Polymer Clay Tutorial | Animal Prints – Leopard Cane [Video]

Polymer Clay Leopard CanesVid #155:
“Convinced of
the coolness of purple
leopard spots… I need to
make them in lime green!”

It is time to let your animal instincts go wild and start creating some animal print, polymer clay canes for your bead making projects! So on Friday, May 14th at the Polymer Clay Library (Vol-024-2), the member video tutorial will be all about how to make leopard canes.

Yippeeeeee! Gettin’ wild! I love it! Thanks for bringing some animal print, complete with crazy color combo! This is really cute, so yes, it’s a YES from me! ~Phaedrakat

Yes, convinced of the coolness of purple leopard spots! Yes, yes, yes…. I need to make them in lime green! Fabulous!!! ~Melinda-H

Pink and Purple! My girls will love that. One loves pink and the other purple (they’re fraternal twins). No matter the name they’ll find something of themselves to name whatever the results is. The tut will be fun and a challenge to come up with a number of combinations. I’m really looking forward to it as always. Way to go, Cindy.

Please Note: A general prerequisite for all of my weekly tutorials is that you have a good understanding of the polymer clay basics, including: conditioning clay, using a pasta machine, clay blade and other simple tools, making Skinner Blends or Teardrop Blends, baking clay, as well as sanding and finishing. If you need help in these areas, my Polymer Clay Beginners Course will get you up to speed quickly. There is also plenty of free information on this blog. Use the search box at the top of the page to find articles on specific topics.

Supplies & Tools: Video-024-2: Leopard Cane:

  • Four coordinating colors of polymer clay. 2 medium colors, 1 light and 1 dark. For my medium colors, I used 1 section of Gold Premo Sculpey and 1 section of Copper Premo Sculpey clay. For my light color, I used 1 section Ecru Premo Sculpey with a pinch of Copper mixed in. For my dark color I used Burnt Umber Premo Sculpey. But, you can use any clay brand and color combo of your choice as you will see in the video.
  • Clay Blade.
  • Pasta Machine.
  • An old credit card or gift card… one that has expired and is no longer in use.

The full version of the Vid-024-2 Leopard Cane video will be posted in the Polymer Clay Members Library on Friday May 14, 2010. But if you would like to see a sneak peek intro clip right now, scroll down the page a bit to the video player below.

Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor

Click Video Play Button

Here’s That “Link Below” Referred To at End of the Video
>> Polymer Clay Tutorials <<

The full version of the “Leopard Cane” preview video shown above, is now available for purchase at the Polymer Clay Library in the Vol-024 Back Issue Package.

Customer Feedback About Membership Value:

THANK YOU BOTH CINDY AND DOUG, for giving us more than we paid for once again. The two of you should be the definition of Team Work. I will be headed into town later today to pick a few items up and see if I can’t do some advertising for the worlds best tutorial duo. Uuuuuuugggs. ~Peggy-B

The following topics are included in this week’s Leopard Cane video tutorial:

  • See examples of several different beads and pendants in a variety of different color, Leopard patterns.
  • Discussion of the colors and blends needed for this polymer clay cane project.
  • Learn how to roll, shape and form the perfect realistic looking Leopard Spots.
  • Tips on how to combine the spots to make a larger leopard cane to use in a variety of bead making projects.
  • Learn how to get those ‘furry’ edges in your leopard spots that look much more realistic than just making a few blobs as your spots like other leopard cane designs out there.
  • Find out how to fill in the background color without ruining your cane and losing the leopard look.

The full version of the “Leopard Cane” preview video shown above, is now available for purchase at the Polymer Clay Library in the Vol-024 Back Issue Package.

  1. Elizabeth S., 11 May, 2010

    GRRRREAT!! Can’t wait!

