Polymer Clay Tutor Weekly Q&A Replay Videos

Feb 12, 2025 Replay

Feb 5, 2025 Replay

Jan 29, 2025 Replay

Jan 22, 2025 Replay

  1. Gwen B, 23 June, 2017


  2. Cindy Lietz, 25 June, 2017

    Nice to meet you Gwen from Texas!

  3. Grace J, 06 August, 2020

    Hi Cindy, I wasn’t sure how to post a comment so I’m typing here but I wanted to say hi, my name is grace I’m 26 & live in AZ! And your videos have been such an inspiration that I’ve went out and brought so many different clays and tools and I’m so exciting to get crafting & I ordered a Oven thermometer too just waiting for it right now. I’ve gotten to a point where if I’m not sure about something I go back and re watch your YouTube videos or see if you made any videos about what I’m searching. I don’t know, I’m just really excited and happy I found you.

    One of my questions I have is… fimo ? I know that it seems like most clays bake at 275 and I know to ignore the 30mins and shoot for an hour or longer ( you taught me that, so thank you) but fimo says 265. Should I go for the 265 or can I just go up to the 275. Will it make a big difference ?

    I really am trying to work with premo and soufflé mostly but the stores are running out or are short on clay and fimo had some fun colors so I wannna mix stuff together and I’m just thinking if I put all of it at 275 will a few degrees be a bad thing ?!

    you are awesome girl! Cheers :)

  4. Cindy Lietz, 07 August, 2020

    Hi Grace thank you for the kind words! In regards to baking temps, I bake clay at the recommended temp on the package and for extended time. Now if you’re mixing two brands together you will need to play with the temps a bit to see what is the perfect temp for your mix. I would make some small test strips and try baking them at the 275F first to see how they do. If they are strong and don’t discolor too much then it should be fine. If they do scorch just drop the temp a tiny bit and test again. Good luck!

  5. Dawn Boone, 23 June, 2017

    Holy Kmoly! I gotta get out more (modern technology speaking). I had no idea you were doing such cool things on Facebook (I have booked marked now). Great answers. The Lucy Clay Squirrel? Did I hear that right? LOL

  6. Cindy Lietz, 25 June, 2017

    You heard right! I think those guys must have been watching the movie Ice Age… naming their products Mammoth and Squirrel! A Squirrel that size would definitely have to be prehistoric!! :)

  7. Nancy Vleurinck, 24 June, 2017

    Great idea, this Q & A session.
    One hour feels perfect for me; probably long enough for you too.
    I learn so much from all you videos, I cant thank you enough.
    You keep inspiring me.

  8. Cindy Lietz, 25 June, 2017

    Thank you so much Nancy for your input! I am pleased that this format will be helpful for you! :)

  9. Janet Allen, 26 June, 2017

    Cindy, if I condition blocks of clay, can I store them in a looseleaf binder using plastic page protectors? I just got a Never Knead and have been playing with it and have lots of conditioned clay.

  10. Cindy Lietz, 27 June, 2017

    Hi Janet, I’ll be answering your question and showing examples in tomorrow’s Live Q&A at 11AM PST on Facebook. Hope to see you there!

  11. Patricia Eisele, 27 June, 2017

    This was so nice! Keep up the great work. Very interesting and informative. Thanks so much. Looking forward to more.

  12. Cindy Lietz, 30 June, 2017

    I am happy you are enjoying this format Patricia! Thank for letting us know!

  13. Sarah Scanlon, 28 June, 2017

    Hi Cindy, I have a question for next week’s live video. I had an operation a few months ago and wasn’t able to do pretty much anything. Now that I am better I want to get back into my clay work but I can’t get my creative mind going again. I sit for hours on pinterest and youtube etc but everytime I sit down to do something my mind just goes blank, and anything I have made I haven’t been happy with. Has this ever happened to you? Do you have any tips to help me get back into it.

  14. Cindy Lietz, 14 July, 2017

    Hi Sarah, I answered your question in the July 5th Broadcast posted above.

  15. Ranjani N, 29 June, 2017

    Hi looking for help with cutting the canes and shaping it.. also some tips on filigree embroidery.

  16. Cindy Lietz, 14 July, 2017

    Hi Ranjani, I answered your question in the July 5th Broadcast posted above.

  17. Dawn Boone, 29 June, 2017

    I have a question for you Cindy. If I add some polymer clay accents to the outside of a coffee mug, would I be able to microwave it (heat up cold coffee)? After it was completely cured I mean. Thanks a lot!

  18. Cindy Lietz, 30 June, 2017

    Thanks Dawn for your question, I put it on the list!

  19. Cindy Lietz, 14 July, 2017

    I answered this question in the July 5th Broadcast posted above.

  20. Lynn Behnke, 29 June, 2017

    I did a search under “Radiant Pearls” but came up empty. Have you tried them with polymer clay? (It’s a mica powder paint.) They may be discontinued, but I just found mine from card-making years ago. If you have tested them, can you tell me which video? If you haven’t, I’ll test it myself, but why reinvent the wheel? Thanks.

  21. Cindy Lietz, 14 July, 2017

    Hi Lynn, I addressed your question in the July 5th Broadcast posted above.

  22. Candice Dear, 01 July, 2017

    Thanks for your question and answer new format. I’ve tried PYM II a couple of times. After drying it seems the surface of the clay is rough, not at all how it feels when I sand and buff. Am I doing something wrong or is that just how it is?

  23. Cindy Lietz, 14 July, 2017

    Hi Candice, I answered your question in the July 5th Broadcast posted above.

  24. LINDA S. LARUE, 03 July, 2017

    premo (is the brand of polymer clay I use)

  25. Cindy Lietz, 14 July, 2017

    Thank you for your input Linda!

  26. Nancy Vleurinck, 06 July, 2017

    Hy Cindy
    Once more I enjoyed your weekly post so much.
    Your are my muse in the polymer clay haeven, my lighthouse on the PC ocean.
    – I follow your from Belgium
    – I first used Fimo, most common brand here, then switched partly to Premo and now to Cernit.
    I banned Fimo soft is totally; however children like it most.
    -Ever since your review avout Glad press and seal, I try to find it, here, and in France or Spain during holidays. Never found it. On the internet I recently found a Dutch company, usgroceries.nl selling it. They were tready to send over even 1 roll of it. Now I will be able to store sheets, skinner blends etc. Sealing them first and then in an ordenr as suggested in last Q & A session. Perhaps you can help others with this info.

    Keep going, love you

  27. Cindy Lietz, 14 July, 2017

    Hi Nancy, I have added your question to my list!

  28. Hermine R, 07 July, 2017

    From Quebec!

  29. Cindy Lietz, 14 July, 2017

    Hello Hermine!

  30. Dawn Boone, 07 July, 2017

    OMG! I have definitely seen a marshmallow heated in the microwave! Glad I asked! I won’t be decorating any coffee mugs with polymer clay. Thanks so much Cindy. Very valuable info.

