Video #216: “At over $6 per color (plus S&H), to buy paints that’ll crackle on your clay, I couldn’t help but think there must be a better way!” ~Cindy Lietz
More often than not, the answer to a complicated problem is usually super simple. I’m talking so dead simple that you wonder why there was even a problem in the first place.
This was the case with my crackled paint technique. Well, not really the crackling part since that is something that many other clayers have been doing quite successfully for a while now. But rather… which paints to recommend for using with your polymer clay.
The problem you see, is that not all acrylic paints work for crackling on clay. Some crack well but tend to flake off. Others are too flexible and just keep stretching, not cracking at all. Sure there are products that work beautifully, but they tend to be on the expensive side at over $6.00 per color. And the paint brands that work can be hard to find, which usually means extra costs to have the product shipped.
Whenever possible, I try to avoid teaching techniques using materials that are difficult to source. But I still really wanted to teach you the Crackled Paint technique, because it is such a simple thing to learn, and it looks so fantastic.
Then it hit me… as I was was stirring the color around in one of my containers of metallic paint. I thought, why not just use readily available polymer clay supplies and materials to mix up metallic paints in any color that you choose!?
This way you know the they will be compatible…. AND since batches can be mixed up in small amounts, it would hardly cost a thing to have tons of colors. What could be simpler than that!?!!
To make this long story short, the answer I was searching for was right under my nose… and I would like to share it with all of you!
You always come up with the most inexpensive way to get around things. ~Bette-L
Cindy – I really appreciate your cost-cutting tips. Thanks for everything. ~Sherry-L
Cindy has this uncanny knack of taking a complex technique and simplifying the process. ~Cara-L
So… coming up tomorrow (Friday August 12th 2011) in the Vol-039-2 members video at the Polymer Clay Tutor Library, not only will I be demonstrating how to get the stunning Crackled Paint affect on your polymer clay projects, but I will also share my unique recipe for making metallic acrylic paints that work perfectly with this popular technique. Mystery solved!
Please Note: A general prerequisite for all of my weekly tutorials is that you have a good understanding of the polymer clay basics, including: conditioning clay, using a pasta machine, clay blade and other simple tools, making Skinner Blends or Teardrop Blends, baking clay, as well as sanding and finishing. If you need help in these areas, my Polymer Clay Beginners Course will get you up to speed quickly. There is also plenty of free information on this blog. Use the search box at the top of the page to find articles on specific topics.
Supplies & Tools: Video-039-2 Crackled Paint Technique:
- Polymer clay in color of your choice. For the demo I used, Black 5042 Premo Sculpey
- Pearl Ex Pigment Powders or other fine mica powder of your choice.
- Paintbrushes, water, paper towel.
- Empty paint pots or small containers.
- Small spatula or spoon for mixing.
- Pasta Machine or acrylic roller.
- Blow dryer (optional).
- Sculpey Glossy Glaze.
- Optional supplies depending on what you want to make with your crackled clay sheet or veneer: Scrap clay; Cookie cutters; Clay blade; Bead rack and piercing pins; Clay mat’ UV Resin, Bezels; Etc. etc., etc.
The full version of the Vol-039-2 Crackled Paint Technique video will be posted in the Polymer Clay Members Library on Friday Aug 12, 2011. But if you would like to see a sneak peek intro clip right now, scroll down the page a bit to the video player below.
The full version of the “Crackled Paint Technique” preview video shown above, is now available for purchase at the Polymer Clay Library in the Volume-039 Back Issue Package.
