Polymer Clay Color Recipes | Frosty Field Palette [Premo Sculpey]

Frosty Field Polymer Clay Color Palette 1A: Dry Grass
Morning Dew
3A: Smoky Blue
4A: Deep Shade

Right next door to our house is an empty lot that is overgrown with tall grasses and seedlings planted by the squirrels who forgot where their stashes were before they sprouted into tiny trees.

To some, this vacant lot may be an unkempt space… but to others, including the dragonflies and the local children, this space is a natural oasis in a heavily populated suburban community.

Now that Fall is well under way here on the West Coast of Canada, we are starting to see early morning frost covering the dry grasses of the field, transforming them into a sparkling splendor of colors and textures that make you stop and drink in the beauty.

Of course, when any scene of nature is this lovely, it inspires the color artist in me, to create a palette of polymer clay color recipes for all of you to enjoy. Beauty should always be shared and not kept to oneself.

The following individual recipes will be added to the Polymer Clay Members Library during the month of Nov-2010 in Vol-030 [A-Series]:

  • Dry Grass (Recipe 030-1A)
  • Morning Dew (Recipe 030-2A)
  • Smoky Blue (Recipe 030-3A)
  • Deep Shade (Recipe 030-4A)

Dry Grass is the Golden Wheat color of the dried grasses in the neighboring field. Morning Dew, Smoky Blue and Deep Shade are varying shades of dusky Blues making up the background colors in this photo. It should be noted that White would be a wonderful addition to this palette as the representation of the sparkling frost that has encrusted the dried grasses. Since Premo White on it’s own is the perfect White for this and would therefore not need a recipe, I decided not to include it in this color palette.

Dear Cindy, There you go again… teaching us how to smile and work happily with our artistic muse. Your color recipes are making me burst with excitement!!! I will be trying the new color combinations this evening (who knows what lovelies I will come up with now!). You have really inspired me, and I have tons of ideas running through my mind now that I see how combining colors from the clay packages creates COUNTLESS POSSIBILITIES!!! :) You are teaching me that working with color in PC is very similar to working with color in other mediums. I have been painting with oils, water colors, and acrylics for years, and got really excited about polymer clay when I just happened to run across your blog. Since then, my painting is on the back burner while I excitedly follow your examples with my new found love… polymer clay!!!  Thank you from the bottom of 1/2 part white, 1/2 part translucent, and 1/8 part alizarin crimson heart :) Sincerely . ~Cindy-E

Cindy, The recipes are inspiring and most appreciated. Am fascinated with color and am anxious to start mixing them in PC. Hope to be able to duplicate some of the fabrics I have used in quilts. ~MJ

I stumbled across your web site by doing a google search on how to mix polymer clay colors. Your site is so informative and user friendly. Thankx!!! ~Pamela-C

If you would like more information about the Members Library, here are some direct links:


Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor


  1. Sue F, 20 October, 2010

    Wow, beautiful palette, Cindy! :D

  2. Joyce M, 20 October, 2010

    This palette has its own beauty, how lovely. Always looking forward to your inspirations, Cindy.

  3. pollyanna, 20 October, 2010

    beautiful colors…….

  4. Ken H, 20 October, 2010

    I love these colors, while the leaves are just nearing peak color here in Phila., we haven’t yet had the first frost, though according to the almanac it’s date is arriving quickly.

  5. Lupe Meter, 20 October, 2010

    A nice palette of winter colors…great!

  6. Phaedrakat, 21 October, 2010

    Really gorgeous, Cindy! Thanks so much for all of your striking palettes…your color recipes are just phenomenal! ~Kat

  7. DawnB, 22 October, 2010

    These colors really are gorgeous. I also love the color recipes.

  8. Melinda Herron, 25 October, 2010

    Wow!! How pretty are these colors!!! Love them!

  9. pattw, 15 November, 2010

    What a soothing palette ! Serene, even. TY

  10. Cheryl B, 22 January, 2011

    With all this polymer clay info, I can see why everyone I talk to says that claying is addictive! I can’t wait to see what new technique you release on Friday! Cheryl

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