info that will hopefully be helpful for some of you guys…
Thanks for you interest in my videos. If you are new to polymer clay, I would highly recommend that you go through my beginners course. The small investment of $37 for the 39 videos in this course, will definitely provide you with a ton of cost-saving advice all in one place, about what tools and supplies to start out with. The course will also help you to avoid making common “trial & error” mistakes that can get expensive if you decide to learn everything on your own… not to mention the frustrations when your pieces don’t turn out quite like you were hoping they would.
If you have time, take a look at some of the
course feedback comments posted at this link:
And here is the link where you can purchase
the course if you feel it is right for you:
I’ve also got an ongoing tutorial support program that picks up where the course leaves off. The cost works out to only $3.32 per month (plus an initial one-time $9.95 set up fee) and the program provides weekly video lessons that allow you to advance beyond the basics.
Here is the link for more info if you are interested in building
a library of follow up tutorials at a deep discount:
And here is a link to what other’s are
saying about the value they are receiving:
Or if you just want training on something specific,
you can check out the back issues here:
Very much looking forward to hearing more about
how your beads and jewelry projects are coming along.
All the Best, Cindy Lietz
PS: Sign up for my Polymer Clay Tutor Email Newsletter and receive
complimentary color recipes each week (plus a few more free vids).
Loved this! All your videos are so informative and understandable. Your work is so appreciated. Thank you!
I love your video. Your insturctions are precise and clear. I love the time saved making this blend. Thank you for showing the technique. It was very generous of you to share.
Thank you so much. I love the teardrop method!!! Can’t wait to use it. As much as I love the Skinner technique, I love knowing a faster method.
Thanks Cindy, that was excellent. Bev
your video was awsum ad is all of you video`s you do great with your teaching video`s keep up the good work
i enjoy every one of them
Cindy, great job on the tutorial. The colour shifting is very similar to what Lindly does in her book and what other books have said to do, but sometimes there’s no substitute for seeing it on video and working from there. Lindly’s book can be a bit intimidating and this is such a fundamental tool that you’ve made so very much more accessible.
And, of course, the teardrop blend is all yours and you should be given magnificent wonderful credit for it. It’s almost enough to make me want to shift from Kato to a softer clay, but not quite.
Thanks for sharing this – I was happy to post a link to it on my blog.
thanks so much for doing the tear drop blend!!! I have just beeen getting your videos since last year and that one i missed,, and always wanted to see it demoed!!! and sooo easy… what a simple way in stead of the long way!! thanks again for sharing!!!
Hi Cindy,
I really appreciate your preview videos and the colours sheets you send us each weeks.
I learned a few things with this one, like rolling and pressing before putting it into the pasta machine. Some I did already but did not name them as you do what you call the shift.
I belong to the Montreal polymer clay guild and when I can I mention your teaching videos during meetings. I also do it on the 3 French Forums I am a member of.
It’s a shame your videos are not bilingual because the French girls would love that.
I still learn each time you have a preview on your blog. You expand my horizon even though I don’t do jewelry.
Thank you!
Very cool!!
Thank you, Cindy, for the review. As always your videos are the best. Good quality of filmmaking and audio. You are a great teacher who is very thoughtful of your students, making sure they watch what you do step by step and not leaving anyone hanging out there. I have been a student for a couple years now. How time flies. The work you do is truly a treasure to all of us. Looking forward to the next taping.
Wow, Cindy, what a great idea! I can hardly wait to get to my pasta machine!
Video was very well done. I had done the teardrop blend, never could get the skinner blend right – this was a great addition to my repertoire.
Thank you
Carol C.
I enjoyed the video, and thought the color shift was a great idea, and I will definitely give it a try
Thanks so much for the free video! I really enjoyed it, and you do such a nice job. I like Skinner Blends, and this is a whole new twist. I’ll tuck it into my memory bank for later. I’m sure it’ll come in handy.
Thank you so much for the free video tutorial. I am happy to learn a new technique besides the skinner blend which I am not crazy about doing. I am so impatient. Your way of doing it makes much more sense to me.
Thanks again!
Very interesting concept. An improvement of the original skinner blend. Well presented. As an art teacher myself, I congratulate you on a good job well done.
