Kumihimo Cord | Jewelry Projects | Polymer Clay Tutorial

Kumihimo Cord - Polymer Clay TutorVideo #261: “The Japanese braids look like they’d pair perfectly with polymer pendants.” ~Phaedrakat

Once you have learned to make some beautiful polymer clay pendants and beads, you’re going to have to put them on something, right? Why not make your own custom braided cording, Japanese style!

Kumihimo is an ancient Japanese Braiding technique, traditionally done on beautiful round wooden stands that are used while sitting on the floor. There are many different styles and patterns of Kumihimo Braids, typically created using fine silk cording or thread.

As with many traditional handcrafts, modern supplies and materials can make it possible for the average person to do these ancient crafts. Here is a YouTube video that introduces the Kumihimo equipment used for higher volume production:

You may have started to see foam Kumihimo Disks and Plates, as well as books, findings, cords and other braiding supplies, popping up in your local craft shops and bead stores. These new braiding ‘looms’ have made it possible to learn how to make Kumihimo Cords quickly, easily and very inexpensively. Plus, with the amazing variety of patterns and possible fibers/materials that you can use in Kumihimo cords, the possibilities are astounding!

The Japanese braids look like they’d pair perfectly with polymer pendants. Have you been doing that? Seems like you could match your clay to your fibers, and end up with some gorgeous pieces! Even a very simple pendant would look spectacular on one of those braided chokers. You know, I love fibers and things, too. I’ve never tried anything like Japanese braiding, but I bet I would love it. I learned to sew at a young age, and always “collected” bits of fabric, yarns, strings – anything that felt nice that I thought I could do something with. Does it take a long time to learn? It looks like it takes SKILLS! ~Phaedrakat

Now I have only been making these cords for a short while, so I am not claiming to be an expert in Kumihimo techniques. But since I had a heck of a time figuring out the instructions that were printed on the card that came with my Kumihimo Foam Disks, I thought you may appreciate learning the shortcuts and techniques I figured out, during my learning curve on the subject.

So… without further ado, coming up tomorrow (Friday, June 22, 2012) in the Vol-049-4 members video at the Polymer Clay Tutor Library, I will teach all of you how to make gorgeous Kumihimo cords that you can use to further customize your polymer clay beads, pendants and other polymer clay jewelry projects.



Please Note: A general prerequisite for all of my weekly tutorials is that you have a good understanding of the polymer clay basics, including: conditioning clay, using a pasta machine, clay blade and other simple tools, making Skinner Blends or Teardrop Blends, baking clay, as well as sanding and finishing. If you need help in these areas, my Polymer Clay Beginners Course will get you up to speed quickly. There is also plenty of free information on this blog. Use the search box at the top of the page to find articles on specific topics.

Other Supplies & Tools:

  • An alternative to purchasing a Kumihimo disc would be to make your own from foam or cardboard, though it may not have the same durability or functionality.
  • Fiber of your choice. In the tutorial I show examples of Yarn, Ribbon, Leather, Satin Rattail Cord, Lace, Hemp, Waxed Linen, Embroidery Floss and other fibers.
  • Heavy Charm. This will make sense when you see the tutorial.
  • Ruler (optional).
  • Scissors.
  • Lighter or Glue. It will make sense when you see the tutorial.

By the way, many of the “shopping” links I provide for the various tools and supplies used in my tutorials, are “affiliate” resources. That means companies like Amazon and the other suppliers I refer, pay me a small commission if you click on the links and end up making a purchase at their site. It’s not a lot, but every little bit helps in keeping the cost of my tutorials so low… at only $3.32 per month. And, the prices for products that you may purchase through my links, are exactly the same as what you would normally pay. So please do feel free to click away whenever you need to pick up a few things for your studio. Thanks so much for supporting this site :-)

Here’s a sneak peak of this week’s tutorial…

The full version of the “Kumihimo Cord” preview video shown above, is now available for purchase at the Polymer Clay Library in the Vol-049 Back Issue Package.

