Video #697: It’s the first Friday of September… which is just perfect for today’s special “Studio Cam Launch” announcement.
We are excited to announce that the first three batches of Studio Cam Videos have now been posted in the members library.
Each Studio Cam Batch, is a 1 hour (plus or minus) compilation of exclusive behind-the-scenes video clips, depicting my life as a professional polymer clay artist.
What you will see in these raw unedited videos, are the things that I go through everyday… the creation of new tutorials, the testing of products, the organizing, the chaos, the color mixing, the new supplies, the struggles and the triumphs. Maybe even a few rants!
At this time, these Studio Cam videos will only be available to those who own all the back issues in the Polymer Clay Tutor members library. So… if you are interested in seeing these fly-on-the wall inner circle videos, and you want to purchase the rest of the PcT back issues that you don’t yet own… then send an email to let us know, and we’ll do our best to put a special package deal together for you.
Keep in mind this is raw impromptu footage. Doug is not doing the videography so the filming quality is not near as good as good as what you have come to expect with our back issue tutorial presentations.
These studio clips are off-the-cuff, web cam videos filmed whenever inspiration strikes, even if my hair is messy! Sometimes the lighting isn’t the best… and the audio may not always be in sync with my lips… and closeups are not nearly as good as what Doug does. BUT… I think you will really like the true-to-life spontaneity! It will feel like you are right there in my studio, spending the day, making this creative adventure come together. Day by day and clip by clip!
Now… although the first three months of videos are all uploaded and ready to watch… Doug has not yet had time to add log-in access for all the qualifying members. Don’t worry though… everyone who is supposed to get in, will definitely get in.
INSIDER TIP: For those of you who want to jump to the front of the line… all you have to do is leave a comment below to let us know, and we’ll move you to the top of the pile :-)
- Related Video: Exciting Changes Coming For PcT Paid Members
- Related Video: How To Look Up Which PcT Back Issues You Own
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I am disappointed I won’t be able to watch the Studio Cam Videos because I am 6 short of the whole library. I really don’t have the need to purchase them since they are the first 6 videos and most of the information they contain are available throughout the web for those who are just getting into polymer clay and there are so many groups now available to join on Face Book that have this info also. I hope everyone else enjoys them though!
I understand that you may think you don’t need the first ones but we all know Cindy’s way of doing things is not usually the same as what you can find out there in other places. Just a thought.
Humph , got all ready and lol I am in your boat Dixie .. Lol.
I cannot see the videos either .. Lol thought all this time I was all paid up . So I went to page where tells you which you own . Really had to laugh , there were only about ten or twelve listed . Guess I did something wrong . Onward . Hope you all have a lovely day.
Hi Karonkay… good news for you… You DO actually own all the back issues which means that you do get access to the Studio Cam videos :-) I have added your access so you will now be able to watch the Studio Cam videos.
NOTE TO ALL: If you are wondering how to tell which back issues you own, please watch This Instructional Video again.
Doug can you add me please….. I’m still here, ;)
Good to hear from you Brenda… you’re in!
Thank you Doug,
I stayed up last night downloading the color cards. Do you guys recommend sending them off to be printed on card stock? How do you do them?
You could do them however you like Brenda, but I just did them on cardstock. Whatever is easiest for you.
So excited, heading over to the site now.
Gosh… Thought I did what Cindy said … Will try again. Maybe I need more sleep before I try again. Thanks Doug good thing you all keep a watchful eye on me .hugs
Okay, I am ready to watch something new and exciting. Please, stick me near the top. Thank You :)
OK… you’re in Marianne :-)
I was so excited to watch the webcam vids but alas, I am not on the list yet. Hope I get there soon. Do I need to keep going back to see if I am on or does a new email go out to new ones on the list?
Hi Freda… you are actually on the Studio Cam list… it’s just that your log in access was not yet added. It is a manual process. I have to add each person individually. Your login access has now been added and you will now be able to see the new Studio Cam videos. Welcome aboard :-)
NOTE TO ALL: If you know you qualify to have access to these Studio Cam videos (i.e. you know you own all the back issues in the PcT Library), all you need to do here in this comment thread is say something….
“Yes please add me to the front of the line…” or “…the top of the pile…” or some other witty quip of your choosing :-).
I will then go into your account and manually add the necessary log-in access for you. It may not be instant but I will do my best.
PS: If you did not know, the box for leaving your comment is way down at the bottom of this page. In other words, you will need to scroll to see it.
Please add me to the front of the line.
I do own all the videos but can’t get to the cam videos.
OK you are in Terri.
Hi Cindy and Doug, I haven’t fallen off the edge of the world and still follow you regularly and “Yes please add me to the front of the line.” as I already own all the videos. I am really looking forward to it.
Many thanks :-)
Good to hear from you Susan. You’re in!
Please add me to the front of the line. I’m excited to watch Cindy at work! Fun!
Done! Your Studio Cam login will work now, Betty.
Thanks, Doug! It’s working! Yay!