  2. Anna Sabina, 11 May, 2010

    I love it. Just one more technique to put into out bag of tricks. there is a TV show called Tacky House and the last episode featured a house were the woman went totally crazy with leopard prints, she even had a leopard spotted Limo-Haaa !!! So beware just in case one of your friends may have seen this show.
    Anna-Des Moines, Iowa

  3. Koolbraider, 11 May, 2010

    Melinda-H: “It ain’t easy bein’ green”!! Who says you need to keep to real life colors. I can hardly wait for Friday. (I will be trying for real leopard spots because I love browns.)

  4. Samone, 11 May, 2010

    OOhhhhh – is it Friday yet??!! Hope I can sleep until then (lol) !!

    Take care.

  5. Linda K., 11 May, 2010

    They’re beautiful, Cindy. Can’t wait for Friday!

  6. Honey Sperring, 11 May, 2010

    I’m so excited !!!!! They’re really terrific looking canes and can’t wait till Friday………Honey, West Palm Beach, Florida

  7. pollyanna, 11 May, 2010

    Looking forward for this tute, also. Course, I’ve loved them all…..:)

  8. Carole Holt, 11 May, 2010

    the black and white print also looks very impressive so once again can’t waite to get started

  9. Phaedrakat, 11 May, 2010

    Awesome! I’ve been craving animal print tutorials for so long; I can’t wait to see the leopard print cane on Friday! All of these canes look great, (or is it “GRRRReeATE”?) and I love the fun & funky colors! I think I’ll have to make several — some natural (with browns, golds, coppers) and some fun colors like pink, purple, green, etc.

    I wonder, Cindy, if perhaps you need a disclaimer here? I mean, no leopards were harmed during the filming of this video tutorial, correct?

  10. Cindy Lietz, 11 May, 2010

    That is correct! :-)

  11. Katie, 11 May, 2010

    Definitely looking forward to this week’s video. It means I’m back sleeping in my own bed, fending off two puppies, and finally getting to play with clay again (been on a mini-hiatus since Spring Break… knew I wouldn’t be able to focus on exams with craft supplies around.) Yay!

  12. Katie, 11 May, 2010

    (Not to say I’m not looking forward to the new cane. Because I am. Mom and I both really like tigers (she loves) and leopards.) Once again a cane with so many possibilities. Can’t wait to try it out.

  13. Cara H, 12 May, 2010

    well I wasn’t that keen on the idea of this when you first mentioned it Cindy, not really an animal print kinda girl but having watched the video I am a coming round to the idea.

  14. Hobokenmary, 12 May, 2010

    OOOHHHH Goodie, can’t wait!!!

  15. Lisa Whitham, 13 May, 2010

    Come on Friday..!!

    ~Lisa :)

  16. Squiddy, 14 May, 2010

    Yay, Cindy. No trips to the hardware store this week! Bet these skins will look good using the Stargazer lily colours – tropical camouflage for leopards. Was the story of Little Black Sambo part of your juvenile literary upbringing? “Now I’m the smartest tiger in the jungle” was the refrain, as Little Black Sambo bribed them with his clothes so they would not to eat him. Would make good frog skins, not to mention Spotted Cane Toad (groan)

  17. Elizabeth S., 14 May, 2010


    That down under humor is too funny.

  18. Cindy Graveline, 14 May, 2010

    Just watched the video! Looks like a really fun cane to do! :)

  19. Elizabeth S., 14 May, 2010

    If we don’t end up with the coolest leopard pattern beads in the world, it won’t be your fault, Cindy. As always, a great video!!

  20. Phaedrakat, 15 May, 2010

    @Elizabeth S.: So true, Elizabeth! Can’t wait to have the coolest leopard beads in the world!

    What a “wild” video! Cindy & Doug, you’ve done it again! You guys make the best video tutorials, and this one is especially fun and wild. I love it! I can’t wait to get started on it, especially since I’ve been begging for leopard print for a long time! But it looks like I’m going to have to wait after all.

