“So many of the
other tutes Cindy has
taught us can be used with
this one. Where ever your
mind wants to go!”
On July 6th, I posted an introductory preview clip for my Rocker Beads tutorial. Today, the full version of this video lesson (Vol-026-2) is available for viewing at the Polymer Clay Members Library. Here is the link: See How The Paddle Shaped Rocker Beads Got Their Name
For anyone who is not yet a paid member, if you did not know, the cost works out to only $3.32 per month. This gives you 24/7 access to the full versions of my Friday video tutes. Plus you also receive four A-series color recipe cards. This week’s color is: Marshes (2A) from the Marsh Reed Polymer Clay Color Palette.
It is nice to be quoted by Cindy. I also enjoy it and glad she decided to keep doing this for many reasons. If I can help in anyway convince a new member to join, I am thrilled. Nobody should miss out on what they can learn here at the blog and most of all thru Cindy’s wonderful tutorials. You will not regret it, only regret is that you have waited to join. Biggest mistake I ever made but more than happy I made up for it and now own every tute she has made. We are all getting way more than we have paid for here. Uuuuuuggggggs to all. ~Peggy-B
There is always something to be picked up with every tute, even though you may have done it before. I’m happy with whatever Cindy teaches. Love. ~Elizabeth-K
Cindy offers us so much, at an incredibly low, low price. We should not be taking it (or her) for granted! We’re getting such an amazing deal. Even if we only liked one of the tutes per month, it would still be a bargain. We get these video tutorials for only 80 cents (or so) each, when other artists are selling their written tutorials for the same amount as Cindy’s 90-day membership! **12 videos vs. 1 written tute.** — Thank you, Cindy, for all that you do for us. I hope that you know how much you are appreciated! You really are! You’re THE Polymer Clay Tutor — the best! ~Phaedrakat
If you want to become a paid member, here is the link:
Polymer Clay Video Library
Or if you are brand new to polymer clay, the best place to first learn all of the fundamentals is here: Polymer Clay Beginners Course
To browse other video tutorials that are available for purchase without becoming a subscribing member (in other words… just a one time fee), you can go here: Polymer Clay Video Back Issues
Weekly Wrap Up… Please use the comment sections of these Friday posts to discuss anything you like… from polymer clay challenges that you need some help with… to success stories about your jewelry creations… to requests for upcoming video tutorials… to general community chit chat. In other words, it’s an open mic :-)
Last week the Friday discussion topics included:
- KISS principle for polymer clay.
- Finishing sides of resin covered pendants.
- Future finish yellowing over time.
- Commonwealth countries.
- UV cure lighting systems.
- Member biographies.
- Fort Madison, Iowa.
- Do hot flashes ever stop?
- El Paso, Texas.
- Tucson, Arizona.
- Faux Ivory selling like crazy.
- Sculpey Studio Glossy Glaze.
- PC… grounding, renewing, soul-refreshing.
- Me Time.
- Playdoh cane packing technique.
- Polymer clay e-group swap.
- Faux raky bracelet tiles.
- Preserve Your Memories II (PYM-II).
- Beveled edges – Glad plastic wrap.
- First jewelry showing.
- Friendship and bonding.
- Conditioning clay with your car!
- Jana whack method.
- Florence, Italy.
- Claying with your kids.
- Bradford West Yorkshire, England.
- Attention span of a nat.
- Happy 4th of July!
- Irish dairyman and German grocers.
- Richmond, BC, Canada.
- A dad that let us climb trees.
- ALS.
- Digital photo collage.
- Delta Ceramcoat varnish… sticky finish.
- Faux opal necklace compliments.
- Patient polymer clay will be there for you.
- New sanding product.
- First time caning success.
- First time baking disaster.
- Miniature Fimo frooties go up in smoke.
- Safety first!
- Streaky verathane finish.
- Butterfly cane pendants, pins and hair barrettes.
- Baking on cornstarch.
- Oven thermometer.
- Riverside, California.
- #1 issue that comes up for polymer clay beginners.
- Rubbing alcohol.
- And much, much more…
If you need to catch up, here is the link to the article where last week’s topics were discussed in detail: Butterfly Wing Cane Video
Otherwise, you can use the comment section below to start talking about some new topics and ideas. Happy Friday!!!
Hello Everyone… Sorry I’ve not been around much.. My folks came up for a visit and now my hubby and I are in England. Just for a week though, or I would have tried to get together with some of our British clayers… We’re in Hastings, that’s South England. We have a wedding tomorrow, our niece. (For those who didn’t know, my husband is British – I imported him. *lol*) I’ll try to keep up while we’re here, but I may not have the time.
Miss You All..!!
Keep on Clayin’!
~Lisa :)
@Lisa Whitham: Lisa, I hope you have a wonderful time! Enjoy the wedding, and the family. That’s if you’re fond of them, of course. (Not always the case!) Sounds like you got a great import—did they have any other nice ones at the shop where you picked him up? ;D
@Lisa Whitham:
h Lisa
How nice of you to let us know you are on your trip to England.
How exciting for you.
A Wedding is always fun, so have a great time and come back refreshed.
Phaedracat said it for all of us to you.
Elizabeth S.
Yes it is great how Cindy makes every thing so interesting and keeps up with everyone as if you are her only concern.
What were we ever doing before we came here. this is a daily ritual now for me too. Nice site, nice people, nice feelings
Elizabeth K.
@Lisa Whitham: Ooh, Lisa, have a wonderful time!
I have a new routine for Friday morning now. I find I look forward to reading the weekly wrap-up almost as much as watching the new video. Cindy, the way you summarize the pc topics then have been addressed, then include snippets of the beautiful offerings of care and concern that happen throughout a week of blogging, and then manage to casually drop in a reference to some of the funny stuff, is priceless. Thanks for adding this component to the site. It reminds me why I’m here every day.
Ok, as a performer I’m used to microphones so I’m gonna grab the ‘Open Mic” for a moment. Cindy, Is there any way to to a tutorial on carving (actually carving) a bead with a dremel or flex shaft tool, and what kind of “bits” to use for the carving?
@Ken H: Great idea, Ken! I’ve only done a bit of carving, and that was with lino carving tools, but it was fun. (Must try that technique again!)
@Ken H: Bam! First thing that came to my mind too. But, before you whirrrr, I’d suggest you get out your old Boy Scout carving kit, and try a couple of the push carvers to see how much pressure and such is required.
Used to love that black topped layered color crayon paper where you used toothpicks and such to reveal a design. These unique rocker beads are making my mind walk that same path….