I tried Skinner Blend, the conventional way, from books, and could never succeed because the blend was way too wide for my pasta machine and way too short. (I am not an experienced polymer clayer/player.) Your video tutorials and written comments have made me realized that I am not the only “greenhorn” in this world having problems in this area – the community of polymer clayers have initially experienced it too. Cindy, your LIETZ TEARDROP BLEND has made me understand what to do to avoid my earlier problems with this technique, and time permitting, I shall attempt this technique – using only your MODIFICATION – the Lietz Teardrop Blend and the Teardrop Shift Blend. From all the polymer clay books that I have in my collection – NO teacher has ever explained what to do when the blend gets way too wide for the pasta machine or too short to be usable. Only you touched on this in your comments and e-video. I am so glad that I purchased not just the Beginner’s Course but also from Video 1 onwards – because I find myself having to review again the older videos – just to catch on… and remember what to do and what not to do! Thank you for your treasury of e-teaching videos and I believe NO polymer clayer/player should be without. You simplify the steps for me and, more importantly, share with me what works and what does not work you from your extensive experience with this medium so that I don’t end up frustrated over time wasted with my polymer play experiments. Again, for me, you’re the best teacher in this field. Thank you for your honest sharing with ALL of us so that we don’t waste our time, re-reading through lengthy explanations in books and trying to figure out what we did wrong.
Hello Cindy,
It’s a good video. You were very informative and relaxed. You have closeups and that always helps. Forgive me if this next thing is not what you were looking for, Cindy: When you said that this video has updates and is still valuable to those who have watched it before, I thought that might have been better put at the beginning. Also, I was a bit confused on which way was the correct way to fold that blend before running it thru the p.m. There were different ways the blend was turned around and turned over and then ran thru the p.m.
You have asked for comments from all of us but I do not want to offend you and I pray I haven’t done that, Cindy. I do enjoy all the videos you make. I’ve learned a lot.
Thank you for the opportunity to view this video.
Mary Clare
Aww thanks guys! I really appreciate your ongoing, heartfelt comments. It is a pleasure for me to know that this technique will help you in your polymer clay journey!
@Louise: Thank you so much Louise, for your support. Translating the videos into French and other languages is definitely on my list of things to do. If only there were more hours in the day to get things done as quick as we would like :-)
@Mary Clare: Thank you for your comment Mary Clare. Don’t worry, you didn’t offend me. I am sorry if it was a little confusing for you. This will be a little hard for me to explain with words, but I will do my best. Sometimes when I am rolling and/or folding my blends, I will flip them around to see the other side. This helps to see how well it is mixing. With this technique, it doesn’t really matter whether it is folded or rolled, or which end you start with, as long as the colors stay in their vertical stripes. If you would like to watch the video again, you’ll notice that I always have the stripes going up and down, and I never fold from side to side. Also, you will see I always put the fold side in the pasta machine first, as to not trap too much air in the sheet. The best way for you to totally understand, is to try it. That is the good thing about video. You can keep watching it over and over, working along side it, until it makes sense. Use small amounts of clay in only two or three colors to test it out. Once you try it out, I am sure all of your confusion will melt away!
Thanks so much for the free video! Your explanations were very clear, and I had no trouble understanding the teardrop blend concept. But, I truly had an “aha!” moment when you showed how to change the color shift! Brilliant! I would never have thought of that! Thanks again!
Very informative video. Your teardrop method looks much easier than the Skinner method. I will definitely be trying it, and also the color shift method. Thank you for the free video! I will have to look into membership, because I think I could learn a lot from your videos.
Great Idea outstanding video. Just think of where this process can go. Phil M
Hi Cindy, Thanks for making your video available for free. What a great idea to speed up the skinner blend process we all use.
thank u so much for this is very much helpful.
Great video. I am thinking about getting a paid membership. With that, do I get one video a week or do I have access to all the projects?
Thanks so much for showing this video for free. I love this way of blending and color shifting the clays.
excelente, muy bien hecho, realmente un tuto al cual podre sacar provecho, muchas gracias por vuestra generosidad
Cindy THANKS ALOT !!!! I am new to polymer clay and I feel as if this is a giant jump for me. I had tried just a few weeks ago to make skinner blends and never got a mix I liked . Again thanks for sharing.Emmiejohn
Thank you for such a terrific training tool. Your video was clear and easily understood. I look forward to learning more.