Please add .me to the front of the line, I really want to see the cam videos When I tried to see them I was so disappointed not to be on the list for them yet. I am sure everyone wants to be at the top of the list. Thanks
Just added you too Rosy :-)
. Thank You for adding me so quickly just watched
the video and love it, learned some new things.
That’s cool Rosy! I didn’t see a comment from you under the video there though. We really need your feedback… What you liked, what you didn’t like and what you’d like to see in the future. The place to comment is directly under the Studio Cam Videos. This is important to the direction the videos go in the future. Thanks!
i i just got all cozy after work cannot wait to see. somehow its not connecting I think I have all the tutors if not I want to get them all abut if I do. Im here snoozing until I can watch. always so mych funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Wake up Patty… you’re in!
Yes please add me to the front of the line LOL
Monique U. (A Half-Baked Notion)
You’re in Monique!
So much fun watching and great tidbits . Enjoyed every minute being there with you . Thank you so much for doing this and inviting us into your world . Hugs
Thank you Karonkay for saying that! I am so pleased you enjoyed it. Do make sure to leave comments under the Studio Cam videos themselves… what you liked… what you didn’t like and what you would like to see in the future. This will help greatly with the direction these videos will take moving forward. Thanks again! SO glad we could hang out together! :)
Am I doing something wrong? I click on the link and Nothing happens
Hi Sandy – Your login access was just added now… so do watch today’s instructions video again and all should be good for you.
Yes please add me to the front of the line, thanks heaps
You are in Sandra. Enjoy!
Hi Cindy & Doug!
Please add me. I have been going through withdrawal symptoms for the last few months since you have been building your new site! This video fix should help! Only one more month to go! LOL
Mari H
All taken care of Marianne. You will now be able to log in to the new Studio Cam section of the Members Library.
Here is what Denise-O said over in there…. “Wow, I just finished watching the first in what I hope will be many behind the scenes videos, worth the wait and more than makes up for 3 months of tutorials while you guys make the change over.”
Beam me up. Scotty! I mean, move me up please, Doug. I believe I qualify.
Thanks! Dawn
Great Star Trek reference!
All I can say is… “I’m Givin’ Her All She’s Got, Captain!”
You’re in, Dawn :-)
Houston, we have a problem. Sorry to be a bother, Team Lietz, but I can’t seem to view the videos. When I click on the link, I just stay on the video library page. :-(
I think I figured out the problem… give it a try now.
Woot! Thank you! So looking forward to this.
I am looking forward to viewing the videos! Thank you for all your hard work!
Hi Jodee… I’ve added your login access for the StudioCam videos. Be sure to let us know how you like these clips.
I’m surprised I don’t own all the videos? I know I have seen them all. Not sure what’s up. Maybe I’m not seeing it right? But, I would like to see these behind the scenes videos!
Long time no see… Catalina :-)
Glad to hear that you ended up recovering your laptop. That would have been terrible to have lost all of your Alaska trip photos, not to mention everything else on your hard drive.
In regards to your library account… I just sent you an email about that.
Thanks, Doug! Can’t wait to view the behind the scenes Studio Cam Videos!!
If you didn’t already know Catalina… you now have access to the Studio Cam videos :-)
For those of us who do not own the entire library will there eventually be studio cam videos we will be able to watch?
Hi Carole,
You are definitely not the first person to ask about this… so yes… when the new web site is ready, we will be looking at options to allow broader access to the Studio Cam videos. One step at a time though. Right now we are focused on making sure that everyone is “getting-what-they-paid-for” while at the same time, working hard behind the scenes to build the new web site platform.
Hi Cindy and Doug
how you have progressed over the years, always coming up with something new
keeping this site fresh and knowledgeable,
.I would like to be included in the studio videos,
hope I qualify
all the best.
xxxx Elizabeth
Of course you qualify Elizabeth…. you’ve been around forever :-)
Your Video Cam access has now been activated.
I’m so sad! As I read on there’s a chance I may not be able to see the cam vids. Tissue pleaseeee!
I feel like my best friend just had a party and invited all the rich skinny girls!!!! NOT AGAINNNN! Lol
Hi Maggie, I am sorry you are sad. Please understand that there was no intention to make you feel excluded.
During this period while we are working hard to build the new web site, we wanted to make sure that everyone was still “getting-what-they-paid-for” (so to speak). For members such as yourself, we back dated your library account by adding 3 Tutorial Volumes that you did not already own.
But for members who already own everything, it was not possible for us to back date their accounts. So… they are getting access to three months worth of Studio Cam videos. We are just trying to keep things fair for everyone across the board.
Make sense? This definitely is not your best friend having a party and only inviting the “rich skinny girls”… I would never do that :-O
Thanks for the heads up Cindy. I didn’t realize I would continue to receive the tutes…… Yeah – nearly there…………grin
Hi Doug,
Mammouth task you have there. I’m “almost sure” I purchased all the back issues to qualify for the amazing web-cam experience, so if I am correct, please unlock the secret door and let this Wooly Mammouth in…..cheers xx………………
You do qualify Elaine… and you your library account now has access to the Studio Cam videos. Enjoy!
Can I be added too, please. Just love the effort you two make in doing these videos. Really love them:) Valerie
OK Valerie… you are in!