Customer Feedback About Membership Value:
What a great month of tutorials! The fantastic Johnny Jump Up – Pansy – Viola cane that must have taken SO much work to film. I just loved it! The metal bezels — so cool, and such a great way to add metal to a clay design. And for such a low, low price! The flashing was 59 cents at Ace Hardware — super inexpensive, just as Cindy told us. The Faux Jade was fabulous, as are all of the vids, and it reminded me that I haven’t used my molds in awhile. I definitely want to put them to use! And last, but not least, the cute little puffy beads, which is a wonderful way to use a favorite cutter to make an adorable 3-D bead! Once again, I can say my $3.32 was well-spent! Seriously, people are missing out when they don’t join up! I remember when I was on-the-fence. I missed out on some great tutorials at very low prices. I’m so glad I’m a member now! Thank you Cindy and Doug! And thanks to all of the members who make this place such a great hang-out! ~Phaedrakat
Thank you very much for the beginner course videos too. They are really helpful. It was money well spent. Sincerely. ~Sharon-D
I don’t know how you come up with these ideas, but I praise God every Friday for giving the two of you your special gifts. You start us on the path of a new creation with endless possibilities every Friday. The love you have for your art and your students comes out in our Awesome lessons and every 3 months in our bills. Am I grateful for the low cost… yes! BUT I think and would not be upset in anyway if you feel you should raise your fees. There is nowhere else on or off the internet you could get a lesson half this good for twice the money. I know becasue I have taken many lessons on-line and in studio’s and classrooms. I have learned more from you for a fraction of the money. I have not met a person yet who doesn’t like to save money and time. How about you???? Come on join NOW!!!!! I promise you won’t regret one minute or cent of it. Hurry. Thanks for another super Friday team Lietz!!!! Many Uuuuuuuuggggggggs. ~Peggy-B
The following topics are included in this week’s Polymer Clay Tutor Library, Crackled Paint Technique video tutorial:
- See several examples of the Crackled Paint Technique used in a variety of colors, shapes and designs including earrings, cabochons, beads, Pandora style beads, and bezels.
- Discussion of the tools, supplies and techniques needed to create this simple and stunning polymer clay technique.
- Find out how to make your own gorgeous metallic paints that can be used on any polymer clay project, for a fraction of the cost of regular metallic acrylic mediums that you’ll want to make it in tons of colors!
- Learn cool tricks for getting the look of a crackled metallic finish that is not only beautiful but easy to do.
- Plus, with some creativity and ingenuity, there are many ways to come up with other unique designs of your own.
The full version of the “Crackled Paint Technique” preview video shown above, is now available for purchase at the Polymer Clay Library in the Volume-039 Back Issue Package.
I am such a fan of the crackled paint look – so to be able to make my own crackle paints is priceless.
I’ve started to become excited about thursday as much as Friday !!! Love to see what we’ll be doing the next day….lol.
oh yes me too — and this Thur was a treat—I just saw that crackel paint at Michael’s so very happy to have past by with just a glance :)@pollyanna:
This is going to be a fun tutorial, I love the crackled look. Saving money! you have my attention. LOL Looking forward to watching the full tutorial. :)
Your beads are just beautiful. I love all things crackle, so I can’t wait until tomorrow.
Oooh, so pretty — love looks you’ve created in these pieces! Looking forward to seeing this video, and the technique you’ve come up with…
I agree with pollyanna – Thursdays are great especially the taster of the Friday video and list of supplies needed. I got some crackle medium ages ago but never had the courage to try it on ploymer clay. So thanks Cindy, another great idea that just kinda popped into your head. What brain-food do you eat? Must try it:}
I love Thursdays too. As much as I look forward to what we will be doing, I think I am equally excited to see the pieces Cindy includes as examples. This week’s are especially exquisite. Can’t wait to see more.
Wow Cindy, What a fab tutorial. Really enjoyed this one. I’m always so interested in different surface techniques. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderfully innovative ideas.
Hi Cindy and all, this is just anawesome tutorial.
I have just been thinking about painting acrylics on poly clay, but this is just woderful with the cracking and the pearlex powders.
Thanks for a great tut.
love you
Elizabeth K.
love! love! love! -thank you
Amazing – just love this technique !
I just love it! Ooohhhh so pretty…. I know where I am going today. So, with the bezels and key chains, after I bake the clay I need to pop the clay out of the bezel/key chain then glue it? Will the clay just pop out? Or is there a way to get it out? Thanks guys. Thanks Cindy.
is there a store that you can buy a GOOD UV resin to seal and make them as shinny as yours???,, thanks so much,, and what would be the name???.. love all your classes online!!!!
It is so fun to see that it is only 6:30 in the morning my time and you guys are already watching the tutorial and writing comments! Of course I know that Elizabeth K. does have a big head start being from Australia! :-)
@Paige F: Yes it will pop out of a bezel quite easily so you can glue it. Sometimes you may need to slide your blade along the edge to coax it, but I had no problem with these ones. If you have the Tips for filling Bezels with Polymer Clay Tutorial there are lots of helpful tips in there. The link by my name will take you there.
@Ruth Ann: The UV Resin I use is called Jewelry Glaze or Ultradome and it is excellent and very easy to use. Plus it is one of the most inexpensive UV Resins out there. You can only get it online from Terry Morris’s epoxyjewelry web site. It is well worth it! He has some cool bezels there too, and he now even carries Weldbond and Micro-Mesh Sanding Pads, so it is a great place to shop for those fabulous products!