Customer Feedback About Membership Value:

Thanks Cindy for another beautifully clear tute. It’s precisely that clearness that makes your site the best of all. Friday mornings are always a treat!!!! ~Lesley-S

So much to learn… In a nut shell – I think this is the ONLY site I will ever use!!! YEAH LIETZ TEAM! For those of you lurking – come join us. The price is right – $3.32 a month – can you believe that? You will so love it here. Peeps are great and the info is so rewarding. Hop on the bandwagon – you will not regret it! ~Patt-W

We are extremely lucky to have talented people like Cindy and Doug who are willing to share their enormous knowledge about polymer clay for such a nominal fee. No where else is it possible to make friends with similar interests and caring hearts… your personal help for me has been greatly appreciated. I have taken all your suggestions and have I proved success in my polymer clay work. ~Natalie-H

The following topics are included in this week’s Polymer Clay Tutor Library, Kumihimo Cord video tutorial:

  • See examples of Kumihimo Cords done in a variety of unique and different materials, as well as used in a variety of different jewelry projects.
  • Learn the reasons why you will need to use a heavy charm to keep the proper tension on your fibers as you are braiding your cord.
  • Find a cool way to make your jewelry designs stand out from the crowd, with your own fiber materials, textures and color combinations.
  • Plus, with some creativity and ingenuity, there are many ways to come up with other unique designs of your own.

The full version of the “Kumihimo Cord” preview video shown above, is now available for purchase at the Polymer Clay Library in the Vol-049 Back Issue Package.

Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor

  1. pattw35, 21 June, 2012

    Now you’re talking ! Even though this is not PC -it is a beautiful way to show off your work. !! I’ve been lurking around, seeing different cord usage. JUST LIKE CINDY SAYS !!. She brings it to you – isn’t that a winner ?

    Kumihimo is so popular right now. It is the neck-cord of the future. Can”t to watch Friday’s tute. I love the look of Rattail cord. It is inexpensive – and lots of pretty colors. But I never thought of using ribbon………. Cindy is such an experimenter, eh ???

    Phaedrakat – so glad you are familiar with Kumihimo ! I’ve heard ladies say that they can do this -watching T.V.. Some
    thing to do with your hands………… yeah

  2. Cherie H, 22 June, 2012

    I’ve made a few cords; pretty easy technique and looks beautiful but Cindy always gives us that extra bit! I love the neat way of including the wire and I did try using a twine kind of material, embroidery thread and rattail but did not think of ribbon and leather. the yarn one will be really fun ; so many types of sparkly yarn available and not expensive either.

  3. Polymer Clay Tutor Doug Lietz, 22 June, 2012

    Hi Cherie – I’m glad you posted here, and am hoping that you check back to see this response.

    Earlier this week you were posting in several threads about an issue you were having with your pasta machine wrinkling your clay. It appeared that you were thinking that your original question did not show up… but it actually did… and Cindy was able to provide you with some specific feedback.

    We had also sent you an email with info on how to “whitelist” your blog comments so they don’t end up always going to the moderation queue. But since you did not respond, that tells us that your Internet Service Provider is probably blocking at least some of the emails that come from our various email servers.

    Please check your junk folder to retrieve that recent message we had sent… and then also “whitelist” Cindy’s email address so that you don’t end up missing any future messages.

    If you try to send an email back to us, it would be best if you could use an alternate email address in case you are not able to resolve this email deliverability issue with your current provider.

    Hopefully that all makes sense. The last thing we want is for you, or anyone else for that matter, to think we are ignoring your communications.

  4. Cherie H, 22 June, 2012

    Thanks Doug. I did see Cindy’s comment today but i did not receive the email. Will check that out in the morning.

  5. Jodee E, 21 June, 2012

    Looking forward to this tutorial! I have just recently made two cords using #10 crochet thread and have yet to figure out how to finish them off. Thank you for your timely lesson and your experimenting to benefit all of us.

  6. Lesley Symons, 21 June, 2012

    I’m thrilled about this tute! I bought the round Kumihimo disc months ago, along with a book on braiding – and (as usual) haven’t got around to trying it out yet. THIS should finally get me started, and I’m already feeling inspired by your variety of beautiful braids! Once again, thank you so much Cindy, you really do seem to read our minds at times!!!

  7. Monique U, 21 June, 2012

    You really must be a mind reader, Cindy! This is great timing as I am expecting my order from FMG any day; I was stocking up on bugtail cord and ordered the Kumihimo disk almost as an afterthought. (Tons of leftover embroidery cotton, too… it will be wonderful to have a use for it now that the eyesight won’t allow X-stitch). Your tute will be wonderful as I am sure the disk would have been set aside indefinitely, otherwise.

