We-R Memory Keepers Glass Mat (Polymer Clay Tools)

We-R Memory Keepers Glass Mat - Polymer Clay TutorVideo #578: My new favorite studio bench top surface for working with polymer clay… borrowing from the Scrapbookers.

Topics Covered In This Video:

  • Review of the We-R Memory Keepers – Precision Glass Cutting Mat.
  • In the past I have been using the Ranger Non-Stick Craft Sheet as my work surface for polymer clay.
  • When I saw this new Glass Cutting Mat at Michaels, I just had to buy one for my polymer clay studio.
  • Glassy smooth. No texture on your clay.
  • Non-porous surface. Great for inks, paints, liquid clays, etc.
  • Tempered glass. You can use your heat gun to melt embossing powders, cure liquid clays, set paints, etc.
  • Wipes clean easily with baby wipes or paper towel.
  • Great cutting surface for Exacto Knives, Clay Blades, and Cookie Cutters.
  • Printed (on back of glass) grid and ruled edges for measuring and cutting straight lines and angles.
  • Angled lines would be great for shaping Kaleidoscope cane sections.
  • Glass will hold onto clay, doesn’t slide around and is helpful for ‘pulling’ clay out of silicone molds.
  • Large size originally designed for Scrapbooking 13″ by 13″ (33cm by 33cm).

Do you have any suggestions for videos on tips, techniques or products you would like to learn more about? Let me know in the comments section below!

My goal is to help you to learn quicker and easier ways to bring up the professionalism in your polymer clay art.

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Looking forward to hearing from you!

Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor
  1. Maria C, 06 October, 2014

    Hi CIndy:
    What a simple trick: to use the glass surface to pop out those pesky clay molds that stick. I have given up on using them because it was so hard to get the shapes out. Thank you for this idea!


  2. Cindy Lietz, 09 October, 2014

    Thanks Maria, I figured you guys would like that trick!

  3. Betty B, 09 October, 2014

    That is a great tip. I thought it was just the mold I had being pesky and just ordered some more. I was wondering how difficult it would be to get them out. I definitely need to pick up one of these mats!


  4. Dixie Ann, 07 October, 2014

    Hi Cindy, ran out to Michaels after watching this Video and they had about 6 in stock!
    With coupon they only cost $9.08 This is really nice. I got rid of all my old ceramic tiles and cleaned up everything. Much more room, cleaner, easier space to work on and I love the new work surface. Thanks for sharing this terrific new tool.

  5. Cindy Lietz, 09 October, 2014

    That is so awesome! You Americans are lucky with the prices… we have the same products from the same stores but because we are a smaller country with less consumers our prices are always about 30% higher, even when our dollar is the same. I got mine for about $16 with the coupon… and I was still thrilled. It looks so nice too. I think a lot of clayers are going to end up buying this one!

  6. Betty B, 09 October, 2014

    Looks like I need to run over to Michaels! That is a great price! Thanks for sharing that, Dixie Ann!


  7. JaniceA, 09 October, 2014

    I just found your website through twitter, then your You Tube video. It is so what I need and have looked for to learn polymer clay. Thank you very much for having a teaching heart of what you have learned.

  8. JaniceA, 09 October, 2014

    Ooh I forgot in my previous comment. I know nothing yet about how to start learning ANYTHING about polymer clay. Do you have a video of ‘first starters’?

  9. Betty B, 09 October, 2014

    Hi, Janice!

    Welcome! I’m sure Cindy will get back with you soon, but if you click on the link at the top of the page that says “Basics Course,” you’ll find just what you are looking for! I learned a lot from that.

    Once you are done with that, I highly recommend subscribing to Cindy’s tutorials. You can’t beat the price and you’ll get lots of tips and tricks! You will probably want to purchase the back issues as well. Lots more good stuff there!


  10. Cindy Lietz, 11 October, 2014

    Thank you Betty for giving Janice such a great answer!

  11. Priscilla L, 10 October, 2014

    Hi, Cindy: I’d like to know who makes the flower mold (and perhaps the name or item #) you were using. It looks perfect for a project I’m planning.

  12. Cindy Lietz, 11 October, 2014

    Hi Priscilla, that rose mold was from the Martha Stewart Crafters Clay collection. I got it at Michaels, but I don’t think they are carrying any of the clay line anymore. At least I haven’t seen it in my store lately. Just Google it and you may find some places that you can still buy it.

  13. LisaW, 12 October, 2014

    Just bought it from Joann Fabrics online. Sale @10.19 and 1.99 flat shipping through Oct. 13th.
    Great product and great price.

  14. SherrieJo H, 17 October, 2014

    Thank you so much for doing the Product demo on this !! I was like “HEY that is better than my white board I am using” and the next day ran down to Michaels .. normally they are 16.99 but used a 50% off and now I wish I had bought both of the ones they had (no worries though as I will go get another one down the road) I LOVE IT!!

    Have a wonderful day
    Sherrie Jo

  15. Krithika P, 02 January, 2015

    Just want to add my 2 cents here. I bought this during Thanksgiving from Joann along with a bunch of other clay stuff (I’m a supplies junkie!) and so far I’m loving it!! My most favorite part of this is the clingy nature of the mat. It holds on to square canes nicely while slicing. I’ve also used it to hold small cane components uprights while I decide how to put them together. The grid is just great! I’m using the little squares to standardize the amount of clay I use in all my beads. It cleans up really easily too! Thank you for the great recommendation Cindy!

  16. Cindy Lietz, 05 January, 2015

    Thanks Krithika for coming back here and giving your own personal review of the Glass Mat! I am really loving mine and am very happy to hear that you are enjoying yours too. I like how it looks too. Givings a fresh clean space to work and is just the right size to leave in its place without getting in the way. Money well spent in my opinion!

  17. Jane T, 18 September, 2015

    Cindy, I’m new both here and in polymer. Thank you for explaining what all the angular lines are for on these types of “mats”. I enjoy your tuts very much and find they help me more than many that I have found for free online. Great job!

  18. Melissa Zitar, 16 July, 2016

    I always love your reviews! Very informational and complete! Thanking for taking time to educate everyone!

  19. Marilyn Loperfido, 17 September, 2016

    Hi Cindy!
    Thanks so much for giving me the link to this video. I am getting mine today!
    Question: Have your ever thought about putting the date on your chalkboard?
    It might make it easier to help keep track your videos. Just a thought.
    ?? Marilyn

  20. Cindy Lietz, 20 September, 2016

    You’re welcome Marilyn! As far as putting the date on the chalkboard, I wouldn’t want to do that… just because 90% of the videos are what we call ‘evergreen content’. Which means that the information itself is good and doesn’t ‘expire’ over time. If we put the date inside the video, people may feel like it is old and not good anymore. We do have the numbers on the front screen of every video so you know which order they were filmed in. Plus the date the video is originally posted is underneath in the description or on the blog post… depending on where you are watching it. With those two things, that should help you keep track of the videos. I hope that makes sense!

  21. Marilyn Loperfido, 20 September, 2016

    Thanks Cindy!
    That makes total sense!

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