Vid #029: Giving Your Polymer Clay Pendants A Professional Looking Beveled Edge:
Sometimes the simplest of tips can be very handy. For example, an easy way to create a professional looking beveled edge around your polymer clay pendant, is to use plastic wrap and a cookie cutter.
After conditioning your clay and rolling it out flat, cover the clay sheet with the plastic or saran wrap. Then use a cookie cutter to punch out your pendant shape… pushing down through the plastic wrap and then right through the clay as well. Be careful though, not to cut the plastic with the edge of the cookie cutter.
With this technique, you will end up with a very even bevel around the outer edge of your pendant jewelry piece. Quick. Easy. Simple.
>> Polymer Clay Tutorials <<
The full version of the “Beveled Edges On Flat Pendants” preview video shown above, is included in my Polymer Clay Bead Making Fundamentals Course [SEE Video #29 of 39]. The beveled edge, pendant making technique shown in this video is just one of many instructional tips you will learn in this comprehensive course.
After making your beveled edge pendant, you will want to bake it so that it stays flat. Here’s how: Tips for Baking Flat Sheets of Clay (video link will be posted soon)
Cindy, The Polymer Clay Tutor’s last blog post..Sand Your Polymer Clay Beads! Or Else…
Cindy, You have no idea how useful this tip is to me! I have been using my dremel with a coarse sanding tip to bevel each and every one of my pendants! What a waste of my time, when all I had to do was break out the Saran Wrap! Thank you so much for being there!
Thank you Donna! Yeah I know, this is probably the only thing that isn’t easier to do with your Dremel!
Cindy Lietz’s last blog post..Dremel Multipro Tool for Buffing Polymer Clay Beads
For Valentine’s Day, my husband decided to take me shopping (early) for all the polymer clay supplies my little heart desired. I’ve been designing jewelry with vintage pieces coupled with new beads…and I stumbled upon the idea for creating my own beads last week.
Been reading all I can find on the process, and came upon your site this evening. My head is pleasantly spinning! I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep tonight!
Your work is amazing, Cindy, but even more amazing is your willingness to teach. Your site is better than chocolate.
And I really, REALLY like chocolate.
You are so wonderful to say that Seedplanter! To be compared to chocolate is my dream come true!
Hope you enjoy the journey of making polymer clay beads. It’s a fun one!
If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to ask!
PS. Visited your blog today… it’s great! I’ll be back there often!
Cindy, thank you for adding yourself as a follower of Blogspired. It was fun to see your picture appear there!
I have an Amazon Kindle and when I can’t sleep, I turn it on and browse your polymer clay blog via Bloglines, where I’ve added it to my list of blogs. My husband knows so much about polymer clay now, because I’m constantly relaying what I’ve learned. :D
I made my very first set of beads over the weekend, from a cane. Oh. My. Gosh. How do you spell “addicted”? I used three layers: black/white/silver. I’m in the process of making a bracelet. You have inspired me to really dive into this. Wow. It’s a creative blast!
Your beads sound great! So good to see you are getting addicted… it’s fun isn’t it!
Those Kindles seem cool. Would be fun to browse blogs in bed, though that would mean I would never be off the computer. I like the idea of reading books on them. They look like a great way to have lots of books in one tiny package.
Thanks for your comments!
I just bought the AMACO beveled edge cutters to make pendants, but they don’t looke beveled what am I doing wrong?
I also have the Amaco beveled edge cutters. It seems to me that they are only beveled on the part that gets cut away. I’ve tried thick layers of clay and still just get a regular edge cut. Is there anyone out there who knows how to use these?
Thanks for looking into this, Cindy! We have our answer. I’m disappointed, though — with the answer, not with you, Cindy! There’s no big secret. We aren’t stupid or anything. The beveled edge cutters are actually “beveled edge FRAME cutters.” I think the packaging should tell you that. Several people here wasted lots of time trying to figure out how to cut shapes with these things. I imagine lots of others did, too.
