Stamped and Glazed Bezels | Polymer Clay Tutorial

Stamped Bezels - Polymer Clay TutorVideo #229: “Metal bezels — so cool, and such a great way to add metal to a clay design.” ~Phaedrakat

You probably have seen many types of stamped polymer clay pendants and charms in the beading magazines by now. They are very popular! Some with inspiring words, little poems or quotes, and others with graphic stamped images. No matter the style, they make awesome focal elements for your handcrafted jewelry designs… and they’re easy (and fun) to make too!

Cindy, what a coincidence! I went to sleep last night thinking about stamping words and names into faux stone clay pendants with the alphabet stamps I received last week, and today you posted about that very thing! Thanks for being so thorough in spreading your knowledge. ~Sue-W

Thank you, Cindy and Doug. I learn so much here! Cannot wait to get more bezels. ~Jocelyn-C

Now my bezels will have that more artistic finished look to them. Thank you both once again. I love it here, I mean what’s not to love. Many Uuuugggs to all. ~Peggy-B

Being fairly new to polymer clay I knew nothing about bezels or incorporating the clay with them. I’m learning so many really useful and interesting things with these excellent tutorials. ~Fran-Y

So… coming up tomorrow (Friday, November 11, 2011) in the Vol-042-2 members video at the Polymer Clay Tutor Library, I’m going to teach you how to make these funky stamped bezels quickly and easily, in whatever style suits you. Plus I’m going to give you a cool tip for making your own glossy colored glazes that can be used with this project and many others!


Please Note: A general prerequisite for all of my weekly tutorials is that you have a good understanding of the polymer clay basics, including: conditioning clay, using a pasta machine, clay blade and other simple tools, making Skinner Blends or Teardrop Blends, baking clay, as well as sanding and finishing. If you need help in these areas, my Polymer Clay Beginners Course will get you up to speed quickly. There is also plenty of free information on this blog. Use the search box at the top of the page to find articles on specific topics.

Supplies & Tools: Video-042-2 Stamped Polymer Clay Bezels:

  • Heat-safe bezel of your choice. I used some metal bezels I got from Terry Morris at EpoxyJewelry, but you can use any metal bezel you have on hand.
  • Small amount of polymer clay in the color of your choice. I used about a 1/4 section of: 5038 Peacock Pearl Premo Sculpey Accents Polymer Clay.
  • Stamps. There are millions of types of stamps you could use for a project like this. There are mounted and un-mounted rubber stamps, cling stamps, word stamps, silicone molds, alphabet stamps and even letter stamps used for stamping metal. Once you see the examples, you can decide on what types of stamps will suit you best for this project.
  • Antiquing Medium. There are many options here as well. You can use an acrylic paint on it’s own, a ready made medium like the discontinued Studio by Sculpey Antiquing Medium, or you can make your own using Golden Mediums – Acrylic Glazing Liquid (Gloss) or (Satin) and an acrylic based paint color of your choice. Michaels now carries the Golden line of paint products (in the fine art section), and many other retail arts and crafts suppliers carry it as well.
  • Cornstarch and small fluffy brush for dusting.
  • Rubbing Alcohol.
  • Weldbond Glue.
  • Small paintbrush and clean paper towel.

The full version of the Vol-042-2 Stamped Bezels video will be posted in the Polymer Clay Members Library on Friday November 11th, 2011. But if you would like to see a sneak peek intro clip right now, scroll down the page a bit to the video player below.

Click Video Play Button

The full version of the “Stamped Polymer Bezels” preview video shown above, is now available for purchase at the Polymer Clay Library in the Volume-042 Back Issue Package.

Customer Feedback About Membership Value:

Cindy, I absolutely love your tutorials… I took a hands on class about a year ago, and I have honestly learned more from your tutorials than I did in that class. The first video I watched was the Dandelion Ghost Cane Tutorial. I made different versions of the cane, and sold the pieces right away. You are so easy to learn from. Some things I would have never tried on my own, but since watching you I have ventured out of my comfort zone and have made amazing pieces. I have 15 back issues I am ordering, I cant wait to try them all. I have a picture on my inspirational wall of a zebra printed clay bead, I have had so many requests for animal printed beads, I can’t wait to watch that tutorial. Thanks again for your tutorials, they have taught me more than I could learn in a hands on class. Kudos to you for a job well done!!!!!! ~Kelli-N

Hi Cindy, the best day of my jewelry making journey was being smart enough to sign up for your beautiful instructions. Thank you for sharing and being so kind. I do not know when I am due to renew. Please tell me as I never want to not receive your emails and instructions. Love to you and to those you Love. ~Rose-R

Thanks Cindy. As usual, I am very impressed. I truley feel sorry for anyone that does not have your tutorials. They have been so helpful to me. Anyone that likes polymer clay and does not have you, well…..I just feel bad for them. They do not know what they are missing. I, for one, am so glad I found you!! Have a happy day! ~Sherry-W

The following topics are included in this week’s Polymer Clay Tutor Library, Polymer Clay Stamped Bezels video tutorial:

  • See examples of stamped bezels in several shapes and styles.
  • Discussion of the supplies and techniques needed to make these charming pendants and charms.
  • Find out how simple it is to create these designer focal pieces for your handmade jewelry projects.
  • Learn cool tricks for making your own Glossy Colored Glazes to use in many of your polymer clay projects, including this one.
  • Plus, with some creativity and ingenuity, there are many ways to come up with other unique designs of your own.