I have been doing polymer for 6 year now and this is the first time I have seen anything like the teardrop blend. And I had heard about shifting the colors but not seen it done before, Your explaination was very understandable for both beginners and those, like me, with more experience. The use of the diagram was helpful to see the possibities that you did not demo.
Thanks for making this avaiable.
Thank you for the great free video. I’m new to the polymer clay world so this was very helpful. I love working with pc however, I’m rarely happy with what I produce because I don’t like the finishes I’ve applied to the clay. Would your videos help me with this?
wonderful, thank you
How amazing your brain must be to push the boundaries, using this method of shifting the wonderful teardrop blend.Thanks for being such a clever teacher, making complicated steps look so easy to achieve. Also thanks to Doug for the great video work. You truly are an amazing duo.
Thanks for allowing anyone to view this marvelous video. Roni suggested I stop by and have a look and I am so happy that I did. You are a great instructor with fabulous ideas. Thanks for providing the information on how to sign up!
Awesome! I was able to watch this on my iPad!
@Sue I: Yea! Me, too! I just got my iPad 2 this morning! I just love it!
@Cindy, when did you and Doug get this to work on the iPad? Did I miss the memo? This is great! Thanks!!!
Awesome! Thanks
Very interesting technique. Can’t wait to try it. I am delighted to have happened upon your site.
Well, I naturally loved this one the first time I saw it.. but this time around, something occurred to me.. about the shifting. That the shift could be done with the same piece of clay, just turned around so the the colours are opposite.
I wonder what that would come out like? :D Each colour should be a variant! ;D
Will share this on my Facebook. x
So glad to have access to this method of Skinner Blend. Can’t wait to try it. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Thank you : very useful!
Great video and technique!!
Enjoyed video. Very informative. It has been some time since I worked with the clay and this will certainly inspire me to start again. Thanks
I have been frightened to try this before, now I can’t wait to have a go.
Thanks Cindy. This is the reason we subscribe we get so much back.
Great video and terrific technique. Allows you much more creativity on the fly than the Skinner blend does. Congratulations on coming up with this!
Wow Cindy!! I’ve watched your video twice now just to make sure I’ve not missed anything and all I can say is your technique is brilliant!! You’ve made the complicated multi skinner blend technique so much easier to achieve with your technique and now to be able to shift the colors so easily is beyond words. The really is sooooooo much easier. Thank you for your generosity in sharing this.
Great video! The camera work and step by step explanations made this a very easy project. Thank you for sharing with us all.
Your video was very informative. You have a wonderful voice and a clear approach to teaching, I enjoyed it very much. Thank you.
Hi Cindy,
I have been quietly learning from you for a little while and after watching your tear drop video (not mentioning that you let us view for FREE!!!) I have GOT to say “Cindy you are the BOMB”!!! Thank you soooo much for sharing. I see and acknowledge your hard work.
My aunt sent me this link. I love it. started claying just this spring. Making light switch covers for my house as they are too expensive to buy individually. Making it up as I go. I have watched a lot of videos on the web. still learning the terminology. So hard to find the free ideas and just getting started didn’t want to invest a lot. Have tried a few canes…they are really hard! love the blend though…gotta try it for something. I am mainly doing rustic cabin…bears trees etc. on the switches but would like to do a wildflower scene and maybe I could use this technique for that. Thanks so so much.
Thank you for the great tutorial; I will be trying it out very shortly.
Thank you so much for letting us see this video for free. I think my first 5color skinner took me hours to do! Wish I had seen this first :)
Love the quality, your voice and U :) on this.
Thanks from Sweden!
Thank you for this wonderful, time saving, tutorial!
Wow…that was a terrific tute!! Gotta love a technique that is a time saver and that makes things easier. I can see lots of potential for this technique…as you stated!! I think I will give it a try. Thank you for sharing!
J xx
Thanks for sharing, Cindy! I’m looking forward to trying this technique.
haha, that’s my honey’s pic, not mine!! something else to figure out now. . .
Thank you so much for sharing I am a complete beginner with polymer clays but this was so clear and informative. I have to go and play
Thanks so much for making this video available for everyone. It’s a great technique and will be fun to use.