@Ruth Ann:
Hi Ruth Ann, to answer your question.I use Lia Pavelka Magic gloss. It is great, no need for a UV machine. I just put it out in the sun. You can put as many coats on you want. It is bakeable too, if you have to put raw clay to baked clay.I just love it. It certainly must be readily avaiable to you in the
U S as I get it from a supplier here in OZ. Great stuff.
Cindy did a Resin Video, cant think of the number, so look it up if you can. Hope this helps.
XXX Elizabeth.
@Ruth Ann:
Hi again,
The video that Cindy showed the Resin is No 24-03. If you do not have it, it is worh buying. I just went back over it and found some tips I had forgotten.
I see Cindy has come in and given you the name of the one she used in the Video. Dont think we get that here, think I would have to send to U S for that one.I do have the Micro-Mesh sanding pads that I got in OZ Love them too. Cindy you may be able to tell me what is equivilant to your Weldbond, as I dont think we have that here.
I use Super Glue or a 450 jewelry adhesive?
Loved how Cindy, you noticed I can get to see your Videos early if I look for them early. It was 5 pm Friday here when I saw this last one as I had a bit of time. Great Eh!
I have some Perfect Pearls and so am going to try this technique with them, I’m sure they will work, will let you know.
Elizabeth K.
Oh my special effects and music……wow !!!! Love this tute. Need some black clay. I always seem to run out of it. Will have to look for those bezels,too. Wonder if ds really needs to eat this week…
Now you just opened a BIG DOOR into creativity! This is endless – if you have lots of Pearl-ex. Which I do. So away I go with brain on fire !!! Thank you so much for this lovely tute ………..
Could you use Perfect pearls, too ? I don’t have them, just wondering.
I love this! I hope to try this technique later today. I still can’t view this on my iPad so I had to wait til I got off work to see it. I was dying with excitement!! Just a note on the UV Resin from Terry Morris. It is super! I love it and it is the easiest to use. I just put in my third order and the bottles last a long time or I should say go a long way. Oh, thanks for explaining the Purse hanger. I had no idea what that was. :)
@pattw35: I don’t know. It would be a fun one to test. I don’t have any either, but maybe someone else is interested in trying it and getting back to us. I do know there is a resin in the product that is activated with water, so it may or may not work. But it would be fun to try!
@Bonnie Kreger: They should have it at Michaels. I did hear that they have improved the formula a little and put it in a glass bottle, so maybe they are waiting for a new shipment? Hopefully someone else will pipe up and let us know where you can find it.
Do you use any other finish on your polymer clay? You could try testing this technique out with another finish and see if it works. If it does, definitely let us all know.
@Catalina: Does Michaels carry the Purse Holders yet? They are a very cool product!
@Cindy Lietz from Pearl Ex Powders: In response to the new packaging of Sculpey Glossy Glaze, I have gotten several bottles of it in the glass jars, and yes, they have changed the formula, because it is much clearer, BUT, it thickens in the jar VERY QUICKLY. Perhaps that is why it is a much smaller amount than previously sold in the plastic bottle.
@Marlene C: Ooops. Forgot to mention, got it from Polymer Clay Superstore. Comes in 1 oz bottles and currently selling for $3.50 a bottle.
@Cindy Lietz from Pearl Ex Powders: Yea, Michaels carry the purse holder. I saw it and thought, purse holder? What? But I might have to get one now :)
great technique……I love love love Terry’s UV resin too.
Cool technique! Very dichroic like.
I have been looking for Studio By Sculpey Gloss like Cindy used in the video. Been to Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, Joann’s, on line (most places are out of it). Anyone know where I can get it?
Noticed they carry Weldbond at Michaels now.
Lovely Tut Cindy. I like the shiny pearlex powders. I have a bunch! I’ve been so busy with my Home Daycare Business, and health issues that I have neglected my claying/jewelry making. I used to keep up. One day I’ll catch up with you all.
I really like this tutorial. I went to Michaels to buy the glossy glaze and they didn’t have any and I didn’t see where there was a spot for it. I’ll have to try Joann’s. ;(
Hi Cindy,
I also went to Michaels, JoAnn’s and Hobby Lobby this afternoon. No one is carrying the Studio products any longer. I did buy a small bottle of Sculpey Gloss Glaze at Hobby Lobby. It was a one ounce bottle and cost $7.99. Hope it works.
