Using a Convection Oven to Bake Your Polymer Clay

Baking Polymer Clay In A Convection OvenVideo #467: I’m Love’n my brand new Kitchenaid Counter Top Convection Oven.

Topics Covered In This Video:

  • Upgrade from an old Black and Decker Toaster Oven to a new Kitchenaid Counter top Convection Oven.
  • Christmas Gift from my Mom and Dad.
  • Old oven was small and needed tiles on top and inside to help stabilize the temperature to keep it from spiking.
  • Convection ovens contain a fan that moves the warm air around, keeping the temperature more even.
  • What I love about the Kitchenaid Counter Top Convection Oven…
    Plus Some General Notes:

>> It’s pretty with its Stainless Steel and Glass finish.

>>It’s large on the inside (12″ x 12″ rack with more than 5″ clearance) for baking more beads or larger pieces.

>> Comes with an enameled steel baking pan. I lined mine with 4 layers of  file folders to insulate bottom.

>> Convection keeps the temperature very even… no spiking.

>> Large clearance from elements and convection heat seems to eliminate the need to tent your polymer clay while baking.

>> Be sure to still use an oven thermometer to cross reference your oven temperature dial for accuracy. Adjust dial until the temp in oven is the proper temp for your brand of polymer clay. Premo bakes at 275F.

>> Use only the Bake Setting when baking polymer clay.

>> This model has a built in 60 minute timer that automatically shuts off the oven when done.

>> 10 minutes preheat.

>> Please note that because of the fan in convection ovens, if you’re planning on Baking Your Polymer Clay on Cornstarch or Baking Soda, you will need to put it in a closed roasting pan or something, otherwise the fan will blow the powder all around your oven.

Question of the Day:

Do you think you’ll want to put this Kitchenaid Counter top Convection Oven on your wish list for baking polymer clay? Or do you have another brand of oven that you really like? Please leave your comments in the comment section below. We’d love to hear from you!

My goal is to help you to learn quicker and easier ways to bring up the professionalism in your polymer clay art.

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Looking forward to hearing from you!

Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor
  1. Marianne H, 06 January, 2014

    Congratulations on your new addition to the family! LOL


  2. Fran, 06 January, 2014

    I bought a refurbished Breville convection oven a few years ago and love how well it works with baking polymer clay. I usually put a piece of plain paper on a tile and bake on that – never tent it – and have used the lower rack and the middle rack to bake on. It’s set to bake at 270 degrees – 1 hour – and turns off when done. It heats up to that temperature in 3 or 4 minutes. Definitely worth checking out this type of oven if you don’t already have one.

  3. Dixie Ann, 07 January, 2014

    Fran, I looked at that oven and really liked it also. I had a hard time deciding on that one or the Kitchenaide. I didn’t know they had refurbished ones. That is good to know.

  4. Laura H, 09 January, 2014

    Can you tell me where to get a refurbished oven like the one you bought? They are so expensive

  5. cherie, 06 January, 2014

    Love your new oven Cindy! Would love to add it to my wish list for this year. This Christmas i got a tablet; so handy for me.

  6. Anna Sabina, 06 January, 2014

    I switched over to convections oven about a year ago. It looks like the same size but is a different brand. Mine has 2 racks and I can bake quite few things in there. I also like the large glass in the door so I can monitor what is going on in there without opening the door.
    My biggest challenge is stopping my husband from moving it into the kitchen to use while making holiday dinners.

  7. Dixie Ann, 07 January, 2014

    Hurray, Cindy got my favorite oven. You know I am a great researcher of products especially when buying for myself. This oven came out at the top of my list almost 2 yrs ago and I have never looked back. It’s amazing how well it holds the temp and never spikes. I too use the broiling pan for most items and also use layers of quilt batting for my delicate pieces. I have found I can eliminate corn starch this way in some instances. I still tent some items especially if they are light colored clay. I can’t say enough good things about this oven so if anyone is in the process of looking to buy a new oven, you should seriously consider this one. It is a little pricey, but if you live by a Bed, Bath and Beyond and can wait for their 20% off coupon, you can save some bucks. They also have it online and shipping is free at certain times or it’s very reasonable. I think we had a really good indepth discussion on ovens here in the blog awhile back so it might help newer members to search the archives and read about them. I am so happy for you Cindy, what a wonderful gift.

  8. Lorri Tinges, 18 January, 2016

    Do you know the model # or is there only one Kitchen Aid convection oven? I bought a less expensive one but I noticed that the fumes were terrible in the house. Does the Kitchen Aid put off bad fumes? Thanks for your time!!!

