Polymer Clay Bead Making Course – Finally Available

Course #1 - Polymer Clay Bead Making for Beginners

After several months of development, this beginner bead making video course is now ready for purchase:

Here’s just a few of the supportive comments that have been streaming in. I’ve referenced each one with initials only since I know that some prefer to keep their names private. But thank you to everyone for your all of your patience and kind words.

“Hiya, Cindy…sorry to be so late in posting here! Really, really looking forward to your ‘course’…will be waiting for the big announcement! :) :)  G.S.

“Hi Cindy, Thanks for the reply. I thought I was going crazy because I could not find how to pay for it.  So, you are saying your course is on it’s way then? I can’t wait, it looks like great fun!!!!” B.L.

“Please let me know when your course is ready. I wanted to subscribe but it said it is not ready.” R.K.

“I am very interested in buying your series. Looking forward to hearing from you. J.S.

“We are moving the first week of May. I will have different e-mail as of May 6th. Is this a problem if I place an order? When will your course and videos be available? The ‘pay now’ button said you are sold out. I hope it’s soon. I clicked on the one for $37.00.” S.M.

“I will sign up on the 3rd of June for the rest of the videos.” L.B.

“I ask pardon for my English. What you need in order to get a password to view the mini – the course?” O.L.

“Thanks! I wanted to get the other videos too but the ‘buy it’ icon doesn’t work.” T.L.

“Hi Cindy, Thank you for taking the time to write a personal note, very impressive.  How do I sign up?” B.L.

I did manage to get a few people erked at me though… for taking so long in getting this beginner bead making video course ready. Here’s one story in particular (unedited) that I truly hope will have a happy ending…

N.P.: I was about to purchase your course only to get to a page that you are not selling it. Why advertise and then refuse people instead of telling people that the course is under construction from the beginning?  I receive emails to links and only get a small portion of the video so why do that at all if you are not ready?

CINDY: Hello N.P. – Thanks for taking the time to send me a note. I apologize that the course is not available yet. It will be ready within the next couple of weeks and everyone on my email guest list will receive an announcement. In the meantime, the weekly email messages provide links to free tips and pics posted at my blog. The preview videos also posted at my blog as you have discovered, give visitors an idea of what will be in the course when it is released. But I see this has caused you some frustration… so I do apologize for that. I think you will find that the course will be worth the wait though.

N.P.: Yes, is was a teaser and was frustrating because I’m just starting out and was anxious. The videos are a great way to learn as you mentioned on your site. I’ve been stocking up on material and I was watching your video on why one clay is different than the others and which one to select when all of a sudden it cut off so I wanted to see the rest because I want to get the best product and do it right. I have a variety but the videos will help me not waste so much time and money and put time and money into the hobby properly so yes, it was a let down but as long as I know it’s coming, I’ll hang on and just read and get more familiar. I do have some books, etc. but still….tips and video guidance is the best. Thanks for writing back.

CINDY: Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Based on what you have said, I truly believe the course will provide excellent value for you. After you’ve had a chance to go through it, I would be very grateful if you would write back to let me know how everything worked out for you.

Well the wait is over… here is the link to the order page with a buy now button that actually works: Polymer Clay Bead Making Course

Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor

  1. Cindy Lietz, 29 May, 2008

    If you want to see the thumbnail title images for all 39 bead making videos in this beginner polymer clay course, go here: Bead Making Course #1

    Cindy Lietz’s last blog post..How to Make a Bead Baking Rack with Folded Card Stock

  2. Katina, 24 August, 2008

    Cindy has so much valuable information for Polymer Clay artists, old and new! Considering the amount of information I have been able to glean from her blog and newsletter I can’t wait to get my hands on her Polymer Clay Beadmaking Course.

  3. Cindy Lietz, 24 August, 2008

    Thank you Katina! I promise you will have fun with it!

    Cindy Lietz’s last blog post..A Polymer Clay Tutorial About Adding Fimo Cane Slices to Round Beads

  4. Gail Fornell, 18 September, 2008

    Cindy, just purchased your beginners course and I like it very much. There are so many little details that no one else tells you.

    I have seen the lentil beads you make and they look amazing. When will you have available a video on how to make the lentil beads, I am really interested in these. I want to start making polymer clay beads and combine them with the tagua nut beads that I sell. I guess these will be the perfect combination.

    I am just starting with polymer clay and I am really apprehensive as to making canes or any other complicated project. I would also like to know when you will have your next 2 courses available as I would be interesed in buying both. Thank you for your help.

    Best regards

  5. Cindy Lietz, 18 September, 2008

    Thank you for your kind words Gail and for your interest in further videos and courses. I have a few videos on making lentil beads that will be available again in early October when I open the doors again to the membership site. Soon after that I will be getting back to production of new courses. The plan is to release one a month.

  6. Hanne, 23 September, 2009

    I discovered polymer clay two months ago, Googled and found an exciting world I didn’t know existed. Also quite overwhelming!

    Then I found your website and tutorials and I could relax and have fun, instead of having to go through lots of trial and error. Thank you for saving me from at lot of frustration!

    I would love if you would show how to cover a vase or wooden boxes or other objects with polymer clay and ideas for other artifacts and pictures.


  7. Cindy Lietz, 23 September, 2009


    Thank you so much for the kind words. That’s wonderful that you are now having so much fun with your polymer clay.

    In regards to covering artifacts and pictures with polymer clay, I’ve got a spotlight feature coming up in the next few weeks with photos from another student who is doing some beautiful work in this area. Be sure to watch for this feature article because it will give you the opportunity to ask more questions about her work.

  8. Cindy Lietz, 09 October, 2009

    **PHOTOS ADDED: Some project pictures have just been added to a Spotlight Feature showcasing Elizabeth Schydlower, a member who is very much appreciated here at this supportive polymer clay community. Click on the “Faux Raku Picture Frames” link by my name to have a look.

  9. Bev W, 15 June, 2012

    Thank you Cindy for the freebie polymer clay videos. Just wanted to let you know I think you are awesome and as soon as possible I plan to take your beginners class.

    Thanks again and have a great weekend.
    Bev Whiteside

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