  31. Cindy Lietz, 14 July, 2017

    You are more than welcome Dawn!

  32. Stacy Arnold, 09 July, 2017

    Do you do more advanced polymer clay canes? I see canes in my every day. Be it clothing, bedding, or in nature. I see a lot of beautiful work online.

  33. Cindy Lietz, 14 July, 2017

    Hi Stacy, I have added your question to the list!

  34. Ross Macpherson, 12 July, 2017

    Found your videos on youtube to be very informative and was hoping maybe you could point me in the right direction for my project.

    I want to make a spiral out of polymer clay like a lemon peel around a shape that is like an hourglass. so from thick to skinny to thick.

    The clay needs to be really hard and the shape im wrapping is made of wood.
    Do you have any tips for how to go about this?

    Watching your video about the different clays i was thinkng the koto clay for hardness. but wen it is wrapped around the wood is it ok to have in the oven or is it possible to dry in the sun? also how to go about getting the spiral off the shape and is it ok to rebake if i cut a seem and put some more clay to combine them again.

    Would be amazing to hear your thoughts! Thank you for the videos!


  35. Cindy Lietz, 14 July, 2017

    Hi Ross, I have added your question to the list!

  36. Julie Adamson, 14 July, 2017

    Hi Cindy,

    I love your videos on YouTube and find them very informative. I am a newbie with polymer clay having spent many years working with fondant. I have made my first cake toppers and wondered I feel you could give me some advice about an issue? I have used navy blue polymer clay and after baking it has developed a white powdery looking bloom on it. I thought it was just baby powder but after using a kitchen wipe on it the bloom won’t budge. What do you think I have done wrong?

    Thank you for your time.

  37. Cindy Lietz, 02 August, 2017

    Hi Julie, I have added your question to the list!

  38. Bev Trombley, 14 July, 2017

    What would you recommend if I wanted to purchase a pre-made buffing wheel for a Dremel?

  39. Cindy Lietz, 02 August, 2017

    Hi Bev, I have added your question to the list!

  40. Debbie Brown, 14 July, 2017

    I have been designing & making jewelry for over 6 years. 1/2 my business is fundraisers & I have helped raise over $17,000 in the past 6 years. I was afraid to go to polymer clay, but one day I found the courage. I will be using it to make beads with non-profit logos, or a memorial print for a loved one that may have passed, or any other request they have made. I love doing my fundraisers & have really spent a lot of time watching yours (which are wonderful). One video I’m still confused on……after I finish a bead, which coating for matt or gloss or anything type of coating you recommend would be the best to use. I have never had one bracelet break or any beads, so I want to make sure I keep that reputation. Please help! TY for taking the time as I respect your busy busy schedule.

  41. Cindy Lietz, 02 August, 2017

    Hi Debbie, I have added your question to the list!

  42. Nancy Vleurinck, 15 July, 2017

    Hi Cindy
    A great Q&A session again.
    I have 2 questions about baking.
    1. what to do best after baking: let cool off in the oven, out of the oven or put the pieces/beads in icewater?
    2. I have pieces that are baked at a too low temperature; some I used in a bracelet, completely finished. Can I bake the complete bracelet again with the finding and all?
    Your my champion. Thank you

  43. Cindy Lietz, 02 August, 2017

    Hi Nancy, I have added your question to the blog!

  44. Marie Lilley, 15 July, 2017

    Hi Cindy,
    Enjoyed greatly the Live Q & A. I’ve been pondering on the issue of baking and thermometers, I’m not having any problems in the area of baking, but it suddenly occurred to me during the last Q & A that when we speak about the thermometer that only tells us how hot the oven is rather than keeping it at a steady required heat. I just wondered if you have to adjust the heat say up the temperature do you have to allow extra time in the baking whilst it reaches the required temp.
    Thanks for all yours and Doug’s hard work in helping us.

  45. Linda S. Larue, 15 July, 2017

    my oven, one made for clay, is all over the place in temp…altho it is getting better with age…I do keep two thermometers in it, and the way I do it is, ( yep, silly, I know), I put the clay in on tiles (no preheat), and the oven is lined with them (tiles)…while it is off.. I turn the oven all the way up to max, watching closely, with the clay in it, takes about ten minutes up to twenty…when it is nearly up to temp…I turn it between 250/300…and watch…that seems to be the sweet spot…and turn the timer back to half an hr…then add more to bring it to an hr….the clay comes out able to do the u turn and doesn’t break….tough little dudes they are…I always put a little translucent in every color I mix, so upon taking the clay out, it goes in ice water…hope this helps…all I can say is it works for me…good luck….and why the devil, cant they make an accurate oven??? I waste, well, not really, so much time babysitting the temp. on it…Linda

  46. Cindy Lietz, 02 August, 2017

    Hi Marie and Linda, I have added this to the list of things to discuss in a future Q&A. Thanks for sharing!

  47. Peggy J, 20 July, 2017

    Hello, I’m new to bead making. I was wondering if imitation gold foil is okay to use in bead making or should I use real gold leaf.
    Thank you, Peggy

  48. Cindy Lietz, 24 July, 2017

    Hi Peggy, I have added your question to the list for a future LIVE Q&A Broadcast. Make sure to attend the broadcasts LIVE or to watch the Re-Play’s here to see when your question is answered. Thanks!

  49. Cecilia Lee, 20 July, 2017

    Hi Cindy, love the tutorials.
    I know video on teeny tiny cutters was a year ago but still cannot find on Etsy.
    Any recent info would be appreciated.

  50. Cindy Lietz, 24 July, 2017

    Hi Cecelia, I have added your question to the list for a future LIVE Q&A Broadcast. Make sure to attend the broadcasts LIVE or to watch the Re-Play’s here to see when your question is answered. Thanks!

  51. Joanie Broadus, 01 August, 2017

    You say oil based minwax polycrylic gloss finish in baked polymer clay. But what about MINWAX Water-Based Polycrylic Clear Gloss Finish? Thank you.

  52. Cindy Lietz, 02 August, 2017

    Hi Joanie, I added your question to the list!

  53. Joe N, 01 August, 2017

    Hello Cindy,

    My daughter has just discovered making her favorite characters out of modeling clay and I am in need of some assistance (if only you had a dollar for every time you heard that!)

    She’s using Sculpy III and making 3D figures, so thickest part is usually the head at about 1 to 1.5″ we tried baking one today and it went pancake, expanded to 2.5 to 3x size. Can you provide a quick how to (especially with baking) to help ensure success.

    A few notes that may influence your response: Our desired result is same size 3D figure, she’s found knack for these.

    We baked at 275 for approx. 12 mins,lowering to 265 for last 4-5 mins. removed from oven at about 16-17 mins bc of shock at flattening and residue left (a waxy yellow substance)

    We are in the mountains – Salt Lake City, thus altitude is a consideration

    Do we stand or lay flat for baking, is there a “proper” way? also if purchasing / dedicating a specific- use pan, do you recommend glass or metal?