@Ken H: I know you had specified using a dremel, but I’ve dabbled in carving cured clay with hand wood carving tools. I bought really tiny (1.5mm and 2mm) v gouge and scoop gouge at a woodworker’s supply store. Because the cured clay is soft (compared to wood) the gouges were very easy to use. I know that there are directions for carving in one of Donna Kato’s book. She then filled in the carvings with fresh clay and cured (which was the part I was just crazy about). Imagine the possibilities for depth using translucent clay repeatedly!
@Ellabella: Thanks for the info, I’ll look for the book(s) your referring to,
Just watched the video, I like the pendant also would like to see how that is made.
This bead would look great used in a necklace where the beads are graduated, don’t know what the style necklace is called,I’ll try to explain it, it would be longest rocker bead in center then spacers on each side, then the next size bead on either side, spacers again, and so on, in an odd number of beads, sort of a fan shape.
@Ken H: That sounds like a gorgeous necklace idea! I can tell you like a “graduated” approach to jewelry-making—your lovely Faux Jade bead necklace had graduated beads, too! I’m glad, because I think the Rocker Beads would look really cool with graduated lengths in a necklace! (I’m repeating myself…)
@Koolbraider: This video was shorter than some of the others. It wouldn’t take as long to “load” so that might be why…
@Phaedrakat: There is just something graceful about jewelry with graduated beads, either round beads or a fan shape as Cindy’s rocker beads would make.
@Ken H: Ken, when long or flate beads are graduated like that in sort of a fan shape they are called a “collar.” Some bead suppliers actually sell semi-precious stones in a set that are cut to make a collar.
Ken, I’ve seen necklaces done as you described but with sterling feather beads, stone “fans” (where the length of the stones go from to short on one end to long for the middle stone and back to short for the last stone) and glass dagger beads. I agree, a necklace done with the rocker beads would actually be wicked cool. For some reason I have the urge to put on some Rolling Stones music when making these! Leaving the ends as they are really does make them more interesting.
Gotta question on these videos: sometimes one “buffers” (takes time to load into the pc) and sometimes it just plays all in one play. This one played all at one, no waiting. Can someone explain why some buffer? And speaking of buffering, today’s the day for Dremel!!
EDIT: Hi Koolbriader – Here’s a link to where your video buffering question was answered for someone else a while ago. ~Doug
@Ken H: Ken, I think a tut on carving would be great, too!
@Elizabeth S.: Elizabeth S, I’ve got the same Friday morning routine. Well, actually I do this every day and lose myself here! Every time I read an article it’s got links to others I need to read. After awhile I have at least 10 tabs open with things I want to read, and of course they all have links… :)
@Lisa Whitham: Lisa, enjoy your trip and the wedding!
@Tanya L:I do the same thing-we are all going to have to hire readers to provide us with summaries of the important info for all these links. I’m always so afraid I’ll miss something and then the world will certainly come to an end. (lol)
Cindy, another awesome tut! Being so new here and having just bought some of the back issues there are so many things you’ve shown that I want to try.. NOW! :) And you make it so easy! This site is great and I’m so glad I found it. There’s such an amazing amount information I find myself on here for hours even when I just want to pop in for a few minutes. I’ll read one of your articles and I have to check out the links you have there so I open a new tab for this one, then that one.. After awhile I have 10 tabs with info I want to read! Then, of course, all of those articles have links, and before I know it it’s 11 o’clock (am) and my morning is gone! Anyway, just wanted to say thank you to you and your hubby for going to such lengths to teach and mentor all of us. I always get so much inspiration here. Oh, and I absolutely love the color recipe cards too!! ~ Tanya
@Ken H: Dremel has some engraving bits that might work well for carving, but they probably aren’t necessary, since clay is so soft. You might just need something small enough to give you the right size. I would be interested to in a carving tute. Grant Diffend….r’s (sorry, no time to search for correct spelling) beads are phenomenal! Great idea, Ken!
@Tanya L: OMG, I have “Tab Overload” myself! I leave them open so I can remember to reply to different people, and then I’ve got the thing wrapping around where I can’t even see where I started! Crazy! It’s super busy around here lately, so I find I’m having trouble keeping up. My neck problems had me behind anyway, so I’m WAY behind. I’ll get caught up soon enough, I guess.
Right now, though, I’m gonna soak in my NEW POOL & Jacuzzi! LOL (The kids just went home… if I’m quiet, no one will bug me…)
Well, I’m still here. I could never leave this site. I love Cindy and Doug and all the really great people here. Open Mic Fridays are so cool. I’m trying to catch up. I can’t sit too long because of the pain and I can’t concentrate to create anything. I won’t give up. Everything I made I gave away and one necklace broke. Is there any way to make sure this won’t happen again?……….Boy was my face red……..I only have one earring and necklace set left . I gave about six sets away, and I have to get my ass in gear to make more. Am I allowed to say that? Oh well…….I have a Dremel tool but I’m afraid to use it. I have a million parts for it, too. Can’t sit anymore……..Love You All…….Honey ……West Palm Beach Fl.
@Honey Sperring: Honey did I miss a blog where you told us what has happened or are you another one of us unfortunates with fibro or rheumatoid arthritis or something even worse. Whatever the reason you are in my prayers and I pray God will give you the strength you need to have a full recovery. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I realize with you there and me here prayer is probably the only thing but I sure am happy to do that for you whenever you need.
I have a dremel but I only use it for buffing on my polymer I tried to do some etching once and that didn’t come out to neat. I know they say practice makes perfect but for me it is practice might make it a little better. Too many other neat techniques I can do and enjoy to worry about the dremel. Oooh West Palm Beach Florida wish I could come down and help you but I have a hard time keeping up with my own. Get better soon.
Love and Uuuugggs, Peggy
@Honey Sperring:
Honey, I teach Tai Chi at an area community college on Saturday mornings. It is the best thing for people who can’t move or hurt easily because if it hurts, you aren’t doing it properly. It’s like claying – it is so forgiving. My instructor wrote a book about our style (there are hundreds) of Tai Chi. It’s one of those orange and white idiots guide to books. If you would like some information ask Cindy for my address and I will be happy to send you some. I do hope everyone feels better.
I love these rocker beads. They are so much fun. I can see all sorts of sizes and possibilities.
Linda B.
@Honey Sperring: Honey, I’m so sorry to hear about all of your troubles. The pain is bad enough! When you have to worry about your jewelry, and don’t feel good enough to figure out why the necklace broke—it’s not fair! I know this is really frustrating, and I’m so sorry that you had the “embarrassing moment.” Did the clay break, or did the necklace break from the way it was strung? If you need help deciphering what happened, you know there’s lots of help here! We’ll be glad to try to throw some ideas at you, or whatever you need. Lots of us are on FB, too, so you can get an quick back & forth conversation if you want. Just let us know! My thoughts & prayers go out to you~
Honey, how did your necklace break? And what kind of necklace was it? Do a search on the “tools” section on the upper left section on the pages and you’ll find lots of info about Dremels. Cindy also has a couple of videos on them. I have fibromyalgia and sitting too long is a bear. But I found that I could adapt some work to standing at a kitchen counter. (I also found that tai chi is an excellent exercise; practically no impact and you can do it in your livingroom with no equipment other than a dvd player and Tiffany Chen’s DVD.)
