Comparing New JoolTool Design To Previous Version

Brand New JoolTool Design - Polymer Clay TutorVideo #568: More videos coming soon… on how to use a JoolTool with Polymer Clay. Let me know if you are interested…

Topics Covered In This Video:

  • Brand new “squared” JoolTool Design… unboxing.
  • Previous videos on the JoolTool, most recently the demo with Vancouver Polymer Clay Guild.
  • JoolTool User’s Guide.
  • New square design is versatile can be used in standing position, on its side or carried by handle for portable use.
  • New model has Aluminum sidewalls, rather than all plastic like the previous verision of this tool.
  • Hood (guard) can be removed for storage or when using as a handheld tool.
  • Lots of accessories, including a flex shaft for drilling, polishing, carving and other cool techniques you need a rotary hand tool for.
  • Set of rotary disks and wheels for using with flex shaft (miniature versions of the larger JoolTool Accessories).
  • Diamond drill bits/carving bits.
  • Drill Bits.
  • Not shown very well in this video, but they will be in future clips, are the other abrasive disks, wheels and buffing felt… all for sanding and finishing polymer clay surfaces.
  • Pearl Vise for drilling small round polymer clay beads (and pearls).
  • Older and new machines are approximately the same size and power.
  • Stand on new machine is removable, so that this tool can be used either upright or on its side.
  • Drawer in stand can be used for storing extra tools, or it can be used as water tray for wet sanding.
  • Sides on shroud hood are higher than in previous design, which helps keep beads from flying out.
  • I have developed the perfect kit for polymer clay and will be doing a launch of this product with lots of great demos and bonuses very soon. So stay tuned…

Do you have any suggestions for videos on tips, techniques or products you would like to learn more about? Let me know in the comments section below!

My goal is to help you to learn quicker and easier ways to bring up the professionalism in your polymer clay art.

Oh and don’t forget to give these videos a Thumbs Up click at YouTube if you are enjoying them. The more Likes a video gets, the higher it rises in the searches. And that means even more people will be able to join in on this polymer clay journey of a lifetime.

Also, by subscribing to our YouTube Channel directly, you will receive notifications as soon as new videos are uploaded. To subscribe, click here… Unboxing of the Brand New “Squared” JoolTool Design … the Subscribe Button is right near the top of that YouTube page.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor
  1. Marianne H, 11 September, 2014

    Can’t wait!!!!!!!!!! Want to order it right now!!!!! Early Christmas present to myself. Ok, I’ll try to wait so I order the right stuff!!!!! I’m such a tool or gadget junkie! :)


  2. Jill V., 11 September, 2014

    I am very interested!

  3. Janice G, 11 September, 2014

    Really looking forward to more details about the ‘perfect kit’
    This bad boy is on my wish list!

  4. Patt W, 12 September, 2014

    What a great tool ! Glad you put together a “Kit for PC”. There are so many choices , it would be hard to pick……………….Sigh, unless PCH comes thru with lots of money, the tool is out of my buying zone. But, I will be watching you use all the goodies! TY

  5. DawnB, 12 September, 2014

    Oh! More please. I’ve been looking at this tool ever since you introduced it to us. Thank you so much for taking the time to work out the accessories that work well with polymer clay. Perfect! I’ve watched Anie’s videos using polymer clay (I recognize that round brain cane bead! LOL) and have considered ordering the polymer clay kit. So glad I procrastinated. Can’t wait to learn more, and get my hands on one.

  6. Freda K, 12 September, 2014

    I guess I’m in the minority on this. It was interesting watching you work on the jooltool, but unless you are going to buy one (which is too expensive for my small business) I think there has been enough said about it. However, if you do do more vids on it I’ll probably watch them just because I like your videos.

  7. Jocelyn C, 12 September, 2014

    Aren’t business expenses written off on your taxes?

  8. Jocelyn C, 12 September, 2014

    The more I watch this video and compare all the equipment we clay crafters accumulate to sell their work (yeh, I see in all in those cupboards, and furniture, rofl), against the “kit” C & D just showed us, I am astounded by how self contained and multi-purposeful this device will be in our lives.

    Some lady on a homekeeping comment said she brought it into a dining room before a big fairly formal get together, and she used the flex shaft to make the dinnerware and crystal sparkle. She did the same for all the glass vases she used for tall floral arrangements. Ahem, and the family silver, she intimated it filled a dinner for eight table.