    Finally, I’ve been feeling a little better lately. My spirit’s probably been lifted a bit, knowing I’d be claying soon because my work area is coming together, and everything is organized. But now I find out we’re getting a pool (nice idea in itself, BUT…) The backyard where I keep my polymer clay oven is going to be torn up. A bulldozer will be tearing out the patio where I usually bake — on Tuesday! They’re also doing some electrical stuff to the garage, so I’ve got to get rid of some boxes and things to make room (yep, that means yard sale this weekend!)

    I’ve been wanting to GO to yard sales to find a food processor and silver spoons — I didn’t want to HAVE one! I can’t bring my oven in the house (it works perfectly, but it’s ugly from being outside.) So now I have to buy a new oven (perfect excuse to get the convection oven I wanted,) a food processor, and a Lortone tumbler. Except, I can’t afford all that at once! Unless I have one heck of a yard sale, that is. I wish I had more jewelry ready, I could have had a table set up with my jewelry, as well. Darn it!

    I’m sorry, I got WAY off topic here. I meant to just say “Thank You” to Cindy and Doug. You are both the best. Great job!

  21. Suzanne C, 15 May, 2010

    Hello All. I am a brand new member and very new to polymer clay. I want to try the Leopard cane in a basic black/white palette. I was thinking pearl and silver for the inside skinner blend. Black canes surrounding that. And then a sheet of light pearly gray on the outside of the cane. But I make many mistakes in judging my color blends so I would like anyone’s ideas on using a black/white palette here.

  22. Linda K., 16 May, 2010

    @Suzanne C: Hi Suzanne and welcome. Your color choices sound good to me, but I’m a relatively new clayer myself. I’m sure you’ll get lots of advice as the more experienced clayers see your message.

  23. pollyanna, 16 May, 2010

    @Suzanne C: That sounds fantastic to me. I like pearl and silver myself. Hope others will jump in soon. Wecome to the blog.

  24. Peggy Barnes, 18 May, 2010

    @Suzanne C: Hi Suzanne, I haven’t been reading since the 10th I think. I am one to get sick at times but blessed by God so always bounce back. Your colors sound interesting would love to hear how it turned out. I also want to welcome you and tell you how pleased all of us are to have another member. You are in for more than you would ever imagine. I promise if you learn 1/2 as much as I have and enjoy 1/2 as much you will be on overload for a long time and I guarantee you will be hooked. Cindy and Doug are the best and there isn’t a member here that would not love a chance to help you in anyway they can. Just ask and someone will answer.I just watched this tute and can’t wait to try some different colors. I think this will be an any color works tute. If not for you for someone else. If you get a chance and have the money buy some of the back issues. I ended up buying everyone of them. You can’t beat the prices or the experience. Even if you know a lot about polymer you will learn much more. SO BUCKLE UP you are in for the most wonderful learning adventure.

    Enjoy the ride.
    Uuuuuuuggggs (that is my painless hug for all sore people), Peggy

  25. Suzanne C, 17 May, 2010

    Thanks Linda K and Pollyanna. One would think anything would work with pearl/silver/white/black, but you would be surprised at how many of my colour combinations that seemed logical have ended up looking like mud or baby poo!

    On another topic, where do I upload my photo for my avatar? My profile has no field for uploading an avatar photo?

  26. Linda K., 17 May, 2010

    @Suzanne C: Suzanne, Phaedrakat is the queen of navigating here, but I’m going to give this a try. Go to this link and you’ll see a post from Cindy on how to create your own avatar.

    Oh, the dreaded baby poo color!! Last Christmas I decided to make a couple of pendants with red and green marbled together. I couldn’t figure out why my bright Red Pearl turned to dark burgundy and the Green Pearl also turned to a very dark hunter green. Of course, the colors usually deepen a little when they bake, but this was extreme. It suddently occurred to me that green and red are opposite each other on the color wheel…guaranteed to make mud when you mix them together. After marbling them, the colors weren’t totally mixed together, so they didn’t turn to mud. Instead, the result was an extreme darkening of the colors. Although they weren’t the colors I expected, I was still pleased with the pendants. So, what I’m saying here is that you have to watch out when working with colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel.