I have a question in regards to Future Floor Wax. I have hunted high and low in many many places in San Diego County, with no luck. I did find a product called Quick Shine by Holloway House. There is a statement that says it is a premium product developed from advanced polymer technology was specifically formulated for gloss and durability in high traffic areas such as schools, churches and hospitals. Has anyone ever heard of this product and / or used it? It there a place on line that I might be able to order Future Acrylic Floor Wax. Thanks for your help. Have a GREAT week-end. Chaz
@Charles Seyfried: Hi Charles, Future changed its name—it’s now called Pledge with Future Shine, by S.C. Johnson. Take a look at the article the link goes to, and you’ll find a link to Amazon. You can purchase it from them. You might also try reading the comments below the article. Sometimes people write down the places where they find it (in shops.) Good luck, and have a great weekend yourself!
~Kat Riverside, CA US —Where are you from?
@Phaedrakat: Thank you – Kat. I went to Wal-Mart and got a bottle. Think it will last me a long time LOL I m from Del Mar CA right on the beach across from North gate of Toreey Pines Stare Beach. Hope all had a gteat week-end. Thanks again KAT
@Charles Seyfried: Is this any where near Dockweiler Beach? That’s one of my favorite motorhome spots. Maybe we can have a southern CA/Tahoe get together when I’m down there … in a couple, three months.
@carolyn: No I am about 100 miles south of Dockweiler Beach but with planning could probably come up that way.
@Phaedrakat: Thank for the info. I found it at Amazon, but found it at Wal mart CHEAPER. thank you Linda for the tip. Also to you Kat for the name change info. PEACE CHAZ
@Charles Seyfried: I bought my Pledge with Future Shine in Wal-Mart just a couple of months ago.
Thank you Linda just got back from Wal Mart and a BIG bottle will last me for a hundred years LOL Thanks again Linda CHAZ
@Charles Seyfried: You’re welcome, Chaz!
For those who are curious about why we are talking about tai chi: one of the best benefits is that it restores a sense of balance to your movements. The sad fact for older women: simply falling or tripping in your livingroom can lead to a broken hip (not sure about the stats but they are extremely high). Many woman will never recover from a broken hip. One lady in my class said her mother just caught the edge of a carpet and was down before anyone could catch her. But on top of that, tai chi involves all of your muscle groups (I don’t say “force” because it’s not that kind of excercise). It also become a breathing excercise, and eventually becomes a moving meditation, very relaxing yet still giving your body the activity it needs for good health. I found a class through adult ed. There’s something comforting in moving with a group.
@Koolbraider: According to the brochure on Forteo which is the medication my osteoporosis doctor wants me on, Half of women over age 50 wikl suffer a broken bone rekated to osteoporosis in their remaining lifetime. Every 20 seconds, another American breaks a bone as a result of osteoporosis.
My beautiful… no, exquisite “Cindy Original” faux opal piece that I purchased from the gallery arrived yesterday. Even Doug’s amazing photography didn’t fully capture the delicate loveliness of this shimmery opal tucked inside the bezel. Hanging it from the guitar string was the perfect choice as anything else would have overpowered it. I feel so honored to have this treasure, Cindy. Thank you. Thank you.
I need to go do some laundry and then mow the lawn, so I can’t respond to each and every one of you, but thank you all so much for your great comments! There are a couple I should address, though…
@Ken H: Great suggestions! I have always wanted to try some carving with my Dremel, so when I have something that is teachable I will let you know! And the dagger necklace sounds lovely. Why don’t you try one? In a Faux jade Rocker Bead perhaps?
@Elizabeth S.: Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I am really glad you liked the necklace. Bet it looks pretty on you!
@Cindy Lietz from Dremel Tool for Buffing Polymer Clay Beads: I actually said ‘OOOOO!’ outloud when I read your suggestion about making graduated rocker beads out of faux jade. What a ‘fan’tastic idea. BTW: Fire Mtn Gems still calls them fans even when they are semiprecious stones. I have one in unakite that I really must make into something someday. I just love unakite so much that I know this fan will have to be used in some very special way.
OK, All: Here is the first of several pieces made which include one or more of Cindy’s beads that I won.
This set was not only inspired by Cindy Lietz’s Rocker Bead Tutorial, but actually contains one of Cindy’s beads: Faux Bone Carved Bead Tribal Bead which dangles center front on this exciting 19 inch necklace. The matching earrings have surgical steel earwires and the total drop is about 60 mm. The polymer clay burnt umber bicone beads are separated by silver bicones. The entire feel of this set is earthy and warm. See Photo here: lordstreasures.com/detail.php?id=3531
EDIT: Hi Carolyn – what you published at your web site gets you 6 points in the new bead giveaway contest because you included 2 anchor text links. Each anchor text link at your site is worth 3 points. Way to go!!! Plus your upload of the picture to the Facebook Gallery page with the 2 links that you added there, got you another 2 points. As you can see on Facebook, they don’t allow us to do anchor text links there… so in your future Facebook posts, just use the simple http:// link format. Thanks for making the effort to figure all this out. Cindy and I really appreciate it. ~Doug
Re: Tai Chi – 20 minutes of Tai Chi equals 20 minutes of hard core aerobics (heart wise). For me… that’s a no brainer. I feel so much better after doing my Chi work and I have more energy.
I have arthritis in my feet, ankles and knees so walking across a floor is sometimes very painful. Tai Chi gets me through the day. That’s why I love claying so much and reading Cindy’s blog and all of the group’s input. I can sit down!!!
Linda B.
I was late watching this video. Great tutorial! The beads look really cool. I love the ends of the beads and the way they taper. I made a graduated necklace but with the mother of pearl shell dagger shaped beads and also with some irregular shaped longish brown pearls – did that one with crystals set in between.
Carolyn, I have osteopenia which is the fore runner of osteoporosis. My doctor has me on lots of calcium. Because of my bad stomach I can’t take anything that says “may cause serious stomach upset”. I tried Cymbalta for fibromyalgia and after ten days of horrible heartburn/no eating/no sleeping I had to go to my regular doctor for prescription stomach meds.
Am still tring to decide on which dremel. My head is full of color designs. I have an old cane, about three yrs. old, that should make perfect rocker beads. (Don’t tell Ken but I have a huge cane so it would make a wonderful rocker bead graduated sized necklace…) I never throw anything away and still have some very old canes. It’s fun to think they might be used after all!