Couldn’t resist watching the video though it took ages; kept buffering and repeating . I think the internet connection is not very strong here at the hotel in Charleston; we’re on our way home from Florida. Awesome video! It’s cool we can make our own paints; I have a lot of pearlex powders. The beads look beautiful. Thanks Cindy!
Sculpey Glossy Glaze and Studio By Sculpey Gloss and Matt are two different products. The one Cindy uses was distributed by Studio By Sculpey. The small glass jar glaze is very thick compared to the other one. It also turns yellow after about 6 months and if you are in heat or humidity, it can get sticky.
The one Cindy uses has a picture of Donna Dewberry on it. I checked many web-sites today and the places that carried it said they were out of stock. I’m going to contact the manufacturer to find out about it.
@Bonnie Kreger: Let us know what you find out!
Cindy, if this is the case that Studio by Sculpey Gloss has been discontinued, and Sculpey glossy Glaze turns yellow etc what would you suggest?
For all the Aussies out there, I was able to get Weldbond glue at my local Bunnings Warehouse store which is in Cannington Western Australia. I assume it would also be available in the other Bunnings stores around Australia.
Regarding the Studio By Sculpey Gloss – I saw this statement at polymerclay101: Studio by Sculpey Glossy Glaze was discontinued. While Sculpey does produce a Glossy Glaze, it is a different formulation that is thick and difficult to apply, and often peels off after drying. Instead, try Future Floor Finish or Minwax Water-based Polycrylic.
PHENOMENAL Cindy!! Simply outstanding! Love the technique, love the vid. Great filming and edit work Doug. You guys are a blessing.
OK, I thought I’d better pop in here and address some of your concerns about the Sculpey Glossy Glaze, even though I should actually be outside mowing the lawn right now :-0
I spoke with Iris Weiss the Education Manager at Polyform about it back in May and she said, “The new Sculpey Gloss glaze is a similar formula to Studio but one that we feel is much better.” . Although I have not yet been able to test the product out for myself, I assumed from what Iris said, that it should work the same way.
That being said, it appears we must always be on our toes when it comes to finding and using products for use with polymer clay. Companies can discontinue or reformulate a product at any time, often without much notice. (This btw drives me nuts! If I had my way, companies would KEEP all good products and only get rid of the bad ones. Just because a product doesn’t sell, it doesn’t mean that is a bad product… it just means it hasn’t been marketed very well.)
Hopefully the new formula for the glossy glaze will work for this technique, but if it does not, we’ll have to do some testing with some other similar products and see if we can find some workable substitutes. Who knows, Future Floor Finish, Varathane, or some other acrylic varnishes or glazes might also work?
So without giving away all the secrets here on the blog, I would like you all to look in your studios and see what kind of finishes you have that might work for this technique instead of the Sculpey Gloss Glaze, in case it doesn’t work, and then report back here with your findings. As soon as I can get the chance, I will do the same thing and see what I can figure out.
As well, any of you who do have a bottle of the new Sculpey Gloss Glaze in the glass bottle, could you test this technique out with it and let us know? Your help in this matter would greatly be appreciated!!
@Cindy Lietz from Many Finishes to use on Polymer Clay: OK, did a test on black PC with the Sculpey Glossy Glaze, and IT DID NOT CRACK, only stretched slightly even though I went all the way down to the next to thinest setting on my pasta machine. Actually it just caused the clay to curl because it did not “stretch” as much as the clay.
@Marlene C: Oh, no! Not good…..
I’m feeling like a mad scientist here with all this testing… emphasis on the mad! lol
@Rebecca (Becky) Chisenhall: I haven’t tried Gum Arabic for making paints though I have heard of it. Thanks for testing it out for us. Sorry to hear it didn’t work. How did it behave? Crack at all? Go all sticky? Flake off?
@Marlene C: Are you talking about the new stuff in the glass bottle? Or the old stuff in the glass bottle? Or the same stuff I have in the plastic bottle? That could make a difference. (Darn Polyform for messing with the product… makes it real tricky to be innovative when their products are always changing. >:( <that's a grumpy face if you didn't know.)
@Cindy Lietz from Viburnum Color Palette: The new stuff, in the glass bottle. As I said before, it is a much thicker composition, but I used a very thin layer of “paint” on the clay, and it did not crack at all. I did 2 different patterns and both reacted the same.