  8. Peggy Barnes, 21 June, 2012

    WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!
    Everyone here knows how much I, OK ALL of us love polymer clay. For months now I have been wanting to learn how to do this. Believe it or not I have all the supplies needed plus more. When I bought the kits like Cindy I read the directions. Now the unlike Cindy part I became frustrated and thought This can’t be, surely I can learn how to do this but no I gave up thinking my daughter could show me someday. Yes the one with 2 very active kids in their church, sports all year round. Well she is a teacher summer is here and between softball, baseball, swim team and church still no time. So Cindy once again I owe you a huge THANK YOU!!! You must stay up all hours of the day and night. For such a small young lady you have a ginormous brain constantly at work. So hats off to you I am ready for Friday and so looking forward to, as if it were a double flower cane day or something. Woo Hoo, Woo Hoo. You are the BEST TEACHER out there topped off with Doug’s filming you don’t have to be an expert but I bet it sure will come off that way. You always figure out the extra touches to a project that make it easier to understand and so possible for all of us to do.

  9. Dixie Ann, 21 June, 2012

    Oh the excitement mounts…..I have boxes of ribbons and cords and
    with all my embroidery supplies, I am going to go Nuts over this.
    I was so hoping there would be a tute on this. I also noticed the beautiful findings and love the clasp that is shown. Will be up early to view this one and I “don’t do mornings” LOL

  10. Cherie, 26 June, 2012

    I have tons of ribbon and yarn too – so glad I did not give it away.

  11. Bonnie Kreger, 21 June, 2012

    Kumihimo is great. We do a lot of it using beads too. This will great seeing Cindy do it and now I won’t be the only one who has 6 boxes full of cords, floss and stuff for Kumihimo. Be prepared Cindy followers, it’s addicting just like everything else she does. LOL

  12. tantesherry, 22 June, 2012

    ‘beads’ you say… :)

  13. Jeanne Collins, 21 June, 2012

    This is really easy but I can’t wait to see your tut.

  14. Elaine Faulks, 21 June, 2012

    I was tempted to buy a Kumihimo disc ages ago as I love all things Japanese, but thought it would be too difficult to learn.
    . So a big thank you CINDY now I can order one with confidence knowing that my favourite tutor will guide me through the learning curve to produce Kumihimo cords I can be proud of……..cheers xx……………………………

  15. tantesherry, 22 June, 2012

    and pronounce too haha :)

  16. Elizabeth S., 21 June, 2012

    Just ordered my disc! The cords in the preview are so beautiful! This is completely new for me-I mean really new, as unlike many of you who have already posted, I didn’t even know the word, much less the process. Sometimes I shudder to to think of all I would have missed if I hadn’t subscribed.

  17. Sandra J, 21 June, 2012

    As usual Cindy you have taken a seemingly difficult technique and made it simple. I tried to learn this a while ago but got all tied up in knots (and not the kind used in this technique) so gave up. While we were in the States, i bought a disk and now I will have another go. Thanks heaps for this.

  18. Jocelyn, 21 June, 2012

    Wow. another great video. First it taught me how to pronounce it properly. I am no longer afraid, lol. Then we got to see the historical methods which originated the techniques (video). The supplies to be ordered, check. The procedure part is excellent. I have watched with envy while others put these together with ease. After a few tries with this video tute, I think I can do it. Yay!

    Cindy you came up with a bunch of thread choices I would have never dreamed of, and the results are spectacular. I cannot pick a favorite.

    Thanks to you and Doug for opening a new realm for me. This braided rope works so beautifully to complement the work, and that bracelet……love it.

    Thank you so much.

  19. Fran Y, 22 June, 2012

    Wonderful tutorial Cindy. As always, you explain the technique so clearly. I had seen mentions of Kumiho cord on the internet previously but had never stopped to investigate what it was all about exactly. When I started this week’s video and saw that you would be showing the technique, I thought “great!” Now I know the basics to try out a brand new and very useful craft.

  20. Fran Y, 22 June, 2012

    oops meant Kumihimo. :-)

  21. Lesley Symons, 22 June, 2012

    Yayyyyyyyy! This is really exciting, I’d never have thought of using all those different threads – (I believe you can use wire too) …. Have been trawling through my craft-supply drawers, all those silk ribbons, lace, embroidery thread ……. and so much more. I’m going to have lots of fun here!!! I’m so thrilled with this tute!! Thanks again Cindy for making it so inspiring – and I love the way you finish the cord too!

  22. Cherie, 26 June, 2012

    Yes, it’s an awesome technique. You can use wire and beads in it too – I haven’t tried the wire one yet.