@Koolbraider: I have been taking 2400 mg (or more) of calcium a day for a few years now. It was only when I went to the osteoporosis specialist this week that I found out that my body is not assimilating the calcium and my parathyroids are telling my hip bones to release calcium into my blood stream. He has me on a different type of calcium that I supposedly will be able to absorb into my blood. I’m also trying to drink more milk and eat more cheese and cottage cheese. Yes, the cheeses will put weight on for sure … and I’m already back to a decent weight … don’t want to gain too much more. But I do love cheeses of all kinds so it wasn’t bad news when he said to eat more. So, do make sure that your doc is checking that you are assimilating the calcium that you are taking. I thought I was in good shape … wrong!
@carolyn: Carolyn…and everyone else…make sure that your doctor checks your Vitamin D levels. D is important to bone health also.
@Linda K.: Right you are. My old calcium supplement had vitamin D so my D levels were OK. Now that he changed the calcium he also has me on D. Thanks for thinking of that though, ’cause yes, it is very important … helps assimilate the calcium, from what I understand.
@Linda K.: Linda I am going to a new Fibro specialist in Peoria IL and I have a vitamin D deficiency. So now I am taking 50,000 IU everyday for 2 weeks and then 2, 50,000 IU capsules 2 days a week for who knows how long. Plus I was on the low norm side of my thyroid test so he put me on thyroid treatment because of my family history and my symptoms. I also got put back on the candida diet and taking Ketoconazole for at least 6 months and they are re-trying gabapentin. I take the trigger point injections which the preparation for them is far worse than the injection itself. They do help sometimes then the next time I say never again. But you gotta keep trying. So I just pray God will continue to give us the strength we all need to get through this the best we can. I am so blessed to have all my family both at home and here with all of you plus Cindy and Doug.
Love and Uuuuuggggggs, Peggy
@Peggy Barnes: I’ve been taking Gabapentin ever since I crushed the vertebra in my back. That sure sounds like an awful lot of D … are you sure it is 50,000 and not 5,000? What are the trigger point injections? Love you and send you Uuuuuuggggs
@Peggy Barnes: I did stop at the market on my way home from church this morning and picked up some salad fixins’, cottage cheese, granola, milk and potatoes. I really must start eating healthier … and that means more calcium … and the potatoes are for calcium assimilation.
Also, God moves in mysterious ways … over a month ago a gal at church asked for another of my single wire Gospel bead pendants. Since no two come out the same I made three so she’d have a choice. I had not seen her since I made them but there she was as I walked in the door. She bought all three of them! And then I told her about the osteoporosis doc wanting me on Forteo @ $800 a month. She said I should talk to her mom. I called the mom when I got home. She said that the drug company is supplying her drug FREE! She also made me feel much better about the drug itself and its self-administration (daily injections). I don’t know if I will be able to get the drug for free, but maybe they will at least assist since my osteoporosis is pretty bad and my fixed income is relatively low.
Anyway, this is a good day! I just had to share this … especially since I seem to have been sharing my downs a lot lately. Thank you all for your concern, love and prayers and Uuuuuuggggs!
Oh my goodness! Carolyn, I just checked out your site (after reading Cindy’s comment) and wow! Love you blue morpho butterfly.
Oops, I have no idea what a flate bead is, LOL. I meant to write flat beads.
Cindy, I was having a hard time seeing the shape of your rocker beads before, so I wasn’t sure if I liked them or not. Now that I’ve watched the video, I think they’re great! Sometimes, I might not like the “organic” ends, but as Kat says, you can cut them off if you want them even.
Anyway, I think this is a technique I’ll be using a lot.
flate bead
Flat with a little extra, maybe a tail……
I’ve never heard of trigger point injections either. “Trigger points” are places on the body that, when pressed, cause pain (lots of it, believe me) and are one of the few tests that a doctor can use to diagnose fibromyalgia. I had a rheumatologist press two spots on my leg, about three inches apart. I felt like hitting him when he pressed the trigger point. I asked if he was really using the same amount of pressure and he looked at me and quietly said he had been doing this for years…I think I may have touched a nerve there!!! The problem with the points is that sometimes they don’t hurt and sometimes they do, and not all patients have them in the at the same time nor do they have every point. It often takes many years to get a diagnose of FM because, basically, every other problem has to be ruled out. Took more than 15 yrs. for me.
I ordered my Dremel last night from Amazon!! Am really looking forward to buffing without spending all day or causing pain. Have spent the day with the Faux Jade tutorial and will be making rocker beads with the results. The talk about carving beads here has made me think about trying that too.
@Koolbraider: I’ve never heard of trigger point injections either. I was fairly easy to diagnose, since my mother had such a severe case of fibromyalgia that she was housebound for her last 5 years. Her sister also has FM. I know the symptoms well. I remember that my aunt had steroid shots, which helped her tremendously for a time. When my mother asked for the steroid shots, her doctor refused because of what steroids can do to your bones.
I’m fortunate because I’m still able to exercise through my symptoms. Of course, I pay afterward, but to me it’s worth it. I dread the day when it progresses to where I need to take one of those prescriptions…I just don’t want to deal with all those side effects.
Jocelyn, you are so right about the trigger points. When I first suspected that I had FM, my doctor wasn’t convinced because I didn’t react stongly enough to the trigger points. Then she ruled out everything else. I still only have severe pain in a few of the triggers, while the rest are only tender. Isn’t Lidocaine similar to Novacaine? I seem to remember a topical ointment for kids’ boo-boos that had Lidocaine in it.
Peggy Barnes & Carolyn, if you google “vitamin D 50,000 IU” you’ll see that a lot of doctors prescribe this dosage for people who have low levels. My chiropractor (God bless him, he’s the reason I’m able to ski, and play golf and tennis) told me that there have been recent discoveries about Vitamin D and that much higher doses are non-toxic than what they thought in the past.
Carolyn, I hope that you’re able to get help with your meds from the drug company.
@Linda K.: I’d never heard of them either, it was something my Doctor picked up in a search for chronic pelvic pain after multiple surgeries and incisions. Apparently, those soldiers hit by non removable shrapnel in the gut had massive pain reduction when inundated with Lido (same as Novocain, only injectible and commonly used by dentists). Did not work for me. The trigger point pain he referred to was not fibro, it was muscles that failed to heal properly sending pain messages through out the abdominal cavity. Still wonky on stairs.
@Jocelyn: I’m so sorry it hasn’t worked for you Jocelyn.
Heard this tip several times here and elsewhere. When finishing, keep your beads on strings….in the polishing machine, while you are using the wheel or dremel, and while baking.
It makes them easier to handle, and easier to service. Plus no more “butt in the air” displays while you search for the ones that pop out of your hands.
