1-A: Kelp
2-A: Pikes Weed
3-A: Coralina
4–A: Seaweed
Don’t these draping clusters of different colorful seaweed varieties look like decorative scarves a Mermaid might wear? The pink frilly ruffles, the pearl like strands, the wavy lengths of golds and greens… a fashion designer would have difficulty duplicating the lovely forms of these ocean flora.
As far as how they became draped along this salt encrusted piece of driftwood jutting out from the rocky seashore… I would like to imagine it as the private dressing room of a young mermaid, where she flung the sea scarves… trying to find the perfect match to her scallop shell bodice and long flowing red hair.
But alas… it was actually Doug that did the flinging. He placed these colorful specimens along the branch, while we were beach combing at Manchester State Park in Washington… looking for the perfect color recipe photos!
I like the picture that I painted better, though… Don’t you?
Any who, I do hope you enjoy this Vol-083-A Series color palette chosen for the month of April 2015.
The following Vol-083 A-series Seaweed Palette will be added to the Polymer Clay Members Library at the beginning of April 2015:
- Kelp (Recipe 083-1A)
- Pikes Weed (Recipe 083-2A)
- Coralina (Recipe 083-3A)
- Seaweed (Recipe 083-4A)
[wp_ad_camp_1] … Kelp is the golden brown color of the wavy sheets of kelp seaweed first up from the left, on the branch of driftwood. Pikes Weed is the name for the dusty coral pink of the seaweed next in line, with the long pearly strands. Then comes Coralina which is the ruffled bright pink clumps of Red Algae (not technically a seaweed at all). And Seaweed is the dark green color of the Sea Lettuce seaweed chunks, intertwined amongst the other more colorful varieties.
I’m learning more about color theory from the recipes than I could ever learn from a book. This is another beautiful palette. Thanks Doug for your uncanny ability to capture the beauty of nature, and to you, Cindy, for your uncanny ability to translate it into recipes we can incorporate into our work. What a team!! ~Elisabeth-S
I LOVE receipes….because I can’t really make up colours in my head yet. I am very new to polymer clay!! And frankly don’t want to waste my money on making ugly colours!! So it is nice to have that work done for me… gives me more time to play. ~Kam-K
I’m new at polymer clay but after encouragement from Cindy on my blog, I got up enough courage to start playing. Color has been fascinating for me. After doing some color mixing experiments that went horribly wrong, I am excited to start using the color recipe cards! ~Judith-R
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Oh yummy, what a lucious palette. The colors look so festive all thrown together like that. Nice Photo Doug! I never would have believed the colors would all go together so well. Leave it up to you Cindy for another winner!
This palette is beautiful. Nature puts together the perfect palette!
Don’t think I have ever used the word “luscious” to describe seaweed, but there ya go, it fits. They are, Cannot wait to use the recipes, might add a tinge of green to really make the red combo pop. As always, your descriptions and musings take me back to my favorite memories. I smelt the ocean, heard it lapping, and saw the possibilities with our native Irish Moss varieties.
That’s okay Blue, I can’t spell either. Shame on me, I know better too.
Swear I didn’t even read your response, just posted what I felt, Dixie. LOL! Here, I am Jocelyn. Think it’s great we think alike.
She perched on the wet rocks, combing her hair
This pretty mermaid, oh so fair
Her scarfs were draped in fine array
Now, which one should I wear today?
This Kelp will contrast with my flaming curls
Or to choose another to match my pearls?
I think I will ask this crustacean creature
The one to choose to enhance my best feature.
“Well I’m too busy” he sadly said
“But my favorite color is firey red,
Whatever you choose will look just great,
Tell me, are you going on a special Date?”
Yes, she replied and I must not tarry
Tonight at the Ball I hope to marry.
He’s tall and dark and his hair is Green
And if all goes well he will make me his Queen.
She slipped off the rocks and dived into the water
To meet her true love, later on, at the Altar
Trailing all the scarfs behind
As she still couldn’t really make up her mind.
But we’ll never know what one she wore
Pink or red, gold or green
In this secret rite to make her a Queen.
So if you walk by the shore
Pay attention my dears
For among all the pieces left there at high tide
You might find the one that was worn by our Bride