The full version of the “Stamped Polymer Bezels” preview video shown above, is now available for purchase at the Polymer Clay Library in the Volume-042 Back Issue Package.

Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor

  1. pollyanna, 10 November, 2011

    Well here’s another one I didn’t know I needed to know but can’t wait to see how it’s done. Love this look. And, need I say I can’t wait for tomorrow……:).

  2. Lupe Meter, 10 November, 2011

    Cool…another great tute! I have tried making some but haven’t been happy with mine. Can’t wait to see your tute on this, Cindy!

  3. pattw35, 10 November, 2011

    Come on Friday !! Can’t wait to see how you put YOUR SPIN on this tute. With the holidaze coming up -what better way to be prepared with an EXTRA gift ( Just in case). Or to keep yourself…….teehee -smile

  4. Peggy, 10 November, 2011

    Been missing in action again. Winter isn’t here yet but my health is already feeling the effects. Have been very ill with what I thought was sinus and ear infections. Even accused poor hubby of burning my forehead with heating pad. Long story. I did start to get a little better now worse again. I have shingles and the worse place to get them on my face. So my eye and ear were attacked and have lost part of my sight but hopeful will be back. Ear and throat being tested on Monday and back to eye Dr. tomorrow. Don’t these people know the holidays are near and Cindy’s tutes need to be watched as a very very important part of my health care system. Cindy’s tutes do much more for me than any old meds or exercise I have ever tried. So come on Shingles get out of my way so I can clay, clay, clay with the best Art teacher and film artists I know. I need my weekly doses or I get mean. I just watched last weeks tute last night tried a couple of other times but sorry Cindy my sight, headaches and fatigue are getting the best of me right now. But last weeks very much worth the wait. Also looks like this weeks is going to be another to go down in the history of PC best. Thank you both for making me feel better. Hopefully I can get back to being a regular around here again very soon. Well I see I broke a few rules with the personal information and long drawn out me info.
    Love and Uuuuuuggggs, Peggy

  5. pollyanna, 10 November, 2011

    No rules broke that I could see. Sure hope you are feeling better really soon. Never had them but have heard it is makes you feel just miserable. Never heard of them hitting where you got it. Hope all turns out well and I ‘ll say a little prayer for your full recovery.

  6. Cindy Lietz, 10 November, 2011

    Peggy you are the dearest, kindest and most positive person I know. Of course it is OK for you to share your personal life with us. You have a way of seeing beyond the struggle and reaching for the joy in life. I admire you and your strength more than you know. I am sad to hear you have Shingles. Shingles are for roofs not for my sweet Peggy! Heal quickly… we love and miss you and can’t wait to hear of your claying adventures. Take care! ~ Cindy

  7. Catalina, 10 November, 2011

    Oh, Peggy, I do hope you get better soon! You are such an inspiration to us all. Isn’t it amazing how a little clay can make you feel? And the wonderful community we have here to make it even more special. {{{{{Hugs}}}}} back at you!!

  8. Catalina, 10 November, 2011

    This sounds soooo cool! I’m looking forward to seeing this tomorrow! BTW, Doug, did you hear that Adobe has settled with Apple on the use of Flash for the iPad/iPhones? Good timing, uh? All that work you did so we could view our videos on our iPads for nothing. Bummer. All the hard work was appreciated, thanks!!

  9. Polymer Clay Tutor Doug Lietz, 10 November, 2011

    Catalina – I agree that Adobe and Apple moving in the same direction is definitely a good thing. However, it will still take time to implement standards. And unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it), these new standards are going to leave some older technologies in the dust. In other words, consumers will be needing to upgrade their personal computers, mobile devices and operating systems, just to keep up.

    PS: If anyone is wanting to chat more, or voice an opinion about the new video player I am currently testing, please do that over in this thread so that all the tech talk can stay in one place.

  10. Cherie, 10 November, 2011

    @ Peggy – It’s awful you have the shingles. My dad had it when he was here in 2004 , got it on his face too. His nose, the area around his nose, below the eyes and his mouth got is really bad. He is still tender in those areas and he says it feels like it’s on fire even now sometimes, so many years later. The neurologist has given him a medication to ease it. Hope you feel better soon. My prayers are with you.