  9. Cindy Lietz, 19 January, 2016

    Hi Lorri, I don’t have the packaging anymore so it would take me some research to figure out the model number. As far as the smell goes, it is not that the oven gives off fumes… its that the fan blows it around. If it bothers you, try moving it close to a window, or sealing your pieces inside two foil pans with a bulldog clip. I think I show this in a video where I’m baking in cornstarch, if you want to go search for that. Hope that helps.

  10. Barbara B, 02 May, 2016

    i am new member and didn’t know exactly where to post my questions, so i’m trying here. received breville toaster/convection oven last xmas, owe use it everyday for everything from toast to roast chicken. my question is, is it safe for me to also bake my beads using convection setting, or should i continue using my hated amaco craft oven until i can afford a dedicated convection oven? i have a baking pan with matching stainless steel lid that fits perfectly in oven, can i use that for my beads, or do covers have to be vented? i have noticed in your videos you use a tin cover with holes or a paper tent, both of which provide ventilation of you beads. if it has to be ventilated, is this safe when oven also used regularly for food?

  11. Marie Lilley, 02 May, 2016

    Hi Barbara,
    I only have my normal kitchen convection oven and I bake my polymer clay in. I usually try and do cooking first then bake clay, but sometimes it’s other way round like yesterday, after it had finished baking the clay I just left oven door slightly open just to let air circulate around. I’ve never notice any weid smells or taste to the food.
    Hope this helps.

  12. Cindy Lietz, 02 May, 2016

    Hi Barbara, yes you don’t have to have a dedicated oven just for clay… especially if you bake with a lid. Like Marie said, just let it air out between baking clay and food.Try out the pan setup you mentioned with some test strips and see how it works for you. You may need to adjust the temp higher or lower to get it perfect… it really depends on how much the pans conduct (or don’t conduct) heat and how much heat gets inside. It can definitely work though, so just do some testing and you’ll be good. Let us know how it

  13. Dixie Ann, 19 January, 2016

    Lorri, here is the link to the oven I believe Cindy purchased. If you have a Bed, Bath and Beyond you can get 20% off with their coupon. Kohl’s also has it on sale now too. It is a little pricey but believe me it will outlast 3 of the other ovens and is well worth the investment. Good luck.

  14. Cindy Lietz, 20 January, 2016

    Yup, that’s the one Dixie Ann. I happened to get mine at Costco but I don’t know if they are still there or not. Thanks for coming in to add the link. Sometimes I just don’t have the time to go hunt for stuff myself and I really appreciate it when you guys do for me. Thanks!

  15. Fran, 09 January, 2014

    Laura H – I got my refurbished Breville oven on ebay. New ones are very pricey and refurbished ones are not cheap, but still much less. I imagine you could also google Breville convection toaster ovens and come up with some other sites where they might be available.

    Mine looked like new and has not had any problems. I know they say to have a dedicated clay oven, but I also use mine to make toast and have also fixed pizzas in it. It works beautifully with clay – I have never had any problems – I didn’t have an oven thermometer so have never checked it for spikes. I put most objects on a tile and have never tented them. I bake at 270 degrees for 1 hour and have baked hundreds of items that way. Every one has come out perfect so I don’t have a single negative comment to make about this oven.

  16. Ken Hamilton, 09 January, 2014

    Congrats Cindy on the new Oven, I’ve been eying the one on the infomercial in the wee hours of the morning, I think it’s called Nu-wave, it’s round and clear, is that the same technology of convection?

  17. Carrie Harvey, 10 January, 2014

    Hi Ken – l had a Nu-Wave infra-red/halogen oven – don’t know if it’s the same as what you’re looking at. Mine had a lift-off plastic dome. It worked very well, though it was hard to keep a stable temperature at times, but after about 9 months the plastic was cracking. I think this was caused by all the oily residue that is given off during the baking of polymer clay which must have reacted with the hard plastic. That type of oven has one heating element in the top and a very powerful fan that cycles on and off. I have another Halogen one now which has a glass bowl and have no problems.
    An oven like Cindy’s is a lot easier to use though!

  18. Ken Hamilton, 12 January, 2014

    Thanks, it probably is the same.

  19. Cindy Lietz, 12 January, 2014

    I had one of those glass ‘turbo’ oven years before I worked with polymer clay, so I can’t tell you if they would work as well as my new Kitchenaid, but I do remember that the fan blew quite hard and went in kind of a cyclone. I have heard that others have problems with thin sheets and light clay pieces, blowing around in those types of ovens. My oven does have a fan, but it just blows lighting around. The only problem I have heard of is with the powders like cornstarch, getting lifted and blown around. Not the actual clay pieces. Like Carrie said, the regular convection oven may be a lot easier to use.