@Jocelyn: Where was this tip while I polished all those bicones? Yes, I did the butt in the air bit several times. At least this time I remembered to tie my long hair back. There was that time a few months ago when I forgot and ended up with my hair wrapped around the felt buffer that Cindy taught us to make. Fortunately that time the Dremel quit on its own … and I was able to unwrap my hair. Thought there for a while that I’d end up with a pixie cut! Anyway, thanks for this tip about the string – I’ll probably use wire since I have a lot more of that than I have of string – of course, I do have dental floss.
Carolyn, had 60 trigger point injections of Lidocaine over a 3 week period. Still have the little scar from each injection, makes me think about getting tattooed on my lower abdomen, lol.
It helped in the beginning, the longest pain free time was 7 days, but, then the pain returned, and further injections caused an ice cold trickle sensation deep inside….a bit unpleasant.
The cost and time of the injections outweighed the benefits. I remain hopeful….
Since this is our Friday ‘Anything goes’ as far as comments and suggestions – well, almost anything – I have a question: Do you ever look at the list of people and comments that are on the right side of this screen? Sometimes that list is so long that I can’t use my page down button to get to the last of the main comments. Please weigh in on this one … I really want to know if this column is valuable on a blog. I’d like pros and cons. Thanks a bunch!
@carolyn: The list of people and comments on the right hand side is my main way of navigating the blog. While I look at the front page to see the day’s new topic, I use that list the rest of the time: what topics have been discussed recently (including old ones), who’s been active, etc. I then pick the topics and the “jump in” points that I’m interested in.
@carolyn: I use that list on the right also. As Sue says, it shows you all of the new entries over the most recent 3 days. This allows you to keep up with messages posted on topics from the past.
@Linda K.: Thanks Linda and Sue for your response to my query. This is very helpful information.
@carolyn: Hi Carolyn, you’ve already got enough answers, I suppose. But I rely completely on the list to the right. I use it to make sure I don’t miss any of the posts, especially those from the past. I hope you have the best of luck with your medical & other issues that are going on right now. You’re in my prayers. ~Kat
BTW, congratulations on selling those pendants!
@Charles Seyfried: You’re so welcome! Happy to see someone else from S. Cal!
@Phaedrakat: Thanks for your input. After getting several responses, I now know how others are using that column. Maybe some others have learned something about using this blog.
I was truly shocked when Trish bought all three of the pendants. They are just simple single wire with beads so they aren’t expensive, but it was great to sell something again.
When it gets closer to the time I expect to be in So. CA – early Fall, maybe – I’ll put out the word and maybe we could have a claying beach party! We could all meet up at Dockweiler Beach where I stay in my motorhome. They have nice picnic tables at each RV parking spot. I’ll have my claying stuff with me and we could have a great time! There’s you, Kat, and now Chas … what other folks do we have in the area. BTW – in case you don’t know, Dockweiler is very near LAX.
@carolyn: You would think there must be a lot more people from S. Ca. here at the blog, but they haven’t really made it known! Loretta C. is the only person I know of in S. Cal. besides Chaz, and she’s in Cathedral City, which is an hour further from the beach than I am. That would be cool to meet you, Carolyn! I sure hope I have my car running again by then, and that I’m feeling good enough for a beach party. Whoo-hoo that would be fun!
@Charles Seyfried: Hey Chaz, that bottle will last forever! Huge, right? It’s funny, I’ve looked for the new Future (Pledge w/Future Shine) at Walmart before, but never found it. Where (what section) was it in the store?
@Phaedrakat: You won’t believe it. I had to ask as I could not find it. Automotive?????? PEACE Chaz
@Charles Seyfried: Aha! No wonder–I was looking in the aisles with the other “household” items like kitchen & bathroom cleansers, laundry soap—and mops! Hmmm, wonder why automotive? Anyway, thanks for solving the mystery! Chaz to the rescue! Peace~ D
@Phaedrakat: Well, how weird is this. My store had it in with the Pine Sol and other floor products in the “household” section.
@Phaedrakat: Who knows why it was there but it was with the other auto waxes and polishes. Maybe some thought acrylic oh that goes with the auto stuff. WHO KNOWS!! PEACE CHAZ
@Phaedrakat: Hi. I live in Rowland Heights, CA. I found future at Ace Hardware store for about $7.00,
Koolbraider, you are correct. There is the trigger point pain indicative of fibromyalgia. Also any pain can have a “trigger point” an area when stimulated or aggravated will set off a whole chain of pain. For me, certain muscles defined the trigger points, and that was the pattern of injection followed. It is confusing use of terminology.
Carolyn, I believe that when you do the right thing, eventually the right thing happens to you. $800 a month!! Haven’t heard of Forteo. Yes, I check the list of topics on the side just to see if there’s anything new.
Since we’ve been having a bad heat wave (a bit better today) I’ve found that clay gets very sticky quickly. I tried the rocker beads this afternoon but the clay was so soft I couldn’t get the bead off the pin without deforming it. I’ve been keeping beads in the fridge before piercing them for this reason. So I’m thinking I’ll try the rocker beads with clay that’s been cooled in the fridge for a while. If it starts to get too soft I’ll have to stick it back in the fridge for a while.
@Koolbraider: Thanks for the encouraging words. And for your comment on the side column.
I’ve mentioned this on an old topic, but I don’t think that many of you read it…so I’m going to explain it again.
I saw some instructions for creating an automatic sander from a battery operated toothbrush, both on Desiree McCrory’s site and on the “Starving Jewelry Artist” site. It makes a huge difference…I no longer get cramps in my hands, arms, shoulder, and neck when I sand my beads.
Basically, I used Velcro (hook and loop) “dots” along with a Velcro strip. I glued a hook dot onto the round part of my battery-operated toothbrush. I glued several grits of wet/dry sandpaper to several loop dots. I also glued a hook strip onto a piece of cardstock. I stuck the sandpaper circles to the strip and labeled each grit with a Sharpee pen.
I’m going to write about this on my blog this week, with some photos to make it easier to understand. I’m at blogger.com under Linda’s Art Barn.
Linda, I have a tutorial about making the sander from an electric toothbrush too. I’m going to pick one up today. It’s good to know this works even if it sounds silly. How does it work on round beads? I know I’ll have to be careful on the rounds so not to get flat spots.
@Koolbraider: It works fine on round beads, you just have to be sure that you don’t miss any spots. I’ve never gotten any flat spots on my beads from using a toothbrush sander. If you press too hard, it slows down…so it really can’t sand too deeply.
Koolbraider and Linda, you might want to investigate the power scrub too. Slightly bigger surface area. Also another woodworking trick is to use emery embedded string…this is fabulous for getting into the crevices to sand.
