Foxgloves & Raindrops | Polymer Clay Tutorial Vol-071

Crocus Bead Lariat - Polymer Clay Tutor6 Videos #502 to #507: Inspired by the saying, “April Showers Bring May Flowers”, this Spring Tutorial has a little of both!

This tutorial is one of those types of projects that came together, when everything else wasn’t… coming together that is.

I was working on the idea I had for a different tutorial for this month, but no matter how many samples I made, I just couldn’t get excited about the idea. The more I stressed about it, and tried to force it to work, the more stubborn the idea became. It was as though it was telling me, leave me for another day.

Having had this kind of thing happen before, I decided to listen and leave it for a day or so, to see if fresh eyes would help me come up with something better.

With spring around the corner, I kept hearing the saying April Showers… Bring May Flowers so I set out to make some raindrops with translucent polymer clay… even if it was just a temporary distraction from my frustrating attempts at completing this months’ tutorial.

Some playing ensued, and before long, my workbench was covered with raindrops, rainbows and foxgloves galore!

So… out went the stubborn idea… and in came the fresh new easy idea. Much like another Spring related saying for March, In like a Lion… Out like a Lamb!

Wow! Sometimes you just got to let nature take it’s course! Or in this case, let the course take on nature.

So here it goes… enjoy!

Posted just below is a Sneak Peak and overview of my Polymer Clay Foxgloves and Raindrops Tutorial. The rest of the 6 part video series will be posted tomorrow (Friday, April 4, 2014) in Vol-071 at the Polymer Clay Tutor Library.

BTW, if this Polymer Clay Foxgloves and Raindrops tutorial looks exciting to you, please do click that YouTube Like button. Many of you have been giving the Thumbs Up to the weekly YouTube videos, which is great… Thank You! However, these monthly intro clips need some love as well. When they don’t get as many likes, it makes it look like they are not appreciated as much… which surely can’t be true with all the nice comments you all leave :)

Vol-071-1: Video #502: Introduction: In this 6 part video tutorial series, you will learn how to create my original Polymer Clay Foxglove Earrings and Raindrop Pendant deigns. Included are many tips, tricks and techniques that you can use to create  translucent color blends in the colors I suggest, or your own, to make truly one-of-a-kind Foxglove and Raindrop Beads. These pretty and stylistic looking flower beads can then be used to create gorgeous earrings, pendants, and other jewelry projects. As well, you will learn to make Rainbow Raindrop Beads that you can use the make the wire wrapped pendant in Part 5 of this series, or a myriad of other creative jewelry projects of your own.

Pt 2 Foxgloves & Raindrops - Polymer Clay TutorVol-071-2: Video #503:
Rainbow Raindrop Beads:

In this video, I show how to make the custom color blends using Premo Sculpey White Translucent polymer clay and Sharpie Permanent Markers, that will allow you to make the lovely rainbow colored raindrop beads in this Part 2 of the series. I give the exact amounts of clay needed for the project, and teach you how to combine them into custom ink blends in a way that you will be not only surprised about, but will be pleased how easy it is to recreate yourself… even if you are a total beginner.

Pt 3 Foxgloves & Raindrops - Polymer Clay TutorVol-071-3: Video #504:
Sculpted Foxglove Beads:

In this video, you will take what you learned in Part 2 a step further, by creating a new color blend and sculpting it into a beautiful stylized Foxglove Flower that can be used to make the gorgeous flower earrings. You could also make a matching pendant or dangle if desired. Customizing the color blends is easy by following inspiration from Google Images of Foxgloves… or maybe even from your own garden. What you learn in this video can be adapted to other polymer clay projects as well.

Pt 4 Foxgloves & Raindrops - Polymer Clay TutorVol-071-4: Video #505:
Baking and Finishing:

In this lesson, you will learn about some specialized information for baking the translucent polymer clay beads and flowers created in the previous videos of this series. These gorgeous beads need very little finishing, though there are a few small pointers that will help to make your beads look more professional than if you just used them straight from the oven. Both the Raindrops and the foxglove beads are very versatile and can be used in any situation where you would use a teardrop or flower shaped bead… almost anywhere!