Please put me on the top of the pile!
Hi Jane – Unfortunately at this time, I’m not able to move you to the top of the pile. Cindy’s comment above will be helpful for you to read.
I would like to buy the tutorials I do not own in order to get the new video cam features. Please let me know how to do this. Thank you.
Hi Andrea… you already own all of the back issue volumes so there is no need for you to purchase any more. Your access to the Studio Cam Videos has now been added. Enjoy :-)
Thank you!!
Please add me to the top of the list. i believe own all the past issues. Anna
Hi Anna – Too bad it’s not April Fools Day so that I could tell you that you don’t qualify. But it’s not, so I’m happy to say that you are in! Actually I think you were one of the very first members to join this motley crew way back in 2008 when we first opened the doors. Thanks for staying on for so long!
Please allow access to cam videos, I own all back videos.
OK you are in Lynn. Enjoy!
Please add me to the top
Hi Christine… I’ve now added your access for the Studio Cam videos. Have fun!
OK… I couldn’t resist sharing a few tidbits from those who have already jumped into the Studio Cam membership area. Hopefully these quotes will encourage other members to complete their back issue collection… especially members who are close to seeing the finish line.
And so that you know… all proceeds from your back issue purchases are going towards funding the development of the new site. It is proving to be quite the costly endeavor. Cindy and I appreciate your support through this transition period :-)
“Wow, I just finished watching the first in what I hope will be many behind the scenes videos, worth the wait and more than makes up for 3 months of tutorials while you guys make the change over. I love that you showed the chaos at your work station, this has been a struggle for me also. Thank you so much.” Denise-O
“I love seeing behind the scenes! And your messy studio!!! Oh, yes!!! Thanks for showing that!!! It made me feel right at home! :-) … I enjoyed seeing your creative process for canes, too… All in all, after watching this first video, I’m glad I bought the rest of the tutorials as I think this will help keep the creative juices flowing! Thanks, Cindy and Doug!” ~Betty-B
“Hey,wow cool love seeing what your creative process is…. Love seeing all the different tools, there are a few ‘ingredients’ you have obviously haven’t been able to demonstrate yet, so am looking forward to seeing those in the future.” ~Sandra-J
“I always knew it took a lot of work to get the videos taped, but it is fascinating to see the pieces that didn’t work out. I can now see why you need so much polymer clay in those little drawers. It takes a lot of clay to work through a program for us to get it the way you want it and to make it easy for us… Love that you are doing these.” ~Freda-K
“I Cindy, Thank you so much for the cam videos. I watched all three of them couldn’t stop myself (over 3 hours of footage). I love your videos they really are the best I have seen and I watch a lot of Polymer Clay videos… you and Doug are the best your teaching way is great for me…. I felt like I was watching you go about your work and I learned some new ways of doing things… I love seeing your purchases and where you got them… Keep up the great work.I appreciate all the testing you do of products I know that when you say something works I don’t have to worry about it. Thanks again for all the loving concern you show for us.” Rosy-S
“Goodness… so much good info. It has been too much fun, these videos make me feel like I am sitting beside you. Thank you so much for bringing these to us…. I think the difference in the way it is presented is what my favorite thing is. I feel like you are talking to me friend to friend. Not so formal a setting as in the standard tutorials.” ~Karon-C
“Hi Cindy, theses studio cam videos are great… really loving this format, it’s great to see how you work things out… thanks heaps for,doing them.” ~Sandra-J
“I’m enjoying these videos immensely! They’re like a little window into your creative world. I really like watching you work through a project.
It’s very inspiring. The tools are just too cool, too!” ~Dawn-B
“Hi Cindy and Doug. Just finished watching Batch 2 and I cannot thank you enough… keep up the great work and I agree with those that said they like the way you’ve included us into a glimpse of your world, your creative processes.” ~Christine-H
“Just watched the first video and really enjoyed the “behind the scenes” stuff. You and Doug really put a lot in to making all the videos and website. It is nice to see you as just a real person.” ~Kimberly-H
“Loved all your experimenting to get the perfect Easter Lily cane, and really appreciate the hours you spend getting “just right” for us… already filled one notebook with different ideas. I have really enjoyed living in your world (that hour just flew by). This was a great idea you guys came up with, so a big thanks for showing us the behind-the-scenes. I think everyone can now appreciate all the work that goes into making a tutorial….cheers xx.” ~Elaine-F
“Cindy and Doug. This is neat! I’m excited to watch the planning stages of projects! Maybe some of Cindy’s phenomenal creativity will rub off on me… thank you both so much!!! I don’t know how you do all of this at such a reasonable price.” ~Vivian-B
“OMG! I am just loving watching these videos! I can relate from the excitement of new stuff to play with all the way to the piled up messes!