The problem I found with the scrubber and toothbrush was that the sanding stick ons failed with the use of water. Was always spending more time fishing them out of the pan and trying to stick them back on to continue working.
If you folks could figure out a great solution this would be a wonderful boon for those of us who need to sand and have hand, arm, and wrist problems.
@Jocelyn: I agree that it’s a little tricky keeping the sandpaper glued to the Velcro. I find the glue lasts longer if I keep wetting the bead and the toothbrush head, rather than holding them under water for sanding.
I’m not sure where the conversation started about the trigger point injections. I’ve had those, too (for my neck.) I tried them once only, and the pain was torture for ME. It took a couple weeks for the pain from the procedure to calm down, and then I got about a week of “pain relief” before my neck pain came back. It was expensive, to boot, so needless to say, I didn’t repeat the injections. I’ve got a different problem, though. Also, I know these shots DO WORK for some people, so don’t give up hope.
I sure hope you guys get the relief you need—I started to type your names, but there just are so many of us hurting! It would have been easier to say,”All of you except ____,” but I didn’t want to jinx anyone! Painless Uuuugggs, all around…
Linda, I was planning to use the velcro like you do. I bought extra tips so I can mark each with the grit size. Rite Aid had their brand of tips that fit a brand name toothbrush. I hope to get some dots of each grit glued tonight after daughter’s birthday. That way, when one dot is used up I can just slap another on with the Velcro. I have a JoAnne fabrics’ coupon. I’m thinking Velcro will hold up better than two sided tape.
@Koolbraider: Happy Birthday to your daughter!
Yes, I think the Velcro is much better than double-sided tape.
OK, if anyone is interested, I wrote a whole tutorial on my blog for making and using a toothbrush sander. I posted a couple of photos to make it easier to see what I’ve done. You can find it by clicking on my name.
Cindy, I put links in my new blog article to your Buffing with a Dremel Tool tutorial and to your newsletter with the Sanding tutorial.
@Linda K.: This was great … thank you!
@Linda K.: Love your tutorial, Linda! Like everyone’s saying, it’s very detailed and well-done! I’ve tried this technique before, but wasn’t happy with it. Your tutorial has shown me a couple things to try that should make the process work better for me. Great job! :D
@Linda K.: Linda I like your toothbrush sander. Next purchase. I was wondering how would a manicure machine work. I saw one in magazine that had all these sanding things for your finger nails. The appeared flat and hard. Could you just velcro the sand paper to the hard surface of these sanders? Just an idea. Theymight be to hard with possible flat areas as they do not give kine the toothbrush bristles. Just wondering PEACE CHAZ
@Charles Seyfried: Thanks, Chaz. I have one of those battery-operated manicure machines, but I seldom use it because it’s hard to control. The heads on mine have a fastener that holds them on, which would be in the way. I find that the heads are too hard for my liking. If you already have one without a fastener on top of the head, it might be worth giving it a try. If not, I wouldn’t bother to buy one…Ithink they cost a lot more than a cheap battery-operated toothbrush, which you can buy (get the one with replaceable batteries) in Wal-Mart or possibly even the Dollar Store.
You’re correct about how the toothbrush bristles have a little give to them, and that’s why I like them. When sanding on the curves of a bead, the toothbrush sander will conform to the curve enough so that it doesn’t sand angles into the bead.
Linda! Nothing I like better than starting the morning with a cup of coffee, a view with a breeze, and a great new technique. Wow, you did a very thorough job, with great pics. Thanks so much for the share.
Lots of info, so I need to go read a couple of times to digest, then into the back closet to find that old toothbrush I won at the drugstore. Think I’ve got all else laying around.
Listen closely later on today, you may hear the hummmmmmmmm. LOL!
@Jocelyn: That’s the teacher in me. When I write instructions, I spend hours making sure that I don’t leave anything out…but the actual creating of the toothbrush sander shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.
Linda, your tutorial is very well written and well organized. You also mentioned something I had never thought of: getting splashed while sanding. And I like the way you organize the different papers; it took me a while to see that the different grits come in slightly diffeent colors but some are so close it’s really hard to tell. Glad to know that I won’t be sanding flat spots on the round beads, I really hate sanding those.
Thanks for the kind words, Carolyn, Jocelyn, Koolbraider, and Kat. I hope this makes it easier for some of you to do your sanding…it definitely has given me some relief. I used to get cramps from my fingers all the way up my right arm into my shoulder and neck when I sanded.
I hope that Peggy Barnes sees it because she frequently writes about how difficult it is for her to sand her beads.
i too have osteopenia. Was prescribed Fosamax and then Actonel. They made me sick and nauseous. I couldn’t do anything the first half of the day because I felt so sick. I have another doctor now and a friend who also had bad osteopenia and also tried fosamax . She recommended Biosil. her bone density tests did not show any worse. I’m on that now along with calcium and Vit D and Vit C for absorption.
I use a similar sanding set-up to you Linda – with a few differences.
I removed the bristles from the head, and attach little squares of sandpaper (can’t be bothered cutting circles and the squares work fine for me) with round foam sticky dots, like the type used for decoupage. The foam helps when you’re sanding something with a curved or not-completely-flat surface. I have two heads, but I’d like to get more so I can have a head for each grit of sandpaper I use.
The main problem is that it’s a pain to keep swapping the grits if you don’t have enough heads, so I tend to wait until I have a lot of pieces to sand then do them all at the lowest until the sticky or the sandpaper runs out and then move onto the next grit.
Anything small or round goes in the rock tumbler, and I usually put flat stuff in there to to get a bit of a head-start before I hand sand.
I do like the velcro idea though, I’ll have to see if I can find some of the dots.
@Silverleaf: Funny, I didn’t remove the bristles because they also make a cushion for sanding curved surfaces :)
I was afraid that the corners of squares of sandpaper might make marks on the beads…good to know that they don’t.
The toothbrush I bought came with several heads, but I decided that I’d rather just change the sandpaper instead of the whole head. It’s easier for me to keep track of. Just personal preference.
@Linda K.: The corners of the squares tend to bend back a little so they don’t interfere really, but I find the extra bit sticking out from the head can be useful getting into crevices and such. worth an experiment to see which you like best anyway.
Oh and I’ve just ordered some velcro dots from eBay because I like the idea of swapping the grits out whenever I feel like it. I do have head which still has bristles, so I might try your glue idea with that one.