    Thank you in advance for your time and accessibility, it is very much appreciated.


  54. Cindy Lietz, 02 August, 2017

    Hi Joe, I have added your question to the list!

  55. Billy Franklin, 01 August, 2017

    I have heard you say on your FB live that you have a blog on tips on how to condition your clay however I can’t find your blog. I have trouble getting my yellow clay soften up. I mean do get it soften but it takes more time than others.

  56. Cindy Lietz, 02 August, 2017

    Hi Billy, I added your question to the list!

  57. Nydia Diaz, 01 August, 2017

    Hola! Cindy I’M very happy watching your videos. Please could you help me to get the appropriate resin for my jewelry. I”m doing rose petal jewelry, but the resin I use take more than 24 hrs to cure. According to your video the UltraDome is the best? Please could you help me, I contact the company, I haven’t had answer yet. I went to their web and I coudn’t see the UltraDome. I appreciate your help.

  58. Cindy Lietz, 02 August, 2017

    Hi Nydia, I have added your question to the list!

  59. Beatrice Travis, 01 August, 2017

    Hello again. I’ve missed seeing new tutorials on YouTube. You are so passionate, and forgiving about your clay and projects, it’s always fun to watch.

    This is my question: like many amateurs, I only get to play with clay a few hours on the weekend. It doesn’t take me long to produce an oven full of pieces that need to be baked. But, I want to know if it is absolutely necessary to let the pieces stay in the oven while it cools down. I have seen a video where you quench, but I want to make sure I’m okay taking my pieces out of the oven before I turn it off so I can put the next batch in. A one hour bake turns into a two hour bake if I start with a cold oven and then have to let the oven go cold before I remove my pieces.

    Thank you in advance for your reply.

    A Beatrice Travis

  60. Cindy Lietz, 02 August, 2017

    Hi Beatrice, I added your question to the list!

  61. Mary Jewell Atkins, 01 August, 2017

    This is July of 2017 and I just watched your videos of the polyslicer and polysander. I cannot find either one listed to buy. Please tell me how I can get these tools. I think they would be so helpful. I do like all of your videos. Keep making them.

  62. Cindy Lietz, 08 August, 2017

    Hi Mary, I have added your question to the list!

  63. Elizabeth Phillips, 01 August, 2017


  64. Cindy Lietz, 02 August, 2017

    Hi Elizabeth, I added your question to the list!

  65. Elizabeth Phillips, 02 August, 2017

    I wasn’t able to be there to participate in today’s Live Q&A, and even though I watched the entire Replay, I didn’t hear an answer to my question. That is to say, that I still haven’t been able to bake my first piece of Polymer Clay because I cannot afford to waste all the time, effort, and supplies by just trying to bake it without an answer from you, which is to say I cannot afford to risk ruining my very first piece of Polymer Clay work, by over or under baking and ruining it. So will you please send me the answer to my question, as I cannot bear waiting another week to find out how to compensate for the difference between my Convection Oven, and a regular one, so will please send me the answer?

    Respectfully Elizabeth

  66. Cindy Lietz, 03 August, 2017

    Hi Elizabeth, I understand that convection ovens can bake differently when you are baking something like a cookie but in regards to baking polymer clay in a convection oven, you won’t need to bake it any differently than you would bake in a regular oven. Just make sure to use an oven thermometer, preheat your oven to the temp for your brand (Premo is 275F), place in a lined pan with a tinfoil lid and bake for one hour. Make sure to watch the baking videos I have at this blog web site (search box is in the upper right corner of every post), and you should be fine. Good luck!

  67. Elizabeth Phillips, 04 August, 2017


    Thank you very much :)

  68. Shimmy Radhakrishnan, 01 August, 2017

    Hello Cindy,

    Hope you are doing good. I am writing to you with a lot of hope that you will be able to help me with the major issue that I am facing with baking of my polymer clay pendants that some of them are chipping off and breaking after baking:( This mostly happening with the bigger sized ones that I make but rarely with the smaller ones too.

    I am using Premo and baking them at 130 for upto 1 hour mostly and the thickness of them are mostly 1/4 inch. The last one I baked is around 7.5 cm*7.5cm in size.

    Pls let me know if you could help me in anyways as it is heart breaking to see so much of effort going down the drain.

  69. Cindy Lietz, 02 August, 2017

    Hi Shimmy I added your question to the list!

  70. Yvonne Irvin, 01 August, 2017

    in the you Tube using the UV cure epoxy…you used a hand held lighter device… can you please tell me the name/make/ model number of it? would like to fine the same and cant locate after many google attempts….you used it to get the bubbles out before curing…I really thank you in advance for your assist! love all that you do…
    best Yvonne

  71. Cindy Lietz, 08 August, 2017

    Hi Yvonne, I have added your question to the list!

  72. Francine D, 01 August, 2017

    First of all you are truly one in a million and you are fantastic. I stumbled upon your you-tube channel by chance about a week ago and I am totally hooked. My go to hobby/ past-time is cake designing and decorating and I am eager to try out your ideas and techniques with modeling chocolate and fondant. But I would also like to give polymer a try. The thing is that I live in Israel and the only polymer product that I have found is Fimo which doesn’t seem to be at the top of anyone’s list. I am looking in to purchasing a very first order from Polymer Superstore and would appreciate your advice on which would be better for a very first orderr: either a small 12 color sampler of Souffle or about 5 colors of Primo 2 oz each. I would probably be interested in trying to make bracelets or pendants. So for a beginner which would be better the Souffle or the Primo? Sorry for being so long winded. Best wishes, Francine

  73. Cindy Lietz, 08 August, 2017

    Hi Francine, I have added your question to the list!

  74. Kinga Pope, 01 August, 2017


    Is it possible to make my modeling clay figures firm without baking? If yes, how?

    Thank you in advance.


  75. Cindy Lietz, 08 August, 2017

    Hi Kinga, I have added your question to the list!

  76. Francine D, 02 August, 2017

    Hi again from Israel.
    I was just wondering if the inner cardboard of a toilet paper roll could be used as a form for a cuff bracelet, and if so would anything have to be placed between the cardboard and the polymer clay to prevent sticking, such as parchment paper?
    Thank you for your help.

  77. Cindy Lietz, 08 August, 2017

    Thank you for your question Francine. It has been added to the list!

  78. Shimmy R, 02 August, 2017

    I am facing an issue with my big polymer clay pendants that they are chipping off and breaking:( The details of my work is given below.

    a. I have been baking pendants which are slightly big in size, for example, 7*9 cm size rectangles or 8cm diameter circles.
    b. I have been doing image transfers on them before baking.
    c. Thickness is mostly 1/4 inches
    d. I have been using Premo clay and was baking them at the temperature specified on the cover for 1 hour.
    e. I believe I have conditioned them enough that I was able to work with (please let me know how do I know for sure if the conditioning was sufficient).
    f. I have been inserting eye pin hooks to the pendant and mostly the places where the hooks are inserted, they chip off and the hook comes out. Also there are lines of breaks on the pendant after I work on them for a little, say for example when I attach beads or after wearing them for sometime, the hooks chip off and the chain comes off broken:(
    g. I have been baking them in an OTG and kept them on baking trays which come with the oven and kept them at the middle rack and covered them with aluminium foil while baking for 1 hour.
    I leave them to cool before I work on them.