Pt 5 Foxgloves & Raindrops - Polymer Clay TutorVol-071-5: Video #506:
Wirewrapped Raindrop Pendant:

In this video you will learn some simple wire wrapping techniques. I talk about what gauge and temper of wire is best suited to make it easy for you to create classy wire jewelry designs for yourself and your friends. The pretty design I show how to make in this Par 5 video, includes a crystal at the bottom that brings a little sparkle to to the project, and makes your rainbow patterned raindrop bead dance in the bright Spring sunshine… just like you will shine when you wear this dainty charm!

Pt 6 Foxgloves & Raindrops - Polymer Clay TutorVol-071-6: Video #507:
Kidney Shaped Ear Wires:

In this video the Foxglove Earrings project comes together! First you will learn how to make your own custom sized Kidney Shaped Ear Wires, one of the most secure of all the earwire designs. You will learn the secrets to making these ear wires in several different sizes, as well as the type of wire and tools that you will need to get them made at a fraction of the cost of purchasing ready made ear wires. With all the tips and tricks I share in this tutorial series, it will leave your head spinning. Let’s just say, once completed, your whole world will be coming up Foxgloves and Raindrops!

Other Suggested Supplies:

  • Knitting Needle.
  • Cotton cloth for buffing.
  • File Folder, Cardstock Aluminum Roasting Pan for tenting.

By the way, many of the “shopping” links I provide for the various tools and supplies used in my tutorials, are “affiliate” resources. That means companies like Amazon and the other suppliers I refer, pay me a small commission if you click on the links and end up making a purchase at their site. It’s not a lot, but every little bit helps in keeping the cost of my tutorials down. And, the prices for products that you may purchase through my links, are exactly the same as what you would normally pay, even if it is a “sale” price. So please feel free to click whenever you need to pick up a few things for your studio. Thanks so much for your support.

The full video series for the Foxgloves and Raindrops tutorial described above, is available in Vol-071 at the Polymer Clay Library.

If you would like to receive 3 free beginner videos right now, plus some free color recipes that get sent out each week in my Friday email newsletter, please click this link: Polymer Clay Tutorials


Please Note: A general prerequisite for all of my monthly library tutorials is that you have a good understanding of the polymer clay basics, including: conditioning clay, using a pasta machine, clay blade and other simple tools, making Skinner Blends, baking clay, as well as sanding and finishing. If you need help in these areas, my Polymer Clay Beginners Course will get you up to speed quickly. There is also plenty of free information on this blog. Use the search box at the top of the page to find articles on specific topics.

Customer Feedback About Membership Value:

Cindy I just wanted to tell you thank you for making so many wonderful instructional and informational videos available on your site. I have been working with polymer clay for a while now, but I am by no means an expert. Your videos often cover techniques I already knew, but your instructions are so clear that several of them are easier now for me. Also, you have an absolutely charming accent which makes you fun to listen to. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate all of your efforts to make clay arts easier and more enjoyable. Thanks again. ~Morgan-S

Hi Cindy, I just want to say that you are a very talented teacher and I enjoy a lot your tutorials her in Denmark. ~Debbie-K

I have many books but your videos are so much more fun and interesting as well as personal, and make me feel like I am not alone in this. Artists need feedback and yours is so helpful, the good and the bad, but the bad is constructive and always gives an alternate way to do things. Also the feedback from all the wonderful members here, really teaches and uplifts ones spirits. ~Cheyrl-B

Thank you, Cindy, for this wonderful community you’ve built! I just love being able to access all of this fantastic information, not only from you but from other really helpful people, as well! ~Phaedrakat

Thank you Cindy! Great tutorial!!! The very first time I made this, they came out wonderfully! Fantastically! Beautifully! And easily!!! I’ve also covered some Crochet hooks for a friend, and she absolutely loves them! Thank you so very much. I just love being the envy of all my crafty friends when I showed them what I make. I also told them what a cool web-site you have with all the great classes! I certainly have gotten my money’s worth!!! ~Naomi-D

The full video series for the Raindrops and Foxgloves tutorial described above, is available in Vol-071 at the Polymer Clay Library.

If you would like to receive 3 free beginner videos right now, plus some free color recipes that get sent out each week in my Friday email newsletter, please click this link: Polymer Clay Tutorials

Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor
  1. Jocelyn C, 03 April, 2014

    Cindy, just love this concept and design, especially using foxglove, one of my favorite flowers. In the lower part of the picture, the row of foxgloves radiate like the aurora borealis is bouncing off them.

