“Now all I have to do
is shop for some more
spoons… looks like I will be
hitting the antique stores
soon!” ~Lupe-M
These “Spot” features are for you guys to display your accomplishments, share stories of inspiration and even ask for assistance with challenges that you may be experiencing. The projects are based on techniques learned from articles here at the blog, as well as from tutorials at the Polymer Clay Video Library. My hope is for these “Show and Tell” features to help everyone get to know each other a bit better, thanks to this wonderfully artistic medium of polymer clay. And… by participating, you can win some beads too!
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If you are interested in sharing pictures of your polymer clay projects with the community, please follow these 2 simple steps:
1) Email several of your photos to me as attachments. My email address is shown in the “From” line of the weekly Polymer Clay Newsletter that gets sent out each and every Friday morning.
2) Include a description and/or story about your pieces, being sure to reference the tutorial(s) or blog article(s) that provided at least some level of inspiration for your work.
Don’t be shy. Everyone is VERY friendly here.
In the comment section below, please do compliment each other; Offer encouragement; Ask questions about the techniques used; And in general… be social. This is your community! It’s up to you to make it a fun and supportive place to hang out. All of you are amazing and it’s wonderful to have everyone here!
What an adventure, and what’s so wonderful is that it’s on going. I look forward to each new tut with anticipation every Friday, just like a kid in a sweet shop. Thanks so much for this fantastic community that you have built here. Long may it continue. ~Carole-H
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** Did You Know… Members with current subscriptions to the weekly tutorial videos are always entitled to a 10% discount when purchasing 6 or more back issue packages in a single transaction. If you are interested, let me know which back issues you would like and I will send further instructions on how to complete your order. |
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Great job on these, Lupe. That shimmer batik technique is really pretty, especially with the colors you used. I’ve never seen it before, but I’ll bet you do it perfectly.
Love what you’ve done with Vintage Silverware technique, Lupe. It is beautiful. Good luck in finding more silverware. It is costly here in Florida at the antique stores but I haven’t given up. Maybe someday at one of the thrift stores….Happy claying
Lovely!! I’m completely obsessed with the Batik technique at the moment!
Gorgeous Lupe! What a great job you’ve done. I just love the colors and the shimmery effect . The macrame and beads just give it another unique look. Thanks for sharing with us. I need to get some old spoons as I’m dying to try out Cindy’s tute.
Lupe I love your spoons and what you have done with them, I have not seen the batik technique that you spoke of it looks interesting
Gorgeous spoons, Lupe! The clay sheet you used really dressed your spoon pendants up beautifully! I love how you further enhanced them with macrame & pretty dangling beads and inspirational words. Did you use the Helen B. texture plates on this, or something else? ‘Cuz the texture’s really cool & interesting! Good job, I hope you’re able to find more spoons, too! (I’m hoping to find some, as well…)
Beautiful! They are amazing! I have done Batik and Macrame and have never thought to put them together with spoons and polymer clay! Great creativity!
what is this fantastic Batic work? it looks like costly enamel can anyone tell us how to do it as it looks so classy this is another must try .
@Carole Holt: Hi Carole, the technique is a Tina Holden tutorial. You have to purchase it from her Etsy store, & I think Artfire, as well. The technique’s beautiful, and getting really popular! If you follow the link in the article, where it says “Tina Holden” it will take you to an article about her. That article has a link to Tina’s blog. The link says “Tina Holden of Beachcomber fame.” From her blog, you can go to the places where her tutes are sold. I believe this one is called “Batik & Shimmer.” Silverleaf is also a fan, as she mentioned above…
@Phaedrakat: Yes I’m definitely a fan! It’s pretty easy, looks gorgeous and it’s one of those tutes that you can tweak and mess with to make it your own. I’ve already sold a pendant made with a technique based on this one!
I was lying awake the other night when an idea came to me, also based on the Batik technique – I’ve never heard of anyone doing this before, so if it turns out well and isn’t stepping on Tina’s toes (I don’t think it is, but I’d definitely check with her first), I may well write it up as a tutorial myself.
And don’t worry, just because I occasionally “cheat” with other tutors doesn’t mean I’m going to leave Cindy, or appreciate her any less! It’s just a girl has needs, you know… ;)
I love how Lupe’s taken one technique and combined it with another to create something really unique. Great work as usual Lupe!