Ooh, I’m mad at myself for not writing to them long ago about this. When you think of cutters, you think of cutting out a SHAPE, not a frame. If they are going against conventional thinking, they should explain that. Neither the title nor the directions tell you that. Carolyn made a comment above, saying the cutters only beveled the part that was cut away. I thought that was just a “side effect” — not the entire purpose for the cutters! I never would have purchased them if I’d known that this was all they did. I thought they were multi-purpose cutters! I don’t use frames that often, and if I need to, there are other ways to make one. I wish I had spent that money on something else.
Getting them free is different, and at least they do SOMEthing. Good thing you know what that ‘something’ is, Cindy! You won’t have to waste time trying to figure out how to cut with that thick edge (knowing it can’t possibly work, but then wondering why they’re called cutters?) Well, I’ll quit whining. That’s cool she’s sending you some to try. I should have written Amaco when I first bought them. Perhaps they would have sent a coupon to try another product or something. Well, for now I will put these Amaco Beveled FRAME Cutters away in the back of my clay tools drawer, and quit trying to make them work. I’ll can just bring them out again when Cindy comes up with a cool new technique! Thanks again, Cindy! You’re always looking out for us. Mystery (conundrum) solved! :~o
@Phaedrakat: Thanks for sharing your opinion about issues with the packaging and instructions for the Amaco Beveled Edge Cutters. Intelligent and constructive feedback like this is important for the manufacturers to be aware of. In the end it all helps to initiate positive change in our evolving polymer clay market place.
@Cindy L: Thank YOU Cindy! Actually, I think I was a bit of a jerk about it. Looking back, my comment sounds really angry (which I was, I’ve had a horrible week — should have waited to comment.) You did us a favor checking into this, and I let the woman’s nonchalant reply get to me. This isn’t the right forum for me to express my irritation, and I want to say I’m sorry for that.
After reading her comment, I got my cutters out and read the package. Under the title it says “Cuts clay shapes with a beveled edge.” It doesn’t tell you the shapes aren’t usable, just the frames. I thought that she sounded like we were asking for something unreasonable, when we only wanted what the package appeared to offer. When you look at the package, it’s easy to get the wrong idea. Anyway, I’m sorry for acting like an idiot, Cindy. You are truly awesome, and I look forward to whatever you come up with. Thanks for being so nice to me after I ranted like this!
@Phaedrakat: That’s OK Phaedrakat, you weren’t an idiot you were just frustrated. I agree the packaging should be much clearer.
I thought Linda was quite helpful actually. She doesn’t work with polymer clay that much anymore since she is so busy being a spokesperson for Friendly Plastic. She knew what the problem was and sent the info right away.
Not a lot of other Gurus would be that quick to respond. So I was very pleased. Linda has a very easy going style which I guess came across nonchalant to you, when in actuality she is quite sweet and really cares.
That is the problem with the internet, if you can’t see their face or hear their tone, you can sometimes misunderstand the intent.
It is good however for you to speak your mind about products. Companies can not know what problems people may be having with their products, unless their customers tell them That is the good thing about the internet! :-)
Hi Carmn! I don’t actually use those bevel cutters since I usually just use a regular cutter with plastic wrap to get a beveled edge.
My guess is the sheet of clay you are trying to cut is either too thin or too thick to work with those particular cutters. Experiment with the thickness and see if that works for you.
Thanks! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that I think I am make my clay too thin. How do you use plastic wrap to make your beveled edges?
Actually Carmn it is in the post I gave you the link to. Just lick the “Beveled Edges” link by my name to read about it.
I’m sorry Carolyn and Carmn, I’ve seen those cutters available but haven’t tried them. Seems to me I looked at them one time and decided that they probably wouldn’t work. I would like to hear from others though. Maybe they just need to be used a certain way?
On another note, I just noticed that I told Carmn to lick the Beveled Edges link by my name instead of click the link, which is of course something entirely different! :-)
I thought your Polymer Clay Beginners course was well worth the price. I got some good ideas, like the saran wrap for making beveled edges. This improved my buttons immensely! I love the bonus videos.