  23. Silverleaf, 22 June, 2012

    It reminds me of the friendship bracelets I used to make as a teenager – one of my friends taught me and I basically spent years making probably thousands of them. I loved it, and I know I’ll love this technique too. I love how there are so many possible patterns too, so I won’t get bored with it – thanks Cindy! :)

  24. pollyanna, 22 June, 2012

    This looks fun and easy. I’m taking care of my 8 yo grandson for the summer. wonder if I can keep him occupied making these for me…….I can dream can’t I? Love how you showed us how to end the braid. Really nice to see how to finish things.

  25. Hope M, 22 June, 2012

    What a great tutorial! Wasn’t able to buy a disc right now, so I found a printout online and glued it to a styrofoam tray (like you find when you buy meat at the store). Then used an Exacto blade to cut it out.

    Love the way you finish the cords and can’t wait to have a long enough braid to use! :)

    Oh! I found an online braid designer at craftdesignonline dot com slash kumihimo too that shows you how different color placements will look when all done up. Was fun to play with.

    Thanks again for another wonderful tutorial!!!

  26. pattw35, 22 June, 2012

    Hope -thanks for the site. It is nice to see what else to use with this useful tute.

  27. pattw35, 22 June, 2012

    Wowser !! I never dreamed you could use so many cords and ribbons. Thanks so much for making this so easy. You are a wonderful teacher !!!

    Your weight is pure genius, your method of using wire to “Neaten” up the ends, and the cones that are flexible for all different sizes. Where could you get that kind of info Handed to You on a Platter ??
    We are so fortunate to have all of your family to guide us thru EVERYTHING !!!

  28. Betty Collins, 22 June, 2012

    Cindy, I just had to write and tell you how helpful your Kumihimo tutorial is. I have just recently started Kumihimo and love it. Thanks so much for the helpful advice.

  29. Maria, 22 June, 2012

    One reason why we love Cindy – who else would think to make a beautiful weight to use for this project? I am so glad to have finally learned the intricacies of finishing off my work — I have a cord on a Kumihimo disc that I didn’t know how to complete — Now I can use it for my pendant! Yay!

  30. tantesherry, 22 June, 2012

    T Y Cindy for the grin & giggle right before the 12 min. mark :)

  31. Cindy Lietz, 22 June, 2012

    You’re welcome Tantesherry, always aim to entertain… even if by accident! :P

  32. tantesherry, 22 June, 2012


  33. Dixie Ann, 22 June, 2012

    Great Tutorial Cindy! Just ordered the board yesterday, am going to find a big rock and wire it up for my counterweight. I’ll be all ready when it gets here!

  34. Joyce Folsom, 22 June, 2012

    Looking forward to trying this. I, too, have yarns and threads just waiting to come alive. Thanks, Cindy for another great tute.

  35. Barb L, 22 June, 2012

    I saw this and had to get started! So, I did a search and found one round and one hexagonal form. Of course, the square one is out there too, but the hexagon says it can be used for both the round and the flat braids. Anyone have any experience with either?

  36. Jocelyn, 22 June, 2012

    With the nature of slippery synthetics, would recommend a surgeon’s knot: flyfishingnetwork.org/knots/surgeons-knot.php

    Just to be extra safe….why risk something so gorgeous, unraveling?

  37. Elaine Faulks, 23 June, 2012

    “I think I’m turning Japanese”.

    A while back in May 2011 I watched Cindy’s faux metal mokume gane tutorial using the new Premo metallic colours. Wow so clever Cindy. I used a black backing sheet for contrast and made a whole bunch of different shaped beads and some hair barettes and earrings,, everyone loved them.

    I hadn’t decided how to use the remaining large round feature beads so they went back into the (To complete) box and have stayed there till this week.

    Now over one year later, my beads are sitting on my worktop, thanks to Cindy who has given me the perfect answer………….Kumihimo Cord…..

    They are ready for their final destination, a whole Japanese themed collection, (once I have mastered the Kumihimo technique) ha ha..

    So once again Cindy a big BIG thank you for showing us how to master this ancient Japanese cord weaving, and the clever tips and tricks you used to complete these beautiful cords.

    Just going into the shed to raid the fishing gear for a large lead weight to cover with pc. Hope DH will not recognise it as sure it will enjoy it’s new roll wrapped in a cosy pc blanket instead of being thrown into cold rivers, hee hee………………………cheers xx………………………………………….

  38. Peggy Barnes, 23 June, 2012

    THat was torture. Out camping and I cant get my internet to work . Had to run by home for awhile today so I snuck in the den to watch tute on hubbies computer.