  2. Peggy B, 04 April, 2014

    WOW see I picked a great project to come back on. Love the foxglove flower and the jewelry you have designed in reference to it is magnificent. I haven’t been working with clay much at all this past winter and now spring. Hoping to get back into it a little more very soon. I love using translucent with inks and markers. The colors you can come up with are endless.

    Love this tutorial and have missed visiting with everyone here so much. Can’t promise I am back to stay but I will try harder to come around more often.

    Cindy and Doug have once again hit the ball right out of the park with another grand tutorial.

    Thanks so much

  3. elaine faulks, 04 April, 2014

    We all missed you too……Peggy, this tute is awesome
    Good to see you back xx

  4. Patt W, 04 April, 2014

    Welcome back, Peggy! Don’t you just love the colors? Spring has really sprung!

  5. Stephanie Bargelski, 04 April, 2014

    Hi Cindy and Doug, LOVE the foxglove flowers!! The rainbow rain drops are just too CUTE!!!! My question to you is: if you used the marker to paint the dots on the inside of the foxglove, can you brush it right on the clay. If you can, I think the colors would be brighter. Just a thought…
    Stephanie Bargelski

  6. Cindy Lietz, 04 April, 2014

    Hi Stephanie, if you try and do it that way, you will ruin your pens. The tiny dot is ok but coloring it isn’t. Just do it the way I showed you and it should be fine. If you want more color, do the process twice.

  7. elaine faulks, 04 April, 2014

    Hi Cindy,
    I know where I am going as soon as I’ve finished my coffee. Down to the print and copy shop as I spotted the coloured Sharpies on sale last week but only bought the dark set. They only had a couple of the light sets on display, so just hoping they haven’t sold out as it was a good offer.
    Both the wire wrapped teardrop and kidney shaped ear wires I hadn’t attempted before.

    Young sister’s birthday next week, guess what she’s going to get, made by my own fair hands, with expert tuition from our very clever tutor. Thanks so much for for choosing the rainbow as know these colours go with everything…..cheers xx……….

  8. Hannah W, 04 April, 2014

    Signed up today. I am a newcomer to PC (not much better with the computer). I find working with PC fascinating and am anxious to make the gorgeous things I see in the books. I am 96 years old so I guess I’ll have to hurry.

  9. Cindy Lietz, 04 April, 2014

    Welcome Hannah, it is so wonderful to have you here! I love it that you are 96! That gives you all sorts of experience you can bring to your craft! Just because polymer clay is new to you, it doesn’t mean that all the other skills you have learned in your life won’t come in handy when learning about it.

    You are right about polymer clay being fascinating! I am truly mesmerized every day by all the things that can be done with this versatile medium. I think you are going to really love all the great people here in our little PcT family too. Everyone is so helpful and supportive. Just a bunch of real sweeties! Have fun with your new adventure!

  10. Tante Sherry, 23 April, 2014

    Hi Hannah, I just wanted to welcome you also. Cindy and Doug have a wonderful little clay family here. Everyone is so kind and very helpful. If you have a question just pop in and ask, really just pop right on in and someone will help:)

    Have you found the search box at the top right of the home page yet? That little box is a huge help, I use it all the time.

    Have fun and let us know how your doing with the projects. Speaking of projects I’m off to try my hand at these pretty Foxgloves.

  11. Fran V, 04 April, 2014

    WOW is right! These are magnificent. Imaginative and beautiful. What a way to begin my membership.

    And the added benefit of the wire work lesson is great, too.

    Since I am so new to all of this, I am not familiar with using alcohol inks at all. But I watched a video on YouTube about making alcohol inks from Sharpies, and I plan to do that.

    My question to you, Cindy, is what would happen if you used alcohol inks instead of the Sharpies? Would the inks not bleed or mix into the clay as well and not provide such a muted color range? I will play with both when I get my Sharpies ’cause I know experimentation is the best way to learn, but I am wondering what you think.

    And what about painting directly on the clay instead of onto the work surface?

    Thank you so much for such inspiring work.

  12. elaine faulks, 04 April, 2014

    Welcome Fran V Welcome
    To answer your questions, yes you could use alcohol inks and Cindy has some great back issues using these. You have to wait quite a while to let the inks dry and yes they are very strong hues. Sharpies are cheaper, readily available in most stationery stores and dry quicker.

