Polymer Clay Tutorial | Fossil Shell Beads for Jewelry Making Fun

Fossil Shell Beads

Vid #88: Using Premo Sculpey or Fimo Clay, It’s Easy To Make Faux Fossil Jewelry Designs:

Although not real fossils, wearing these earthy looking polymer clay shell beads will definitely bring lots of compliments your way. Today’s photo is taken from my step by step tutorial video on how to make these unique beads. Another photo showing close up details of these unique beads, can be seen here: Faux Fossil Shell Beads

What I especially like about this bead shape is the texture and organic feel to them. Pierced through the center they look great hung from wire to create pendants and earrings.

And because of how the clay is measured and split for this particular project, you always end up with two identically shaped and sized beads. This makes it a piece of cake to create earrings that are perfectly matched and balanced.

The antique finish is complimented by aged metal findings, including bronze, antique copper, and aged brass… a popular look these days. And the shell design goes wonderfully with sea or beach theme jewelry as well as tribal designs.

Like real fossil beads, these faux versions look fantastic in neutral shades, though bright colors also look great since everything is toned down through the antiquing process.

I am sure you will love learning how to make these fossil shell beads. Watch the preview video below to get a little taste!

Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor

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The full version of the “Shell Beads” preview video shown above, is available for purchase at my Polymer Clay Bead Making Videos Library in the Volume-008 Back Issue Package.

In the Fossil Shell Beadsvideo I walk you step by step through the process of making this unique bead shape. Specific topics covered in the video include:

  • How to roll and texture the clay to create the fossil-like markings using basic polymer clay tools.
  • How to make two identical sized shell beads for perfectly matched earring sets.
  • What paints to use for antiquing the beads in order to make them look like ancient fossils.
  • Special tips unique to this particular fossil bead project, on piercing, sanding and buffing techniques.
  1. Betsy Cross, 11 January, 2009

    You have an awesome blog/site too! I agree–it’s so wonderful to meet like-minded and incredibly talented/interesting folks on the internet. How inspiring!?!!

  2. Sue Werner, 12 January, 2009

    These beads look awesome, but I can’t seem to find the tute for it in the members library. Help?

  3. Cindy Lietz, 12 January, 2009

    @Betsy: Inspiring indeed! Looking forward to getting to know you better.

    @Sue: The reason why you can’t find the full version for the Fossil Bead video in the library… is because it’s not posted quite yet. It is scheduled for release next week as Vid-008-2. So stay tuned… these beads really are awesome!

    BTW: My standard publishing procedure is to always post preview video clips here at the blog in advance of when the full tutes are released in the Library. That way everyone can see what’s coming.

    For anyone who is not yet a library member, you can follow the link by my name above for more info. The subscription works out to only $3.32 per month. As far as I know, I think this is the most affordable polymer clay membership offer on the net today… in full motion, “look-over-my-shoulder” video. See you on the inside.

  4. Maria, 13 January, 2009

    Glad I read that last comment – I was going crazy trying to find the last tutorial too.
    On a personal note, I am starting to get a reputation as “the jeweler” at the Adult Day health center I work at. Some of the participants are interested in my beads :)

  5. Cindy Lietz, 15 January, 2009

    Maria I’m glad it makes sense to you know!

    That is a great reputation to have! It’s a great feeling when others take interest in what you make. Keep it up!

  6. Cindy Erickson, 22 January, 2009

    Great video…thanks, Cindy :) I’ll be experimenting with this one!

    Hugs to you, Cindy E.

  7. Donna Ingram, 23 January, 2009

    I just had time for this Tutorial and I love this idea.
    Going to try it today. Thanks Girly


  8. Cindy Lietz, 23 January, 2009

    You’re welcome Cindy E and Donna!

  9. Stacey K, 24 January, 2009

    I highly recommend The Polymer Clay Tutor. Watching Cindy’s videos are like having her right in your studio. She makes me fill not so “alone” in a big polymer clay world. I especially appreciate the fact that, as an expert, Cindy does not make me feel like a silly newbie as some experts can. She understands the trials and tribulations that occur with a learning curve and it is her focus to help us learn from her mistakes. It’s because of Cindy’s videos that I had the courage to actually take the next step, rather than just reading books over and over. In addition to the great videos, Cindy provides other invaluable resources in her daily blogs and color recipes. And if you have questions, comments, or feedback, she is prompt in her responses. This gal works very hard and is dedicated. You can’t go wrong with The Polymer Clay tutor. Oh…and she has a really cute accent!

  10. Ginny M, 15 June, 2013

    I agree!!

  11. connie tyler, 14 June, 2013

    Hi Cindy, I just made some of the fossil beads but I cut too deeply on the first two so on my 3rd and 4th, I used the back side of my blade and didn’t have to worry about the cuts being too deep.

  12. Cindy Lietz, 14 June, 2013

    Great job thinking on your feet Connie!

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