I stand in awe. This is an excellent technique which I will begin using immediately. I’ll tell you–I am always amazed when someone shares an idea that is able to simplify the work of others. You are so generous. Thank you.
The fold-then-roll method – brilliant and un-fussy! That alone will spare me much blending frustration.
Thank you for the freebie.
thanks Cindy for posting this free. I love the way that the tear drop blend
works, now the roll and fold. And learning that I can put a different color at the end and change everything is great. THANKS.
I watch a very lot of instructional videos since I’m a visual learner. So many of them leave me confused and frustrated. YOUR video was clear, visually excellent, and very well organized. You covered every question which I had. I’m ready to take full advantage of all your videos. THANK YOU!
A wonderful video and a great technique. I can think of lots and lots of uses. Off to my clay area to give it a try
I enjoyed the Teardrop Blend – I can think of many used for it. I have always loved the Skinner Blend and have used to to make beads. Thanks for the new idea, Cindy!
Cindy, this video was very well done and easy to follow. I love the Skinner Blend, but I don’t do it very often. This is a great way to get me going on it and a great way to use up bits of clay. Thank you for posting this free, I can’t wait to try it out.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to view this tutorial. An absolute timesaver and so effective. I can’t wait to start… Just need to find a day that’s an extra few hours long so I can fit everything in! :D
Cindy, this is a great video. I was demonstrating the ‘skinner blend’ at a craft fair at the weekend and could really have done with seeing your video first! It would have speeded things up enormously!!! As always with your videos the instruction is really clear, measured and precise. Excellent stuff! Oh, and thanks for the free viewing! :-)
Hi Cindy,
I want to thank you for posting this most valuable video. I was so wishing I could learn how this is done. So thank you you are really appreciated by me for all you do. I watch all your previews and enjoy them so much. I wonder how you come up with stuff every week. I guess you are just into it huh?
Thank you again this video is marvelous.
Thank you so much for the video. I find it very interesting and helpful. I hope to be able to start receiving your videos soon. At present we are having difficulties with our internet connection. A new modem is on the way to us that I hope will solve the problems we are having and will give us enough download speed to properly view the videos. I had quite a problem receiving the video, but it is entirely due to our internet provider.
I love the simplicity of the tear drop technique. I think it will produce better blends than I’ve been able to get with the Skinner method. And I love the idea of adding white, ecru, etc. to shift the entire blend. I’m off to try it right now.
Thank you.
The teardrop technique is so much faster and simpler…and easier to control! Love it!
Thanks for the free tutorial! I think my clay is getting a little old though as it took me a while to get the blend to my liking. Probably would have taken twice as long doing it the old way! Blog post to follow.
Hi Cindy, Just watched this teardrop blend shift video and wanted to say how much I enjoyed it—— it’s brilliant!!! I’ll definitely be having a go as soon as I can find the time:). Can’t wait!.:) Thank you loads for sharing:)
Hi, Cindy, I am trying to watch the video on a MacBook, and the error message I got says there is a missing plug-in. I know I can’t get the Flash player on my Mac; is there anything else that will work?
@Lynne Schmitt: Doug and I are both on Windows systems, so we don’t have the “luxury” of experiencing all of the Apple challenges first hand, LOL. Hopefully a MacBook user will jump in with some advise on the the “case of the missing plug-in” (sounds like a Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys novel, doesn’t it :-). If anyone has some Apple tech tips, please do share!
@Catalina: About the older videos being able to play on iPads… yes… Doug will have to go back and re-post all of the earlier videos. It will happen… slowly but surely :-)
@Cindy Lietz from iPad’s, iPod’s and MacBooks… we’re getting closer: Great news, Cindy! I promise to be patient while he converts them all :)
@Lynne Schmitt: I’m a MAC person and I wonder what is your Operating System? Doug just upgraded the player they use and I can play them on my MAC mini, iMAC, eMAC, iPad and iPad 2. Why can’t you get the Flash player on your MAC? If your OS is older than OSX that could be the reason why you are having trouble. I hope that helps, if not, post here again and I’ll try to help.