  20. elaine faulks, 13 January, 2014

    Hi Cindy,
    Just to say thanks for the information about your new counter top convection oven. After a long search,( here in the UK) I discovered it was cheaper to buy the Kitchenaid from USA as they are mega expensive here. Even with the shipping and handling costs it works out about three quarter of the price. from USA than UK. So now have to wait for it’s arrival…cheers…..xx

  21. Olga P, 10 January, 2014

    Cindy, congratulation on your new machine!
    For a year I used Amaco oven… what a waste of money: ages for preheating, very small, and hot spots, etc.
    Three month ago I bought Hamilton Beach 31100 Countertop Oven with Convection and Rotisserie on Amazon. I read that this Hamilton Beach ‘toaster oven’ workhorse has been very popular for a long time among polymer clay artists. The San Diego Polymer Clay Guild has purchased these for use at their annual Fall retreats. For 4 days these ovens are used from dawn to almost midnight and there were no issues with the ovens.

    I like my 31100 :) because it’s BIG . I can put 3 shelves. The dials are easy to set. 10 min preheat and I’m ready to cure my pieces. Temp is consistent 275 :) (have thermometer inside). I use Convection mode and both the top and the bottom elements heating. It works for me and I absolutely love it.


  22. Melodie F, 10 January, 2014

    Love your new oven…what a thoughtful, appropriate gift for you!

    Looking forward to 2014, a year full of Cindy’s wonderful Polymer Clay tips and tricks…yeah!


  23. Gayle T, 10 January, 2014

    I have had a Hamilton Beach convection oven for about 6 years and just love it. I always preheat it before putting my clay in to bake. Once preheated, it holds temp very well! I would get another one if this one ever stops working. Now that I know about the KitchenAid one, it gives me another option when the time comes.

    Cindy – enjoy your oven!

  24. Deni L, 12 January, 2014

    I bake in a convection oven, the same one we use for food.. It works really well
    and I use a baking bag (like for a turkey) so the fumes aren’t a problem in the oven.
    It would also protect the powders from flying around.
    Thanks for all your help Cindy.

  25. elaine faulks, 13 January, 2014

    Hi Deni,

    Thanks for the great tip about the baking (Turkey) bags it is so helpful when guys n gals share their tips. I just love this site as everyone is so helpful and generous in sharing their secrets. So that’s one item to go on my shopping list…..cheers xx……

  26. Fran Vainas, 20 December, 2015


    I have never used baking bags before, and I am totally unfamiliar with them and need a little help.

    Because my oven is currently on the fritz, i need to use a neighbor’s oven to cure my clay, and i don’t really want to stink up her kitchen (no good deed etc…). So i thought i would use a baking bag.

    The instructions on the package say, for baking with meat, that you need to put a few slices or punctures in the bag to keep it from exploding. but if i do that with the clay, it defeats the purpose of containing the smell.

    You have apparently used the bags before, with good luck. Do i need to puncture the bags for the clay?

    Thanks for your help.


  27. Cindy Lietz, 29 December, 2015

    Hi Fran, those are excellent questions that I have no answer to since I haven’t tried baking in a baking bag before. I am guessing that if the bag went into the oven when it was partially inflated, that it probably would not explode if you didn’t puncture it. The reason I say this is that there isn’t a lot of moisture in the clay to expand the bag as the air heats… not like there is in a turkey or roast. Plus the temp is pretty low so the air shouldn’t expand that much as it bakes, either. Of course it is always best to test this out for yourself. I know there are many people who use the oven bags for baking polymer clay, so there must be a way of doing it that is simple. Hopefully someone else will pop in with some advice for you here. Good luck! Let us know how it goes…

  28. Teeko D, 18 January, 2014

    Hi, I love your videos. My convection oven is a Kitchenaid, too. A different model from yours, it has the controls along the bottom front. I’ve had it for about 6 years and it has never failed me. I love it! I am careful to cover the baking soda that I sometimes bake things in, but the fan is never strong enough to blow thin pieces of polymer around.

  29. Karen Price, 28 February, 2014

    My convection oven is a German one named “Steba” — same dimensions as yours, and I love it. We live in Germany, so that’s the reason. It cost about 125 euros, which would be about $170. The hardest part was finding the most reliable oven thermometer. Turns out that early on I was using an old one that was no longer accurate and all my early clay items weren’t baked hard enough!

  30. elaine faulks, 28 February, 2014

    Waited impatiently for the step down/up transformer to arrive so I can use my new U.S. made KitchenAid convection oven (just like Cindy’s) It arrived this morning and now have to decide where it will “live” as got heaps of beads ready to cure and two oven thermometers.
    The oven and converter plus postage together was still cheaper than buying just the oven here in UK, so guess what I will be doing most of the weekend…..cheers..xx

  31. Jocelyn C, 12 March, 2014

    Congrats on the move up. Purchased the same oven and waiting on receipt. So excited because it will really help making more pieces.