@Linda K.: Linda, thank you so much for providing the tut on the toothbrush sander (and the “wallet” for the sandpaper)! I printed it yesterday and was ready to donate my electric toothbrush to poly clay but I’m determined to find a way to use my dremel for sanding. I used your directions for the sticky backed velcro, but instead of attaching it to a toothbrush head I used one of the small buffing pads for the dremel, stuck a small square of the hook part of the velcro to that, and cut squares of varying grits of sandpaper to fit the buffing pad. I didn’t wet the sandpaper but kept dipping my bead (one of the butterfly wings) in water. Since I’m so new to poly clay and sanding I have no idea how this compares to regular sanding or sanding with a toothbrush, but I think it did a great job. I want to pick up larger buffing pads when I get to Lowes and try them. I think that’ll be a lot better on flat surfaces, but the small buffing pads have give, like you said the toothbrush head does, and they fit in smaller spaces. I’d really like if someone else would try it and let me know a more experienced person’s opinion!
@Tanya L: Wow, Tanya, good for you! I thought a Dremel would be unmanageable for sanding because of its speed. I have my Dremel set up in a vise with a buffing head on it, so I won’t be using it for anything else.
I would draw the line at sacrificing my toothbrush for clay, LOL. You can buy them pretty cheaply at Wal-Mart. I’ve even heard of people finding them at the Dollar Store.
@Linda K.: Linda, the dremel I have has variable speeds (my husbands only had 1 – WAY too fast!) so I ran it at the #2 switch setting which is 5,000 to 8,000 RPMs. I tried hand sanding but my arms, and everything they’re connected to, have been acting up too much to accomplish much of anything that way. That’s why I’m wondering what someone else thinks.. Of course, I could always swipe my son’s toothbrush to try it.. LOL!! I did find that I had better results if I took to bead to the dremel when doing the edges instead of taking the dremel to the bead, if that makes sense..
@Tanya L: I’ll try it on the weekend, assuming I can find some velcro dots.
I have two Dremels. One has a range of fixed-speed settings from fairly slow to very fast; the other’s speed is continuously variable. I use the first Dremel for buffing, but I just hold it in my hand. No need for a vise here! I normally use the second Dremel for drilling holes in cured beads because it can go at “walking pace” when I want it to, up to very fast (faster than the other Dremel, in fact). It normally lives in a workstation/drill-press, but I’ll probably use this one to try the sanding arrangement.
I think it should work quite well — my main concern is the proximity to water — as long as it was set up so that the sanding surface had a circular motion. This would be a bit awkward to hold, so I’d probably use one of thosee right-angle adapters first. (If I used a Dremel flexshaft that would also be less awkward to hold, although not as nice as the right-angle attachment, and it might be better water-wise. Hmm…)
I actually have a spare electric toothbrush somewhere too, so if I can find it I’ll do a comparison.
I do most of my sanding with rocks in a vibratory tumbler, however, and only spot-sand by hand unless I’m working on a special piece.
@Sue F: Just gifted myself the deluxe Dremel set up for Christmas, what a boon that machine can be to crafting. Cindy has some excellent blogs on it, hit the search facility. Use the flex shaft, and this winter, was sanding in bed with heating pads, lol. It does vibrate a bit, so used an oven mitt to hold it, and it worked fine. So excellent to watch the shine buff up on a piece. Only use it to finish stuff, though, after a thorough toss in the Lortone. Wish I knew a dentist that would let me play with his stuff, that foot pedal and the variable speeds are tempting. Think that’s the next purchase, a foot pedal.
@Jocelyn: Wow, Jocelyn! I’m so glad you told us about sanding in bed. I HATE the fact that when I’m “bonding” with my heating pads I’m so bored. The tip about the oven mitt is great, too. I was told a long time ago to wear some kind of padding on my hands when doing anything that vibrates too much- like mowing and such. I’ll have to put the flex shaft on my list of things to get. Thanks so much!
Any more tips from anyone would be greatly appreciated! I’m trying to read up on everything but you all know how much info is posted here.. I’ll never catch up, let alone soak it all in! :)
@Sue F: Hi Sue. Just wondering if you got around to experimenting with the dremel and what your opinion is. I’ve also been experimenting with sanding with my Skil Octo Multi-Finish sander. It vibrates instead of spinning and I had amazing results. Still have to hang on to the beads or they’ll fly, but not near as far! :) Since it already uses the hook and loop velcro for it’s own sandpaper all I have to do is attach the looped velcro strips to my sandpaper. This seems even faster than the Dremel. Safer, too, as I didn’t have a problem at all with sanded finger tips, even though I had them against the sandpaper quite a bit. It’s also got attachment plates so you don’t always have to use the flat surface for sanding. Next experiment is to attach worn denim to see how it works as a buffer, although I don’t have a lot of confidence in this. I kind of think it probably has to rotate to do a good job, although I’d be happy using it for sanding and the dremel for buffing. I don’t have anything set up to hold it (yet!), so I just held it between my legs. Not great for sanding for long periods of time, especially with my neck and shoulder problems but I won’t keep this setup if I decide to use it this way. Felt like I was vibrating for a while afterwards. LOL! Anyone else ever try something like this?
@Koolbraider: Koolbraider, is the no-sew method of a buffing pad posted somewhere (like in this post and I missed it!)?
I just posted a comment on my blog about clay storage. It even has pictures. That is pretty high tech for me.
@Anna Sabina: Cool! I checked it out and left a comment… :D
I LOVE my toothbrush sander! I can sand in my chair. In fact my beads are the smoothest after sanding than they have ever been. Linda was right, though, put towels around because little sprays go everywhere. I’m thinking using a Dremel for sanding beads might be overkill. And you’d have to put it in a vise everytime to sand like you would do for buffing.
Yay, my Dremel came yesterday, just two days after ordering it from Amazon. Tomorrow it’s making a buffing attachment for it. And the weather today was cool enough to work with clay so I made several rocker beads.
I am wondering if anyone can tell me where in US I can order lightweight clay? I have used it and loved it but don’t remember the brand or the source! Thanks..
Meanwhile have been updating my website.
@Heather King: You may be thinking of Sculpey Ultra Light. I think I got mine at a Jo-Ann’s in El Paso, TX. On line it is also available at Target and Amazon.
@carolyn: %Thanks so much…that helps as I’d even forgotten the name and brand!
Well, the Dremel came and I LOVE it! I can’t believe the easy buffing. I’ve never been able to buff beads like this before, and was on the verge of thinking I must have been doing something wrong because my beads NEVER looked like Cindy’s. I use the no sew method found on Desiree’s site (it isn’t her method but I can’t remember the name of the lady who did it this way). And, I’m never going to use Future again! I tried the Sculpey’s Studio glaze and it’s fantastic. Maybe I had a bad batch of Future but the beads were so sticky after using it (have always used Future and this was the first time the beads were sticky; and the bottle is brand new) that I’ll never use it again. In fact I sanded the sticky beads so I could use the Studio stuff instead. Love the open mic Fridays.