Hi Joan,
Thank you for taking the time to send me your thoughts about the Polymer Basics Clay Course. Sharing feedback like this really gives others great insight about what they can expect from the video tutorials. I truly appreciate your help.
Very much looking forward to hearing more about how your button and bead projects are coming along. If you are interested in showcasing a few of your pieces in an upcoming Spotlight Feature here at my blog, you are welcome to email some of your favorite photos for me to have a look at. I’d love to see them.
@Carmn & Carolyn: I have the Amaco Beveled Cutters, as well; but I couldn’t get them to work for me, either. We could all be missing something, or…the cutters DO NOT WORK!
@Phaedrakat: They do make good ‘picture frames’.
This is a great tip! It also solved a problem I’ve been having. The seams from my cookie cutters were leaving a noticeable uneven spot on the edges of my clay. When I’d try to smooth out the imperfection, I usually ended up making it worse.
I put a torn open ziplock bag over the clay, pressed down with my cookie cutter, and the result was wonderful! I had a beautiful, professional looking beveled edge and the cookie cutter seam didn’t leave a mark.
… With the pendants and plastic wrap – I was finding that I had a hard time getting them off my work surface without distorting them. So I took Cindy’s tip one step further and put plastic wrap on the work surface as well as on top of the clay. After using the cutter I lifted the piece and just peeled the wrap off the back and this solved my distortion problem. One time I even flipped the piece over and used the cutter on the reverse side – came out beveled on both sides!
@Carolyn: I used the extra bit of plastic under my clay like you said above and it worked like a champ. What a great tip, this plastic wrap & Cutter method for bezeled shapes. Thanks, Cindy for this great shape-saving tip; thanks, Carolyn for taking it a step farther. And sharing…so nice!
I didn’t have time to give my Amaco cutters a second chance today. What kind of picture frames do you mean, Carolyn? (I also thought you might be kidding.)
@Phaedrakat: to add a frame around a photo transfer – a layer of ‘frame’ on top of another piece of clay.
I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one who can’t figure out how to use the Amaco beveled cutters. How can they produce a product that doesn’t work? Has anyone had success with them? They don’t seem to have a cutting edge to them and are too thick.
@Carolyn: Okay, I get it. That would take advantage of the “reverse beveling” you get with those dastardly cutters! Thanks, I can certainly put that tip to good use.
I’m still interested in finding someone who’s been able to make the Amaco Beveled Edge cutters work. There must be a way. I bought mine years ago & they’re still on the market. People are buying/using them… If you know the trick — Help! (Cindy’s plastic wrap/cutter trick works perfectly for beveled edges. It just bugs me that I paid $ for something I can’t use for it’s intended purpose!)
@Maria: I overlooked your comment. That’s exactly how I feel about the cutters, very thick! The thinner edge that you could cut with is upside-down. Weird product. There must be a trick to it, but so far, no one’s telling!
My feelings exactly Phaedrakat! (Fascinating name,BTW- what nationality are you, may I ask?) I do use Cindy’s wrap technique, but want to use these plastic things I paid $ for and which are still being purchased by others.
Hi Maria, I’m American (from Riverside, Ca.) — Phaedrakat is just my username. The name Phaedra is from Greek mythology (Zeus was her grandpa!) I ended up naming my cat after her…
I haven’t had time to mess around with these cutters any further. I keep hoping someone will post “the secret” to using them. That would be great if we ended up not wasting our money after all, huh?
I’m still hoping someone out there will read this and know how to use these strange Amaco cutters. Several of us, in the comments above, have purchased these but can’t figure out how to use them. They have a thick cutting edge (I think that’s a cutting edge?) and just the strangest design. I finally found the directions for them, but they were no help. Can someone shed some light on the Amaco Beveled Cutters?