  32. Jocelyn C, 13 March, 2014

    Love love love this oven, so easy to use! Got mine reworked and received here for under $100, off Google shopping. It’s a heavy stable unit that comes with a lot of grills and pannage. Now, for the JoolTool.

  33. Samantha Cahoon, 26 July, 2014

    Hi Cindy, I need to buy a new oven for my polymer, I bought a cheap table top oven and it kept its temperature until I opened the door to put my pieces in and then the temperature dropped big time!! It took nearly 30 mins to get back up to temperature. What do u think about halogen ovens? Have been getting mixed opinions about them and now I don’t know what to do HELP!! Many thanks xx

  34. Cindy Lietz, 29 July, 2014

    Hi Samantha, to tell you the truth I don’t know much about halogen ovens. I do love my new Kitchenaid Convection machine though… holds the temp like a dream!

  35. Ginny M, 27 July, 2014

    Hi Cindy,

    I’m so excited I had to share. I just ordered a manufactured refurbished convection oven like yours. I can’t wait till it gets here:) I have been using my little craft oven that I bought a few years ago when I started with clay. It was ok but the temp never stayed the same so I had to watch it like a hawk, and I did scorch some projects :(.

    Have a nice remainder of the weekend :)


  36. Cindy Lietz, 29 July, 2014

    I’m very excited for you Ginny! Do let us know what you think of it, when you get a chance to use it. I hope you end up loving it as much as I do mine!

  37. Ginny M, 03 August, 2014

    Well I received my oven,it is beautiful , looks brand new…..but there is something wrong with it :( I guess it is the thermostat, it just keeps getting hotter and hotter, all the way to 450…. I have been trying to contact the seller but as of yet he hasn’t responded. I’m sad. I purchased it from ebay.


  38. Cindy Lietz, 07 August, 2014

    That is very disappointing Ginny! I hope that you are able to get it replaced… when working properly, they make wonderful polymer clay ovens! If you get nowhere with the seller, maybe try contacting the manufacturer. They might be able to send you a part to fix it.

  39. cherie, 29 July, 2014

    What is the model of your oven Cindy? Is it the 12 inch?

  40. Cindy Lietz, 31 July, 2014

    Hi Cherie, yes it is the 12 inch one. I got it at the Costco in Surrey for about $85 or so. Maybe your local Costco has one?

  41. Veronica Farne, 31 July, 2014

    Hi Cindy,
    Does your new oven work just as well if you load up 2 shelves? Or does the top risk scorching and the bottom one not cooked as well?

  42. Cindy Lietz, 07 August, 2014

    Hi Veronica, my oven only came with one shelf, but even if it did, it wouldn’t be good to bake on two racks, because both of the racks would be too close to the elements. I use the one rack I have on the bottom slot with the rack turned so it is further from the bottom element, rather than closer. This puts my rack as close to the center of the oven as possible and therefore giving me the most even heat from both sides.

  43. Bertha A., 21 November, 2014

    There is a KitchenAid Countertop Convection Oven on sale at Costco until 11/26. Around $65 US. I think it is the same (or very similar) to the one Cindy has. I am very tempted to get myself an early Christmas present!

    I have been traveling for business so much the past 3 months and really need to get my claying & jewellery-making mojo back. Fortunately I get to go to my PC guild tomorrow and can play with clay. They have convection ovens that work beautifully, while I have just a toaster oven or my kitchen oven (with aluminum pan covers ;-) ). A new convection oven should come with quite a bit of mojo!

  44. Cindy Lietz, 25 November, 2014

    You’ll love the KitenAid Oven if you do get it Bertha. I love mine! And just so you know… it does come with quite a bit of mojo! ;)

  45. Pia R, 15 February, 2015

    Hi Cindy,
    I have a convection oven. The description says “baking temperature” and “baking time” are 10% less than in a conventional oven.
    Time is not the problem but temperature?
    10% less is a lot difference.
    I do not want to overheat the clay.
    What do you think about?
    Kind regards

  46. Cindy Lietz, 03 April, 2015

    Hi Pia, the issue with polymer clay is to have the correct temperature for enough time to melt the particles so they will bond all the way through the clay. Going longer is not a problem but going too high is. Don’t worry about your convection being different. Just use and oven thermometer to make sure the temp is correct… then bake for an hour, tenting and using cardstock underneath like I suggest in all my baking videos.! If you haven’t seen all the baking videos yet, type baking into the search box to find them all. Do these things and you will have success

  47. Peg Carter, 07 March, 2015

    I finally had to buy a convection oven. I’m on my 3rd toaster oven and my 3rd thermometer. I am tired of burning my projects. My new oven is not here yet, but how can I know my thermometer is correct? The last oven was a craft oven I got at Joanns. It’s going back. The thermometers were from different stores, but not reliable at all. It never went higher than 250, but it burnt all of the molds I was making and one very nice pendant became soft like rubber and got huge bubbles on the top. And it was tented. HELP!!!

