Wondering What To Do With Your Ever Expanding Pile Of Left Over Sculpey or Fimo Clay?
Make a lentil bead or 2 or 3 or 50! They are very addictive in a fun and healthy way. And you will be amazed how your ugly pile of scrap clay can be miraculously transformed into a whole bunch of beautiful beads for your next jewelry project.
The other day I discussed how to overcome some of the common challenges associated with rolling lentil beads by hand. Here’s a link to that article if you missed it: Polymer Clay Tutorial | How To Roll Perfect Lentil Bead Shapes
If you would like to make scrap clay lentil beads, simply chop off a piece of clay from your ‘left-overs’ pile… about the size of the bead you want to make. It doesn’t really matter what clays are in the scraps, because they will twist and twirl and blend together resulting in some very pleasing combinations.
One thing I really like about using scrap clay to make lentils (often called swirly beads), is that you can never know exactly what to expect with how the swirl design will turn out.
Even scraps of old polymer clay canes make wonderful lentil beads. Try it… you will see what I mean.
Often after completing a set of beads made with any polymer clay technique, I will take up all the scraps and trimmings and roll them into lentil beads. Since they were made with all the same colors, they will automatically go with the beads I have just made.
To tell you the truth, I rarely ever have much of a scrap pile anymore. But I sure do have a lot of beautiful lentil beads!
If you are interested in purchasing a tutorial video that will show you how to make beautiful scrap clay swirly beads, then check out Volume-001 at the Polymer Clay Tutor Members Library. The specific title in the Volume-001 order form is referenced as:
Included with this Scrap Clay Tutorial are 3 other Lentil Bead Videos… plus 4 custom color recipe cards:
- Vid-001-1 Rolling Lentil Beads With Swirly Designs
- Vid-001-2 Make Lentil Beads Using Scrap Polymer Clay
- Vid-001-3 Techniques For Piercing Lentil Bead Holes
- Vid-001-4 Adding Cane Slice Designs To Lentil Beads
- Recipe-001-1A Blue Iris
- Recipe-001-2A Rich Purple
- Recipe-001-3A Lemon Curry
- Recipe-001-4A Rich Red
If you would like to first see a preview clip of the Vid-001-2 video, you can do that here:
The lentil bead is a fabulous bead shape to have in your repertoire as a bead maker. They can be made into pendants, focal beads, and used as spacers or like disk beads.
And making lentil beads with your scrap clay, means that you will never again worry about what to do with all your leftover scraps. Deciding what jewlery project to make with all your beautiful lentil beads… well that’s a whole ‘nother story.
Lentil beads also make a great toggle on which to slip a loop over at the end of a bracelet.
**PHOTOS ADDED: Some project pictures have just been added to a Spotlight Feature showcasing Kimisen, a member who is very much appreciated here at this supportive polymer clay community. Click on the “Home Jewelry Business” link by my name above to have a look at her lentil bead work.