  11. Cherie, 10 November, 2011

    Can’t wait for the tutorial. I have some great stamps. I’m going to start getting my workspace ready this weekend; it will take a week or two for me to get the ordered furniture but it’s getting there. Itching to start claying again.

  12. Linda K., 10 November, 2011

    Gee, Peggy, I’m sorry to hear that you’re having such a tough time. Keeping you in my prayers.

  13. Linda K., 10 November, 2011

    Cindy! I just bought a beautiful new stamp today and was trying to figure out what I would do with it. I just might have my answer tomorrow!

  14. Natalie H, 27 December, 2011

    I picked up a few clear plastic stamps at Micheals in the clearance section for only $1..small ones….good for bordors ..some with the reccyle logo that might look good on pins…I used them to make hair barrettes…can’t wait to bake them today,

  15. Linda K., 11 November, 2011

    I thought I was going to be excited about the stamping part of this tutorial–which I am, of course–but the glaze is a great bonus. The look and shine of those colors in the crevices is really pretty. I’m crazy over the verdigris look!

    I have a couple of thoughts. First, I assume this mean that glaze base can be used to shine our baked clay items in place of Future or Varathane.

    Second, I just rewatched the Copper Foil Tutorial in Volume 35. You can substitute the foil for a bezel after the clay is baked, just use a mold or shape cutter to form the piece before baking.

  16. Cindy Lietz, 26 November, 2011

    Sorry Linda, I thought I had answered you already. I guess if you do it in your head, it doesn’t count… unless the other person has telepathy! LOL Yes you can use the glaze in place of Future floor finish. It is easier to put on as well. And you’re right about the copper foil being a great replacement for the bezel. Great idea for combining the two tutorials!

  17. Peggy, 11 November, 2011

    Thank you all so much for your prayers and good wishes. I can’t wait to share your comparison on the shingles Cindy. Hurts to smile sometimes now but well worth it. I just Love the energy and family warmth everyone brings to share with each other.

    Now I probably will not be able to clay this weekend but will definitely be re-watching yet another favorite video. I have done similar pendants and charms to this but still yet learned more and easier steps in making it better. Love the paint suggestion. It’s a definite try for me- YES!

    Cindy it is so refreshing the way your excitement flows while you teach. I tell myself this week I bet she enjoyed teaching this more than making it, no to much enthusiasm in how it was done must like making the item more than teaching. Do you even know which you enjoy the most? Teaching, research, the actual creating, selling, or my all time favorite SHARING a gift with someone I enjoyed making so much. Then to top making it I know this is a treasured gift for most. You are so blessed to have the talent God gave you.Then you worked hard and turn it into a gift of teaching so many students at all levels. I can’t imagine anyone not thrilled to of found your site. Now this wonderful business you and Doug share is also shared with Willow and Fisher. A lifetime full of memories. You all work so hard to share this with us, there is not question why it is the new wonder drug to all who suffer in so many different ways. The one and only drug I look forward to taking. I don’t need insurance to help pay for it either. I can never thank you enough but I hope you know how proud I am to have learned so much from You, Doug, Willow and Fisher. It is a true Family Affair of tutorials and Blogging.
    You all deserve a standing ovation. Hats off to the Lietz family along with many many Uuuuuggggs.

  18. Elizabeth S., 11 November, 2011

    Ditto that, Peggy.

  19. Elizabeth S., 11 November, 2011

    I love this!!! Can;t wait to try it. That copper heart with the verdigris finish has mine pumpin’ fast. Cindy, who carries the glaze you used in the tute? As always, thank you both for another wonderful Friday full of possibilities.

  20. Cindy Lietz, 11 November, 2011

    Thanks Elizabeth, Nice to hear your heart is still beating strong for polymer clay!

    Michaels now carries the Golden Line of products and so does a ton of other places, including many online. (It is nice to be able use the 40% off coupon at Michaels with something like this. It can be on the pricier side. Though I will say it lasts forever.) You can find it in the Fine Arts Department, where the oil paints, acrylics and watercolours are.

  21. Natalie H, 27 December, 2011

    Can I use the Goldens Glossy Glaze in place of the Sculpey Gloss Glazw when mixing with Peral X powder..My Michaels and ACMoore do not carry Sculpey Glossy glaze.

  22. Cindy Lietz, 08 January, 2012

    Sorry Natalie, Looks like I missed this one. You could mix the Golden Glaze with the Pearl Ex, they are compatible, but I don’t think it will crackle (if you’re trying to do the crackled paint technique with it). The Golden Glaze is probably too stretchy to work. It wouldn’t hurt to test it if you already have the materials though. DO let us know what results you get, if you do try it. We’d all love to know!