Oh Cindy, Thank you, thank you, thank you! Once I watched your teardrop blend video I said to myself ” That is so easy, who’da thunk you could roll your blend sheet…” makes perfect sense. I am so glad… I’ve been making blends but sometimes shy away because it can be time intensive. You have just cut my “prep” time in half. Marvelous video. easy to understand. Thanks again!
very impressed…you put a a good product. Are some of your other videos more advanced techniques?
@Natalie K …glad you enjoyed the Teardrop Blend video :-)
Now to address your question. If by “more advanced” you mean “takes hours and hours to learn how to do”… then no I’m sorry I can’t help you there.
Please don’t take that wrong. I’m just having a bit of fun here :-) One of my specialties is showing clayers how to achieve stunning (“advanced”) results… simply and easily.
What Davin S said above (the “who’da thunk” part)… well I get that a lot. IMO, learning really does not have to be difficult or complicated. With me, simple and stunning can happen in 12 minutes or less (the length of my tutorial video lessons).
A lot of pre-prep and post-production goes into each one… so that you end up getting exactly what you need, without taking up too much of your valuable time.
We’re all so darn busy these days. So I feel that quick and effective learning in bite size chunks, is the best way to ensure that my students actually end up doing and using the stuff I teach.
You can click on the link by my name to to see a list of all the video tutorials I have published to date. There are preview videos for each and every one, that will allow you to determine if the techniques I teach are right for you.
Hope this helps.
Cindy, very nice video. I’ve been working with clay for years and have done many Skinner blends, but never thought about doing it this way. Good job!
Cindy, Thank you very much for this tutorial I really enjoyed it. And thank you for making it free as well! Karen
Molto, molto bello e interessante. grazie mille per il bel regalo.
Very clear and informative video. Thank you for sharing. My brain is now buzzing with ideas. Great job.
I use your Lietz Teardrop Blend. I find it much easier than the Skinner Blend. To get more pastel colors I would use lighter clay colors. Now because of your video, I can achieve that look plus a whole lot more.
Excellent video!!!!
Thank you, Cindy! Great tutorial! I’m looking forward to trying your teardrop method. Great new take on a wonderful technique!
Great tutorial! I’m a newbie and understood all the “clay” terms! Can’t wait to try it out.
Very good. Had trouble with sound.
@Linda: There has not been any other reported incidents with sound problems, so what you experienced is probably a local issue on your computer. If you would like assistance, just shoot us an email and we would be glad to provide you with some trouble shooting tips.
@Catalina: Thanks for offering to help Lynne Schmitt with her Mac plugin question. Hopefully she saw your comment.
@Everyone: Keep those comments coming. And be sure to let your clay friends know about this free showing of the Teardrop Blend video. Complimentary access won’t be available for much longer.
Hi, Cindy, I just tried the video again on my iPad original and it works now! I haven’t changed anything else (that I am aware of), but I am so glad that it works! If I can be sure that it will work, I need to become a member. Thanks for all the goodies. As for not being able to load the Flash player, Adobe posts a very small-minded, mean remark in response to attempted download; something to the effect that until Mac will allow certain things in their operating system, you will not be able to use the flash player. Sounds way too political for me. Anyway, thanks again for your help. This video is great.
@Lynne Schmitt: Yay!!! I’m so glad the video is working for you now. The same player will be used for all future videos in the library so hopefully you will decide to come on board as a regular member.
PS: Yes the Adobe Flash vs Apple spat is a political one. It sure would be nice if they would just play nice together!
@Cindy Lietz from A Mother Daughter Story About Overcoming Adversity – Happy Mothers Day To All The Moms!: Yes, it would be nice if they would play nice together but we don’t need them! You got around it and I’m sure others will too.
Happy Mother’s Day everyone! Have a great day!!
Thanks for the video. Just convincing myself to try polymer clay. You instructions were clear and I liked the pace of your speech.
That was awesome! All that cutting in the skinner blend made me nuts. I could never get what I saw in my head now I can. Thank you.
Dear Cindy, I had already left a comment, about how wonderful and generous of you it is to share this fantastic technique with the Polymer Clay Community. Thank you again! I would like to add another comment, that hopefully, other PC enthusiasts watching your innovative technique will join your PC family and become members as quickly as possibly, as I did. Happy Claying, Christl
Your teardrop method of creating blends jump starts my learning curve of making beautiful beads for my “Allways” ear wire. Thank you so much for sharing with all of us.