@Marlene C: Darn I bought the new formula Saturday at Jo-ann and was going to try it this week. Thanks for testing it and letting us know the results. :(
@Cindy Lietz from Viburnum Color Palette: Cindy, I didn’t try the gum arabic yet….but I have some and was intending to trying the experiment some day and surely will soon now since your tute came out! I will let everyone know if it works or not, ie, does crackle instead of stretch, needs sealing, etc.
Thank you for that update, Cindy! I was thinking of trying to use gum arabic, a little water and the PearlEx. From what I have read, I think I would have to seal this paint with varnish, Future or even liquid clay after baking as gum arabic is soluble in water and therefore might wash off at some point. Since I already have the gum arabic, I will try it and post later on my findings, if anyone is interested. Cindy, have you tried using gum arabic to make paint?
I found a place called that sells a lot of Premo and they have the cad yellow and blue and they also carry Studio by Sculpey clay and they have the Studio by Sculpey Satin Gloss. They have a lot of clay stuff and artist stuff.
Still looking.
I just tried some experiments using Pearl Ex varnish and it crackles wonderfully. I am so pleased how brilliantly it worked. And yes, I was able to bake it with no problems at all. Great stuff. The label on the bottle does say that it can be used as a medium or topcoat.
Hi Fran
What store did you buy it?
I wonder if Crackle Medium mixed with Pearl Ex powders would work?
OT Happy Birthday to Kat !!!!! Hope your pain eases so you can enjoy the day. You have been so very helpful to all of us at one time or another. God Bless you. Andrea
@pollyanna: Thanks, Andrea! How sweet of you to remember…and to say such kind things! Makes me happy. No luck with the pain that day, but I made it my birthday wish when I tried to blow out the bonfire atop the cake (lol.) Bless you, Kat
@Cindy & Linda: Thanks!
Love this cool video, too. While I still have some of the Studio by Sculpey glaze, it’s good to know there are other products we can try, too. Has anyone tried Staedtler Fimo’s Gloss (or Semi-gloss) Varnish? It’s got a thin consistency (similar to Studio by Sculpey,) but the packaging has no mention of raw clay use. So, not sure if it will work for this technique…although, the “weathered wood” product’s not exactly meant for raw clay, either (and it’s fine, LOL!) Ugh! I can’t wait to feel a bit better; I’m SO eager to get going on clay & jewelry projects. Sorry I can’t “help” with the testing! :D
Fran Y – Looks like you’ve found a good solution.
I am so glad to see that you guys are experimenting and trying different products that you have on hand, to see what will work. I have done a few tests myself and have a feeling there are many other options that will work for this. So be sure to share your results here in this thread.
This is how new discoveries are made. I find this kind of thing exhilarating actually! It will be interesting to see just how creative you guys get with your testing. Keep them coming you little Mad Scientists!!!
Here are the results of testing so far…
Mediums that WORK as a crackle paint:
– Old Studio by Sculpey Glossy Glaze
– Pearl Ex Varnish
– Weathered Wood Crackling Medium by DecoArt
Mediums that DON”T WORK as a crackle paint:
– New formula Sculpey Gloss Glaze
– Future Floor Finish
– Polymer Varnish with UVLS (Gloss) by Golden
– Fabric Medium by DecoArt
OT: Happy Birthday Kat! I wish for you the best year EVER!
@Cindy Lietz from Fisher, My Little Mad Scientist: Cindy, I assume that you’re saying that Weathered Wood Crackling Medium works on polymer clay. Is this a short-term test or a long-term one? In other words, the WWCM will not turn clay sticky after a while…
@Linda K.: Yes Linda I tested the Weathered Wood Crackling Medium on polymer clay. (Instead of using it like you normally use this medium, I used it exactly how it is done in the video on raw clay.) It was a short term test of course, but because it is a water based acrylic type product I do not expect it to do anything weird long term. That being said, I have the sample I used it on sitting near my desk and will keep an eye on it long term.
I have also used this product on baked clay in the way the product was intended to be used and it work well. Will have to show you all some time.
@Cindy Lietz from 5 Tips for using Acrylic Craft Paints on Polymer Clay: As a decorative painter, I’ve used the Weathered Wood Crackle Medium in the past. I love it that I can use it onmy polymer clay, too.
I saw some of this Weathered Wood Crackling Medium at JoAnn — at only a buck-something, I thought I’d give it a try! Especially since the ol’ Studio by Sculpey glaze is getting harder & harder to find. (I’d better save it for those projects where it’s absolutely the only/best option!)