  23. Pattw W, 11 November, 2011

    Cindy ! What a neat tute. PLUS – you always add something we didn’t know. You did it again with the glaze. What a pretty finish. I am an acrylic painter as well. So Golden products are my best choices. Thank you sooooooo much for the TIP. I really like Terry’s products and now his bezels. How much fun it is to learn something new……………….smile

  24. Cindy Lietz, 11 November, 2011

    Thank you to everyone for you enthusiasm and kindheartedness. When Peggy asked what makes me happier, ‘making or teaching’? I had to think about that for a minute.

    Like many of you have experienced, getting ‘lost’ and absorbed into making something with polymer clay is a great stress release for me. Just mucking around, testing and trying to come up with new ways to do things is an escape from the responsibilities of running a business.

    But then when I do figure out something cool, I get all wiggly with excitement to show you guys. Picture yourself 5 years old and running into the room saying, “Look what I made Mom!” and you’ll get an idea of how I feel inside when I’ve got something to share with you all.

    So I guess the answer to what I love most, ‘Making or Teaching’? I would honestly have to say BOTH!

  25. pattw35, 11 November, 2011

    We LOVE that you get all wiggly inside !!!LOL You have a way of putting IT just right. We would not know what to do WITHOUT YOU and Your family !!! ;D

  26. Sandra, 11 November, 2011

    Love the new video format. the tutorial was great as usual. Will have to find some word stamps, not much stuff like that down under though.
    Have a great day all

  27. pollyanna, 11 November, 2011

    What a lot of info in such a short time. Great tute as usual. Love being able to make my own glazes.

  28. Cheryl W, 11 November, 2011

    Thanx for today’s tute on the bezels!! I had a question on your tip about the new glazing medium you found – will it also act as a protectant, or do I still hav to apply another finish to protect the piece and the color?

  29. Tantesherry, 22 November, 2011

    Hi Cindy, I’d also like to know if it will act as the only protectant needed-thanx sherrry

  30. Cindy Lietz, 26 November, 2011

    No need for an extra protectant Cheryl and Tantesherry… the glaze is all you need!

  31. Angela M, 11 November, 2011

    Hi everyone :)

    I am so excited about today’s tutorial. I have been thinking about just exactly this type of thing the last couple of weeks and, lo and behold, there’s my tute for it. Great timing Cindy.

    I don’t have letter stamps so I’m working with tiny pasta letters, the kind that you use for soups. They are working out surprisingly well.

    Cindy, I was wondering about some stamps that you used. They were unmounted and appeared to be on a plastic sheet and they were small. What are they and where did you get them? I’ve never seen any like them. Also, I got my newsletter without any trouble this time. Switching to a different email account was a great idea – thank you Cindy and Doug!

    Peggy dear, I’m truly sorry to hear what you’ve been going through. I’ve never had shingles but my cousin did and it was very painful for her. I hope and pray that you will recover quickly and well. I’ll be keeping you in my prayers.

    I have been battling a fibromyalgia flare this week. Even clothing touching some parts of me hurts-maybe it is the weather, I don’t know. Since finances are tight this year, I’ve planned on giving as gifts items I’ve made from polymer clay. My body trying to hold me back just isn’t going to cut it and won’t be tolerated, lol, I have decided! Actually though, poking around with my clay really saved me Wednesday night, when I was at my wits end with pain. Thank goodness for polymer clay, and for Cindy, who teaches me what to do with it!

    I hope everyone has a good weekend :)


  32. Mavis T, 11 November, 2011


    My Mom suffered with : Fibromyalgia, Lupus & Arthritis , she was in constant pain for years. Her clothing hurt her too!!

    I sew & Mom had me make some special tops for her that wouldn’t cause her pain. She also had to cut the collars off her tops and make them into wide round shoulder styles, which helped.

    Maybe you could look into designs that would not cause pressure.

    I admire your upbeat attitude and the fact that you use PC to help you to relax, which helps you to cope with the pain….another great way to use PC!

  33. Angela M., 18 November, 2011

    I never thought about altering my clothing in this way. What a great idea! Thanks for the suggestion :)

    p.s. See how fortunate I am – I don’t have lupus!

  34. Cindy Lietz, 26 November, 2011

    Great idea to use the pasta letters Angela! As far as which brand those tiny stamps were, I think they were either from the set my mom gave me from Costco a few years ago, or they were from a set of Fiskars cling stamps. Can’t quite remember. Michaels tons of small cling stamps for a fairly good price. You might want to check them out.