    Could you please let me know where I could be going wrong and how I may be able to fix this issue as at the moment I am not sure how I could proceed with this issue.

    Thank You So Much In Advance

  79. Cindy Lietz, 08 August, 2017

    Thank you for your question Shimmy. It has been added to the list!

  80. Hope Hunt, 06 August, 2017

    I am making a pin for a friend. Part of the design is a pod with peas. When I baked it, I let it cool in the toaster (convection) oven. I used Liquid poly clay as a glue. The pod broke when I tested it and it also came away from the glue. Did I use the wrong product as glue? Did I not bake at the right temp? Please.

  81. Cindy Lietz, 08 August, 2017

    Thank you for your question Hope. It has been added to the list!

  82. Dawn Boone, 11 August, 2017

    Just catching up on the August 9 video. Wanted to say I absolutely love the necklace you’re wearing. Looks like I have a clay play project for the weekend!

  83. Cindy Lietz, 15 August, 2017

    Thanks Dawn!

  84. Shimmy R, 12 August, 2017

    Hello Cindy, sorry for bothering you. I have watched the replay videos of last two weeks and could not see the mention of my question. I am sure you are catching up on the list but I was just wondering if you could answer the question here as I have an urgent delivery this week and I am still not sure as to why the big clay pendants are chipping and breaking. I can not afford to make another mistake this time and would really appreciate if you could answer the question here.

    Thank you so much in advance

  85. Cindy Lietz, 15 August, 2017

    Hi Shimmy, your question has been put on the list and will be answered in the order that it came in. Since the new LIVE Q&A Broadcasts have become so popular, it can take awhile for your questions to get answered. With the level indepth answers everyone is getting, it is taking time to get through them all. We have a plan in the works for a paid group tutoring program that would get your questions answered much quicker, but for now you will need to wait until your question comes up. Thanks for understanding.

  86. Debbie Pieters, 14 August, 2017

    I’m still learning all about Polymer Clay bead making.

    All your videos are so helpful, but I keep coming across more issues.

    I bake the beads at about 130% for 60 mins due to your advice. Which works better.
    I have the bead roller which makes perfect balls.

    I prefer to drill my holes after because I always put it out of shame putting the pin in.

    The problem is after baking on an oven tray with parchment paper on, I end up with a slight dent where the ball has been sat.

    How can I get away from the dent where it sat on the tray?

    Thank you.

  87. Cindy Lietz, 15 August, 2017

    Thank you Debbie for your question! It has been added to the list!

  88. Alison Frazer, 14 August, 2017

    Hello, l was wondering where l could find a clay extruder and other polymer clay utensils in Australia – and clay etc please.


  89. Cindy Lietz, 15 August, 2017

    Thanks Alison for your Question it has been added to the list!

  90. Ashley H, 17 August, 2017

    Hello, I recently just started using this clay to make a mask for a costume. I finally got around to baking it and when I checked on it the center had started to crave and crack. I watched a couple of your tutorials to make sure it was at a proper temperature and in a baking pan with a top. Was my project too big or was it air pocketed?

  91. Cindy Lietz, 22 August, 2017

    Thank you Ashley, your question has been added to the list!

  92. Debbie P, 21 August, 2017

    I am new to polymer clay and still learning.
    ive been trying to make a pendant but when I put it through the thickest pasta machine to make it flat and smooth it’s still too thin.
    So I do another layer and glue them together with fimo liquid glue.

    What I don’t like is the gap I get i between each layer.

    Have you got a better way of making a thick solid pendant without the gap?

    Thank you

  93. Cindy Lietz, 22 August, 2017

    Thanks for your question Debbie, it has been added to the list!

  94. Julie H, 21 August, 2017

    Hi Cindy, I watch a lot of your videos on you tube, thank you for the great information. I am brand new to polymer clay and making fairy gardens. I am addicted I am learning how to make fairys and other things to. My question is this, In your opinion how do you think a electric nail drill and buffer would work for sanding and smoothing. Sometimes my dolls need a little help after I bake them .What do you think? Have you tried this? Sometimes a leg might look a little lumpy it to thick. It is a less exspensive way to go. Please let me know what you think.
    Thanks Julie

  95. Cindy Lietz, 22 August, 2017

    Thank you Julie, I have added your question to the list!

  96. Debbie P, 22 August, 2017

    Hi Cindy I love your hair in your last video. ?

    Question: Is their a pasta machine that rolls out 6mm (1/4″) thickness?
    Mine rolls out to 3mm at the thickest.

    Thank you. X

  97. Debbie P, 29 August, 2017

    I thought a thicker one would be easier so I don’t have to roll out 2 layers to sculpey glue together to make a pendant. X

  98. Cindy Lietz, 29 August, 2017

    Your questions are on the list Debbie!

  99. Debbie P, 15 September, 2017

    SKIP this question: Hi Cindy you can skip this question because u have already answered this for me.
    Thank you.

  100. Cindy Lietz, 19 September, 2017

    Ok will do!

  101. Susan Clarke, 28 August, 2017

    Hello Cindy. Sorry to bother you as I know you are a busy lady. I try to fathom things out for myself and have taught myself loads thanks to your u tube. But I cannot work out how to put a horizontal hole in a large flat bead, say like one shaped like a large coin so that it can be threaded with wire and other beads. Any help would be very much appreciated

    Thanks in anticipation

    Sue Clarke

  102. Cindy Lietz, 29 August, 2017

    Hi Susan, your question has been added to the list!

  103. Kristina S, 02 September, 2017

    Hi! I am looking at convection ovens, and am wondering if it matters if it also says toaster oven? I cannot find one that is just a convection oven (looking at Walmart and Amazon) , can you let me know where I should be looking?
    Thanks for your youtube vids-they are very helpful!

  104. Cindy Lietz, 05 September, 2017

    Hi Kristina, I have added your question to the list!

  105. Berta G, 02 September, 2017

    I would like to ask Your advice. I am planning to make polymer clay dolls for the little ones ( from 3-4 ). I would like to paint them . Two things are important for me- be safe but long lasting as well. Which paints and varnish can you recommend? ( I just recently read that one artist used to paint her ooak dolls with ” Genesis oil ” paint. But I also heard that the oil paint is drying very very slow so not the best to use on polymer clay. ) Please let me know your opinion.

    Thank you for your kind attention!
    Kind regards, Berta

  106. Cindy Lietz, 05 September, 2017

    Hi Berta I have added your question to the list!

  107. MJ Wilson, 07 September, 2017

    Hi Cindy – I’ve watched a few of your videos and they are great (especially loved the Mandala molds), but I am not interested in making clay jewelry, I am wondering if clay can be used to make a top/bail of sorts, for natural stones pendants and I figured you were the best person to ask!