  27. Suzanne C, 22 May, 2010

    @Linda K.: Thanks Linda K. I uploaded my avatar!

  28. Cindy Lietz, 22 May, 2010

    @Suzanne C: Great picture Suzanne, it is nice to see you! Looks like you’re in a painting. Such a pretty backdrop!

  29. Phaedrakat, 23 May, 2010

    @Suzanne C: Hi Suzanne, nice to “see” you! Cindy’s right, that is a beautiful background in your photo! Where are you in the world, the UK? I’m always curious about where people are from. This is such an international community! ~Kat, Riverside, CA USA

  30. Suzanne C, 29 May, 2010

    @Phaedrakat: I live in Kent in the UK. (But I am from Northern California–Grass Valley/Nevada City area)

    The photo is in the garden at a National Trust house called Smallhythe Place: nationaltrust.org.uk/main/w-smallhytheplace

    So many wonderful gardens here in the UK!

  31. Phaedrakat, 29 May, 2010

    @Suzanne C: Wow, no wonder your photo backdrop is so gorgeous! Thanks for the link to the trust house. I’ve spent some time in England, and I loved it. There ARE wonderful gardens, and lots of other lovely things. It’s so fascinating there, all of the history, the “older” buildings, museums, castles, etc. The first time I went I was a young adult; I was blown away at how amazing their transportation system was. As a Californian, I couldn’t imagine getting around so easily without a car! (Actually, I’m having car troubles right now, so I really envy that public transportation, LOL!) It’s good to know you’re from Cally too. I hope you’re very happy in Kent. Welcome again to the blog — it’s good to have you here!

  32. Linda K., 23 May, 2010

    @Suzanne C: You’re welcome, Suzanne! It looks like you’re in a beautiful garden.

  33. Peggy Barnes, 18 May, 2010

    Cindy you and Doug – Well you have done it once again, like there was ever a doubt. So many ideas running through my head and color possibilities out the bump diddy bump. I am so far behind I don’t even know where to begin. This would definitly be a good start.
    Thank you both for giving us more than we could possibly imagine.
    Hope you had another great weekend.
    Uuuuuugggggs, Peggy

  34. Brenda, 24 May, 2010

    Boy have I been busy with the leopard cane! I love this animal print. I can’t hardly wait to share what I have been making. I am ready for the zebra now :)

  35. Brenda, 27 May, 2010

    I am attempting to embed a picture of my work. So Cindy if it messes up, I am sorry: picasaweb.google.com/Brendaspics10/Collages#

  36. Brenda, 27 May, 2010

    Whew.. It was a long script.. I glad it did not make a mess of the page :) I wanted to share what I have been doing with this cane.

  37. Phaedrakat, 27 May, 2010

    @Brenda: Totally wild! I love what you did with the leopard cane — looks great! The bangles ARE awesome, so are the spoons! Did you make 2 canes? (The bangle patterns look different…) Thanks for sharing! ;D

  38. Brenda, 28 May, 2010

    @Phaedrakat: You got that right “Totally Wild!” I went wild *LOL* Yes’ They are from the same cane. I sliced a hunk off to leave one pattern large print. I wrap a very , very , very thin sheet of dark on it. to give it more of a darker background This is a really fun cane to work with. You can do so much with it. I am still making things with it. I am going to attempt to do something funky with the zebra cane. It will have to wait until I can get to the craft store to buy more clay..