  35. Angela M., 27 November, 2011

    Thanx Cindy, I’ll be checking that out. Always love another reason to go to Michael’s :)

  36. Dixie Ann Scott, 11 November, 2011

    Peggy, You are such a brave soul. My late husband had them and I know how painful they are. God bless you and give you the patience to endure such an awful affliction. Cindy, love the bezel tute, just got some of these from Terry, you must have ESP! Question on the glazing liquid. Could you substitute Modge Podge Gloss? Would you need an additional seal coat for either one? I used one of the bezels with the Ultra Dome and poured little tiny mixed beads into the bezel and covered it with the resin in layers. What a quick, inexpensive lovely pendant it made!

  37. Cindy Lietz, 26 November, 2011

    I don’t know if you could substitute Mod Podge for the Glazing Medium Dixie Ann. Their properties are quite different. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to test it though. Get out your Mad Scientist Lab Coat and see how it works. Don’t forget to come back and let us know how it goes!

  38. Natalie H, 04 December, 2011

    What brand of UV lamp do you use with the resin….I am debatingback and forth with getting a 9 Uv and a36 UV lamp…and there are some many different companies..

  39. Cindy Lietz, 04 December, 2011

    Natalie, for the best cure, buy the 36Watt. Terry at has an excellent one for a great price. I bought a 9W and quickly upgraded to the 36W. You won’t be sorry if you go for the bigger one.

  40. Natalie, 05 December, 2011

    Is there anything else that you would recommend purchasing for use with the UV Oven from Expoxy Jewelry. I bought the Lisa P resin and it does not say that it needs to be kept in a blue bottle.
    Also , since you are sending a lot of people to Terry’s site, maybe they could give some kind of discount to members of your tuts? just a suggestion.

  41. Dixie Ann Scott, 04 December, 2011

    Natalie, I took Cindys advice and got the UV lamp at Epoxy Jewelry also and it is a 36W. I have used it already and my pendant turned out really nice. There website have some nice videos on using there products too! You won’t be disappointed.

  42. Natalie H, 28 December, 2011

    Hi Dixie
    I did an extensive search on Ebay and Amazon for the36 watt UV Lamp. I found several on Ebay for as low as $29 all that have a timer and a setting that lets it stay on without using the timer. The only difference from Terry’s at $69 is that it has a removal tray..not sure if it warrents that additional $ says they are large enough for hands and feet( of course not at the same time) Caltalina had said she purchased her onEbay..Going to make my decision by the end of the week.I really want to start doing some of the UV lamp curing finish..they look soooo great
    Happy New Year

  43. Dixie Ann Scott, 12 November, 2011

    Hey everyone, just got a 40% coupon for 2 days only at Michaels
    here so am headed out there to see about the Golden Medium glaze Cindy used for the bezel. If you sign up for their online Ad you can download and print the coupons!

  44. Natalie H, 04 December, 2011

    Hi Dixie
    I live for my Michaels coupons..I try never to buy anything at full price..esp. since the Golden Medium is $24 a Micheaels does not sell a 8 oz bottle but using a 40-50 % off couponmakes it cheaper than buying it on Amazon were yo have to pay shipping on this item.Which Golden Medium did you buy.. was it the one for Polymer..I get so confused with all the different types.

  45. Dixie Ann Scott, 04 December, 2011

    Natalie, I found an 8 oz. bottle of Golden Medium Acrylic Glazing Liquid Gloss for $10.00 at Michaels with my 40% off coupon.
    It was right where Cindy said it was, back in their art dept. where all the paint brushes and mediums are. I had to really look for it. They only had 2 bottles left.

  46. Natalie H, 13 December, 2011

    My hubby is also very handy..was disconnecting the timer easy for him to do?

  47. Natalie H, 13 December, 2011

    I went down to my Michaels and found the Golden Medium Acrylic Glaszing Liquid Gloss for $10 and had a 50% off coupon..what a bargine I just have to make time to use it.

  48. Sam G, 12 November, 2011

    Angela, I know how you feel! My fibromyalgia is driving me mad at the moment. Just can’t seem to shut the pain off even for a little while! So have been watching tutorials and have my mind whirring as to what to make first when I feel up to claying!! I am trying to work and so am often exhausted when done. Never mind, I will not let it beat me and take courage from seeing people such as yourself and Peggy struggling but not giving up.

  49. Angela M., 18 November, 2011

    Hi Sam. I haven’t been on the computer for several days but I couldn’t miss my Friday PC Tutor fix and am only now seeing your post.

    How are you doing today? I am doing better than I was last week, much better in fact, hooray! Don’t know why it’s better but I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth, ya know, lol.

    I learned a long time ago that the only thing I can control about fibromyalgia is my attitude in how I deal with it. If I give in and let it take me over I feel about a hundred times worse. However, if I do things to take my mind off of it, I am able to keep my inner peace (and sometimes my sanity) and ride out the flares.