Lupe, your spoons are gorgeous! I’ve done some marbled effect ones with a lead crystal bead in the center and gave them as gifts, but I love the way you have used the batik. Would love to know how it’s done.
These are beautiful. I like that you kept the spoon shape; love the colors and the added beads. NICE.
What a Wonderful, Georgeous, Colourful Amazing, Original, Talented idea,, you have done with Cindys Spoon Lesson. I just loved it when I saw it today. I was in the Life linestore looking for spoons yesterday, but didnt find any yet, but will do some when i find them and can get back to the polyclay work. I also had sent away for the Batik project, so am excited about that when I get home next week it should be there, and after I get thru the C/ OP what fun I will have.
In the mean time, thanks for putting your beautiful work here. you are just top of the class.
Love to all
XXX Elizabeth K.
Lupe I have just sent for the Batik tut cant wait to get started i think you are a professional at it already
Lupe you are out to win more beads again aren’t you. Well if winning you do it is because you deserve it. Those spoons are so inspiring. I have never heard of this technique before. Is this something Cindy could do a tute on or would it be stepping on another artists toes? No matter you have presented and shared with us a wonderful spotlight. The colors and finished pieces are wonderful. You should be very proud of yourself. How do I find your blog Lupe? I will try to do some searching in past blogs maybe I will find it. Congratulations on a job well done.
Uuuuuuuuuuuuggggs to all, Peggy
@Peggy Barnes: I am finally getting around to commenting on all the nice compliments. Thanks for your comments Peggy. You can find my blog under Miramecreations.blogspot.com And I the bent spoons was a tutorial on Cindy’s website…the other tutorial was from Tina Holden’s Beadcomber blogspot.
@Lupe Meter: Lupe thank you so very much for sharing. I visited you blog and I have much admiration for you. Your art is as beautiful as you are. You are such a kind giving person and so very blessed. I wish you all the luck in you future art although you have God so you don’t need luck. Your butterflies are exquisite and you words of credit to other artists shows your true kindness. I am truly touched by all the wonderful people here in this super community Cindy and Doug have created. If it were not for this blog I would miss out on so much talent and all the caring people. This is what art is all about. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggs, Peggy
Wow, this is turning into some great advertising for Tina H.! It looks like she’ll be selling quite a few tutorials with this. Don’t look, Cindy! LOL We don’t want you to decide to run off and sell your tutorials, instead of sharing them with us at low member rates! (Let’s be careful, everyone. We don’t want to lose our Polymer Clay Tutor!) ;-D
Lupe, I have one word “Gorgeous”! I never would have thought of doing the spoon like that. Love the danglies…
WOW! How beautiful! I’m headed to Etsy.
As usual, beautiful work Lupe..!! The bottom one is my favorite, but they’re all gorgeous!! I may look into buying this tute…
~Lisa :)
Lupe these are gorgeous!! Love the dangling charms in front…really pretty.
OMG! How did I miss yesterday…. it’s like it was just gone…. and I missed Lupe’s beautiful spoons!
Lupe, these are so spectacular. I’m drooling, indeed drooling, and I’m pretty sure it’s not the ice cream in my hand… well maybe a little but mostly it’s your fabulous work!!! I love the shimmer, the playful color working in and out of the texture. It’s all gorgeous! Thank you so much!
Wow these are beautiful… great job…
Lupe they are lovely! (I wonder if you will ever make anything that isn’t shimmer and batik again lol). I haven’t any spoons yet – tasked my friends to look out for some.
Lupe I would like to know how you got your clay cut so perfect it looks as if it was melted into the spoon it lays so well. Can you hand out any advice. Thanks again for sharing with us, your spoons are perfect.
Uuuuuuuuuuuuuugggs to all, Peggy
Thank you all for all the wonderful comments! 8-)
What a cool idea – and a lovely translation of that idea! The batik technique you used is very Art Nouveau – from the colors to the texture and print. Wouldn’t it be great to do this on miniature spoons for earrings? Maybe some baby spoons?
Wonderful spoons Lupe!
Cindy, you present and showcase so nicely! I very much appreciate what others have done with this technique. And also appreciate the nice comments. I’m so glad people are excited with this technique. I can hardly wait to get back into it myself…busy with other stuff at moment, but hey, all of you just made my day! thanks for making me feel good (can you see me blush? lol) I just wanted to say ‘Thank you”