    This product might change the way we care for our home, to maintain valuables from ski jets to grandmother’s pearls. If you could put a blower feature in there, it would be perfect.

    Let the future begin….

  9. Bertha A., 14 September, 2014

    The first time I saw a demo for JoolTool Anie used it to polish sterling silver jewelry. Depending on the attachment used it can be used for a variety of purposes. I got it to minimize the number of tools in my jewelry-making area. I know the home mechanic/handy person can use it for various purposes.

  10. Dixie Ann, 12 September, 2014

    I am so glad I waited and got the latest model of the Jool Tool. I really like all the new features and one of my favorites is the water tank that attaches right to the front. Now if only I could find a hose attachment that fits when I do my sanding as it does create a fine dust that gets all over including me!
    I have been using mine now for a couple of months and can tell you I would never go back to the old ways. I would encourage everyone to put this on their Christmas list. If ever there was a tool made for the woman artist, this is it!

  11. Gail L, 12 September, 2014

    Am definitely interested in obtaining more info; or if you decide to get a Jooltool pkg together with all the tools, etc. PCers might need I one order form would be great. It would also be great to not have to search the “unknown” tools for the Jooltooll; and to have someone like Cindy who has been there/done that with the Jooltool products. Ibought a buffer at HomeDepot & is very bulky, dust flies everywhere & the buffing wheel is too massive for delicate PC.
    Thx Cindy!

  12. Marianne O., 12 September, 2014


    I can’t wait to get one of these kits, but I have a Foredom Flexshaft tool for my jewelry making. I would still want the ninja discs and the proper 3M discs and buffs for the clay. I wonder, is there a way to get the kit without the flexshaft? I would imagine there is, but if not, what kind of expense is a person looking at for the ‘perfect kit’? Are we talking $500 or less? Just curious because I have a 50th birthday coming up. I think the designer is brilliant, and I give her 2 thumbs up!

  13. Cindy Lietz, 14 September, 2014

    Hi Gail Yes you will be able to buy the kit without the Flexshaft. And the price will be closer to the $400 mark. But just wait until we put the promos out… we’ll have some cool bonuses and prizes and such. It will be soon…

  14. Catherine Endres, 13 September, 2014

    I am so glad you are doing a kit and explanations of the Jool tool for polymer clay. Anything that saves time, but gives you the results is something I’m all for. Can’t wait to see whats next!

  15. Ginny M, 13 September, 2014

    Hi Cindy ,

    Thank you for this video, I love my jooltool . The time it saves is remarkable, not to mention the strain on my hands and wrists. I cant wait for more videos on it.

    Ginny M.

  16. Cathy P, 14 September, 2014

    You can purchase a basic Jool Tool without the flex shaft and accessories. I purchased the simplest kit from Jewel School on files pay. This helped me manage the finances of the purchase. I am SO looking forward to Cindy’s product offerings and tutorials.

    Cathy in MD

  17. Bertha A., 14 September, 2014

    So happy to see the last two videos. Since this is fall travel time and I am still working on organizing my work area, I can be patient for a few more weeks to get the special polymer kits! But I’ll be ready mid-November, hint, hint! ;-)

    The price is hefty but it can do the work of several tools for some. And keep in mind that it might be easier to find used older models at a good price as some people switch to the new version. I went ahead and got mine a while ago because I have other uses for it, but now I am half-thinking of selling my older model and getting the new one. :-)

  18. Jocelyn C, 17 September, 2014

    Bertha, agree one hundred percent on the value.

    If I go back and add up all the money I have spent on tumblers, Dremels, Foredom products, etc., over the years, it doubles or triples the customized polymer clay entry level JoolTool.

    A new clayer? Does everything but bark like a dog, lol. Oldtimers….it’s a lifetime investment, and pretty dang portable. Beach vacations? Perfect.

    Still need to hand finish occasionally. But for those that need volume? No more pain.

  19. Julia G, 27 September, 2014

    Dear Cindy,

    Here are a couple of photos of a wonderful sawhorse JoolTool Table we made that is easy to make and could work for others.

    After getting my Jool Tool I had to try it out right away, but as it wasn’t fastened down it wobbled. After a trip to Home Depot and a little effort we made a small sawhorse that is SOLID! small and has variable height and width! It takes up little room and can be easily moved, but it does stay put. Essentially you buy a “kit” (see box in photos) which is 4 forged metal pieces, and rubber “shoes” for about $60. Then you buy the appropriate wood, also not too expensive, and create the sawhorse of your and your Jool Tool’s dreams! I am so hoping that this may be helpful to many people, although, unfortunately it is only available in Canada at Home Depot, so members in other countries may have trouble getting it. It was designed by a Canadian and appeared on “The Dragon’s Den” TV show.