  48. Dixie Ann, 07 March, 2015

    Peg, go to a Bed, Bath and Beyond or a Kitchen Store and have them recommend 2 oven thermometers, to use in your new oven. Tell them you need accuracy. You will get a better one that way. The cheaper ones do fluxuate but then so does your oven. Put one in the front and one in the back when baking. You will soon know where your hot spots are and will be able to compensate. Good Luck Doll.

  49. Peg Carter, 07 March, 2015

    Thanks, Dixie Ann. I’ve actually got a trip planned this next week to use my 20% off coupon on a new thermometer. I could just buy 2.

  50. Chrissie McIntyre, 13 April, 2015

    Hi everyone, I need some help!!

    I am so excited to find this video. My family and I live/travel in an RV full time and we do not have a oven. Right now all we have is a microwave and my kiln that I have been using to cook polymer clay. Problem is that the kiln does not hold heat at low temps (it spikes a lot) so my daughter tall clay pieces (2″ or taller) have been burning (lots of tears). So I am trying to think outside the box to come up with a solution. Also space is very limited in our RV (40ft 5th wheel).
    So my hubby suggested we replace our microwave with a convection/micorwave oven combo.

    I use the kiln to make silver jewelry from brass/silver clay and add polymer clay to some of the pieces. My daughter has fun playing with the polymer clay – she is 10 years old.

    My question will that work for cooking the polymer clay (convection oven) if I can find one to replace the microwave with a combo. Or do we need to look at just getting a convection oven, which I am not sure would work because the kids use the microwave a lot.

  51. Cindy Lietz, 17 April, 2015

    Hi Chrissie, sorry for the slow response. We travel in an RV as well so I understand the space issue. If you can find a convection / microwave combo unit, I would go with that. As long as the microwave feature is turned off during the baking process, it should work very well to save space. I use an old Black and Decker toaster oven when I bake polymer clay while traveling, but we have only traveled for a couple weeks at a time, so we don’t have to worry about bringing everything with us, just the basics… so space isn’t as big of a deal. Good luck! Maybe we can meet up on the road sometime? That would be fun!

  52. Chrissie McIntyre, 08 May, 2015

    I have been doing a lot of research on Microwave/Convection ovens and have come to the conclusion that their are NO models that you can turn off the microwave part. I talked to 2 manufactures and both say not to use metal in the oven – which leads me to believe that the microwave part never actually turns off. Anyway I ended up buying the same convection oven you have and we just use it outside We would love to meet up sometime. This summer we are in workamping at KOA near Yellowstone (so excited!!).
    Thanks again for all your help.

  53. Cindy Lietz, 26 May, 2015

    Hi Chrissie, thanks so much for reporting back about the oven situation… that is good to know! On meeting up sometime, that would be great. Have a wonderful Summer in Yellowstone!

  54. Christopher R. Roberts, 08 July, 2015

    Thank you for sharing! I think I bought a refurbished Cuisinart convection oven a few years ago and love how well it works with baking polymer clay.

  55. Joel A, 27 January, 2016

    Hello! I do figures (8-12 inches tall). I recently bought a OSTER convection toaster oven.

    I heard some manufacturers do not recommend using aluminium foil in convection ovens. Have you use foil with yours? Is it safe if I use aluminium foil for my armature?

    What other materials are safe to use with convection ovens? Wire? File folders/cardboard sheets to ‘insulate’ the pan? What if I use an armature and have my figure in a wood base? Will it burn? Is it safe?

    These are the questions I have for now. Hope I can get an answer soon.

    Thanks and God bless!

  56. Dixie Ann, 27 January, 2016

    Hi Joel, Peg is correct in using these different items but just want to inject here about baking with wood. I have found it to be better to bake the wood first at a low temp for about 30 min. to throughly dry it out so it doesn’t decide to warpe on you later when you bake your final piece and it should also be covered or tented. If it already has a wood finish on it but no laquer or gloss coating it still should be okay but again, always cover it and prebake at a lower temp. Good Luck

  57. Peg C, 27 January, 2016

    Wow! Something I can answer. Yes, use foil, wood, wires, folders, etc in your convection oven. It’s just like a regular oven except there is a fan to blow around inside. Also, the temp is low enough that nothing you mentioned will catch fire. I would place an aluminum cover loosely over the top of your clay work, per Cindy’s instructions. I love my convection oven. Temp is always correct, after adjustments. Have fun!

