Video #522: A simple trick for changing the look of your Teardrop or Skinner Blends without having to start all over again from scratch.
Topics Covered In This Video:
- The concept of this color blend shift is based on the same principles that I also showed in my Color Plus 1 Method.
- This color shift technique adds another color across your entire Teardrop Blend, which creates a whole different blend with a different tint.
- In a previous video I showed how to do a Rainbow Teardrop Blend, which is a multi-colored Skinner Blend technique.
- Take a sheet of any color of clay (I used white), and add a strip of the Rainbow Teardrop Blend (or any other Skinner Blend) on top.
- Then, by passing the clay through the pasta machine like you would a regular teardrop blend, the added clay (white in this case) gets evenly distributed throughout the blend.
- I show examples of what shifted rainbow blends look like when white, 18K gold, black, ecru, cadmium yellow, raw sienna, and translucent clay have been added as the shift color.
- Come up with your own blends by adding any color you wish, in any amounts.
- Related Video: Lietz Teardrop Blend – Color Gradients Made Easy
- Related Video: Rainbow Teardrop Blend (Multicolored Skinner Blend)
- Related Video: Polymer Clay Skinner Blend Instructions
- Related Video: Teardrop Blend (Easy Skinner Blend) No Pasta Machine
- Related Video: Color Plus 1 – Color Polymer Clay Mixing Trick
- Related Tutorial: Lietz Teardrop Blend Color Shifts
Do you have any suggestions for videos on tips, techniques or products you would like to learn more about? Let me know in the comments section below!
My goal is to help you to learn quicker and easier ways to bring up the professionalism in your polymer clay art.
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Thank you for the update Cindy:) My fave color shift was when you used the 18k gold. Think I’ll go back and review the ‘related videos’ you listed above now
Brilliant! – to coin a phrase! Thanks Cindy, another gem!
Fantastic. So helpful.
What are the best cutters to use do you think.
Hi Debra. What cutters are you referring to?
Sorry, I meant like cookie cutters and shape cutters
There are tons of brands of shape cutters Debra. Most are just fine. The seamless ones are nice because they don’t leave a mark where the seam is that needs to be sanded off after baking, but I have plenty of them and they work fine. Basically any set with the right shape/size you want is good, as long as they cut well. (As you can see I don’t yet have a particular brand that I like better than others.) :)
Cindy, Which brands of cutters are seamless, do you know? It is virtually impossible to tell from pictures on the internet…
Hi Fran, I think there are several brands without seams… they are made of plastic so they don’t need a seam to hold them together, so they are easy to tell them apart from the metal ones.
Oh also, I should say that Kemper cutters which are metal, appear to be seamless as well from what I can tell from photos, since I actually don’t have any myself.
Hi Cindey,
I just wanted to know, what is the best surface to work on with your polymer clay because my clay always sticks onto the surface I am working on.
Thank you for your help
Hi Noah, I like to work on a non-stick Craft Sheet made by Ranger. I did a review on some different craft mats a little while ago. Here’s the link if you want to check it out:
Comparing 3 Brands of Studio Work Surface Mats
Hey Cindy,
This is quite funny to see you do this since, about two weeks ago, I used the same idea on slices of a cane made with en extruder.
The only difference is: in stead of mixing, I took a slice about the thickness of half way setting in the pasta machine, backed it with 2 sheets of clay on the thickest setting than ran it trough the pasta machine until the thinnest setting, then did the same process all-over with (part of) the result.
I did this with white, black and some yellowish backing clay and indeed the results are stunningly different from the original colors in the cane.
The resulting pieces:
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Hi Geert, that is so interesting how you shifted those cane slices! Were they made of translucent clay? Or were they just so thin that the colored showed through? Thanks for passing along your idea!
Hi Cindy, Hi Tante,
Thanks for noticing my post ;-)
Cindy, yes I used translucent clay on that occasion, but it will also work on regular clay. Tante, I can’t realy remember the colors I used, I use fimo clay though and one was a glittery red.
I did take the time today to re-do this and make a small demo of the effect. If you’re interested I posted this on my website’s blog.
Hope this is helpful! Happy claying!
hi Geert- those turned out so different from each other, I would have had no idea that they came from the same cane:) care to share which brand and colors you used?
went back to look at them again to say I liked this one the best– But I just can’t pick a fave, each one holds their own–thanks for posting pictures of your results:)
Hey Tante, just in case you don’t get a heads-up on my reply to Cindy, I drop a note in here as well.
Is there a particular way to determine how much clay you are using for the shift? I wanted to duplicate a shift I created using this technique but it doesn’t seem to be coming out right/ When you mix colors you use a standard thickness and a specific cutter for all your recipes but with this there didn’t seem to be a way to specify how much of the shifting clay you added and how much of the color blend. Thanks for your great videos
Beth S.
Hi Beth, the best way to duplicate a shift is to roll out your blend at the thickest setting first. Then roll out your shift color at whatever setting you want… for example if you only want a light shift, you may roll out that sheet at the thinnest setting. Add it to the back of your blended sheet and trim around it. It won’t matter how big your original blend is… as long as the blend is rolled at the thickest setting and your shift color is rolled at thinnest setting in this case, and then trimmed around, the percent of shift color to blend, will always be the same. Hopefully that makes sense. I’ll add it to the list of future videos to do. It would be easier to explain in video than in writing. Good luck!
Hi Cindy, I enjoyed all the videos and found the like button on the last one. I will watch the others again and tick them too. If I subscribe, do the videos you mentioned get sent to me or just a link? How often can I watch them?
I don’t have an oven at present. Are the toaster ovens consistent enough with temps? We only get cheep Chinese ones here in OZ and they don’t last long.
Thank you, Carol
PS I live in a med/small RV, so I don’t have much room:-)
Hi Carol, you can get some decent toaster ovens that should work for you. (I have one that I use in my RV when I travel.) Just use the serach box and look up toaster ovens and baking and you’ll find the info you need.
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Thanks Cindy, I will do that and let you know how I get on. I plan to make some canes first and then decide on the beads to make. I like the Chevron ones. Thanks for the tutorials and your kindness. Hugs, Carol