    I thank you again for all the work you and Doug do to bring Polymer Clay into my life and home. Thanks to you I am completely engrossed! Your tutorials are AMAZING!

    I SO wanted to share this easy Jool Tool set-up, because before I found it I had NO idea how to solve the problem of a Jool Tool needing to be well fastened down, and at a lower level than a work table!

    JoolTool Sawhorse Table

  20. Jocelyn C, 27 September, 2014

    Wow, great idea, I appreciate the share.

    For me, I visualize one of those hydraulically run adjustable height and tilt tables. The closest thing I have seen to my mind’s eye model was in the hospital….what the nurses use while they provide care. Just clamp it on, lol.

    I need to change positions frequently to be able to stick at something for awhile. Have tons of stock to sand and polish.

  21. Cindy Lietz, 29 September, 2014

    That is really awesome Julia! Thank you so much for sharing your idea and pictures! With that sawhorse you can easily adjust the height if you changed chairs or stools too. Very clever!

  22. Karen Kann, 09 November, 2014

    I’m SO excited to hear more about this product and to purchase it when you come out with the package/bundle!! One of my pieces is being published in Bead Style next month (no clay, but crystals and pearls) and I’ve decided that my compensation is going towards paying for this handy gem!! Last week it took me the entire Frozen movie to sand and buff two pieces. Not anymore – can’t wait!!! Thanks for all the trialing and hard work you’ve put into this Cindy!

  23. Cindy Lietz, 10 November, 2014

    Congratulations on the published work Karen! That is very cool!! Hopefully we will have the launch done real soon. It is very difficult for us to do the extra stuff fast since we already do so much with our everyday business responsibilities. But we are getting there. Stay tuned…

  24. Krithika P, 29 December, 2014

    I’m an amateur clayer and try to do as much as I can over the weekends and any time I get away from my full time day job. The most time consuming (and least fun) part of the process is the sanding and finishing stage. I would love to see a tool that would cut down the finishing time for my assorted beads n such. I’ve been very impressed with the demos I’ve seen so far, but I’m not very convinced on how this will work for small round beads or other objects that aren’t flat (like a bangle for instance). I’d love to see some videos on using this for sanding and polishing pieces of different shapes and sizes.

  25. Cindy Lietz, 30 December, 2014

    Hi Krithka, I can understand that. The JoolTool does a beautiful job sanding the rounded piece. You just need to use brushes with different grits and the buffing wheel. (All of which I demonstrate in the training videos we filmed.) It will also get right into crevices and is much easier on your hands to hold the piece than it is with regular hand sanding. Tiny round beads are possible if you put them on a wire first… though those guys are usually easiest done using a rock tumbler which will do many at once. I personally go to my JoolTool for every project and would miss it very much if it were gone.

  26. Krithika P, 30 December, 2014

    Hi Cindy,

    Thank you for the quick reply! Your answer gives me hope. I’m really looking forward to seeing your demos.

  27. Denise B, 14 January, 2015

    So looking forward getting what I really need…but not buying something I’ll rarely use, so I can hardly wait for Cindy’s list!

  28. Veronica Farne, 07 May, 2015

    Hi Cindy,
    Will your JoolTool promotion be announced here on the beadsandbeading website, and will you do a video with all the bits and pieces of the kit? I don’t do facebook and I am worried it will only appear on there and I won’t see it.

  29. Cindy Lietz, 08 May, 2015

    Hi Veronica – have you already purchased a JoolTool machine? I can’t remember if you told me or not. Please use email to discuss this further… or use the this Contact Us link.

    It’s been a long time coming, but I am now an official JoolTool “Ambassador” for Anie. It means we are now able to “unofficially” begin our promotion for those of you who have been anxiously waiting to purchase your very own JoolTool.

    As I said above, for anyone interested in more info… send me an email or use the Contact Us link.

  30. Betty Bolerjack, 15 June, 2015

    Well, I wish I had seen this before I ordered! I thought I had checked all the blog posts before ordering and I almost emailed you, Cindy. I guess I should have! BUT, I just talked to Anie and I’m getting the newest JoolTool! I’m so excited!!! Unfortunately, they are backordered, so I’ll have to wait until the first week of July. I’ll be back to update you when I get it!

