Polymer Clay Spotlight Summary (Part 4) 2009-11-06 to 2009-12-18

Polymer Clay Spotlight Features“You have inspired me to get my hands in the clay instead of just looking at all the wonderful things Cindy shows us.” ~Maureen-G

It’s the holidays and I am taking a bit of break. In case you missed the announcement, the changed schedule for the weekly color recipes and videos, is posted here: Polymer Clay Tutor Holiday Schedule. And to give you something to read here at the blog, I am providing a 4 part series with links to all of the Spotlight Features from the last 6 months. They are very inspirational.

Sorry Melinda, but I’ve got to say it… FABULOUS!!!! I wish I was half as brave as you to try all the new techniques. It takes me a long time to work up to trying one, never mind all of them. Great job. And now you have inspired me to get my hands in the clay instead of just looking at all the wonderful things Cindy shows us. Thanks for sharing!~Maureen-G


As an idea for the comments while I am on my little break, Peggy-B suggested that everyone think back over the past year and share some thoughts about your favorite lesson(s) so far… or perhaps talk about an proud accomplishment that happened for you with your polymer clay.

Thank you Peggy for making this suggestion. I value everyones comments as special gifts, and appreciate all of you very much. And now here is Part 4 of the four part Spotlight Summary Series:

November 6, 2009: Melinda Herron:

Enthralled with Her Wire Work & Polymer Clay Bead Making Projects —  “My interest turned to copper work and findings, as soon as I figured out you need a…” ~Melinda-H (Helena, Montana, USA)

November 13, 2009: Zuleykha McMillan:

Polymer Clay Faux Pebbles and Millefiori Flower Cane Beads —  “I am in love with polymer clay, and think this hobby is going to last for many years.” ~Zuleykha-M (Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK)

November 20, 2009: Loretta Carstensen:

Pear Earrings Made From Polymer Clay | Oktoberfest Theme Jewelry —  “Everyone was looking over all the earrings so they could select the perfect pair of pears.” ~Loretta-C (Palm Springs, California, USA)

November 27, 2009: June Frederick:

Polymer Clay as Creative Art Therapy for Muscle & Shoulder Injury “Working with polymer clay has helped to strengthen my muscles and puts me in a zone where… all cares are moot.” ~June-F  (Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA)

December 4, 2009: Jackie Norris:

Making Polymer Clay Beads & Jewelry to Help Cope with a Sad Loss —  “I still have to take it one day at a time. But… all the wonderful support here has given me confidence to continue.” ~Jackie-N (Spanish Fort, Alabama, USA)

December 11, 2009: Alexa Kazashinskaya:

Polymer Clay as a Happy Distraction for Coping with a Disability —  “When I’m working with polymer clay I can forget for a while about the pain…” ~Alexa-K (Originally from Uzbekistan in Tashkent City, Russia; Now living in Antwerp, Belgium)

December 18, 2009: Ileana Buhan:

Start Selling Your Polymer Clay Jewelry, Her Friends Say (I Agree) —  “I am only a beginner and am very anxious to hear what the members of this community will say about my work.” ~Ileana-B (Eindhoven, Netherlands)

Links to All 4 Articles in this Spotlight Summary Series:

Polymer Clay Spotlights (Part 1) 2009-07-12 to 2009-07-31
Polymer Clay Spotlights (Part 2) 2009-08-07 to 2009-09-11
Polymer Clay Spotlights (Part 3) 2009-09-18 to 2009-10-23
Polymer Clay Spotlights (Part 4) 2009-11-06 to 2009-12-18

Thanks again for everything! I love the spotlight you did for me. I just sat there crying as I read all the wonderful comments! My mother was very proud too!! ~Marsha-N

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More info here: Polymer Clay Video Gift Certificates
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Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor

  1. Catherine, 28 December, 2009

    Merry Christmas to all.

    Cindy thank you soooo much for your videos and all your ready help whenever needed. I made 20 dozen tamales and would love to have contributed some to your Christmas meal to save you some time and energy in your kitchen. Please take this time to relax and renew your strength for the coming year! Catherine.

  2. Penny V, 28 December, 2009

    Happy Christmas Cindy and I hope you have a well deserved (albeit brief) rest – you are a role model to us all at many levels. Penny.

  3. Louise Traylor, 28 December, 2009

    I hope you and your family have had a wonderful, safe Christmas and I am so happy to know you took time off for yourself and your family. Hugs, Louise.

  4. Bonnie, 28 December, 2009

    Cindy – I just wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and thank you for all the wonderful work you do. It seems like every day when I’m doing clay, something I learned from you jumps up into what I’m doing to make what ever it is easier and better and naturally I have to think about you. Thanks again, you really make this fun. Bonnie.

  5. Tiffany, 28 December, 2009

    Cindy, Merry Christmas to you and yours!! I have been trying to decide what my favorite video has been, and I think it has to be the water color beads. Or maybe the faux raku. But then again it could be the gold leaf and alcohol inks one. I could also say it was the mica shift technique. No no I think it is the variegated rose. Yes thats it. I think… Tiffany.

  6. Cindy Lietz, 28 December, 2009

    @Catherine: I would have loved to have included your tamales at our Christmas dinner table. They would have been a welcome addition. It’s always been a pleasure helping you.

    @Penny: Thanks for the Christmas message. I wish for you great success in 2010 with your new polymer clay venture in the UK.

    @Louise: Christmas was wonderful. Thank you very much for thinking of me.

    @Bonnie: You are very welcome Bonnie. I absolutely love how you use the words “easier” and “better” and “Fun” to describe my teachings. Thank you so much.

    @Tiffany: You are funny! If you think it was difficult to choose a favorite in 2009, just wait for 2010. It’s going to be a fun year of polymer clay tutorials. I can’t believe 2009 is almost over.

  7. Tiffany, 29 December, 2009

    Have you heard of or tried the new polymer clay called “pardo”? I was just curious what you thought about it.

  8. Cindy Lietz, 29 December, 2009

    Hi Tiffany – No I’ve not had a chance to try Pardo yet, but the topic has been discussed a few times here at the blog. You can use “Pardo” as the keyword in the search box at the top of the page to find the references.

  9. Bette, 31 December, 2009

    Happy New Year to all!
    Thanks Cindy for another great year of information and videos about polymer clay. You are the best!

    I have not tried Pardo yet, but there is a great review by Angela “The Crafty Goat” on her blog.craftygoat.com/2009/09/review_pardo_jewellery_clay.html
    She also has several links to other blogs/sites with information on this clay.

    I hope this information is useful to some of you in clay land.
    I am anticipating the fun year in 2010, both for claying and just living the good life. The best to alll of you for 2010!

  10. Cindy Lietz, 06 January, 2010

    You are so welcome Bette! I have not tried Pardo yet either. Sounds interesting though.

    I am anticipating a fun 2010 too! Looking forward to all the great beads we can make together. Happy New Year to you and all the ones you love!

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