You are so funny. I bout lost my kool-aid when you put the yellow cap on the red gelato!” ~Lauurie-W
And for anyone who is thinking that some of the back issue topics may not be of interest to you… here are some comments that other members have shared over the years, which may be helpful for you to read…
“Several times I have thought that certain tutorials would not hold my interest, but I always end up enjoying them. None of Cindy’s videos have disappointed me yet.” ~Patty-J
“What a technique, Cindy. I never had any interest in this type of inlay design before, but now that I see what you’ve done, I need to know how!” ~Linda-K
“I do see what you mean Cindy, it’s like when you go to college – some of the work you do will be in areas you have no interest in, but it gives you the background experience to move onto other subjects. I will try to look over the videos with new eyes, because you’re right in that sometimes you should do things just so you’ve done them.” ~Silverleaf
“Well here’s another one I didn’t know I needed to know. Love this look.” ~Pollyanna
“Everyone knows Cindy you have a way of talking us through something that seems impossible and suddenly it is so doable. One of the few teachers who has that wonderful quality. That is why I never want to miss any of your tutes even if I have done it before and think I know how. When you show it to us all of a sudden it is so much easier than before. You shine with the ability to do that with all your tutes.” ~Peggy-B
“I like that you are innovative and forward-thinking because you help me see things in a different light. Growing is always a good thing and you definitely help me to grow in my polyclay endeavors. I still can’t understand how you can offer so much and charge so little for it.” ~Angela-M
“I’m not really a bohohemian fan but in saying that I love the sea theme going here. The starfish and cone beads are gorgeous and so cute. I will be making those. The necklace though is what I really love. Thanks again Cindy for your awesome ideas especially those outside the box.” ~Sandra-J
“I understand that you may think you don’t need the first ones, but we all know Cindy’s way of doing things is not usually the same as what you can find out there in other places. Just a thought.” ~Karon-C
“Some really useful info there, Cindy! I don’t do ‘hair stuff’ other than using a plain ponytail holder for sport to ensure I can actually see, but the assembly techniques could be applied to all sorts of other things where glue might not hold permanently enough. ~Sue-F
“I confess I have never been a ‘flower’ gal… but Cindy, you’re making me ‘change my religion’ with all these gorgeous blooms!” ~Monique-U
“I went ahead and got this back issue and boy am I glad I did! Even though I knew how to make some of the things, I still got so much out of those videos. And the trumpet flower bead – how cute is that? I didn’t even think I would be into that, but after seeing the earrings she’d made, I know I’ll be making that project, as well. Cindy’s Quick Skinner Blend is so simple, yet such an awesome idea! I can tell it will be such a time saver, and a clay saver, too! Very cool. Thanks so much, Cindy!” ~Phaedrakat
“When someone asked for a tutorial on earwires, I thought that I wouldn’t learn anything new. Well, now I see that you’ve taken earwires and made them into something really special!” ~Linda-K
“I have been surprised with a few tutorials that I didn’t think I would like, but did when I tried them, they have now become favourites.” ~Cara-H
“Of all the YouTube videos I’ve watched, you are absolutely the best! I absolutely LOVE your work! Never thought I’d actually pay for a tutorial, given the fact that so much is available online for free, but I decided that you, of all the experts I’ve seen, certainly deserve to make some money at what you’re doing so well” ~Sandy-M
“When I first saw the listing for this video I thought, ‘what do I want with a bookmark video?!’ Now I am embarassed to say that, as usual, Cindy has shown me the light. I have made two and plan to make many more. Thank you, Cindy and forgive me for my original thoughts. I am always so happy that I subscribe to your tutorials. It must be difficult for you to come up with fresh and interesting ideas all the time. I love you, Cindy!” ~Beverle-S
“I never thought I would enjoy doing Viking Knit BUT I very much do enjoy it, THANK YOU CIndy for the GREAT TUTE!!!!” ~Kelli-N
“Cindy, only you could get me this excited about learning the Viking Knit. I had absolutely no interest before watching your video. I thought it looked too hard and complicated as I had watched a video on youtube and was thoroughly confused when it was over. Oh my gosh have you made it easy! Your step by step close up shots of doing this special technique just blew me away. Thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial. It certainly was a lot of bang for my buck!” ~DixieAnn-S
“Wow! You hit it out of the ball park, Cindy! This is a tool that I never thought would interest me in the slightest! As I was painting some of my ceramic Christmas ornaments (snow babies, too cute to stop doing my ceramics for), I thought to myself, I have this beautiful necklace that really needs a copper chain or something to highlight it, and voila! The mad scientist/Polymer Clay Guru strikes again! So many thanks to you, and your ideas that keep one inspired.” ~Marianne-O
“Love the faux Fordite but didn’t think I was going to bother with the wire wrap. Until I saw it done. Ya done made a believer out of me again. And now I have an excuse to buy that vise I’ve been avoiding. LOL.” ~Peg-C
“I didn’t think I would really be interested in the riveting technique, but some of the pieces you showed us in the video changed my mind. Thanks Team Lietz!” ~Dawn-B
“Gee whiz, I didn’t even realize that I wanted to know how to do riveting!” ~Linda-K