  31. Cindy Lietz, 15 June, 2015

    Hi Betty… it’s not too late… I just sent you an email with details about what you need to do to have your order go through our official JoolTool Ambassador code… which is… PCT (go figure :-)

    And so that everyone knows, there is a big benefit when you use my PCT code in the Coupon Box at Anie’s Web Site. You see… Doug and I are putting together an extensive video course, that will show you how to use your JoolTool properly.

    We’re going the extra mile by putting together this video course, because we’ve seen too many clayers using their new JoolTool incorrectly… which has caused a lot of unnecessary frustration for them.

    The machine has traditionally been used by wire jewelry and gem artisans (with hard materials), and as such, most all of the existing training videos are not very helpful for polymer clayers. We want to ensure that your JoolTool will be a joy to use, as it is for me.

    The course is not ready for distribution yet, but when you use my PCT Ambassador Code when placing your order at Anie’s Web Site, we will make sure you get on the list to receive the follow up course at no extra cost… just as soon as it is ready for release. Our bonus gift to you :-)

    Also be sure to email me a copy of your final payment receipt. Anie is requiring that we send her proof of each purchase that she can cross reference with the orders placed using our PCT Ambassador code.


  32. Betty Bolerjack, 16 June, 2015

    Thanks, Cindy! I found your emails this morning and have followed your instructions. Why, oh, why don’t I listen to those inner promptings, like the one that told me to email you before placing my order!?! LOL Hopefully, it is all straight now.

  33. Betty Bolerjack, 15 July, 2015

    Just wanted you to know that my JoolTool is on the way! Yippee!!! It’s due to arrive on Friday. My husband says I need to get everything else done (Haha! We are still getting settled after our move!) before it arrives! ;-)

  34. Cindy Lietz, 17 July, 2015

    That is very exciting news about you getting your JoolTool Betty! You’ll have a lot of fun with it this Summer!

  35. Betty Bolerjack, 18 July, 2015

    Thanks, Cindy! I was beginning to wonder if UPS got lost! LOL It finally arrived around 6:15. I got it set up and played with it a bit last night. I’m already learning some things and will email you later with a couple of questions I have. I’m trying to get some good photos to show you. It does make sanding easier, but there is definitely a learning curve! :-)

  36. Dawn B, 20 July, 2015

    Woot! I’m so excited. My Jooltool arrived today! I’m going to have to cancel everything but playing with it for a few days. Do you think my boss will mind?

  37. Michele Apps, 09 September, 2015

    hi Cindy just wondering does the jooltool run on 240 volt? im in Australia, and would love to get one. thanks

  38. Cindy Lietz, 11 September, 2015

    Hi Michelle, this is what I found on the JoolTool site in the FAQ section:

    Does the JOOLTOOL work on 240V electrical systems?
    Yes! The power adapter works from 110 to 240V electrical outlets and automatically converts to the necessary output voltage (12V). That is why the Jooltool is trusted by professionals around the world!

    So the answer is yes!

    If you are going to order one, make sure to read this comment first.

  39. Marie Lilley, 01 March, 2016

    Hi Cindy,

    I thought your UK and European followers might be interested to know that the JoolTool and some accessories are now available to purchase in the UK from the Metal Clay website, and Shayna at Metal Clay said when I emailed them that if there was anything specific for the JoolTool that wasn’t on the site to contact them. – Good news all round! Just need more UK Suppliers to sell products from USA and far off places.
    Hope all is going well with the new web site.

  40. Cindy Lietz, 09 March, 2016

    Thanks Marie for the update! Things are not going as well as we would like with the website, but we’ll eventually get there. Thanks for asking.

  41. Veronica Farne, 15 March, 2016

    Hi Cindy,
    Looking forward to your video on the Jooltool that you mentioned would come with the package you offered. I have used mine a couple of times, but gave up. I got sick of either getting “divits” in my work, or the opposite “scratches” that I can’t seem to remove. I have got the square one.
    So It’s back to the buffer for now.

  42. Cindy Lietz, 17 March, 2016

    Veronica, unfortunately we have been so overloaded with everything we are trying to do, that we haven’t been able to put the course together yet. As far as getting scratches and divots, that sounds like you are using the machine at way too high a speed. Slow it right down and you should get much better results.

  43. L Smith, 23 June, 2019

    Is the motor power same in new model

  44. Cindy Lietz, 25 June, 2019

    I believe the motor was improved in the new model but you could confirm that with the manufacturer.

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