    I think Cindy’s concept and way she uses the Sharpies IS to get this exact effect using muted colours.

    When using translucent clay and muted colours, the finished items seem to have an inner glow reflecting and radiating light. To find out more’ type in chosen words in search box at top of page, where you will find heaps of information useful to you…………………cheers xx……………………….

  13. Fran V, 04 April, 2014

    Thanks for your words of welcome and advice. I have seen your name & comments sprinkled throughout these pages, and you always seem to have something interesting to say. (What a great community)

    You are exactly right, it is that “inner glow reflecting and radiating light” that makes this techniques so special. I plan to experiment with both Sharpies and inks and will let you all know what happens.

  14. Tante Sherry, 04 April, 2014

    Thank you Cindy for such a pretty tutorial – Foxgloves bring back nice memories of growing some from seeds, it took 2 years but my goodness they were worth the wait

    also want to add that the wire working – as you do it, takes the fear of messing up, out of the project – so thank you so much for taking the time to make sure we see each and every step it’s quite the confidence builder

    it is just amazing how you come up with such creative ideas/tutorials each and every month Cindy – Just Amazing:)

  15. Cindy Peterson, 04 April, 2014

    This is a great video and I think I can do the wire wrap. It looked pretty easy. Thank you Cindy for this tutorial and including the wire earrings and wrap.

  16. Patt W, 04 April, 2014

    I do have to order the Sharpies! SOOOOOOO, while I am waiting, I will use inks instead. THEN, naturally, I will have to make more………………Grin.

    This is such a versatile tute ! Wonder what we will make? TY so much. Can’t wait to get started!!

  17. Michele Haffner, 04 April, 2014

    Just loved this tutorial! You tuck so much info into each video. I love the translucent with marker Skinner blend, love the wire wrapping, and of course, love learning how to make the kidney wires. Where can one get so much value from one tutorial? Well done, Cindy and Doug!

  18. Dixie Ann, 04 April, 2014

    I have so many ideas floating through my brain after watching these tutorials. The foxglove is such a pretty delicate flower. I can’t wait to make them. The wire wrap put just the right finishing touch on the bead. I never made kidney wires because they always looked a little complicated but the video was so detailed step by step I am so anxious now to make some as I have a problem losing earrings all the time especially the heavier ones. Short necks and woolen neck scarfs always seem to create this problem. I was equally impressed with the way the sharpie ink was transferred to the clay. Great idea there Cindy! Good to “see” you back Peggy, you’ve been missed.
    Hannah, welcome to our clay family! Take it a step at a time, you will love working with clay and don’t hesitate to jump right in here with questions or input. We love helping one another and share a lot of ideas. Cindy has a search bar at the top of this page that is a virtual library of answers for any questions you might have. Just type in a question and multiple help will pop up for you and if you can’t find it, ask the Blog.
    Best of luck to you and above all, “Have Fun”

  19. Paula G, 05 April, 2014

    I love this video series, you make it so easy to understand. Thanks Cindy.

  20. Laurie Molnar, 06 April, 2014

    Hi PCT folks- here in New Orleans the Michael’s store has Premo, Sculpey and Fimo on sale
    50% off starting today ( Sunday). Just got home with my haul – yay, finally got some Pomegranate!
    Don’t know if they do it everywhere at the same time, but that’s the news from down here :)

  21. Dixie Ann, 06 April, 2014

    Laurie, it’s on sale here also in Cedar Rapids Iowa so have to assume it’s in every store. :)

  22. Shelley B, 08 April, 2014

    Thanks Cindy… Just joined and love learning from you.

  23. Rosmarie Benedetto, 09 April, 2014

    Hi Cindy , I do enjoy your tutorials very much and I try them out as soon they come out. In your latest tutorial: rain drops and foxglove flowers, I encountered a problem with my beads, after I fired them I noticed than every each one of them had crack like flaws in it. I don’t know what I did wrong as if allowed your instructions and use the Premo clay. Would you have any idea what could have happened?


  24. Cindy Lietz, 09 April, 2014

    Hi Rosemarie, thank you for the compliments.