“This video is really cool! I’m not really into sculptural flowers but I worked through it anyway and it was good fun, and I made some pretty roses by the end of it.” ~Silverleaf
“I have to admit that when the sweet pea earring tutorial was released my first thought was ‘Sheesh, not flowers *again*!’ — with a roll of the eyes too, even… I’m totally NOT a flower person, as you can tell! ;D — but the dimensional effect, the splash of colour and brightness against your black clothing, and the dangle movement are all great. And of course, the principles in the tutorial can be applied to plenty of non-flowery thing too anyway.” ~Sue-F
“These little hearts represent what I love the most about Cindy’s ongoing video series. Just as with flowers, hearts and other (to my mind) “frilly stuff” have never been my cuppa tea. Well, I have learned to expect pleasant surprise here at PCT! I just “let it happen”… the videos that initially have me raising an eyebrow invariably become my faves. I guess it’s a chance for this old tomboy to relive my girlhood in a more feminine style! LOL.” ~Monique-U
“Possibly I’m in the minority but I’m not really into making flowers (unless it’s a cane). Or, rather, I wasn’t into making flowers. Now, after seeing this week’s tute I can tell I’m going to be making a lot of poinsettia’s this next year. I love poinsettia’s on a Christmas tree and I’m going to make a bunch for next year’s tree. Thank you so much for this tute.” ~Angela-M
“I’m not much of a heart shape/girlie pink kind of person. But I thoroughly enjoyed this tutorial. You have generously shared with us lots of new techniques!! Really appreciate that!! Many thanks.” ~Joyce-W
“I’ve come to love Cindy’s videos and teaching style. In fact, I end up loving all the tutes, even if it’s something I already know how to do. Cindy always manages to teach me something new.” ~Phaedrakat
“Gosh you never cease to amaze me. This opens so many possibilities. Thank you so much. You know sometimes I think oh that tutorial does not sound to my interest, and then as I look through my tuts and want to see something, and am surprised I have not purchased it. Then I do and WOW! Every one of your tuts are fantastic!” ~Patty-J
“I finally tried the technique after hemming and hawing. Wow! It now does give me goosebumps. Thank you Cindy for all you give… you have taught me soooooo much.” ~Trudy-M
“For someone like me who isn’t into this style, this is actually very very lovely. I will certainly give this a go. I think I will head down to my $2 store for those little marblely things (our kids call them dragon droppings, why? have no idea). Have finally ordered the gilders paste and in the meantime will have lots of fun making the starfish and cone shell beads. Thanks again Cindy for a wonderful tute.” ~Sandra-J
“Thanks. It’s great to know the texture sheets will go in the pasta machine. I wasn’t going to purchase one, but I have now changed my mind. Love your videos!” ~Amy-B
“I was just scrolling through all the back volumes of our clay lessons and WOW! Does anyone realize all we have learned? What a treasure this website holds. I know I have advanced as a clayer. I found a few I hadn’t done before but now look doable or my tastes have changed and now I will look at them closer. Thanks Cindy, Doug, etc. for the fun and learning.” ~Pollyanna
“Cindy, you have a way of making a technique seem much easier no matter how many times I have done it before. This is why I don’t think I would ever be able to say no to a tute from you. You need to raise your prices!!!!” ~Peggy-B
“Thanks for another great video, Cindy. I’m not a big dandelion fan. I think it’s because DH has been waging war against the dandelions since we moved into this house with the big front lawn 7 years ago. But when I looked at the Pandora-style beads (which I loved), I thought FIREWORKS! As I’ve said before, I don’t have to love the exact item that you’re creating in your tuts because the technique itself always get my creativity going.” ~Linda-K
“I wasn’t that interested in pandoras until now. Those were so beautiful and easy peasy. Hmmmm the mind reels… thanks again!” ~Pollyanna
“Cindy… you are full of suggestions, as always, for alternate ways to get these effects for those who enjoy the look but cannot/don’t want to purchase this particular tool. Do I LOVE every technique? Of course not! But given enough hours in the day, I’d probably try most of them.” ~Monique-U
“Funny – at first I was not interested in learning this technique but after reading some of the responses, I’ve come up with so many ways I could use this! Now I can’t wait to learn it! Please do the video, Cindy!” ~Gayle-T
“I love these buttons! I have to admit, I wasn’t a firm YES on having a tut for these. I thought they’d be too easy – ‘cut a shape, poke a couple of holes, done.’ But now I realize that there’s more to it. You’re providing important know-how so we can create a sturdy, durable product. I’m really excited about this video now.” ~Phaedrakat
“Whether the project or technique is something I want to do or not… your videos are all so well done and professional… and interesting!” ~Freda-K
When I first subscribed, I was disappointed in the initial offerings. I wanted to give PC Tutor a fair shot, though. Well, I am happy to say I couldn’t have been more wrong. Cindy, I have become a bona fide admirer of yours. I love the videos. They are filled with tips and tricks and I love the happy manner in which they are delivered. Frankly, the only thing missing is… I want more! I see myself being a follower of PC Tutor for a long time to come, hooray.” ~Angela-M