    I make natural stone bracelets, and my husband works with metals. Often I find natural stone specimens, that I wish I could just hang off a chain, or piece of leather, but they don’t have drilled holes, so you have to find a way to attach them to the chains.

    I am terrible at wire wrapping and can’t wrap with leather. However, I just found another artist, who is finishing her pendants, in a way I’ve never seen, so I am wondering if she is using clay, to do so? She works with super HUGE stones (3-5″ long) and has some sort of “product” that she is using on the top, that adheres to the stones, and in which she puts jump rings.

    I work with much smaller stones.

    I thought liquid rubber at first? Then I figured it had to be clay, of some sort, but I don’t know if the clay would adhere to the stone, on its own, or if you would have to use glue or resin, in addition to the clay?

    Thanks so much in advance.


  108. Joy Toll, 17 September, 2017

    Question: Are polymer clay pieces compatible with acrylic painted surfaces long term? I want to use them in mixed media pieces.

  109. Cindy Lietz, 19 September, 2017

    Your question has been added to the list Joy!

  110. Melanie Fielding, 18 September, 2017

    I am about to try another clay bake (been making mistakes and learning for a couple years now) and I have a question —
    Do you put your clay into the oven BEFORE preheating? Normally I place a thermometer inside, wait till temp is reached, open door, put in clay, then wait for the thermometer to register correct temp again (this can take 15-20 minutes) and then start timing the clay bake. But – if it won’t hurt the clay to be in the oven as it is heating up, it would save me so much time and trouble. is it ok to do that?
    thank you!

  111. Debbie Pieters, 19 September, 2017

    Hi Melanie
    I thought I would help you out because if takes 2 – 3 weeks to get an answer because Cindy is so busy with other answers.
    I think it would be ok to put it in oven while pre-heating as long as it’s in oven for the full hour or more at the right temperature.

    I’ve had mine in for an hour and a half before by mistake and it came out good still.

    Make sure you use a thermometer though.

    Good luck.

  112. Cindy Lietz, 19 September, 2017

    Thank you for helping Melanie, Debbie! I appreciate the help!

  113. Debbie Pieters, 20 September, 2017

    No problem, I like to help out when I can. ? X

  114. Karen Costello, 20 September, 2017

    Everything I bake turns really dark. I have a thermometer in my oven, I cover it. Then I sand and sand but it does not come off. What am I doing wrong. I hope to be great like you someday. Love your videos. Thank you

  115. Cindy Lietz, 26 September, 2017

    Your question was added to the list Karen, thanks for participating!

  116. Hope Hunt, 24 September, 2017

    Hey Cindy! Thanks for all your great expertise.
    I have applied Gilders Paste to some round beads and then glued them to already baked clay and then put the whole thing in the oven and baked at 275 for over an hour. Once cool and after several days, I could pry the beads out of the clay. Am I not using Gilders Paste properly?

  117. Cindy Lietz, 26 September, 2017

    Thank you Hope for your question! It has been added to the list.

  118. Lydia Dilbeck, 25 September, 2017

    I am a beginner and have been watching your video’s. The first item I baked was a little witches hat I make to put on a cork for a stopper. I had place a metal screw inside a piece clay that attached to the hat, so I could insert into cork. First question, I bake it per instructions and let it cool in oven, and it took 15 minutes to bake and 45 minutes to cool down. I am still not sure it is completely baked inside,
    can I put it back in the oven and rebake it ? this time longer, will it continue to harden the plastic molecules you say must melt.
    Also, my little hats for corks have that extended piece of clay with screw inside, I put it on the rack
    with tin foil under it so the extention piece would dangle and not bend hat, do you have another suggestion in making pieces like this

  119. Cindy Lietz, 02 October, 2017

    Thank you Lydia for your question. It has been added to the list!

  120. Cindy Lietz, 26 September, 2017

    Your question has been added to the list Karen! Thank you fro participating!

  121. Marilyn Loperfido, 27 September, 2017

    Hi Cindy!
    Can’t wait for the 27th!
    I have a BIG Q but I offer an answer first.
    Why the bubbles in acrylic coating from last week: its the brush! I went through this forever until I found the solution from my art store: ask for “Princeton Select ANGULAR Shader – 5/8”

    My question relates to pieces I sell.
    I participate in a weekly Sunday outdoors. I use a canopy that covers all my pieces from the direct sun, but at some point during the day they do get exposed.
    I bake at all right thicknesses, temps, conditioning etc. new clays too.

    A piece will be just fine for many weeks or days. I will look at it or show a customer and it is just fine. Then half an hour later I look down and it has cracked in half. Or this never happens at all.

    This does not seem to be dependent on the age or finish of the piece.

    Your thoughts? I depend on these for a living or mostly I just love them. Help?

  122. Cindy Lietz, 02 October, 2017

    Marilyn, your question has been already added to the list!

  123. Carrie M, 27 September, 2017

    Curious if you have any experience making molds from cornstarch and 100%silicone from the hardware store? I have made a couple and they work great for plaster of paris. But I was wondering if I could also use the sculptey clay which requires baking? what do you think?

  124. Cindy Lietz, 02 October, 2017

    Hi Carrie, I added your question to the list!

  125. Melanie Fielding, 28 September, 2017

    I have watched some videos but can’t find the answer to this question: how long do you bake thicker pieces of polymer clay? I read on one blog article — 30 minutes per 1/4″ thickness, BUT — in one video you baked a super thin piece for an hour to make it strong and bendy. So, how long do you typically bake your thicker pieces — 1/4-1/2″ thick — Two hours?
    thank you!!

  126. Cindy Lietz, 02 October, 2017

    Thank you for your question Melanie! It has been added to the list.

  127. Marilyn Loperfido, 29 September, 2017

    Hi Cindy!

    I posted this for the 27th. I thought I should at least offer an answer to a Q that another follower had as a “Thank You”!

    Can’t wait for the 27th!
    I have a BIG Q but I offer an answer first.
    Q as to:
    Why the bubbles in acrylic coating from last week: its the brush! I went through this issue forever until I found the solution from my art store: ask for “Princeton Select ANGULAR Shader – 5/8”

    My question relates to pieces I sell.
    I participate in a weekly Sunday outdoors. I use a canopy that covers all my pieces from the direct sun, but at some point during the day they do get exposed.
    I bake at all right thicknesses, temps, conditioning etc. new clays too.

    A piece will be just fine for many weeks or days. I will look at it or show a customer and it is just fine. Then half an hour later I look down and it has cracked in half. Or this never happens at all.

    This does not seem to be dependent on the age or finish of the piece.

    Your thoughts? I depend on these for a living or mostly I just love them. Help?

  128. Cindy Lietz, 02 October, 2017

    Hi Marilyn, like I said before, your question has been added to the list. I am sorry that it is taking so long to answer, but there are many questions ahead of yours. If you ask the same question in multiple locations and using different last names, it just adds to the confusion. I do promise to get to your question as soon as it comes up in the queue. Thanks!