    Now you made that look easy and I don’t know what I was reading in my directions that came with the disc because It sure didn’t sound easy. I’m going back to read them again, maybe I was just trying to figure it out on a rough day. Hate to think I couldn’t figure that out from my directions that came with it. But everyone knows Cindy you have a way of talking us through something that seems impossible and suddenly it is so doable. One of the few teachers who has that wonderful quality. That is why I never want to miss any of your tutes even if I have done it before and think I know how. When you show it to us all of a sudden it is so much easier than before. You shine with the ability to do that with all your tutes. Well I better shut down and get back to camp. Hubby is in a fishing contest this morning with his buddies from church and I want to get back to camp before he does. So I bet I know what everyone is going to be doing this weekend. I have every kind of cord imaginable. YIP EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    Thank you onc again Cindy and Doug for the start to a fun weekend. Have a great weekend too!!!

  39. DawnB, 23 June, 2012

    Thank you Cindy! Love this. These will go perfectly with our creations! Off to find a disc!

  40. Ken Hamilton, 23 June, 2012

    OK, probably a dumb question but and can you use cord ends (Vol. 19-2) to finish the ends, the cones and caps are just a bit froofy for a man to use.

  41. Sandra J, 24 June, 2012

    “froofy”? He he love it, made me giggle

  42. Ken Hamilton, 24 June, 2012

    Glad I could make you laugh, I couldn’t think of another word that fit.

  43. Cherie, 26 June, 2012

    I’m sure after you melt the ends you could use wire to wrap up and form the clasp and a dot of glue – Cindy showed us how to do the cord ends.

  44. Lawrence, 23 June, 2012

    Thanks for a great tute Cindy and Doug. Where were you when I first started doing Kumihimo braiding? As usual Cindy came up with some neat tricks, especially a different way of doing the ends of the cords. You must watch a lot of TV Cindy as that is quite a stock of different cords ;-)
    To answer Ken’s question I wear one of my bracelets daily – college colours, royal blue and gold- and it is finished with a very plain brass cap. My new one has an antique brass filigree Vintaj cap. Even a guy has to wear a bit of Bling once and a while. BTW I have the only cat in my neighborhood with a Kumihimo collar and now everyone wants one LOL !
    Now I am looking forward to your Viking Knit tute Cindy…please…please….please !

  45. Ken Hamilton, 23 June, 2012

    I’ll second the Viking knit, I sort of learned to do Viking knit from youtube vids, but would love to see what tricks you think of to make it easier/faster/better.

  46. Ken Hamilton, 23 June, 2012

    I’m sitting here in front of my notebook with all my electronic gadets around me and I think I just had a moment of brilliance ( I hope ) why couldn’t you make a disk from a blank CD or DVD, granted the hole is a little small in the center, but for most of us, I don’t think we’ll be making cords big enough to make a braided rug from like the ones from the informational video in Cindy’s blog entry. Just a thought.

  47. pollyanna, 24 June, 2012

    I think it’s a great idea too….. ! Would the cut notches cut the cords? Must be a way to file them smooth…..hmmmmm….have to experiment.

  48. Linda Kropp, 28 July, 2012

    Interesting idea, Ken. I’d suggest that you dip it in Tool Magic to keep the edges from catching on your cords.

  49. Elaine Faulks, 23 June, 2012

    Great idea KEN to recycle old CD’s I have seen them used for many things including roof tiles for a bird house made from large plastic cola bottle, think I saw it on U-tube.Looked great.

    Wow LAWRENCE, your cuffs sound great and love the idea of a kumihimo cat collar. Have to wait till next week when my disc arrives…..but then I expect my little jack russel will probably model my first effort. Mmmm wonder what colour collar she would like( She’s such a Diva)………………………..cheers xx…………………………….

  50. Elaine Faulks, 23 June, 2012

    Oh….reason to come back in. Yes please CINDY I too would love how to do Viking knit. Vikings are my fav. (after pirates)……………..cheers xx

  51. Lesley Symons, 24 June, 2012

    Viking Knit …… ohhh yes please ….. another thing I’d love to try ….. ummm, can you arrange some more hours in the day too? :-)

  52. Elaine Faulks, 25 June, 2012

    Had fun this evening using my new foam Kumihimo Disk by the Bead Smith.

    I made a pink one using varigated pink woven ribbon and a red leather cord that was a little more difficult to handle but easier to hang charms from.Using jump rings through the woven leather

    Thanks CINDY for this great tute and recommending this Kumihimo Disk, that I found easy to hold even with limited mobility in my left hand.