“I’ve almost got all the tutorials, so looking through my library… I still did not have Vol#40… just thinking it did not attract enough interest for me. But then after getting it, ALL OF THE TUTORIALS AMAZE ME. I watch them over and over. I’m so amazed at Cindy’s dedication to her program. So inspiring. I take to work the simple attempts like a beginner does people love the items, though I’m such a beginner. I’ve turned several folks on to the site. A person can search the web for other tutorials but … really Cindy’s are the best. Clear and she makes it so doable. Thanks Cindy. Good work.” ~Patty-J
“Transferring is one of the few techniques I haven’t tried at all. For some reason it never interested me that much. But I like the vintage effect and I can see this working really well with line drawings of birds (I love birds, and they are still very much “in”). I’ll have to have a play with this one if I can find some good images.” ~Silverleaf
“Hi Cindy, I read all the messages you send and I’m sure you get tired of hearing this over and over, but I can’t express how much I like getting my e-mail saying that another one of your videos is ready for viewing. I received the one about making the clasps, and I thought “no-no-no I want you to teach me polymer clay, not metal work”… but as usual, I watched it and it contained extra information I had not thought of and hadn’t learned in the class I took. I thought the same about the texture video… “I don’t use those and don’t like them” but after watching, I got all these other ideas that I could do. I checked out the Tim Holtz site mentioned somewhere in your site and got new ideas about stenciling and inks! Thanks so much for making these tutorials… they are definitely worth the money!” ~Kim-E
“Just lovely! Funny, I didn’t think I would be so drawn to the sculpted flowers, but now I love them. And these earrings are beautiful. Thanks again Cindy!” ~Dawn-B
“Yes you are right sometimes when I see something here it doesn’t stand out as to me wanting to get to and do, but when I finally do it, am quite taken with it. It was like that with the Faux bone as they were not my colours, but when I actually did the tut, I loved it and now love that combination.” ~Elizabeth-K
“Just completed my 7th kumihimo cord. I got the round and the square one and love making them. You are so right CINDY it is addictive. What is it with this CINDY GAL? You think, nah, I’m not going to do that (when you see her latest tute) then hey presto, you are ordering all the stuff.” ~Elaine-F
“I know I said this wasn’t my style, but I’m sure I could still think of something that’s me.” ~Silverleaf
“Cindy, I have been buying a few back issues here and there to get various techniques. But of course, there is always something else that I would love to learn that is part of a different back issue. I’m sure others have said – I don’t need 3 out of 4 of those topics in that issue, but oh that 4th. And then interest changes, and the other topics become relevant. Thanks so much.” ~Beth-W
“Normally, when I see polymer clay jewelry that looks like food, I skip by it… but not if it’s something from our dear Cindy, because I always know that her tuts will be special. I’m just not a food-jewelry kind of girl, but wouldn’t a cupcake charm be just right on a bookhook? What if you were to buy a cookbook for someone as a gift and include a bookhook with one of those cupcake charms on it? NOW I’m excited about polymer clay food!” ~Linda-K
“Hmm very interesting… at first I kind of thought I was not interested, then… in Cindy style she makes it come alive and wakes up the creative mind. Thanks. Very very nice.” ~Patty-J
“Dear Cindy, I think I owe you an apology of sorts. Some months back, when I first discovered your video library, I voiced some disappointment via email regarding one of the videos I had purchased…. I was disappointed that the video featured a product and not as many ‘techniques’ as I would have liked. I have debated and debated about joining to receive videos. Anyway, I finally joined so I can receive videos, and I purchased a few back orders. Oddly, and this is where the apology comes in, my favorite so far is the sweet pea earring, which, ironically, uses a product. In this one though, I feel like I got the best of both worlds… a good product suggestion AND lots of techniques. I am an avid crafter, and I hold a BA in Fine Arts, so I adore anything creative. I also hold a BA in Mass Communications and a MS in English Education. I currently teach high school English, and my jewelry is sort of my teacher gimmick. (Students will say, ‘You know Ms. A. She is the one who makes all her own jewelry.’ It is a nice conversation piece and I often give students pieces for gifts for their Moms and such. I teach in a poor community, and such tokens are real treats for me and for them.) Again, just wanted to say that my first impression has proven wrong.” ~Gina-A
Doug, would sure appreciate being added to the list. Cannot wait to see these videos! Thanks!
Good to hear from you Jocelyn… I just added your studio cam access. Enjoy!
I would like to buy the rest of the back issues I don’t have. Thank u:)
Hi Rita… you already own all the back issues so no need for you to buy any more. I have gone ahead and added your access to the Studio Cam videos.
Thanks, Doug!
Luv what Cindy & U do, to help me in my creative clay play
I have been looking forward to these!
Sign me up
I know how hard you work and will enjoy seeing the process
OK you are in Cathy.
hi Doug,
Just wondering why I cannot view the studio cams seeing how I am a member and have purchased every video issue ever made.
I just added you access Laurie… so you will now be able to access the Studio Cam videos.
The reason why couldn’t before, is because I have to manually add the videos to each person’s account that qualifies. In other words, it doesn’t happen automatically. I posted instructions and info further up in this comment thread.
Hi Doug,
Please add me to the list for studio cam videos. I know I own them all.
Just want to add Thank You for all you do! I have been watching your videos for years and this has really grown! Keep up the great work!