  129. Debbie Trogstad, 29 September, 2017

    Your tutorials are awesome! I have been trying to think of a way to make a bead for a necklace where there are 2 holes at the top and come down at an angle to meet as one at the bottom…like a Y or V-shape. I can’t seem to find them ready made here in the US, although I have seen them in sterling silver on a website in Greece. They are about $14.00 and the shipping is about the same. Doesn’t make sense for me to buy them. I have not done any polymer clay, so I need an expert opinion. Would polymer clay be sturdy enough? I assume I would poke the holes before baking. Would the holes shrink during the baking process? I would love to hear your thought on this.

  130. Cindy Lietz, 02 October, 2017

    Thank you Debbie for your question! I have added it to the list.

  131. Dawn Boone, 18 October, 2017

    Watching today’s rebroadcast. My favorite technique is canes! It’s like magic. I’ll take a Wednesday off sometime soon so I can join you live.

  132. Cindy Lietz, 10 November, 2017

    That would be lovely Dawn! (Don’t tell your boss it’s my fault you’re not working though!) :)

  133. Vivienne A, 18 October, 2017

    Hi, Please can you help me. I would like to make xmas tree decorations with the words, Joy, Love, Hope etc pressed into the clay. How can I put glitter only in the words and not on the rest of the ornament. Also can I put the glitter on after I baked the ornament or would it be better to bake it with the glitter.I did try but I made such a mess. Your reply will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Vivienne – South Africa

  134. Debbie Pieters, 19 October, 2017

    Hi Vivienne,
    You won’t get a reply for about 2 – 3 wks so I read your comment and thought I would give my opinion.
    I would cut out the words of your polymer clay piece with either your cutter or how you do it.
    Roll another thin layer of spare polymer clay (spare / any scrap) . Cut out the same words again. Then lay it on top of the thin / scrap layer, But make sure you put cornflower or similar on bottom first so it only temporarily lies on.

    Scatter your glitter all over but aiming for inside the words only.
    When your happy, remove the top layer and the bake in over for an hour as normal.

    Good luck. X

  135. Cindy Lietz, 20 October, 2017

    Thank you Debbie for helping Vivienne out! You are right that it can take a few weeks to get a verbal answer from me. It is very helpful for you to share your knowledge and help others!

  136. Cindy Lietz, 20 October, 2017

    I have added your question to the list.

  137. Cindy Lietz, 20 October, 2017

    Sounds great Dawn! Thanks for your input!

  138. Karen O, 27 October, 2017

    Hi Cindy,
    I absolutely love your videos, you are very talented and an excellent teacher. You really inspired me to try polymer clay. I just bought Bake Shop Sculpey to practice with because I’ve never used clay before. Do you think it’s strong enough to use for jewelry? I bent a piece and it broke even though it was almost 1/4 ” thick. it was conditioned a lot and baked according to the directions.How thick does it have to be? I live in NFLD and Clay is not cheap to buy here or to have shipped here. Would you know the least expensive place for me to get it? Michael’s is expensive too.

  139. Cindy Lietz, 31 October, 2017

    Thank you Karen for your Question! I have added it to the list!

  140. Nancy D, 27 October, 2017

    Thanks and Blessings for all your terrific tutorials! I would much appreciate assistance on a piece…I’m concerned about the viability of proper baking of a hand on a forearm with a second hand resting on the forearm. The second hand acts as somewhat of a second layer to that forearm and I’m wondering if it needs to be baked separately. My concern is that it will lose the natural grace that it has now as one piece. It seems safer to bake it in two pieces but I’m nervous that it won’t fit over the forearm properly. The fingers are modeled to organically lay over that forearm perfectly if it should shrink even a little bit it’s not going to do what it’s supposed to do. I’m constructing it over a wire armature filled in with Wire Foam Mesh with a first coat of Avis Apoxie before the Premo layer. I’ve studied up on using cornstarch, tenting, tiling if I use my toaster oven and I would use it in corn starch inside a baking bag im kitchen oven as I don’t care to use my regular oven for clay. The piece is 8″ end to end, the hand in question is 3 1/2 “, the other a bit smaller; the forearm is 1″ thick, the forearm + the overlaid hand is 2” thick. Have you any wisdom for me? I do hope so since this is a beautiful piece with much love, cash and effort invested! Thank you so very much! With love, Nancy D

  141. Nancy D, 27 October, 2017

    Dear Cindy, remembered one more question…
    should I run out of the Aves do you think it would be ok to use an industrial epoxy just as long as they’re in different sections of the piece? These products are getting good reviews on sculpture blogs and they’re cheap. Downside is they harden very fast but if I could use one of these on the ‘simple’ parts and save the Aves for the more complicated areas that would help. OK, thanks again, you are The Best! Nancy D

  142. Cindy Lietz, 31 October, 2017

    Hi Nancy, thanks so much for your questions! I have now added them to my list!

  143. Barbra Grace, 06 November, 2017

    I’ve been watching your videos and noticed your latest YouTube video is 5 months old.
    Please make more YouTube videos I like the way you demonstrate products,compare products,show different techniques and much more.
    Please post more videos your effort and videos are much appreciated. ?

  144. Cindy Lietz, 10 November, 2017

    Hi Barbra, we will get back to making YouTube videos as soon as possible. There are only so many hours in the day, and with Doug spending all his time working on the new website, he is not able to film the YouTube videos that you like so much. To tide everyone over, I am filming these LIVE Q&A myself with my cellphone. This format is great for learning as well and getting to know the other viewers from around the world. Hope you enjoy them!

  145. Angela Herd, 06 November, 2017

    Hi there,

    I have recently subscribed to your YouTube channel. I am a beginner to polymer clay. I saw you did a tutorial on inserting eye pins and head pins into unbaked clay. Your piece in the tutorial though didn’t seem to bend or lose shape even though the you bent the pin before pushing it through the piece. When I try to do it the piece bends due to the resistance and I lose shape!
    How to remedy this?
    I was thinking of placing the piece in the fridge to harden it a little before inserting the pin, but then it might also make the pin harder to insert with the crook on the end.
    Hope you can help! Thank you for your awesome channel and information.


  146. Cindy Lietz, 10 November, 2017

    Hi Ange, I have added your question to the list. Thanks!

  147. Corene Gatt, 06 November, 2017

    Dear Cindy & Doug,

    Hope all is well. I/m new at the whole clay business but wanted to try a DIY necklace i saw online. The tutorial says to use FIMO clay but here in Malta, we only have Sculpey. Do you recommend I get the Fimo clay from online or should I go ahead and buy the Sculpey?

    The necklace is a straight cylinder kind of necklace.

    Corene Gatt

  148. Cindy Lietz, 10 November, 2017

    Hi Corene, I have added your question to the list. Thank you for commenting!