Thank you very much for sharing the tear drop blend. I can’t wait to try it!
Thank you, Cindy! Great tutorial!!! I so appreciate your being willing to share it. I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!!!
Hello Cindy,
it’s hard for me to write an English comment as I’m Italian but the only thing I can tell you is: you’re great and I thank you very much for your help.
Well presented video with clear instructions.
I like it too!!!! Is just amazing the technique, I think is more easy than triangles. . . . :)
Hallo Cindy, I`m member and saw the tutorial in april. It`s great!!
My english is not so good, because I learned it for 40 years ago at school.
I look forward for your many other great tutorials!! Thanks Veronique
Amazing-love the information! I have wanted to work with clay & this gives me the incentive.
Thanks for sharing this video! I appreciate your generosity very much. I am a beginner, and this video was was clear and complete… easy to understand.
Hi Cindy,I have been a guest for ages but decided I couldn’t wait to get my new laptop,so would have to struggle on with this old one until I could save up my pennies (or is that cents) before I became a member. Your shift blend was the greatest so have signed up.I really appreciated the free colour recipes, previews and comments from all your brillant members and have learnt that there seems to be nothing you will not do to try and make learning fun. Oh! and Doug too, his mastery behind the scenes is awsome. Here in Essex UK the sun is out so had better take my little dog Jessica for her walk. (She has been sooooo good, sitting and waiting, so TTFN from your wacky new member (the Essex girl) xx
Cindy this teardrop blend will significantly change the way I work. Since I am just starting to sell my polymer clay work at fairs and festivals, any time saved in prepping clay is a god send. Your experience makes you the perfect instructor…I will getting a full paid membership to your web lessons. Thanks so much, Jennie M. Burt
Technique: Clear, concise, time-saving technique for the shifted blends. Very informative with excellent examples. Very easy to follow your instructions.
Video: Above Average. Good quality lighting. Good focus on work being done with no blurry images or ghosting. Good cuts and insets. Good audio with clear recording of voice, no unnecessary background noise or buzzing.
Overall: Above average video tutorial. A job well done!
I am a new member..I love love these video tutorials. They are so clear and well presented. I can hardly wait to get started after watching. Thank you Cindy
This was very generous of you to share this technique. If I wasn’t un employed at the moment, I would definately join with paid membership. You are brilliant!
Cindy, thanks for sharing that great video! I’m new to poly clay.. just starting to play around with it, so everything is new to me! Appreciate the video!
very clear instructions. easy to see each step. great
This is great! I was wishing they had not continued the red and green pearl, and the idea popped into my head to use a sheet of white pearl when shifting the colors. One could experiment by only placing the white pearl only in the areas of the red and green pearl. Is white pearl a bit translucent to begin with?
What a time saver! Can’t wait to try it! Thank you for experimenting.
Thanks, Cindy. Really well done. I learned so much and got inspired to work with clay again.
Excellent, as always, Cindy! So full of inspirational ideas!
I loved the color shifting examples you included using the original teardrop blend. I am newly inspired to work with clay and try your techniques. Thank you for sharing your video!
Cheryl L in TN
Really nice technique, I like this way of doing it better then the original skinner blend. It is also so versatile.
Keep up the good work
What a perfectly wonderful video. You have made a tedious process into one of fun by your simplification method! Love adding thin sheets of other colors to get a variety from one blend…Thank you!
I do Skinner Blends now and then but this opened up the door a bit wider for blending. Thank you.
Excellent video – clear demonstration not only of how, but also of why, successive steps are accomplished. If a picture says 1,000 words, then your video says millions!
Excellent video. One of the best I’ve seen. Definitely professional.
Very interesting method of blending. Thank you!
Hello from denmark. it is a very good video. thanks you fore share it, i am sitting with my noose in the translation book, my english is better on listen than writing But great video thank you Annie
Can’t wait to try it. Thank you for such an inspiring technique.
Can’t wait to try it. Thank you for such an inspiring technique.