OK Kim… you are in! Thanks for sticking with us for so long :-)
This is neat! I’m excited to watch the planning stages of projects! Maybe some of Cindy’s phenomenal creativity will rub off on me. I am weak on how to finish a piece of jewelry so I hope maybe that process will be covered. I would pay a lot more per month ( or for special videos) that covered various aspects of jewelry design . your necklaces are just gorgeous and I’m trying to get better but could use help in the area of finishing.pieces. Please put me in line for logging in….thank you both so much!!! I don’t know how you do all of this at such a reasonable price.
Good to hear from you, Vivian. Your library account has now been upgraded to include access to the new Studio Cam video series.
Hi Doug
I have checked and check and I own all of the videos, could you kindly put on the list so I can watch the video cam ? I’m really anccious to see them , I’ll wait if I have to of course, but want to make sure that I do qualify.
Thanks a lot
You qualify Ida… no more waiting for you :-)
Thank you, thank you, now I’m looking forward to 3 perfect hours.
Keep up the good work you and Cindy do.
Let me in, let me in, let me in!!!! LOL
You’re in, you’re in, you’re in!!!! :-)
Please let me in :) Thank you!
You are in Sarah… enjoy!
Hi, Doug,
I own all the back vids but can’t get the new studio cams.
Help is here Linda. You will now be able to access the Studio Cam Videos :-)
I’m all excited to watch the Studio Cam Videos. I own all the back issues so do I log in the usual way to the members section?
Hi Cheryl… I just added access for the Studio Cam Videos to your library account… and yes you just log in the usual way to the members section. Cindy shows everything you need to know in the video above.
I would love to get in but I am so new I have a lot of catching up to do. I like how you show us all the different ways to work with the clay (add in’s, gold leaf, finishes,etc) but I don’t like that some of the things are just too expensive for me. Maybe someday I’ll be able to do them so I’m glad I have the tut’s to show me how. I love the wire wrap how to’s. And all the other neat stuff. I will catch up one day. When I first joined I was lost because I didn’t know stuff that had been covered in an earlier vid. So I started collecting the first ones and I have learned by leaps and bounds. Thank you so much.
Hi Patricia… glad to hear you are learning in “leaps and bound”… it’s great to have you as part of the PcT Community!
Hi Doug, I have all the back issues, can you please add me to the list?
Thanks so much!
Yes I can let you in Liz… Done!
Hi Doug
I loved the intro today. I have been a member for many years but not from the beginning. I don’t know if I qualify, Please let me know. he behind the scenes stuff looks so interesting.
Kay M.
Hi Kay… just sent you an email :-)
Instead of doing much needed housework, I sat and watched the 3 video cams. I am so glad to see that I’m not the only one whose studio becomes a total ship wreck when I’m creating! Loved them all. Makes me feel like I’m in your studio with you. Thanks for coming up with this great idea. Keep them coming!
You are so welcome Linda! Glad you are enjoying the Studio Cam Series!
Can you add me to the video cam list
I believe I have all the tuts so not sure why I can’t connect
Thanks Doug and keep up the great work
Hi Cheryl… each qualifying member need to be added manually, and I had not got to your account yet. That is why you cold not previously access the studio cam videos. But you have now been added. Have fun.
Hi Doug-
I’ve gone backwards it seems. I made time to watch the PCT Studio Cams not knowing if need to let you know to add me. Could you please add me in when you get a moment?
Many Thanks!
Susan R.
OK Susan… you are in!
Are there videos prior to 000-1, May 7/08. I understood I had them all but can’t seem to get access.
Hi Lawrence… the paid back issues start at Vol-001-1… and yes you own them all. So… I just added your access to the Studio Cam videos. Let us know what you think.
Hi Doug,
I don’t have access to the cam videos and I have all the videos.
Can you open them up to me please.
Thanks Edie
“Yes please add me to the front of the line…” or “…the top of the pile…” or some other witty quip of your choosing :-).
OK Edie… you are in!
BTW… I see that your “Gravatar” photo is all black. You can update this by going to the Gravatar web site.
NOTE TO ALL: If anyone else wants to have a custom image show in place of that grey-box, generic Gravatar image, you can do that at the Gravatar web site. You can either upload an image of yourself or of something else that you feel best represents your personality.
Still not able to view?
Hi Edie – I just checked your account again… you should be able to access the studio cam videos. There may have been a caching issue… please check again and let me know. But don’t worry… I’ll definitely be able to get this figured out for you, one way or the the other.
I’m really hoping to be added, soon! I have a few days vacation, and would love to be able to spend them seeing the Studio Cam videos!
If you have time – thank you!
If you don,t – I’ll understand.
Take care, and have a nice weekend!
Nice to hear from you Mette… all the way over there in Norway. You now have access to the Studio Cam videos!
Btw… back in my University days, I had the opportunity to visit your “home town” of Bergen. I took a passenger ship from Newcastle (UK) over to Norway… and Bergen was the port of entry into your fine country of fijords and viking folklore. It was actually a pretty rough ride over the North Sea… I remember there was a band playing in one of the entertainment lounges, and the drummer was having a really difficult time keeping up to his drum set as it slid from one side of the stage to the other, while the boat was tossing back and forth from wave to wave… and it was a BIG boat! This was way back in the mid 80’s… fond memories!