    As far as the little cracks in your translucent clay, that is really common. They are often called monies or plaquing. They tend to be caused by moisture trapped in the clay when raw. To avoid them (or keep them to a minimum) make sure that your hands are dry, your work surface is dry and that the inks you use have dried. Also try and avoid trapping in any air, or overworking the clay, because that can also cause more moons. I kind of like them… they are like flaws you find in real stones. In fact they are often desired when making faux stones.

  25. Virginia L, 10 April, 2014

    I love the tear drops, what a great tutorial, thank you Cindy, your videos have been a great help.

  26. Hannah W, 14 April, 2014

    I just want to say that your video tuts are very helpful – the best I have seen. I made a good investment. Thank you.

  27. Margaret S, 14 April, 2014

    Cindy – I love your videos and wouldn’t want to be without them!

  28. Jennifer Patterson, 17 April, 2014

    Hi Cindy, do you provide notes to go along with your videos? While the videos are great! I actually prefer written tutorials, or at least notes to go along with the video.

  29. Cindy Lietz, 17 April, 2014

    Hi Jennifer – There are no written note supplements for the video tutorials at this time… although it is something that is on the discussion table. As you can imagine with over 500 videos, this would be quite the undertaking to pull off.

    If having written notes would be of interest would be of interest to others… please speak up to let us know if this is something we should invest in.

  30. Jennifer Patterson, 17 April, 2014

    Thank you, maybe it would be easier to add notes going forward, and not worry about those already done.

    For myself I know I would find them handy.

  31. Dixie Ann, 17 April, 2014

    I have to agree with that. Notes on any video would be a great help as I find myself taking notes a lot too.

  32. Carrie H, 18 April, 2014

    Great idea for transferring the Sharpie inks to the clay!

  33. isabelle Belzile, 21 April, 2014

    Love this tutorial! just finished a bunch of crocuses so I cant wait to move on to this! My question Cindy is why use Sharpe markers instead of alcohol inks. I dont have a ton of sharpie colors and before I go spend a decent amount of money I would like to know the reason behind using the markers instead of the alcohol inks.. cant wait to try these now that spring break is over and my minions are back in school!…All the best


  34. Cindy Lietz, 29 April, 2014

    Hi Isabelle, you could certainly use alcohol inks instead if you wish. We have done a similar blend in the Frosted Flower Bead Tutorial. I used the Sharpies in this Foxgloves Tutorial because it was a different way to do things than I had shown before… and a lot of people already have access to Sharpies. But you can do it what ever way you want :)

  35. Dixie Ann, 23 April, 2014

    I haven’t been around much as I’m fighting a very serious case of bronchitis since April 8th and it has finally decided to leave me but am so tired and weak. I am chewing at the bit wanting to try the Crocus and Foxgloves. I had just gotten my beads for the Crocus necklace and ended up sick. These are such delicate spring flowers. I spent a sad birthday in bed sick but was treated to a hot meal, another year of Polymer Clay Cafe, more jewelry for the museum again, beads from my grandaughter and assurances of a new jewel tool when it is available with the new kit! All is not lost! Am so looking forward to May and warmer weather. 40 degrees here today.

  36. Tante Sherry, 23 April, 2014

    So glad to here you are finally on the mend Dixie Ann:) I made two foxgloves, for a pair of earrings, they are about ready to come out of the oven…but when I saw you were finally starting to get better I just had a need to say YAY for you!!!

  37. Dixie Ann, 23 April, 2014

    Thanks Sherry, hope the earrings are fab. Poor Bella I think she is getting my bug. Poor cat is sneezing like crazy! Hope you post them when you get them finished. Would love to see them.

  38. Cindy Lietz, 29 April, 2014

    So sorry to hear that you and Bella have been under the weather, but happy that you are resurfacing again. Happy birthday btw! You’re going to love the JoolTool when we have the kit ready. Looking forward to seeing your new pieces… you always do such a nice job with the tutorials!

  39. Tante Sherry, 25 April, 2014

    Well like I mentioned a couple of days ago I made a pair of Foxgloves
    …but I learned a big lesson—- if your clay is too ‘dry’ your in for some frustration

    So today I will be trying again– and since both my Premo White trans and Frost are too dry I finally have a reason to open the pack of Pardo Art-clay Trans I’ve been hording —- fingers crossed that it is nice and pliable

  40. Cindy Lietz, 29 April, 2014

    Hi Sherry, did you try softening your translucent first with a drop of oil? I really can’t see why that wouldn’t help. Would love to see your pieces when you’re done. Bet the Pardo will look great!