    I think it was well worth the price I paid and a lot easier than sitting using the original wooden marudai stand and a lot less expensive.
    Looked at the halcyonyarn site and was surprised at the amount an original marudai would cost (although beautifullly made) Glad somebody invented the foam one!!.

    “The comming together of threads” is how the japanese people describe this form of braiding.

    I think that sounds so right for this site. Has anyone used wire and if so what type and guage did you use? I would love to know……………………………………………………………………………….cheers xx…………………………………..

  53. Lawrence, 25 June, 2012

    Elaine, there is a fairly new and very popular book – Kumihimo Wire Jewelry: Essential Techniques and 20 Jewelry Projects for the Japanese Art of Braiding [Paperback]
    Giovanna Imperia (Author)
    available through Amazon. Also just Google “wire Kumihimo” there a lot of links there.
    Have fun…

  54. Elaine Faulks, 26 June, 2012

    Thanks Lawrence,
    Off to check it out, hoping it will not be printed in Japanese, unlike four of my other books……….But one day…………cheers xx

  55. Jocelyn, 25 June, 2012

    Ken, so long as the CD can tolerate the threads without fraying, I think you have a great recycling idea! Another is that you use the CD propped on top of a glass, to start a baby spider plant or other rooting plant.

  56. Carmen V, 25 June, 2012

    OMG that is super nice. I love those cords. They are perfect for all those beautiful beads and pendants that thanks to you I am able to make. I love all kind of crafts but Cindy I am always so anxious when is Friday because I can learn a lot with your videos. Thank you for explaining them so nice. Thank you Thank you Thank you….

  57. Patt W, 26 June, 2012

    FYI if you haven’t already bought one. Check this out – Weir Crafts.com. Go to ” braiding disk set”For $12.95 + $4.99 ship you get – Disc, 8 EZ bobbins,counter weight, instructions. Good deal ?

    They also carry lots of threads,cords, etc. Have fun……………

  58. Elizabeth S., 26 June, 2012

    My disc is here!!!!!

  59. Michelle Adams, 27 June, 2012

    Loved this tute Cindy I’ve watched it a bunch of times already. I just orderded my disk yesterday on ebay and it should be here Friday. YEAH!!

  60. cara letho, 29 June, 2012

    loved this tutorial- I have always struggled with this technique- you’ve made it sooooo simple- thank you. I will get so much use out of this.
    It’s wonderful that you are including more of these jewelry finding tutorials. It is a more holistic approach to polymer clay and I absolutely look forward to more. I seem to get it when you explain it even though I have seen it many times before. I guess that is why you are such a great teacher!

  61. Natalie Herbin, 01 July, 2012

    Well , you did it again Cindy.. I had bought,I guess a know off of this last year.. it is made by tonercrafts.com. I could not figure out the directions and here you come with a tut that makes it easy as pie to make…I went to AC Moore the other day… and guess what I found in there $1 bin ..another knock off of this disc complete with some yarn..so I bought 2 of them for my granddaughters…(9 and 5-going on 6) I figure that I could teach it to them..since you made it so easy for me. I hope that some of you guess can check out your AC Moore an be as lucky as I was…its good to have an extra one or two for that price…The one from tonercrafts has what looks like a mosquito on it..and it only cost me( I think) a dollar or two…not sure if its as thick as the real ones but its worth it for the practice..I did make one out of cardboard when I bought this one…but I am going to give the girls the store bought ones…I think they will have fun with it…theirs say its for friendship bracelets…
    On I did the measuring the way you said..eg. 7 inches for bracelet X3 but it was not enough so I had to tie on more cord…did I do something wrong with my measuring…I had 21 inches for each of 4 cords and divided it in half and then followed the rest of the tut…I was very easy..thank you soooo much. You always make things so simple,,,,even I can follow it…I am a visual person and have a lot of trouble with written directions..that’s why I don’t like to buy book on polymer clay..just love your tuts..you are so creative…you brain has an endless supply of ideas…boy are we the lucky one( so are your kids and Doug).

  62. Natalie Herbin, 01 July, 2012

    Sorry about the typing errorrs … It should have read knock offs … Hard to type on the small key pad of an iPod touch.

