Spoon Jewelry Using Vintage Silverware and Polymer Clay Canes

Silverware Jewelry Collection

Spoon Jewelry Using Vintage Silverware and Polymer Clay Canes:

The other day I received an email from a student who asked where she could see some of the jewelry items I make. Although I’ve been publishing pictures of my pieces here at the blog since February 2008, they are not really displayed in a central gallery format. So today I’ve gathered up a bunch of my silverware jewelry photos, and posted them below for easy viewing. The link beside each one will take you to the original article where the photo was discussed in more detail.

Steampunk JewelrySteampunk Jewelry Pendant Embellished with Polymer Clay Flower Beads: A Gardener’s Chronometer with Natural Magnetic and Medicinal Powers.
Rose Cane Silver Spoon PendantBeginner Polymer Clay Notes – An Artist Clay So Versatile: Silver Spoon Jewelry Pendant Embellished With Slices From a Polymer Clay Rose Cane.
Flaming Heart Tatoo JewelryFlaming Heart Tattoo Inspired Jewelry – Polymer Clay Cane Designs: Popular Tattoo Artwork Does Not Always Have To Be Etched Right Into Your Skin.
Polymer Clay Spoon JewelrySelling Handmade Beaded Jewelry at Craft Fairs and Jewelry Shows: Making Your “Stuff-To-Bring” Checklist In Advance Of The Show.
Spoon JewelrySelling Jewelry to Niche Markets – Polymer Clay Bead Making Tips: Too Much Competition At Your Local Craft Fair? Focus On Niche Marketing Instead!
Morning Glory Silverware PendantFlower Pendant – Making Silverware Jewelry with Polymer Clay Canes: How to shape delicate cane slice beads using an old light bulb as your guide.
Bird Jewelry PendantAnother Bird Necklace Pendant | Etsy Tips For Your Jewelry Business: The 20 cent strategy for getting your handmade jewelry pieces noticed on Etsy.com.
Bird Pendant JewelryBird Pendant Jewelry Trends on Etsy – Make Them with Polymer Clay: Make your own handmade bird jewelry using polymer clay cane designs and keep up with one of the latest funky fashion trends at Etsy.com.
Polymer Clay Spoon PendantMake Pendant Spoon Jewelry using Polymer Clay Mokume Gane Techniques: How to make polymer clay jewelry pendants that get lots of compliments.
Silverware Bale on Polymer Clay PendantMaking Polymer Clay Beads from a Spring Color Palette: Go Figure… It’s not until the first official day of Summer that you finally get to see my Springtime Fuchsia Bead collection.
Polymer Clay Pendant Silver SpoonHow to Make Polymer Clay Pendants with a Silver Spoon: Were you born with a Silver Spoon in your mouth? How about one around your neck?

If you like this type of photo summary blog post, please do let me know. I can do more of them on other topics if you like (I take requests). And if ever something catches your eye, be sure to let me know if you would like to see a video tutorial on it.

Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor

  1. Anna Sabina, 02 July, 2009

    I am doing my happy dance because I will be attending the International Polymer Clay Conference in Illinois July 11th. The registration price was lowered an it endd up being almost the same price as if I went to a closer workshop in September. I am wondering if there are other clayers from this Blog that will also be attending?
    Would be great to chat in person. i am also going to be spreading the word about this GREAt blog.
    Love the spoons and it was great to review past postings because I am going to make beads to trade!!!

  2. MJ, 02 July, 2009

    Hi Cindy,

    Love all these reviews. The pictures are great source of inspiration. How about a video on the process of preparing and forming the spoon projects?


  3. Carrie N, 02 July, 2009

    I love the idea of the bails! Have any thoughts on other ways to make your own bails? They are so expensive in the stores!

  4. Joyce, 02 July, 2009

    I love this idea, Cindy. It is very inspiring. Have you done a cane on stain glass and I haven’t found it yet, or is it on your “to do” list? Is there another way to achieve the stain glass look? Thanks for all your time and effort in keeping us happy and claying.

  5. PLaneFancies, 02 July, 2009

    I wish your photos could be enlarged by clicking on them so we could see the details.

  6. Cindy Lietz, 07 July, 2009

    @Anna: That is very exciting! You will have to report back with all the ‘goings on’ at the event. I wish I could meet you there, but things are a little too busy around here right now. Would need an assistant if I wanted to go away like that.

    @MJ: It’s on the list! Been thinking of doing a spoon video for awhile but forgot to mention it back when I was asking who wanted what.

    @Carrie N: There are lots of cool inexpensive ways to make bails. Will eventually do videos on them.

    @Joyce: I have done some canes that are little like stained glass called a Rainbow Quilt Cane. Click the link by my name to see a pic. If you put your outlines in black or another opaque color and then use colors with a lot of translucent in them, you can achieve a stained glass look.

    @PLaneFancies: I’ll ask my DH Doug about that.

  7. Cindy Lietz, 21 April, 2010


    Polymer Clay Vintage Silverware Jewelry

    Hello to Everyone,

    Some new Spotlight project pictures that relate to the topic of this page (Vintage Silverware and Polymer Clay Projects), have just been added in another post. They were submitted by Lupe Meter. The link by my name will take you to where you can see them, along with a bit of a write up. Hopefully they will inspire you to achieve great things with your own polymer clay projects.

  8. Phaedrakat, 03 June, 2010

    What a gorgeous, fun variety of spoon pendants! The spoons make excellent bails for jewelry, and Cindy has created a Polymer Clay Tutorial for them — Silver Spoon Bails for Jewelry [VIDEO].

    The link will take you to a video preview of the tutorial, as well as comments and feedback on it from members. There are discussions about where to find spoons, how to bend them, and some beautiful examples, as well. Check it out, if you haven’t already. Have fun!

  9. Patty A, 26 November, 2013

    I would like to help my grandkids make the handles for wooden or metal server spoons out of polymer clay, but I would need your help on how to glue them to the spoons, and bake them. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Cindy Lietz, 02 December, 2013

    Hi Patty, the Laser Cut Wood and Polymer Clay Ornaments tutorial will teach you all about adding polymer clay to wood. As far as adding to metal, you can do that without gluing if the clay completely surrounds the handle and will not pop off after baking. If it will pop off, you will need to glue it. For polymer clay safe glues, type glues or adhesives in the search box at the top of the page.

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