    This is where polymer clay fits in so beautifully. I can be aggressive with it or gentle with it, depending on what my body can handle. I can spend a lot of time or a little time claying and have something lovely in the end, even if I couldn’t expend too much effort. Polymer clay really is the perfect medium for people with fibro.

    When you hurt too much to clay, re-watch your tutes and remember, this too shall pass. Eventually, you will feel better and you will be ready to tackle your next technique :)

  50. Sam G, 19 November, 2011

    Thankyou so much for this comment, it really helps to not feel so alone in this. Sometimes it feels like I am going a bit nutty with this!
    I picked up polymer clay when had to go off sick from work for a while in June. Am now managing 30 hours a week but still tough at times. xx

  51. Angela M., 27 November, 2011

    Hi Sam,

    If you are on Facebook you can send me a friend request (Angela McDorman) and we can keep in touch all the time. I know what it’s like to need someone to share this journey with.

    Hope you’re having a wonderful day :)


  52. Sam G, 04 January, 2012

    Hi Angela
    Sorry took me sooooooooo long to get back to you. I can’t find you on facebook?

  53. constance tyler, 13 November, 2011

    Hi Cindy, For some reason, I didn’t receive this tutorial in my email this Friday. I checked my spam and my trash and it wasn’t there either. This is the first time this has happened. Thanks. Connie Tyler

  54. Linda K., 13 November, 2011

    Connie, sometimes email just gets lost in cyberspace. It happened to me once, too. Cindy suggests that you make yourself a backup by creating a gmail account and having the newsletter sent there, too. That way, if the message doesn’t get through to your main account, it should be in your gmail account.

  55. Cindy Lietz, 13 November, 2011

    Hi Constance, I just sent you an email from my personal account not the newsletter account so it should get to you. It explains how to deal with email deliver-ability issues that can come up and how to fix them. Hope that helps.

  56. Kathy G, 13 November, 2011

    I too love that I can now make my own glazes…..YAY! Does anyone know if the Liquitex brand works the same as Golden? Also, I would love to see a tutorial on how to make actual bezels from polymer clay……I always try and can never seem to get it right.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

  57. pattw35, 13 November, 2011

    Kathy – I have used Liquitex Iridescent on PC. WorksGreat. I contacted Liquitex to ask if this would work. They didn’t know – so I used it anyway.LOL. The iridescent bakes o.k., but loses some of the color. Comes out mostly orange and green. As long as you know ahead of time, you can plan on enjoying these colors teehee.

    BTW the ires. hasn’t peeled . Been about 6 months………Your mileage may differ….

  58. Natalie H, 29 November, 2011

    Just want to let everyone know that Michaels is having a 40% off on bead landing and the make bezels that are great for polymer clay…if you don’t see the quantity that you what you can get a raincheck or they can order it for you. I bought 1 package of a set of two rectangles- one antique silver finish and on copper finish. Also Jewelry Essentials Findings cares RIvolu holders with are roun but have a shape of our lentils with a space in the middle that can be filled with polymer have 12 to a pack of three types of metal( i call them bezels.) They have loops on two sides so you can either hang them vertically in multiples or horizontally in a necklace or bacelet..Hope this help everyone out..You guys have helped me so much already..just want to pass on what I have found.

  59. Catalina, 05 December, 2011

    Hi Natalie! I work at Michaels and i want to let you, and everyone here, know that Michaels now has a new program called Buy in Bulk. This means you can special order hard to find items, or items you need more than the store has in stock. You can order one piece or many! No limit! You can get extra discounts after $50, $100, $150 and etc….! Seasonal items are excluded. This comes in handy when you need wire or jewelry findings or tools. Only 8 to 14 days for your Order to come in! I just ordered some yarn for my sister to make me a new afghan! So, don’t be too discourage if you can’t find what you need or not enough to complete your project. Just Buy in Bulk! Sorry, I sound like a commercial :) I’m also the Jewelry Instructor and my store sells out of findings so fast. Swarovski crystals and Sterling Silver findings are “disappearing” if you know what I mean. So, it can be hard to find what you need. So, I know I’m going to use this program a lot myself. Happy shopping!! :-)

  60. Natalie H, 05 December, 2011

    Thank you for that info.. I have been noticing the signs but never really thought much about it. Will they order in bulk for you sale items?

  61. Catalina, 05 December, 2011

    Yes! You get the sale price! So time your order when you place it. It is better than rainchecks!

  62. Lisa Whitham, 09 December, 2011

    Cat, thanks for sharing the news about buying in bulk!! Can we also buy Premo in bulk when it’s on sale for .99c?? I go through a lot of white and black – as I’m sure a lot of clayers do, if we could order in bulk when it’s on sale boy would that save us a lot of dough… Not only that, but my Michaels is not good about keeping Premo stocked up. A lot of the time I end up ordering my Premo online

    Peace, Love, & Clay,
    ~Lisa :)

  63. Catalina, 09 December, 2011

    Yes! I would wait till it’s on sale! I noticed the clay is not being restocked as fast as I would like it, too. Happy claying!