  63. Natalie H, 04 July, 2012

    Hi Cindy
    I am addicted to making the Kumihimo cords…. I did search on U tube and found lots and lots of videos and different designs..Some of the start with the strand between 15 and 16 and bring that cord up to make 3…..does that make any difference than how you showed with going down from between 32 and 1 ? ..I dont think it should.. The only thing that was different and really helpful was if you have to leave your work…stop with the 3 strands..then you know what you have to do next…if you leave when you finish the step..there are 2 strands that (2 spots) were the strands go over the other color and if you use the wrong one it leaves a slight bump in the cord..not very noticeable to someone who does not know to look for it but leaving the 3 strands leaves you no questions as to were you have to go next…I found a lot of cords that I have that can not be used for making baby hats that can be used in this….I took one of my big fat double cone shape pendants ..made my own bale and wrapped some silver plated 20 gauge wire and put it on the cord..Made the bale big enough to go over the end caps so I can interchange the pendant..you are so great…now I have another way to display my pendants…thanks ,thanks, thanks
    Natalie Herbin aka Safti of safti’s creations

  64. Linda Kropp, 26 August, 2012

    Natalie, that’s how I know where I’ve left off, too. I just make sure that I have three strands on the bottom of my disk and I’m ready to pick up and continue later.

  65. Lawrence, 04 July, 2012

    Natalie, I was always confused by what to do if the phone rings, a knock at the door or if I have to go shout at the neighbor’s dog. I use a lot of paperclips (plastic coated) in my work, so always have a few on my worktable and simply slide one over my last used strand. Works for me ;-)

  66. Natalie H, 04 July, 2012

    Lawrence, never thought of using paperclips..I have them on the side to use as handles on pc purses that Cindy did a tut on..guess I have to get some to use a work reminders.

  67. Lawrence, 04 July, 2012

    Yes Natalie they come in so handy for clay work as they adhere to polymer clay so well. I use them as button shanks and have never had a complaint in three years. The bonus is they are available at dollar stores so a big thanks to Cindy..
    I have never used the large ones or had that crackle effect with mine but have to experiment when I can find time.

    “As my artist’s statement explains, my work is utterly incomprehensible and is therefore full of deep significance.”
    – Calvin and Hobbes cartoon strip by Bill Watterson

  68. Janet Shoemaker, 06 July, 2012

    I am so glad you showed this video to make your own cords, I have so many colors of embroidery string and did not know what I was going to do with it, NOW I do. Thanks so much.

  69. Carrie N., 10 July, 2012

    Cindy, this tute couldn’t have come at a better time! I recently was lucky enough to be able to take the 6 day kaleidoscope workshop with Carol Simmons. Ever since I got home I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out how I could make my necklace cords more sophisticated to match the very detailed pendants. I ordered the discs the day the tute came out and I’m on my third necklace now. They perfectly compliment the pendants I’m making! Thanks again Cindy, you’re a lifesaver!

  70. Natalie Herbin, 10 July, 2012

    HI Cindy
    I noticed that you used the 6 step round nose pliers….I have been looking into buying one….micheals sells there brand… Bead landing….is that just as good as the Euro to 6 step one…the bead landing one is much cheaper. Especially if you use a 40-50percent coupon… Don’t want to buy a tool that would be a waste of money…Has anyone used the ‘
    Michaels brand? I keep looking at it picking it up and putting it back….

    You said you got the bead cOnes at Micheals…. I could not find them at mu Michaels…..do you know what company they were frOm …. This way I could ask my Micheals if they are goin to carry it agaIn
    Natalie H. Aka safti

  71. Dixie Ann, 10 July, 2012

    Hi Natalie, I bought 2 of the step pliers from Michaels and they are pretty good pliers. They fit my
    hands good and are easy to manipulate. I have also bought the Euro tools step pliers and I think they are
    a little heavier than those sold at Michaels. Hope this helps.

  72. Natalie Herbin, 15 July, 2012

    Hi Dixie
    Yes,this does help…when I get back to Jersey…I will go to Michaels…hopefully with a coupon and buy their 6 step pliers … I did not like Beadalons looping mandles …..it’s great having few pcersvto help put like this
    Natalie Herbin aka safti

  73. Cindy Lietz, 12 July, 2012

    Hi Natalie, I found those bead cones in Micheals in the bead section where the strands are hanging up on a wall, with the tags that you pay a different price for, depending of the color of the tag. It was on the same wall as the gemstones, pearls, shells, and the metal beads. They were in the metal section. If you look around in that area you should be able to find them.