  149. Lulia Tutuianu, 06 November, 2017

    Hello Cindy,

    I am a new poly clayer and a have a question if you can help. I am making mug design from clay and painting some details will make job much nicer and easier . But I’m wondering will it wash off the paint?

    Thank you,

  150. Cindy Lietz, 10 November, 2017

    Hello Lulia, I have added your question to the list. Thanks so much!

  151. Cindy Lietz, 10 November, 2017

    Hello Lulia, I have added your question to the list. Thanks so much!

  152. Dawn Boone, 10 November, 2017

    Hi Cindy, Just caught up on the latest live broadcast. An answer to your Christmas polymer clay question. A co-worker had a baby a few years ago. I made her a tree ornament. A little baby in pajamas with pink flowers (from your polymer clay fabric sheet tutorial – something like that) and a Santa hat with her name. It was an unusually spelled name, so I think it was appreciated that she had a “baby’s first Christmas” ornament with her daughter’s name spelled correctly. Also, instead of holding a blanket or teddy bear, she was holding a tiny gingerbread man.

  153. Cindy Lietz, 14 November, 2017

    Awww Dawn that sounds so sweet! My children have unusual names as well Willow and Fisher, so there aren’t many personalized items out there with their names on them. I understand how special it is to have something made by hands with their names on them. That was a nice thing to make your co-worker’s baby! They will treasure it forever!

  154. Chris Zonta, 14 November, 2017

    Greetings…. Cindy, it seems you are the Queen of Polymer Clay! Thanks for being available to answer questions. I do mosaic work and am working on a large donor wall mural and would like to include polymer clay elements within the mosaic to add dimension and texture. One area of the mosaic will have the Tree of Life. In lieu of ceramic clay elements, I wonder if polymer clay – likely painted, altered and then sealed – will hold up over the long term. The mural is indoors in the entrance way of a large building with lots of daily traffic. I have made many canes and have sculpted and embossed some but have not done much with painting on clay, mica powders, sanding, buffing or sealing the clay. I know you have loads of videos to watch. My question is this: Will sealing the clay after alteration (painting mica powders, etc.) keep it from all deterioration for 5-10 years? What kind of semi gloss sealer would you recommend? The area will have 0 natural light though likely have spots of some sort. Thanks so much for your response!

  155. Cindy Lietz, 15 November, 2017

    Thank you for your question Chris! I have added it to the list.

  156. Jayashree S, 14 November, 2017

    Dear Cindy,

    Hope you’re well. I work with air dry clay and I have a question about beads. When I make beads, I usually let them dry on a sheet and leave it on the ground (flat surface). But after it dries, the shape gets distorted from its perfect round shape. The side on which it is placed becomes flat. How do I avoid this? Would it help if I place it on a different medium, such as a fabric, paper etc. Please let me know.

  157. Cindy Lietz, 15 November, 2017

    Hi Jayashree, I have added your question to the list. Thanks!

  158. Maxime V, 14 November, 2017

    Hi Cindy,

    I am new to polymer clay baking and I have made a relatively small figurine with premo clay.

    The inside is made of metal wire and aluminium paper. I believe most of the clay cover ranges from 0.3 to 0.6 centimetre. I have a relatively new oven, but do not have an oven thermometer. I know you suggest to bake for an hour, but I was wondering regarding the specifics of this figurine how long should I bake it (at 275°).

    Thanks a lot and have a wonderful day,

  159. Cindy Lietz, 15 November, 2017

    Thanks Maxime for your question. It has been added to the list!

  160. T James, 14 November, 2017

    I have just been surfing you tube and came across your video on fingerprints on polymer clay. I acknowledge the video was made in 2013- about 4years old; you appear to have done lots of videos since and state that you use Premo. However as on you tube newbies and watchers will take it as read. It’s just that I ask that you review some of your ‘basic’ tip videos (I would call this one). I have no fault on your work but newbies don’t get that all the makes are constructed differently. I have used Fimo for forever and had a block of old sealed fimo (over 20years old). I have discovered as ‘poly’ means it comes from oil using a baby oil is the best way to re-vitalize the clay. Just cut it up into an appropriate plastic container and sprtiz (not pour) with oil, mix up so covered and leave for a day or so for it to absorb . Don’t drench it as mine was classic/firm and it becomes soft fimo. As in the video you state you have used Premo for years and itis evident that you are an expert in that brand. I am a user of Fimo and Prosculpt , so I cannot comment on Premo only on my findings with Premo. I did find people recommending water with Fimo and tried i, it initially appears to work but it sits on the clay (oil and water) it is not absorbed and therefore should be used at a lower temperature as i will evaporate, the clay may hold but the quality of the item is not as strong perhaps. I would appreciate your viewpoint on my experience as your knowledge is combined with the experience of your followers.

    I thank you for sharing and bringing people to the polymer world.

    Kind regards

  161. Cindy Lietz, 15 November, 2017

    Thank you for your question, it has been added to the list!

  162. Daisy G, 14 November, 2017

    Hello Cindy,

    Once again i am bother you with another question because i had an issue i could experience using any paint on polymer clay. Past several months ago i worked a project that involves a sculpture piece with an application of oil paint. I painted superficially on the piece to enhance a finishing look. At the beginning the sculpture piece looks amazing, almost it looks like human being so natural (seriously speaking) but then sixth month later the paint started to loose its finishing look, it seems like the polymer clay absorbs the oil paint. Patricia Rose (a polymer doll artist) tried to warming about this subject but i’d rather to lab by myself, you know, for a better experiencing matter. What i did then is use the polymer clay color that it brings a better finishing to my sculpture project. Now that i discover you work with paints for jewelry, i think you know how to manage the paint so the color stay on the polymer clay longer and longer more than a year. In this case, how can i make the oil paint, genesis paint or even the acrylic paint applied cannot be absorbed by the polymer clay when was done the project several months later? Do you know how i can avoid this kind of issue? Please tell me, thank you!…

  163. Cindy Lietz, 15 November, 2017

    Hello Daisy, I have added your question to my list. Thank you so much for commenting!

  164. Joni Campbell, 18 November, 2017

    Regarding the Pro Tech finish product, I have played with it a little and like the results. A bit of a learning curve. I got the clear off of Ebay. Also my Christmas wish list item is a Lucy Clay Extruder.

  165. Cindy Lietz, 20 November, 2017

    Thank you Joni for your input. That is cool about the Pro-Tech finish! I definitely want to get my hands on some to test. Also, the Lucy Clay Extruder is an excellent choice to have on your wishlist. Should you need to pass along the hint to Santa, here’s our affiliate link… http://tidd.ly/91498fff … FYI: While purchasing through my link doesn’t cost you anything more, it sure does help support all the work that Doug and I do over here in the PcT community :)

  166. Christina S, 02 December, 2017

    Hello, im attempting to make a custom funko pop for a friend for Christmas, using the ” original supersculpy”. This stuff came in a box with NO plastic sealed package. it was legit just a brick in a box and all the others were like it. Now i baked it using the directions on the package : 275 for 15 minutes for every 1/4 inch thickness. But it legit crumbled. It did not change colors or cure like i think it should have. I baked it for longer and still nothing happened but it simply crumbling. So im not sure what i am doing wrong. I cannot find a number to call for the company. I am not sure if the sculpy is out of date since all the boxes at the store say 2014, and so do the ones at other stores. I was thinking its possible that the clay was dried out. But if so what do i do about that? I made sure the oven is the right temp. I hope you can help me. I switched to this type of clay (oven bake) because it gives me more time to work with it, where as the air dry hardens to quickly. I really don’t know what im doing wrong with this oven clay as to why its not baking right.