Thank you!
I have taken the same boat lots of times – and it can be a really rough trip! My favorite trip was coming back from Newcastle in the mid ’80’s and absolutely everybody except me and the pianist got seasick just half an hour into the voyage. By the way: That boat trip does not exist anymore.
Hope you liked Bergen! I spent my younger days on other continents, but decided to come back. I haven’t regretted it, even though our weather is quite rainy. You are welcome to visit! If the climate doesn’t continue changing, I recommend May/June.
Who knows… maybe we happened to be on the same ship way back when (circa 1984 for me)… I was one of the other few passengers that managed not to get sick. My strategy of having just enough beer (but not too much) seemed to work well… that… plus my decision to sleep outside on a cot which I managed to safely lash to an inside railing with my sleeping bag to stay warm (I was young :-).
I’m not surprised that boat trip no longer exists. It definitely was not for the faint of heart.
When you get time, please add my access for the studio cam videos, Thanks, Beth
OK Beth… you are in!
When you get time, please add my access for the studio cam videos, Thanks, Kath
Hi Kathy… you were actually added a while back. When you follow the instructions in the video to access the Studio Cam Videos… what is happening for you?
Please add my access for the studio cam videos. I am so curious!
OK du er i også :-)
Still not able to get in so when you get time please add me too. Thanks much!
You’ve been added Eva. Enjoy!
Hi Cindy, please add me to the studio cam launch, I’m really looking forward to having the opportunity to seeing behind the scene. Much appreciated ,
~ Trish
I just sent you an email Trish.
Sorry, Doug, I have been traveling, not able yet to watch anything lately! Will do so soon!
Thanks for all of your fantastic work! Cindy and you are THE BEST!
Very best regards to both of you! Christl
OK sind Sie in auch! Danke für Ihre netten Worte.
WOW, Doug, I am impressed with your “German”. Your talents have no limit! Danke und Auf Wiedersehen!
Wow! Based on the comments it looks like you and Doug have a major hit on your hands, Cindy. Congrats.
Sorry it took me so long to view them and comment back. I love them. More Cindy is always a good thing. Love your tone and enthusiasm in these clips, and it is fascinating to watch you formulate tutes behind the scenes!
Please keep them coming!
I came in late so I can’t afford the hundreds in back issues that it would cost to get studio cam access. I’d actually like to know when the new site is going to launch so that I can start receiving new tutes again. My newsletter has also had the same recipe for 3 weeks straight. I’m assuming now those will have to be paid for? That’s fine, but when will we have access to the new content for those of us who aren’t studio cam privileged?
Hello Iris,
I tried doing a look up to make sure your library account has been receiving the “new-for-you” back-dated Volumes that should have been uploaded to your paid subscription account… but I could not find you anywhere in the customer database.
If you would like me to investigate this further, just use one of the “Contact Us” links on this page, and let me know which email address you used to set up your paid library account… or you could let me know your login username.
In regards to the newsletter, although you have been seeing the same Palette Photo over the last 4 weeks, the actual recipe card links have been changing each time. Plus there has been a new link each week providing you with a new video from our YouTube Channel.
Hello Doug, I am a fairly new member, and i have purchased a lot of back issued I know you must have a lot of request but do I qualify because I would love to see what you do and Cindy do to bring us the tutorials each month.
The only ones I don’t have are ones I can no longer get something in the video, color of clay or some piece of equipment or I am just not able or like something.
Please let me in on the behind the scene work.
Sandy Dellinges
Hi Sandy… I just sent you an email.
hello, wondering if I qualify to access the behind the scenes videos? I believe I own all of the back issues.
Hi Aimee… I just sent you an email.
Hi Doug, Just looked at the Intro of the Video Cam. Works great. Can’t view the next ones however, if you could set me up for that.
Thanks very much.
Hello Joy… I have gone ahead and added your access to the Studio Cam videos.
Just wondering if I qualify to watch the video cam
Welcome to the PcT community Gabriele.
Access to the Studio Cam videos is currently for members who own all of the back issue volumes. And since you just signed up last month, you have a ways to go.
Can you add me pleases.thanks
Jackie Norris
Hi Jackie… OK you’re in :-)
I must say that I have become addicted to these Studio Video cams. It took a minute for me to adjust to the different presentation, but, now, I wish you could just stream live on certain days when you are refining new projects.
I love the craft shopping bag reveals (I live vicariously, lol) and being able to watch your thought process and hands as you try new ideas. Your enthusiasm is addicting!
Cannot wait to see how you will integrate this approach as you rework the site….
Fondly always
That is great Jocelyn! It always takes time to get adjusted to new things, especially when there really isn’t a benchmark to set it against. But our guts have been saying that it is an important direction to be going, so we’re going for it! You’ll find the further you get into them, the more you will get out of them. I appreciate your feedback. It means a lot coming from a ‘clay veteran’ like you! :)