  64. Lisa Whitham, 10 December, 2011

    Thanks Cat..!! This is really good info!!

    Clay On,
    ~Lisa :) xo

  65. Tantesherry, 11 December, 2011

    Catalina–just wanted to pop in and say thank you for all the good “insider” information :)

  66. Teresa D, 19 December, 2011

    Does this count towards polymer clay too? And how much bulk would I have to buy? My Michaels always seems picked clean of polymer clay.

  67. Catalina, 20 December, 2011

    You can custom order any quantity. No limit on how much or how little. Just not available with seasonal items. So, order your clay! It will take 8-14 days. Merry Christmas!

  68. Natalie H, 27 December, 2011

    I have been checking ebay and have seen several 36 watt UV Lamps that say that they can stay on for several hours…I guess there is just an on button in addition to the timer..and their price seems great about $29 and free shipping as compared to Epoxy Jewelry that wants $69 for it….only diference that I can see is that the bottom on Terry’s can be removed so you can place the lamp over your stuff…the other one you have to slide it in…Not sure if its worth the extra $40 dollar plus shipping for that little bite convience…..I assume that the one you bought you would have to slide it in on a tile.. but it is good to know that I would not have to disconnect the timer. Let me know what you think…I can;t wait to start using the resin finish on my stuff

  69. Catalina, 29 December, 2011

    Not having to disconnect the timer would be a major plus! I hope you can get it. You won’t be sorry.

    Sorry it took so long to reply. I couldn’t find your post. I’m not sure I get the way these threads work. I wish the link in the email would send you directly to the post you wrote instead of the category you posted it in. I guess I kept passing it up when trying to find it. Maybe I’m getting old!! Or I need new glasses : )

  70. Natalie H, 07 December, 2011

    I have seen the signs for Bulk Orders but never really thought about it since I am just trying out items to see if the work…Rain checks are good if you do not want to make a large money investment at one time…Also , at myMichaels they allow me to keep my rain check until I am able to get the total quantity that I want..that way I am not keeping clay in stock and I am always getting fresh supply. They are extremely helpful in this manner…But I will be using it in the future when something is on sale that I plan to use in quantity and it is on sale.
    I do keep my 50% and 40% coupons for the larger items that I would normally have second thoughts about buying..Just wish that Micheals carried a UVLamp but I know that is just a dream that I will not be able to wait long for..

  71. Catalina, 11 December, 2011

    I know what you mean. Michaels carry a lot of items, this year alone we added 8,000 new items!! But, somehow they always forget to add that one item we want to try. Hopefully, when they add polymer clay classes the items we carry will expand. I made a cute pair of Light Bulb earrings, with holly, as an intro to polymer clay and it was a hit. Even though they were simple, some people rather I make them a pair than take the class. I guess it looks hard than it is. But, do invest in a 36w UV nail lamp. It is so easy and FAST!! My hubby had disconnected the timer so it will always stay on. I just use a kitchen timer and it works out great. Check eBay for a good deal. I think that is where I got mine, about $30. This week Michaels has 50% off coupon! Woohoo!!

  72. Natalie Herbin, 11 December, 2011

    There are so many 36watt UV lamps on eBay and amazon . Which one did you get …$30 is lot more reasonable than $69 ESP if I am not selling much …have not figured outgrow to market my stuff

  73. Catalina, 11 December, 2011

    It is one you can use your fingers and toes with. It has the four 9w bulbs. I don’t recall who I bought it from, but you may find an auction instead of a “buy now” for a good price. Good luck.

  74. Natalie H, 13 December, 2011

    Is there anything specific I should look for in addition to the 36 watts.? I am thinking of only buying one that is made in the USA and not sure about the timers that come with them..Does yours have a timer and what do you do ..keep reseting in to get the 20 minutes needed to completely cure the apoxy. Thanks for all your help

  75. Teresa D, 19 December, 2011

    I wish my Micheals would just carry more Premo clay. Especially around the time they do sales. But I love my Micheals.

  76. Catalina, 14 December, 2011

    Natalie H, mine did come with a 2 minute timer and my hubby disconnected the timer. Most will be like that. To find one with just an on/off switch is hard to find. Nothing else to worry about. 36 watts is the best for curing in 20 minutes. I did look on eBay and I saw some for $20! So, maybe you can find a good deal.

  77. Natalie Herbin, 14 December, 2011

    Do you mind telling me the brand that you got…since you are happy with it I would like to get one of the same brand.