  74. Natalie Herbin, 15 July, 2012

    Hi Cindy
    I did look all over my Michaels and could not find th…right now I am going to makeu own bead cones and then look again were you did when I get back to Jersey…the nearest Michaels is one hour away frm were I am now… so I going to wait to look for it later…..
    Oh. I saw a Hamilton Beach. Convection 6 slice toaster oven on sale for $38 … Has anyone used that brand……I know that a convection toaster oven would probably prevent the spikes that happen in a regular toaster oven.
    Natalie Herbin. aka safti

  75. Dixie Ann, 16 July, 2012

    Hi Natalie, if you plan to purchase a convection oven, look to see how the heat element works. Some of them especially the cheaper ones only heat in 25 degree increments so you are limited to what is preset. In other words. if you set it for 225 degrees, you might not be able to go to 230 or 240, the next increment would be 250 or 275 or 300. I also found that there is a 25 degree difference in the temperature setting when using a thermomater. If you set it for 250 degrees, it is actually 275 and so on. Also make sure you can return it if it does not meet your requirements. I hope this helps.

  76. Desiree J, 13 July, 2012

    Hi, I LOVE this tutorial and have been DYING to try this! I was hoping I could put in a request for doing this with beads in the weave……or does anyone know of a good tutorial. I know it won’t be as good as Cindy’s but I love putting beads on, well, everything. :)

    Thank you so much for the time and effort – your videos are wonderful!!!! Can’t wait to try it!!!

  77. Natalie Herbin, 15 July, 2012

    Hi Cindy
    I just taught my 9 and 5 year old grand daughter how to do the Kominhio cord technique…. The younger one loves to say: look for the lonely one and brimful a friend…thats how I taught her to bring the third cord up to the single one onthe top … Then she says in loud strong voice : now turn the wheel a little to the left…. She sound so cute and she is so proud of herself that she does not want me to touch her hands when she does it .. She knows that the right hand being the cord down to the bottom right and the left hand bring the left cord up to the left…mt hubby thinks that I should have taught. kindergarten instead of physical education .. Who knows height have been right… Thatnks for your showing me how to do Kominhio cord work so I could teach it to them.. They love this asuch as they love working with me with polymer clay Thanks,thanks and thanks
    Natalie Herbin aka safti

  78. tantesherry, 20 July, 2012

    very happy to say I ordered my kumihimo disk about 5 min. ago :D
    paid for it w/ part of my bead commission ck from last month-

    tried to buy it from Michaels but they had NO Clue :/
    so I used your amazon link
    ez pezee ;)

  79. Linda Kropp, 28 July, 2012

    Cindy, I took a class a couple of years ago to make a beaded Kumihimo bracelet. I had a terrible time getting the beads to stay in the right spot, so I never did finish. I blame it on using embroidery floss, which was too fine and limp for the beads, and for not using a weight. I wanted to try it again without the beads. The next time I used some C-Lon thread that was leftover from another project and my results were just OK–it’s very hard to keep the tension without a weight–and I thought the result was a little stiff. Unfortunately, there’s nowhere to buy nice cord near me. I never thought of ribbon!

    After watching your tutorial I went out and bought several spools of the 50 cent ribbon at Michaels and they worked really well. I also ran with your idea for the weight. What a difference that made, not only in the ease of working the cord, but in the even look of the braided cord.

    So thanks again, Cindy. The things I learned in your tutorial brought me from failure to success!

  80. Cindy Lietz, 01 August, 2012

    Linda I am sorry I didn’t respond to this kind comment until now. I meant to but got distracted by all that is going on around here and forgot (We are getting the Roadtrip plans underway and there is so much to do for that.) I am so glad you found success finally with the Kumihimo. I had seen a woman using keys for a weight years ago, way before I had even started making the cords. I promptly forgot and when I did start making cords I struggled away trying to make them without one. Then eventually the memory came to the surface again… I then experimented with the different charms until something worked. Made a big difference for me and looks like you too! :) I have not yet worked with beaded kumihimo. Will try that next. They really are so beautiful and make a fantastic compliment to our polymer clay pieces.

  81. Mikki M, 13 August, 2012

    In making the Kumihimo cord i saw where lace can be uses and ribbon. I have a huge bag full from other projects do you use a certaIn width or cut the laGer widths ?

  82. Cindy Lietz, 14 August, 2012

    You can use larger ribbon no problem Mikki, it just kind of bunches together to make a thicker cord. Just try it. Each material will look different. You can get some interesting effects if you mix different widths in the same cord. Skinnier cords tend to draw nearer to the center and the wider ones tend to pop out to the outside. Play with what you’ve got. If it doesn’t look good, you can always undo it and try something else. Have fun and make sure to post pics of your experiments on our Facebook Page!

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