  39. Phaedrakat, 28 May, 2010

    @Brenda: That’s cool how you gave the cane 2 different looks by leaving one part larger (& adding dark sheet.) I thought it was the same cane, but too hard to tell. I love your jewelry, though. Can’t wait to see what you come up with on the Zebra Cane, too! (I’m still waiting to see the Zebra video; something’s wrong with mine! I’ve tried on 2 PC’s –weird, huh?) Anyway, congrat’s on some cool pieces. I’ll bet they sell really well! Have fun, you “wild” woman! ~Kat

  40. Cindy Lietz, 28 May, 2010

    @Phaedrakat: The zebra cane video should now be working for you. There was a technical issue on our end. Doug was racking his brain this morning trying to figure out what the issue was… and finally was able to get to the bottom of it. Three cheers for Doug!!!

    By the way, the problem did not affect all of the members… only a very select few of the very special ones… LOL. Anyways, please do report back here to let me know that the Vol-024-4 Zebra Cane video is working for you now. Thanks so much and sorry for the inconvenience.

  41. Phaedrakat, 28 May, 2010

    @Cindy Lietz from Zebra Cane: It’s working now – Yay! (I couldn’t figure out what was wrong — I cleared, removed, updated, rebooted, etc, etc.!) Thanks for fixing it; I loved the Zebra video! I guess I’ll go talk about it over there…

  42. pollyanna, 27 May, 2010

    Oh Brenda, All I can say is wow they are wonderful !!!!

  43. brenda, 28 May, 2010

    @pollyanna: Thanks I like them.. I need to learn to make more that one item at a time. Do any of you find yourself doing that? Like one type of pendant, earrings or bracelet.. I like the fact of there only being on of that item. Is that weird?

    I just stated a blog spot. I am not much of a blogger but I am going to try
    it is all new to me…So come join my blogg page ladies and gents I would love for your pro’s to be my followers, as the page says.

  44. Cheryl Hodges, 14 June, 2010

    @ Brenda – How do you start a blog? People have tole me its good exposure. Do you have to have a website? I’m not good with this sort of thing yet.

  45. brenda, 14 June, 2010

    @Cheryl Hodges: I started my through google.com. I also use picasa program for my pictures. I edit them then upload them to my folder’s. Then make my comment about them and hit my blog button. The photo’s go straight to my blog as long as I am signed in on my blog page. I do have a website that I started to display my stuff. creativejewelry.showitsite.com. I had it set up so that you can make purchases through paypal but took that page down and added a link to my etsy store. I have been so busy that I haven’t set my store up. The summer is my busiest time with my Day Care business. So.. I am hoping to get it up and running soon.. I would be happy to help, let me know..

  46. Loretta Carstensen, 21 July, 2010

    I love the animal print canes and had fun making these bangle bracelets using them. I used a brass channel bracelet form which gives it good strength. See my bangles at designsbyloretta.blogspot.com

  47. Jocelyn, 21 July, 2010

    @Loretta Carstensen: Loretta, those jungle bracelets are wonderful! Like the brass channel effect, as well. You have a wonderful blog, love the way you set it up.

  48. Cindy Lietz, 21 July, 2010

    @Loretta Carstensen: I agree with Jocelyn… wonderful bracelets! Don’t forget to enter your project pictures into the bead give away contest that is currently running. See link by my name for more info.

  49. Cindy Lietz, 16 September, 2010

    JUST POSTED… Member project photos that relate to the theme of this page… Leopard Cane Polymer Clay Jewelry.

    Polymer Clay Projects

    You can view the larger images by clicking on the link by my name.

    BTW: Thanks to everyone above, who took the time to comment in this thread. Your feedback, support and engaging conversations are always such a wonderful part of my day. Although I don’t get a chance to address everyone individually, please know that I do read and give consideration to everything that is said here. ~Cindy

  50. Jocelyn, 16 September, 2010

    Had fun doing a snow leopard variation, just used white, gray, and black. Really mushed those ridges in well and was delighted with the outcome.

  51. Phaedrakat, 17 September, 2010

    Sounds gorgeous, Jocelyn! Gonna show us at Facebook?

Copyright © Polymer Clay Tutor Bead and Jewelry Making Tutorials