Thanks for this, Cindy! Such an awesome technique, with so many cool options! I’m thrilled the new Sculpey glaze works, too. When I heard the news, I breathed a sigh of relief WITH you — and for everyone else, too…frantically trying to get their hands on the right product! Everyone can “get crackin'” now… ;D
@Cindy Lietz from Fisher, My Little Mad Scientist: Way back when (before my micro pads and buffer were added) I bought some Studio by Sculpey Satin Glaze. I pulled it out tonight to see if it worked as well as the Glossy Glaze Cindy used, and it did, especially with the Pearl Ex metallic colors.
Also, noticed on the Polyform site, that the new formula for Sculpey Glossy Glaze can be “thinned with small amounts of water”. Guess that will be my next experiment.
Fran and Tantesherry sorry to hear of your difficulties, but will let you know if the “thinning” works since you both have lots of the “new stuff” on hand.
Recently, we headed down to Lacey WA to buy supplies at Shipwreck Beads. (The Worlds Largest selection of beads.) While there, I picked up a bottle of the new formula Sculpey Gloss Glaze in the glass bottle. I knew it was the new formula because it was thin and milky in color, rather than the thick clear gloppy stuff they used to have in the glass bottle.
Since coming back, I have finally had the opportunity to test this new formula myself, and can say with all certainty that it DOES WORK. The only difference I found was that I needed to put on a thicker coat than I did before, in order to get it to crackle. A very thin coat, will crackle but the cracks are so fine that they are difficult to see.
To tell you the truth, I took a deep sigh of relief after finding this out. Nothing is more frustrating than figuring out a cool technique, only to have the product that makes it work, be unavailable. Happily, this all worked out in the end!
So like the old egg commercial said… Let’s get cracking!
Oh, I missed your birthday, Kat. I hope it was special.
I just found the Studio by Sculpey Glossy Glaze online at Shipwreck Beads (the old stuff that works). Here’s the link info for those of you who are interested:
@Cindy Lietz from Jewelry Wire Riveting Video:
Thank you so much Cindy for finding this for us. I just ordered a bunch of them. Can’t wait to get them and try the technique. Thanks again.
Thanks Cindy. Many, myself included, were soooooooooo disappointed upon seeing the tute to make your own crackling paint. NOW er can all get crqckin’ teehee
Wow! I really like this technique and the fact that I can mix my powders for personalized colors of paint! :) Awesome! Thanks Cindy :)
Thanks for the shipwreck link–just spoke w/ them and they are now sold out
Just a note– I was able to get a real nice crackle with the new G G formula will be posting some pics asap———and its a good thing to because my order from shipwreck was WRONG even after I called to confirm that they would be sending me the OLD Studio G G :( The order came in yesterday and I called them back & had to leave a message—no call back yet…btw did you guys know you have to place a min. order of $25 —-anyway todays another day maybe I will get this mess up fixed soon.
I have done some testing with the new formula myself as well, (see comment above) and I too was able to get the new formula to crackle, as long as it is painted on fairly thickly. If you paint it on too thin, the crackle is so fine that it is difficult to see. Crisis Averted!
Did you get a response from Shipwreck Beads? We went down to there store (which is incredibly huge) and very much appreciated the service we got there. Could be that their staff were not made aware that the product had changed in formula and packaging. The polymer clay section is quite tiny in the store and by the looks of it, is a new product for them. The staff may not have too much knowledge about it yet.
I just wanted to add… that email deliver-ability can be a big issue these days for companies. Often the reason that it may appear a company does not respond to you, is not because they have poor service, but because of emails not getting through… from you to them or vice versa.
We wrote about that very problem and have some tips for getting your emails through to the people you want them to get to, in this article: Email Misunderstandings
Hope that helps!
Tantesherry – I had the same problem with Shipwreck beads – got the wrong formula. I’ve sent 2 emails to them – haven’t heard back yet. The size bottle is wrong – the price is wrong – and yet they offered no explanation either before shipping or with the items they sent. Very disappointing.
Tantesherry – Tried posting this comment earlier but it didn’t seem to take. I had the same problem with my Shipwreck order – got the wrong formula. I’ve sent 2 emails to them – haven’t heard back yet. The size of the bottle was different from what they had pictured – the price was different – seems like they should have offered an explanation either before shipping or at least in the shipment itself. Very disappointing. I already have the same stuff they sent to me – it does get thick and unusable fairly quickly.