  58. Laurie E, 16 May, 2016

    Hi Cindy,
    I am strongly considering the KitchenAid convection oven that you have. I’ve been reading many positive reviews by people who have purchased it, although some say that the exterior of the oven gets very hot, the knobs are hard to read, and the oven makes noise. Have you found this to be true?

    Thank you!

  59. Dixie Ann, 16 May, 2016

    Hi Laurie, I have the same Kitchenaid, all toaster ovens whatever brand get HOT on the exterior. The dials on mine are easy to read, it is very quiet, the fan never makes any noise, If it were not for the light I would not know it was on. I have had 3 other brands and this one is by far the best one yet. I love the fact that it holds the temp evenly once it reaches the PC temp of 275, it stays there. Mine is close to 3.5 yrs old and I use it all the time. I love it.

  60. Cindy Lietz, 16 May, 2016

    I agree with Dixie Ann. The machine gets hot on the outside, but most do. You can hear the fan, but its no big deal and it is the most consistent oven I have ever had… even my home ovens are as even as this one. I don’t have much problems reading the dial. I also just put a pen mark wear the perfect setting is according to my separate oven thermometer. I would definitely buy this machine again… that is if I ever have to. It’s still running strong!

  61. Laurie E, 19 May, 2016

    Cindy and Dixie Ann,
    Thank you for the info and for your quick responses! They helped me make my decision. Bed, Bath, and Beyond here I come.

  62. Cindy Lietz, 20 May, 2016

    No problem!

  63. Melissa Johnson, 09 August, 2016

    I just bought the same model oven that you have. I put 3 thermometers inside (2 round ones and mt Polder probe. After an hour the temp still isn’t up to 275!! This happened with my last oven, so I thought I needed a new one. The manufacturer says it only takes 10 minutes to preheat and to trust that. Help? What am I doing wrong?

    PS: I have a tile on the wire rack and a tile on the bottom.

  64. Dixie Ann, 10 August, 2016

    Hi Melissa, I also have the same oven as Cindy. You do not need tiles in this oven. Take out the tiles, put in your thermometers and see if your temp reaches the desired temp within 10 min. If it does not, either your thermometers are defective or the oven is. If it still doesn’t reach the right temp with a new thermometer I would definitely take the oven back and exchange it.

  65. Melissa Johnson, 11 August, 2016

    Hello Dixie Ann,
    Thank you so much for responding; it relieves the stress knowing that someone out there can offer advice.

    I bought a new thermometer last night, started the day with enthusiasm. Same thing. Oven doesn’t want to preheat to 275 F. Then I tested the new thermometer in my 5 year old Breville- perfect temp in 4.5 minutes.

    No help from KitchenAid at all, they say the thermometer has to be wrong and we shouldn’t use them anyway. Won’t take it back.

    I read somewhere that you have to calibrate your oven, so now that I know my thermometer is accurate, I am trying various dial settings and will mark the spot that gives me 275 in 5 minutes. Probably the degree mark on 300.

    And saving up for another Breville.

    Thanks again for your help!

  66. Dixie Ann, 11 August, 2016

    Hi Melissa, I don’t know when you purchased your oven but most have a 1 yr. warranty, after that your out of luck. Most of these small ovens register 25 degrees cooler than the temp dial says. Thats why I was so happy with this model of Kitchenaide. My B&D downstairs is 25 degrees off so I have laid a 6×9″ ceramic tile on the bottom of the oven. It takes a little longer to heat up but it bakes at 275 degrees for the Premo clay and rarely flucuates. My large Kitchen oven is 75 degrees off! I have to bake at 400 to get an even 325. Don’t let anyone tell you not to use a thermostat! It can make the difference between a good bake or a bad one. Sometimes it takes 3 of them to find that “sweet spot” where everything bakes perfectly. Good luck in finding yours and I wish you the best in your baking future!

  67. Peg C, 11 August, 2016

    Melissa, I bought a new convection toaster oven a couple of years ago. I have to set mine at 310° and it’s a perfect 275°. I wrote 310 on the glass door so I don’t forget. The temperature in my oven stays steady and I don’t worry about it now.

  68. Brenda Najera, 25 August, 2016

    Can you use a Nuwave oven to bake or cure Fimo clay? Is it an effective method?

  69. Cindy Lietz, 29 August, 2016

    I haven’t used one, but I believe others have. As long as it holds the correct temperature evenly, it should work for baking polymer clay.

  70. Melody J, 25 January, 2017

    Is the Breville BOV650XL any good for baking clay? My daughter is really into YouTube tutorials and replicating shapes. It’s only a hobby at this point but it’s such a hassle to turn on my regular kitchen oven just for 3-4 little shapes. Thanks for your time.