Thank you Cindy for the great video. It has helped a lot (keep getting tennis elbow from so much pasta machine use, but cant stop using it hehe). Very generous of you to do it for free tnx again :) Also have enjoyed very much the other videos I have bought. You make it real easy :)
So-o-o happy to have an alternative to the Skinner blend – it’s so much quicker! Thanks, Cindy!
Excellent tutorial.Look forward to trying your technique.
I am so happy I took the time to watch your video! Your explanation and demonstration made everything simple. You have great ideas! Off to play now…
Thank you!
Hi Cindy,
I just watched (again) your Tear Drop Shift blending video. I am new to this process and so watched it a couple of times to take it in. I’ve already used it in practice and it works great–even for a beginner like me, maybe even better for a beginner because it is so easy to do! I love the way you show the results with several different colors and your instructions are clear both in voice and video. Thanks so much for sharing this method! I love your creativity and that you share it!
Cindy: I wanted to give my comment on the teardrop blend shift. Its amazing with what colors you can achieve to the teardrop blend when you experiment with the different colors, very good information and I will be using them very soon. Thank you
Cindy, thanks so much. You never cease to amaze me. Can’t wait to try it.
Keep up your good work.
Thank you for posting that tutorial… it was very informative and simple enough to do myself.
Hi, Cindy,
I’m learning about color and value/intensity and polymer clay, so your Teardrop Shift is RIGHT ON for me!!!
I have also found some of your other videos of immense interest and look forward to the next “installment” of this month’s tutorials.
What a wonderful technique! I can’t wait to try it out. Thank you for sharing this tutorial. I will be checking into your site to see how I can learn more.
Thanks for sharing your technique and tutorial.
Haven’t done much lately with poly clay, but loved your tear drop blend technique and the color shifting – makes me want to get back into it. Thanks Cindy!
Linda B.
This is an awesome video, I cant wait to try it!!
Dearest Cindy,
You go girl ! I just recently checked out the Tear Drop Shift Blend, and loved it! I can sometimes be color challenged and this has really helped me out so very much! So I wanted to let you know how wonderful it was to get such a nice gift. This was a great opportunity for me and I love being a member of this site. I suggest that anyone who wants to learn about polymer clay get signed up fast! It’s a fantastic website I really encourage anyone to check it out once you’re there, you’re hooked!! Cindy you are a warm and sweet lady and I wish you and your family many blessings and keep going with the website, because it would be a great loss to the polymer clay community if yo were gone! ROCK ON GIRLFRIEND !!!!
Cindy, What a great video! Such clear directions. I love your teardrop technique and will experiment with it immediately.
Thank you for sharing so generously.
This is a fantastic video! I just joined the club and made it just in time. Now I am really looking forward to all your videos! Can’t wait to try it.
Thank you, Cindy.
Love the video and can’t wait to try this. I think I want to try different shades of pink and make the famous roses you taught us to make. The shift in colors would look really natural I think. thank you for making our lives easier!
Wow. I’ve been too busy (or lazy) to try the Skinner blend so far. Now that you’ve made it so much easier to do, I’m ready to experiment with it. Thanks so much!
Thanks a lot for this wonderful tutorial! Great idea
I just did a skinner blend the other day but only felt confident enough to only use two colors. With this new method, the Lietz Blend, it looks so easy to blend more than two colors. I can’t wait to try this!
P.S. I actually watched this on my iPhone. Didn’t think I would be able to view it. It worked. Thanks Cindy & Doug.
I really love the fact that your process cuts the time to less than half, as I felt that the Skinner Blend was a little time consuming. I am anxious to try the shift method. It opens up a whole new bunch of possibilities to get more shades without buying extra clay. Thanks!
love it, I have lots of polymer clay and am a very visual learner. Your process is great and video quality is excellent.
Fabulous…. very, very clear and understandable
Thank you for sharing this video with us! Unfortunately, viewing was difficult due to storms in the area. It made for lousey reception. I get internet via dish satellite. But I got the drift of what you were showing. I had worried, in the past, about squeezing the colors back together that they would get that area muddy. I guess they don’t, or you wouldn’t be doing it.
Perhaps I’ll get another chance to watch this after the weather clears. The time it took to “steam” the video did give me time to write my notes on this!
Thank you
thank you so much for this free video
Cindy your videos are terrific. I have learned so much and really appreciate you taking the time to make them.