  41. Tante Sherry, 29 April, 2014

    Hi Cindy, well I didn’t us oil, I used tls. Posted a couple of pictures at your FB site. Lol, you can Totally tell which is which:) The Premo Foxgloves looks like a flower that just endured a hail storm :D

    The Pardo was very easy to use with this type of tutorial right out of the package– of course with the blending it was well conditioned by the end. And now that I’ve opened the pack I’m sure it will be easier to try it with other tutorials as well.

    Thanks for this months lesson it was real easy to do the way you taught us

  42. judy u, 27 April, 2014

    I try the sharpie pens tonight with the primo trans. and it seem like the sharpie just dry real fast on the tile, it didn’t look like that wet look like went cindy did it on the tape.I don’t know what I am doing wrong. I used a cheep marker I use for doing water color on card and It made a great rainbow tomorrow I will cook them in the oven and see what happen. Any Ideals why the sharper are not working

  43. Cindy Lietz, 29 April, 2014

    Hi Judy, it could be a couple of things, first your surface maybe too porous and soaking up some of the ink. It could be that your pens are a little dry or that you are taking too long before transferring the ink. Try doing just one color at a time and see if that works.

  44. Marianne H, 29 April, 2014

    Hi Cindy and Judy;

    There is a new product by Tim Holtz called ‘Distress Marker Spritzer’ which I purchased from for $15 and I think that I saw it the other day at either Hobby Lobby or Joann’s Fabrics. has a demo video on its site. It works with any size or brand felt tip marker. I have not had a chance to try mine out, because I am packing up everything for my move. I am working on designing my studio in half of my second bedroom. I probably will be moved in by the end of May.

    Until then, maybe someone can check out the Distress Marker Spritzer and see how it works and if it will solve Judy’s issues mentioned above.

    Also on page 11of the May/June 2014 issue of PolymerCafe, Sculpey is advertising a new line of clay called ‘Sculpey souffle’. It says that there are 22 ‘trendy’ colors that are “strong and will not crack in thick pieces” and that are “amazing for mokume gane and caning”. Very interesting.

    Cindy, hopefully you will do demos on these new products.


  45. Stephanie Bargelski, 29 April, 2014

    Great video!! I made a comment on a video, somewhat like this one and now I emails every time some comments. Please help me to turn off these email. I went out to look for a place, scarded I was going to block your new videos. PLEASE help!!!

  46. Doug Lietz, 29 April, 2014

    Hi Stephanie,

    Any automated emails that come from this web site will always have a link at the bottom that will allow you to “Manage Notifications” — when you click on the link it will take you to a page that will allow you to decide what notifications you do or do not want to receive.

    And so that you know, the reason you would be receiving those emails in the first place, is because you will have checked the box by the “Submit Comment” button, that says, “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail” — For future reference, if you don’t want to receive email notifications from this blog, but still want to leave comments, just make sure you uncheck that box before submitting your comment.

    Make sense?

  47. Terry D, 16 May, 2014

    I’ve always told my son…”If you have to force it, then something’s not right.” This holds true for work, play, & relationships. Love your work. I’m inspired!

  48. cherie, 23 May, 2014

    I made earrings but the markers were drying really fast or maybe the ink in the pen was drying up. I was not too happy as it did not turn out transparent. I used Premo translucent clay. however, they turned out pretty and shimmery and very pastel and both the pairs are sold.

  49. Cindy Lietz, 25 May, 2014

    Hi Cherie, did you use Premo Translucent or Premo White Translucent (aka Frost)? I always use the White Trans for this kind of project… it looks whiter and not as yellow. If your pieces are not getting as translucent as you would like, try pushing up the temperature a little. Translucent likes it a little hotter. That is cool that your pieces sold already though. They sound like they turned out lovely!

  50. cherie, 03 June, 2014

    I used Premo translucent not white translucent. Is that Premo Frost? Have to try it again.

  51. Miz Jinxi, 22 June, 2014

    I watched the full tutorial for this when it was first posted but I hadn’t yet worked it hands on until today. It’s so much fun and easy to follow! I was amazed at the beautiful blended translucent colors from Sharpie Markers! ~ Who would’ve thought? ~ I made both the Raindrops and Foxgloves and they came out so pretty. Wonderful fun tutorial…Thanks Cindy!?