  71. Cindy Lietz, 26 January, 2017

    Hi Melody, what a nice mom you are! I am not familiar with that oven, so I can’t guarantee that it is a good one for clay or not, but the size looks good and as long as it holds the heat quite evenly, then it should be a good oven for your daughter.

    If you buy it, I would test the oven with an oven thermometer first before you bake in it, to see if the temp is even and if it spikes badly or not. (I’m guessing it would be fine, since it is from a reputable brand, it isn’t too small on the inside and you can adjust the temp.)

    I have lots of info on baking that your daughter should watch that will help her no matter which oven she uses. Let us know if you end up getting this machine and how it works out for you. It is always nice to know which brands you can count on and which ones you can not. :)

  72. Cindie Lee, 28 March, 2017

    Hi they took the kitchen aid convention bake
    Counter top oven off the market!
    I use a old used Oster and it’s always
    Spiking. Can someone recommend something similar to the kitchen
    Aid. Thanku

  73. Cindy Lietz, 29 March, 2017

    Hi Cindie, I don’t know what you mean by this oven being off the market. I found several of them on Amazon.

  74. Karen G, 12 April, 2017

    Hi Cindy, I love your site and visit quite frequently! I have a question. I have a convection toaster oven that can do both regular baking and convection that my husband bought for me after my toaster oven’s door broke. I make figures that around about 4 inches tall and an inch thick at the widest parts (head and the base). I’ve been doing tests with it and my thermometer to find the sweet baking spot.

    As long as the sustained heat remains at 275 degrees (I bake with premo and Super Sculpey original, since they both bake at the same temperature) for at least an hour (I sometimes add 20 minutes because it takes about that long for my oven to heat up to temp), it doesn’t matter what your oven dial is set at, correct?

    275 degrees on regular baking spikes to 300 degrees in my oven and between 280 and 295 on convection setting. But set at 265 on convection puts the temp on my thermometer about 270-275. My oven has a digital readout so it only adjusts in 5 degree increments.

    Thank you in advance!

  75. Cindy Lietz, 12 April, 2017

    It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as the oven thermometer reads consistently at 265F-275F (if you’re working with Premo and the other Sculpey Brands). Most oven dials are off by a bit. Some by a lot. By the sounds of it, you have found your sweet spot as far as where to set the dial. Keep doing what you’re doing and readjust when you need to.

  76. Sam T, 15 August, 2018

    I just watched your video on the Kitchen Aid KCO223 convection oven from 2014. Excellent! It is now 2018, and I’m just starting my polymer clay adventure! I’m writing to ask if you still recommend the same Kitchen Aide oven, since several years have gone by. Do you know anyone who has used that oven successfully very recently? Also, what is the best oven thermometer?
    Thank you!

  77. Cindy Lietz, 16 August, 2018

    Hi Sam, I still love using my Kitchen Oven and it has been used for many hours. As far as an oven thermometer, I just use a standard cheap oven thermometer from the grocery store. If I feel it is getting old and may not be reading correctly anymore (piece are brittle or burning) than I pop another one in the oven along side it to check.

  78. Bev D, 22 February, 2019

    Please can you advise on the best mini oven to buy? I’m a beginner in my kitchen and I live in the UK. Do I need to have a convection fan that I can use foil in.

  79. Cindy Lietz, 22 February, 2019

    Hi Bev, I really love the Kitchen Aid Oven I showed in this video. It is still going strong after 5 years. You don’t have to have a convection oven, but they are definitely more even since they move the heat around. You might want to Google the British Polymer Clay Guild. Many of my members are from the UK and they might be able to advise you on the best brand available in your area. Thanks for commenting!

  80. Olga Daniw, 16 October, 2019

    I just moved and the house has a KitchenAid Convection oven to cook with. I have only used a gas or electric oven when baking polymer clay. Is this safe to use with polymer clay? Ii generally use Sculpy III for all my creations. How do I set this convection oven in terms of temperature and do I use Bake?

    I am getting ready to open my Etsy shop and need to make some ornaments, and I am so confused on how to use this oven. Can you help me please?


  81. Cindy Lietz, 21 October, 2019

    Yes this oven is perfect for baking polymer clay. You just use the bake setting and use a separate oven thermometer to make sure the temp is correct. Then bake as you usually do.

  82. Myrna G, 14 September, 2021


    The Kitchen aid oven your parent’s bought you years ago is no longer available. I’ve been researching counter top convection ovens for clay and my eyes are glazing over and rolling back. Do you have any current recommendations.

    I think – if I remember correctly that you live down at the coast in BC. I live in Salmon Arm. Is there somewhere in Canada to buy polymer clay wholesale?