Ha-ha Phaedrakat – I just read your answer to me about your username. Very creative! My 4 legged children have rather pedestrian names: Rocky the Cocker Spaniel and Cinnamon the orange cat. I also live in California.
I hope we get our answer soon about the cutters! Does anyone have any connections with Amaco?
@Maria: Hello, fellow Californian! Are you from N or S CA? There’s a bit more to the story about my cats, but I wanted a “pretentious” sounding name, since my plan back then was to breed my Persians. That all fell through, but I still love the story of Phaedra (and of course, I love cats!) It would be awesome if Cindy gets us an answer about the cutters. It’s just such a wierd product. A big hello to Rocky & Cinnamon!
Thanks, Cindy for checking this out for us. I didn’t know you had the cool hook-up at Amaco! These cutters are the epitome of a Conundrum! They do not seem to work as promised, and yet they’ve been on the market for a long time. Someone is buying these. Maybe people keep buying them (like me) and keep quiet (like me) about how difficult they are to use!
@Phaedrakat and Maria: Well I got an answer back from Amaco right away!! It pays, to know people! ;-)
Any ways, my contact at Amaco emailed Linda Peterson, (many of you will know her, she is a well known polymer clay artist who works with Amaco and their Friendly Plastic products). Here is what Linda had to say…
“I briefly scanned the comments. I understand that the readers want a beveled edge on the pendants. The beveled edge cutters can not provide this. If you’ll notice on the inside of the cutter, it is a flat edge. When you cut out the shape (the inside of the cutter) since the edge is flat there is no bevel. The bevel effect is on the outside – or the negative of the image. The beveled edge cutters were meant to bevel the edges of a frame. In other words the inside of the shape was discarded, leaving the beveled frame which then could be cut to shape and then used as a focal piece …make sense? Hope so! Thanks for asking. Creatively, Linda [Linda Peterson Designs].”
Ohhh now that makes sense! Thank you Linda and Amaco for shedding light on this conundrum!
BTW, Amaco has offered to send me some Beveled Edge Cutters to try out and demo for you guys. Isn’t that cool! Can’t wait to finally try them out for myself.
I’ll send an email to my contact at Amaco to see if she wants to shed some light on this little conundrum. If nothing else, at least I got a chance to use my big word for the day… LOL.
Conundrum: A paradoxical, insoluble, or difficult problem; a dilemma.
Hello Phaedrakat : I am a “northener” from the San Francisco Bay Area. I intend to get a gravatar of myself soon, I promise! Looking forward to your story about the mysterious name!
Thank you Cindy for solving our conundrum. I am looking forward to seeing a tutorial on this when you get the chance to do one (I know you have a lot more in the pipeline ahead of this one! :)
Hello to Everyone,
Some new Spotlight project pictures that relate to the topic of this page (Beveled Edge Saran Wrap Technique), have just been added in another post. They were submitted by Laurel-B. The link by my name will take you to where you can see them, along with a bit of a write up. Hopefully they will inspire you to achieve great things with your own polymer clay projects.
I understand about the cutters making the inside of the frame beveled, but what do we do with the outside of the frame? Of course we can just cut it straight with our blade or craft knife, but wouldn’t it look good also beveled? I don’t usually make frames unless it is a snake around the piece.
I bought the cutters too and tried it once; it didn’t work. I agree the packaging should be clearer – beveled edge frames instead of beveled edge shape cutters.
NEW PHOTOS ADDED… that relate to the theme of this page… Creating Beveled Edges Using Plastic Wrap. Click on the link by my name for the full “Spotlight Story” featuring Marsha-G.
Is it possible to get the video from the beginners course individually? There are only one or two I’m interested in.
@Ashley: Hi, Ashley! I had the same query when I first found Cindy’s site. I thought I didn’t need all of them … well, they have turned out to be a great reference library for me. They are the basis for everything else that Cindy teaches us. You can’t buy individual parts but you really won’t be sorry that you have to buy the entire set. It is well worth it.
thanks Cindy! Just what I was looking for!