Thank you
Thank You for sharing this very nice short cut, what a great idea.
Hi Cindy, Thank you for a great tutorial. I love your teardrop method of blending. It certainly does make a rainbow blend so much easier and the inclusion of the colour shift is just wonderful. I found it incredibly helpful and easy to follow, so now i cant wait to get started on a few new projects.
I started studying color recently, this technique will come in very handy. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Thanks for the tutorial. Your demo was very clear. The question in class that always comes up is, how do you know when your blend is done. And the answer always seems to be it is done when you like it. But I also seem to remember that a blend can get over processed and muddy. So I find it intriguing that shifting the blend doesn’t over blend it. I will certainly have to experiment soon. Thanks for the tips.
I’m rather new to PC and skinner blend. I’ve stayed away from it because it is time consuming. However, you’ve just opened up a whole new world of possibilities to me. Thanks soooooo much for sharing this – and free to boot!!
Thanks so much for sharing this new technique. I have wanted to use skinner blends more, but hated making the triangles and trying to get them to stick together. Your way looks so much easier. It was very generous of you to let us see the tutorial free, too. Really a great discovery!
Wow – such a easy technique. Will definitely be trying it out…. Thank you so much for sharing.
I saw your link posted in our Clay group and am happy I clicked on it! Love your tutorial, not just on the easy blend using your teardrop technique, but the whole shift idea opens up a new world…
I’ve used the multi-colored skinner blends before but it is always such a hassle to get all the triangles to stick together properly (especially when one uses more than 3 colors), then the endless runnings through the pasta machine; your teardrop blend really looks so much easier :) Most surely going to give it a try.
Thank you for your generosity to show us your video. I saw you mentioned the list of all your videos, I’m going to check those out next. Can’t wait to get my hands on some clay…
The President of our Guild (Montreal) shared your link and I am so impressed! I love blends but it is so time consuming, this is an amazing technique which I can’t wait to try! Thank you for so generously sharing this wonderful informative video.
Kind regards,
Cindy, your tears are wonderful! What an ingenious idea! And the shift part is just fantastic! Thanks for sharing this. If a non member views this video they can see the great production quality and your terrific method of teaching in such a conversational style. If those qualities don’t make them want to join then your absolutely stupid prices should!! Actually, that’s a very smart business decision on your part knowing you’ll get volume sales instead of relying on fewer people at a much higher price. It’s generous of you too, because many more of us receive the benefit of your skills than could otherwise. Thank you for providing such great instruction!
Thank you for sharing the teardrop and the color shift technique!
I always enjoy your videos. Thank you for this one on the teardrop shift as well. Your techniques are easy to follow, interesting, and the videos are well done. I always love seeing the closeups. Thanks again!
Well it’s late in the day on May 12th… time to shut down free access to the Teardrop Blend video. From all the wonderful comments you all posted, it looks as though the tutorial was helpful. And for that I feel blessed.
For anyone that missed the complimentary showing and would like to watch video in the members library, the cost is only $9.95 (one time fee). And for this price, not only will you receive the Teardrop video, but you will also get access to three other tutes as well.
The link by my name will take you to the page with more info.
I am new to both polymer clay and tutorials. I have watched a few, including this Teardrop Blend, and they are excellent. You are a gifted artist, Cindy. Thank you!
Love this technique, thank you. Melodie
Hi Cindy, Thank you for a great tutorial. I love your teardrop method of blending. It certainly does make a rainbow blend so much easier and the inclusion of the colour shift is just wonderful. I found it incredibly helpful and easy to follow, so now i cant wait to get started on a few new projects.
Hi Cindy, just watched the current color shift video and was going through the list of ‘related videos’ you had provided
anyway got to this one and the ‘modern style pendent’ caught my eye – just sat and looked at it trying to remember if you have ever shown us a tutorial on how to make the blends or cane line up like that – nothing came to mind – could you point me in the right direction
Thank you!
Hi Sherry, I don’t have a tutorial on that pendant. I just cut strips of a shifted blend and alternated the strips, so that each strip was heading in the opposite direction. Of course that probably made no sense at all… lol (I need my hands to teach stuff like that). Maybe I will do a tutorial along those lines one of these days. It does look pretty cool! Thanks for your comment!