  78. Catalina, 15 December, 2011

    You know what? Mine has no markings at all. No brand or maker. So, all I can say is look for one with four 9 watt bulbs and is for fingers and toes. If your hubby is handy ans figue out how to disconnect the timer you will be all set!

  79. Claycass, 28 December, 2011

    Cindy I have a question about the Golden Mediums. What is the difference between the Acrylic gloss medium and the polymer gloss medium? Can they be used interchangeable or not?

  80. Cindy Lietz, 13 January, 2012

    Sorry Claycass, I guess I missed this one. I do not know the answer to your question. Probably the company would know best. And as far as whether they can be interchanged or not, I don’t know that either. The only way to really know would be to test it out yourself. Sorry I can’t help better than that.

  81. Dixie Ann Scott, 13 January, 2012

    Claycass, the properties of acrylic gloss and polymer gloss are different but both are similar in that they can both be used with water, clean up with water and can be brushed on. Acrylic gloss is generally well mixed and can be thinned with water if needed. Polymer acrylic properties are a little different in that polymer can be a little tougher and will not chip as readily as an acrylic. It can pour slightly thicker but you also can add water to thin it if needed. A lot of your clear nail polishes are made with polymer properties. Either one will work and of course it will always depend on what the artist prefers and the application being used. If you can picture pouring a bottle of acrylic paint vs. a bottle of polymer paint from a 10 story building at the exact same time, the acrylic paint will always reach the ground first since polymer has properties that slow down and “stretch” out the medium before it hits the ground. I hope this helps. I had a wonderful artist friend who explained this to me several years ago when I asked the same question.

  82. Silverleaf, 04 January, 2012

    I found bottles of Winsor and Newton Artist’s Acrylic Glazing Medium in my local art shop here in the UK – £6.20 for 125ml – and it seems to work fine on clay. I find it hard to prevent brush marks in the glaze though, maybe I need different brushes? I have some cheap brushes labelled for use with acrylic paints (I don’t get expensive ones because I have a tendency to forget about them while I’m working and ruin them with dried-up paint!) and as I’m not a painter I have no idea whether better brushes would help.

    The other problem my fuzzy fibro brain is having is coming up with inspirational words. All the short words I can think of are ones I wouldn’t like to repeat here, lol!

    Maybe we could all contribute to a kind of “master list” of words that we can look at when we’re out of ideas? Anyone have any good ones they’d like to share?

  83. Silverleaf, 04 January, 2012

    I’ll start wit the ones Cindy used in the video –


    And add a couple of my own.


  84. Cherie, 04 January, 2012


  85. Tantesherry, 11 January, 2012

    Oh I want to play
    talk cutie funny flower prncss girly music sexy hot silly kind nymph gypsy green fate unique random faith kewl cool art ask hug zap zin dude hope zest feel nice calm zoom bold books yay real sing hero wild rain wise kiss

  86. Cindy Lietz, 11 January, 2012

    Sorry Anna for missing your brush question… got caught up in the inspiring word thing and forgot. I am afraid that it definitely makes a difference when it comes to buying quality art brushes over cheap ones, as far as leaving brush strokes. You don’t have to buy the most expensive but you should buy well made art brushes with fine synthetic bristles that won’t pull out when tugged on. Square or flat wide bristle shape is best for finishes and some brushes are even labeled as varnish brushes, so you can keep an eye out for them.

    Natural bristles swell up when used with water and are therefore not a good choice to use with acrylic and water based paints or finishes. Plastic handles are better than wooden ones, when working with water based products because the water can swell the wood and cause the metal to become loose and the paint to chip.

    If you do accidentally let paint dry in your brushes, you can usually save them by soaking them in rubbing alcohol and the swishing them in your palm with some dish soap. As an alternative there are commercial brush cleaners available on the market as well. This cleaning method is a little hard on the bristles but it is a heck of a lot better than throwing out the brush. Hope that makes things a little clearer for you!

  87. Monique U, 04 January, 2012

    Sounds like a challenge!


  88. Cherie, 05 January, 2012


  89. fran, 05 January, 2012

    A few more:

    beauty – energy – friends – growth- happiness – honesty – passion – think – tranquility – understanding – wisdom – travel – explore – enjoy – music – listen

  90. Silverleaf, 05 January, 2012

    Thanks so much everyone for the great inspirational words! It’s a massive help. :) I want to add Sing to the list too.

  91. Lisa Whitham, 05 January, 2012

    Here’s a couple more words…

    and for Christmas you could use,

    I have bezels on the way. I’m hoping they will be here tomorrow! :)

    Clay On,
    ~Lisa :)

  92. Cindy Lietz, 08 January, 2012

    Here are few more inspiring words Silverleaf…
    Free Spirit
    Live Wire

  93. Cherie, 08 January, 2012


  94. Jocelyn, 14 January, 2012


    and of course

    funky diva

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