    Thanks for all the YouTube tutorials. I’ve watched many and appreciate the sharing. I am working on OOAK mixed-media jewelry with wire, sheet metal, polymer, and cold connections.

    – Myrna

  83. Cindy Lietz, 15 September, 2021

    Hi Myrna, thank you for the kind comments!

    In regard to the oven, sometimes I see this Kitchenaid Oven on the American Amazon, but I haven’t seen it in Canada lately. I don’t have another oven to recommend to you, however, I would look for the following features in a new oven: Countertop Convection rather than toaster oven, 12″ or larger inside width, 6″ or larger interior height, single door rather than double doors (apparently they leak out a lot of heat), Oven temp dial, timer that goes 1 hour or more, and a 4 star or higher rating.

    For wholesale clay suppliers in Canada, I don’t know of any. You can get good prices on clay and shipping from Shades of Clay and Polymer Clay Canada websites. As well, you may want to consider buying Cosclay which is an excellent clay with excellent prices and is available in Canada in several locations. Just go to Cosclay’s site, and you will see a list of their international distributors.

    Hope that helps!

  84. Myrna G, 20 September, 2021

    Cindy – THANK YOU. I’ll keep all this in mind while looking for the right oven. I’ve already ordered from Shades of Clay and they were great. I’ll look into Cosplay.

  85. Nancy B, 17 November, 2021

    Hi Cindy – I’ve read this review and comments many times and finally found myself in the position of needing a new oven. I purchased the same model as you. I put four thermometers in and three of them read 275° when the dial was just at 300. I love that it heats up quickly and that there is a timer. It is quieter than I expected which is great. There was a strong plastic smell the first time I turned it on but by the second time that was gone. But here’s the thing… I had a white piece get scorched. I’m going to color it so I’m not to worry about it this time. But I am concerned about future curing problems. I did put it on a ceramic tile because I don’t like to transfer the clay once the work is finished and run the risk of having air bubbles underneath. Do you think being on the ceramic tile conducted too much heat and that’s why it’s scorched? It browned on about 1/2 of the bottom and the top of the piece. Do you have any suggestions for me? Thank you again for all you do for the community. I have learned so much from you and it is truly appreciated. You are the best! Whenever I am doing sales and come across someone who also works with polymer clay, especially new to it, I always direct them to you :-).

  86. Cindy Lietz, 19 November, 2021

    Thank you, Nancy, for your kind words! I really appreciate your support. The ceramic tile should actually protect your pieces from scorching, so I don’t think it is that. Did you use a flipped over foil pan lid to tent your piece? Because the elements are quite close to your pieces, when baked in a smaller oven, it is important to protect your pieces from above with a foil pan lid. Do a search on this blog, and you will find there is a video all about that. Also, all dials tend to be off, and it can take a little testing to figure out the sweet spot for your dial. I put a mark on the dial with a Sharpie, so I can get back to the right spot, if I need to change the temp. With a little tweaking, your new oven should work beautifully for you. Good luck!

  87. Erick G, 21 December, 2023

    What is your thought on using a conventional convection oven like you have vs one that uses halogen bulbs in the back to heat….I have heard that the halogen keeps the heat better maintained? Also I saw your video but, its 8 years old…have you revisited this question in a newer video?

  88. Cindy Lietz, 22 December, 2023

    Hi Erik, when it comes to baking polymer clay, it doesn’t really matter what the heat is created by… gas, electric, halogen, air fryer etc… as long as it heats the air, and consistently holds the proper temperature. Putting your piece in a frying pan or under a flame would not be a good because direct contact with the heat source would cause burning.

    The thing I like about a convection ovens is that they move the air around which keeps the heat more evenly distributed. I have heard that air fryers also do a great job at that, but I haven’t tested that myself.

    As long as the halogen oven creates a precise, consistent and even temperature, then it would also be a good choice. The oven in the video (I can’t believe it’s been 8 years since I did the video!!!) has been excellent. I haven’t had a single issue with it. I don’t think this exact model is still being sold, but there are lots of ovens this size out there now… just look for one with good ratings, a large internal space, a temperature dial, a timer that goes to at least an hour, convection and /or air fryer and a single door. Don’t choose the French doors, apparently they leak heat. Here are a bunch on Amazon that could work well for you [Affiliate Link].

  89. Erick G, 24 December, 2024

    Sorry for the late posting. I scrapped the halogen light oven for a more conventional one like you and other artists use. While the halogen bulb one worked it had greater temp variations and lots and lots of hot spots especially when the bulbs would kick on. The one I had used a turntable and that would help with the burning and tenting also helped. But, in the end too many underdone and over cooked pieces. Made me scrap that machine and get the new one. Thanks again for the help and the reply.

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