Are you sure that you have the right formula? The new one is quite thin and is milky in color. It looks pretty much exactly how the Studio by Sculpey Glossy Glaze used to look. Other than needing to use it in a thicker coat, I found it crackled exactly the same way as the formula I used in the video.
There was an old version of Sculpey Glaze in the glass bottle that was thick, clear and gloppy. Maybe you have that one?
Folow up on the new-old, or is it old-new Sculpey Glossy Glaze that would not crackle for me. I saw on the Polyform site that it could be thinned with water. Had 2 bottles of it (one with a black cap, and one with a white cap-have no idea what the significance of that is but—) So, I thinned each with a cap full of water, and it did help to make it more pliable as a glaze instead of “gooping” as you say. AND I was able to get a crackle out of it after thinning.
Marlene – I actually have been dipping my brush in water to use with the Sculpey glaze and that does help. I’ll be adding water to the bottle from now on. Too bad they didn’t put that info on the label.
Sounds like you and Marlene found the answer! Thanks guys for reporting back!
Just an FYI; I have found a resin type glaze that is easy, cheap and works wonderful. I have not heard anything about it on here, so I don’t know if anyone else has tried it. It is from Modge Podge, called DIMENTIONAL MAGIC. I got it at JoAnne’s and at Hobby Lobby, or online at either place or it is only 5.99 a bottle. I have not been able to find it at Micheals. The package hangs on the display wall, it doesn’t sit on the shelf with the rest of the modge podge finishes. It comes in an applicator bottle, so it is easy to put on your clay. It dries in about 2-3 hrs, but the package says it takes 24 hrs to cure completely. I have been able to use my pieces w/in a few hours though. It doesn’t need UV light or heat or anything else. The coating on the clay makes it very shiny and hard, but it feels alot like hard rubber or plastic if applied thin b/c it remains slightly flexible. I have found it to work wonders in bezels and is extremely economical. I would love to hear if anyone else has tried it, and what you think as well. Thanks- Catherine
Kiti I just had to say a big thank you for this tip- did some searching and there are a tonne of great applications on clay for this stuff. What an odd way of marketing this product – I’ve seen it for years at the store and thought it was like puffy t-shirt paint?!? Off to the store! :)
I thought that Dimensional Magic sounded familiar so I dug through my paints and finishes and found a very old bottle (10 years maybe) of Dimensional Magic by Plaid Royal Coat. I’ll have to give it a try and see what happens.
The thing about air dry coatings compared to the UV Epoxy Resin or the 2 part Epoxy’s is that they usually aren’t quite as durable and they tend to yellow. But it could be an inexpensive alternative in situations that won’t get as much wear such as a bezel for a pendant or earrings.
Thanks for sharing your ideas! When I get a chance to test it, I’ll let you know how it goes.
Does anyone know if the new formula Sculpey gloss glaze can be baked on the clay in the oven like the discontinued one? I had the same trouble with Shipwreck beads as others have said. Their website site said in stock for the old formula so I ordered a bunch but, they sent me the new ones.
I tried baking it and it seemed fine.
Maybe one of you guys could ask Shipwreck Beads to change the picture on their site to the new product, so there is no further confusion. They are clearly onto their new stock, with the old stock being sold out.
what volume talks about wrapping beads? Thanks.
Hi Laurie – There are quite a few videos between Vol’s 16 and 25 that focus on various wire working and wrapping techniques. My name link will take you to the Back Issue section at the library.
Cindy…I watched the video short here about the crackle technique and love the finish on the flat beads, described as a resin…but how do you finish the beads with crackle?? Is that info on the full video??
Hi Debi, the full Crackled Paint Tutorial shows you how to make the paint and how to use it to do the Crackle Technique. I do discuss your options for adding a glaze to the technique. Using the UV Resin is one option… I have a separate tutorial for how to use the UV Resin in the Vol-024 Back Issue Volume.
Hi Cindy, at this point (2015), have you found the best option for making the paint? Can varathane be used as a substitute?
I actually haven’t tried making this crackle paint for a while Petrina, but you could certainly test other gloss mediums as well if you like. Remember some mediums will stretch and won’t crackle as well, so you may need to try a few different ones, if you didn’t want to use the Sculpey Glaze. I will try and put that on the list for testing, but in the meantime, if you find one that you like better, let us know!