AHA…I finally found this blog post. I’ve been looking for it for about a week.I have so many people to thank for being concerned about me.WOW….So many people with Fibro and Spinal problems. All this information is GREAT.. I have Fibro and had a plate replace some bones in my neck because of a pinched nerve, five years ago. This December I had a plate replace some bones in my lower spine and three days later back to the surgery room to remove a blood clot.Oh, I had the back surgery because I couldn’t walk anymore.The surgery flared up my Fibro, then depression, plus I have a Doctor whose not really interested in Fibro. I’m still going to Physical Therapy, pool exercise classes and short walks. I’m trying to find Tai Chi therapy covered by my insurance because…….Who has money today? So, THANK YOU, Kat, Koolbraider, Peggy Barnes, Linda B, Linda K, and everyone else who gave me such good info. Peggy, I’ve been on thyroid meds for years, and the list of meds that I take is quite long.Being in pain for so many years put me in a depression that I can’t get rid of. To top that off, after my neck surgery, I got Tinitus, a constant buzzing in my ears. Thank God for this blog and all the really great people here and polymer clay. Yah, Yah……polymer clay !!!!!!!! Prayers to all my partners in pain…Let’s have fun learning and claying……..Love To All…….Honey
@Honey Sperring: Honey, about 8 yrs ago I got deathly ill from Grave’s Disease- an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid. I can actually go back at least 6 yrs before that and now know my thyroid was acting up way back then (excessive hair loss, extreme tiredness, etc) so I had my thyroid ablated and thought every thing would return to normal and I’d feel better than I had in years. That didn’t happen. I continued to feel worse and worse and one day I read the symptoms for fibro. That was it! Thyroid issues and fibro tend to go hand-in-hand, unfortunately. So not only do we battle the on-going issues of that, everything I’ve ever read about thyroid seems to say that once you have issues with it a lot of times you never feel normal. Yay! Aren’t we lucky? :) My thyroid med has never been stabilized. I continue to go hypo and they have to continually up the dosage. On top of all that I had a complete hysterectomy in March of ’09, and 5 days later back to the hospital for another 3 days for an abscessed hematoma in my abdominal cavity, and between the havoc the surgery & infection wreaked on my system and the hormonal issues it caused I still haven’t gotten my fibro to calm back down. My rheumatologist said surgery, anesthesia, hormonal upheaval, arthritis flares (have that too, all over.) all throw the FM into flares. Then with my immune system being compromised I get sick all the time and that throws me into flares too! I take a ton of meds for it all too, in addition to meds for high blood pressure and edema. Oh, and for allergies and allergy-induced asthma (another thing that goes hand-in-hand with the fibro). I think I have a bigger shopping bag from the drug store than from the grocery store! LOL! My old family dr. was great- so supportive and caring, and he sent me to a wonderful rheumatologist who specializes in fibro. I haven’t been back to her because of astronomical medical bills and have been seeing our new family dr. since our other one moved away. The jury’s still out on whether or not I’ll continue to let him treat me for the FM. He seemed to want to focus on “my depression”. Had to explain to him that after 4 or 5 days of unrelenting pain anyone would be extremely depressed! Do you go to a rheumatologist? Fibromyalgia Network (fmnetnews.com/) and the National Fibromyalgia Assiciation (fmaware.org) both have an amazing array of info- including a list of drs. who believe and treat FM. They also have a medication list and “rating”, rated by patients, available but I’m not sure if you have to buy it or not. But they do give updates on new and promising medications and they’re always on top of any breakthroughs in treatments. Tons of info! I hope you, and all of us who suffer unrelenting pain, all get the answers and treatments we need. I’ve added you to my prayer list, Honey. Just take it one moment at a time and lean on your friends here.
Hi everyone: I went out and purchased a recharable tooth
brush and made the sanding tool. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am, this is almost better than choclate. Thanks Linda K. for the tutorial I now dont have raw finger tips.
Cindy keep those videos coming. one of these days I will send picture of my beads. After the printer is paid off I am going to buy a new camera. Also I love the open mike
Tanya….This is too unbelievable. I had a hysterectomy and three days later back to surgery….. they put a hole in my bladder. We both have all the same symtoms. I used to go to a rheumotoligist but its cheaper to just go to my primary care dr. I never feel normal, either.Did they remove your thyroid? Thank you so much for the great info. I take Cytomel. It helps the thyroid med to work better but I’m always so tired. Wow, so many people with fibro. I had no idea so many people have it. I’ll pray for you too and all the others here, too. Tanya, I would usually say, feel better, but I know you won’t. Claying helps though, right?……Try to feel better…….Love Ya Honey
@Honey Sperring: Oh my gosh, Honey! You’re right, this IS unbelievable! Geeze, I never actually met up with anyone who has such a similar history as mine. I had to take radioactive iodine to kill my thyroid. I was so sick at the time that my primary dr. worked with the head radiologist at the hospital to figure out the dosage information because the soonest I could get in with an endocrinologist was 6 months. My dr. said I would have been dead by then. After I took the iodine I had to stay away from every one for 3 days because I was radioactive. Had to was my clothes, bedding, even dishes, seperately. If I came out of my room my kids would yell “Run! Momma’s coming!”, and every one joked about me glowing in the dark! :)
I wonder why no one ever suggested Cytomel to me? I went to an endocrinologist a few years ago because of feeling so horrible and never getting regulated with the Synthroid. He switched me to Levoxyl and made it “brand necessary” because the generics aren’t as precise. I wasn’t diagnosed with the fm then but we all thought a lot of my issues came from being sick a lot because of my immune system being crap. I go to my primary dr for the same reason you do but I really need to go back to the rheumatologist. All the break throughs they’re making in the science of fm can change the way they treat each individual and a rheumatologist is going to have the most up-dated knowledge. My mom always says the primaries know a little about a lot, but a specialist knows a lot about what they specialize in. Plus I read where they can halt the progress of fm if they catch it early enough, and sometimes even reverse it. I just put it off ’cause we owe over $3000 in medical bills so far this year (and I’m sick of going to drs!).
I’m so sorry you feel so much like I do Honey. And you’re right, claying helps! I can “get lost” in picturing how to do something in my head it’s like actually doing it- I don’t hear or see what’s going on around me while I’m in that mode! I feel so bad for everyone here who hurts. I just (TRY to) keep in mind that one day I’ll have a perfect body- no more pain, no more tears. Of course, I remind Him every once in awhile it would be nice to experience that while here on earth! LOL! And isn’t it great the way He brought us all together here, where we can support each other while learning and doing something so creative and beautiful? Thank God for Cindy, Doug, and everyone else here! Hang in there, Honey, and if you ever want to email me I think Cindy can give you my email address? Love you, too, and to all my new friends!
This blog thread is just precious…never have seen so much caring expressed to any and all in a forum. Incredible high…but, can see why the non-afflicted wish to remain that way, LOL!!!