  52. Isabelle Balderas, 28 February, 2016

    How do you make foxglove charm with polymer clay can you send me the tutorial please.

  53. Cindy Lietz, 29 February, 2016

    Hi Isabelle, here is the direct link where you can purchase the Foxglove Tutorial… Enjoy :-)

  54. Billy Franklin, 14 December, 2021

    Cindy I wrote you last week about this problem about my colors was drying up too fast before I could get them on my cernet translucent white clay well you told me that my generic markers was the problem and I bought some sharp’s . I have new problem the clay was picking up the colors not exactly like you showed but they was picking it up so I fold them with the colors inside like you said and put the folded ends up and when I put it through my pasta machine the colors vanished again. What am I doing wrong cause I really wanted to do these tear drop and fox gloves.

  55. Cindy Lietz, 14 December, 2021

    Hi Billy, I’m not sure exactly what is happening, but try and do the process a few more times and see if that builds up the concentration. The other option is to color directly onto the clay with your pen, but use a gentle touch, so you don’t get a bunch of clay stuck on the felt pen nib. Also make sure to wipe the felt nib off if you do get any clay on it. Try those things and let me know if that works.

  56. Billy Franklin, 15 December, 2021

    Cindy I have a few questions: on the pendant and tear drop why did you put a wire though it and baked. And then you drilled a tear drop is there a reason why you drill one way and then another you put a wire through the pendant and the tear drop….. And on the pasta machine I put on the widest number 1 is that a good number on which the put the clay through it I didn’t hear you say what number you used after you put on the colors on the clay.

  57. Cindy Lietz, 15 December, 2021

    Hi again Billy, whenever I am making a bead that I will be putting a wire through, like I did on that pendant, I always bake them on a bead piercing pin first to bake, then drill the hole larger after baking. If you try and push a larger pin through a bead, it is not only harder to push through the bead straight, it also causes more distortion. The finer pin always makes a nicer hole. Drilling after also makes for a cleaner hole in exactly the size that you need. You don’t want a big, sloppy hole that flops around on a smaller wire.

    Also, when drilling, drill one side first at least halfway through the bead and then from the other direction to meet in the middle. This ensures, clean holes on both ends. If you just try and drill straight through, sometimes the hole will blow out on the other side and look messy.

    In regard to the pasta machine thickness, it looks like I used the thickest setting while blending, though that won’t really make any difference in this particular technique.

    Hope that helps.

  58. Billy Franklin, 15 December, 2021

    Yes that helps. By the way Cindy you are a very good teacher. Me and my wife has talked about what a good teacher you are. You are very good and tell it how it is and you laugh alot and I like that. That is the reason why I have purchased many of your videos and not spend time looking a very good video online elsewhere you cover it all.

  59. Cindy Lietz, 16 December, 2021

    Thank you, Billy, that is really lovely of you to say! <3

  60. Billy Franklin, 01 April, 2022

    Cindy i know i could wait until Wednesday but instead of waiting i would ask now. I am making sunflower earrings and I am putting a post on them. How can I put on the post can I put on the sculpey bake and bond on top of the post or do I put some clay around the post if I do that won’t that look tacky in other words not good.

  61. Cindy Lietz, 01 April, 2022

    Hi Billy, my favorite way to do backs on earring posts is to use a drop of superglue gel and then put a thin rolled out sheet of clay on the back. If you don’t want to cover the whole back, a small circle of translucent clay, a little larger than the post back, looks very nice. Watch this video, and you will see what I mean… (You can also use Loctite Gel instead of the Lisa Pavelka Super Glue).

  62. Billy Franklin, 04 April, 2022

    Cindy another little issue I am having on making sunflower earrings is where did you get your tiny cutter that you use to cut out to the center of the flower like the one above you showed me also I need a small flower cutter like those little sunflower cutter. About the same size of your small cutter maybe a little bigger. And thanks for telling me about that glue I ordered one and I think it can help me.

  63. Cindy Lietz, 04 April, 2022

    Hi Billy, I am not sure which cutters you are referring to, but there are an insane number of small cutters available now. There are 3-D Printed ones, molded plastic ones and of course metal ones. Just do a search on Amazon for mini cutters, if you’re looking for smaller ones.

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