  167. Cindy Lietz, 04 December, 2017

    Hi Christina, I have added your question to the list! Thanks!

  168. Melodie Lewis, 02 December, 2017

    I have seen a lot of videos on polymer clay projects, but the one thing they always forget to tell you is how much clay you will need for that item they are making. I think it would be easier if we knew how much clay we’re dealing with to help cut back on waste. I found one lady that goes into detail as to how much clay,each pasta machine setting and how many times she runs a skinner blend thru to achieve the look she wants. if you can accommodate me then i will stop watching her and continue to watch your videos. for us beginners every detail helps. thank you and having a blessed day

  169. Cindy Lietz, 04 December, 2017

    Hi Melodie, I have added your question to the list!

  170. Chanel L, 02 December, 2017

    I came across some beautiful DIY marbled clay bowls on pinterest, and am going to make a set for a school auction fundraiser. I’ve made one at home to try it out and it came out pretty, but its way too flexible. That’s when I came across your youtube channel (so awesome!!l, but couldn’t find the info I’m looking for on how to seal/ harden the bowls. Can you please help a desperate mom?

  171. Cindy Lietz, 04 December, 2017

    Hi Chanel, Your question has been added to the list! Thank you!

  172. Jo J, 02 December, 2017

    Hi Cindy, I’m new to polymer clay and am looking for instruction on how to make large, simple, single color, dimensional pendants that are slightly rounded/puffy all the way around (as opposed to flat on one side.) Kinda like two cabochons glued back to back. I saw a preview of your faux jasper tutorial on youtube and am wondering if this is the one I should purchase…or would you recommend a different one? I hope this question isn’t too basic or worded in a confusing way. Thanks for any direction you might be able to provide! :-) Jo

  173. Cindy Lietz, 04 December, 2017

    Jo J your question has been added to the list!

  174. Rebecca Clark, 02 December, 2017

    I make polymer clay earrings with a resin finish. I have been having issues with bright coloured clay leaching out through the lighter/white surrounding colours when the resin is applied; tainting the crisp colour of the clay before the resin is applied. Although the resin companies have indicated that resin can be used directly on top of the clay I’m wondering if there is something I should be sealing my clay with before I apply the resin to stop the colours from affecting each other.
    If love to keep using resin on my pieces (I love the shine!) but would love my whites to stay white!

  175. Cindy Lietz, 04 December, 2017

    Hi Rebecca, thank you for your question! It has been added to the list!

  176. Amy Ocain, 05 December, 2017

    First, I would just like to thank you for all your great lessons and tutorials! I would also like to ask about storing ultradome uv resin. I live in Texas and it gets very hot. My room temperature often gets up to 85 degrees. Can the resin be stored in the refrigerator? If not..any suggestions? I would also like to know if you can use this resin on polymer clay pieces that are not flat and if you would use a paint brush to apply it on these pieces?

  177. Cindy Lietz, 12 December, 2017

    Thanks Amy for the nice comment! I will add your question to the list!

  178. Hope Hunt, 08 December, 2017

    I am watching the replays on my iPad in North Platte, Nebraska, USA.

  179. Cindy Lietz, 12 December, 2017

    Thanks for answering my question about what devise do you watch the LIVE Broadcasts on, Hope. That helps me get a better idea on how to deliver content to you all!

  180. Hope Hunt, 08 December, 2017

    Question from you about buying tutorials. The only tutorials I have purchased have been two by Helen Breil.

  181. Cindy Lietz, 12 December, 2017

    Thank you for answering my poll on whether you have purchased tutorials, or whether you only watch free ones, Hope. That give me some excellent intel.

  182. Angie Hancock, 09 December, 2017

    Hi Cindy
    Love your tutorials! I have a question – I would like to make a necklace with three large interlinked rings – like large chain links. Should I bake the links separately or could I place something in between to stop them sticking during baking?
    Thanks in advance!

  183. Cindy Lietz, 12 December, 2017

    Thank you for your question Angie! I have put it on the list!

  184. Judith Rickman, 23 December, 2017

    I am trying the sugarveil mats with liquid polymer clay, sculpey and kato. they crumble into little pieces getting them out of mold. What?????

  185. Cindy Lietz, 26 December, 2017

    Your question has been added to the list. Thanks!

  186. Rain D, 23 December, 2017

    Hello Cindy,

    Could you please tell me if the polymer clay can be baked in a Nuwave oven?

    If so, would you know the temp/time setting to bake on?

    Would so appreciate the help. God Bless.

  187. Cindy Lietz, 26 December, 2017

    Thank you for your question, it has been added to the list!

  188. Becky Q, 23 December, 2017

    I am looking to make a yarn bowl, so it would be a pretty good size. Do I need to spray the glass bowl I am using for my mold before putting the clay on it so it will come off easily? Also how thick should the clay be for something like this?

    Thank you,

  189. Cindy Lietz, 26 December, 2017

    Thanks Becky! Your question has been added to the list!

  190. Karen Matt, 29 December, 2017

    What is your preferred method of sanding and buffing

  191. Cindy Lietz, 08 January, 2018

    Thanks Karen, your question has been added to my list!

  192. John C, 03 January, 2018

    I want to make a slip on poly clay bracelet.Translucent clay colored with alcohol inks. I am brand new. I tried to make the bracelet and the appearance was OK but the bracelet was not rigid and did close enough to stay on the wrist.. I used the clay I had on hand which was FIMO SOFT WHITE. (I just wanted some practice) I baked my last attempt at 300 for 1 hour. How do i get the bracelet to be rigid and tight around a wrist . What translucent polyclay will produce the results I’m looking for ? I hope to start using PRIMO SCULPEY TRANSLUCENT WHITE if you think that will work. ?
    I really appreciate any advice.

  193. Cindy Lietz, 08 January, 2018

    Thanks for your question John! It has been added to the list.

  194. Jen A, 03 January, 2018

    Hi Cindy, I’ve been following your channels for aaaages and you’ve been instrumental in my improvement when working with polymer clay.

    I’ve been looking into glazing products, and I’d really like your opinion on one particular product, and I’m hoping you’ve tested it previously.

    The product is DecoArt DuraClear Polyurethane Gloss Varnish. It’s relatively easy to get hold of over here in the UK and it’s not stupidly expensive. I always buff and polish my flat items, but I make a lot of miniatures and complex shaped items, which are so much more difficult to get a shine on through buffing.

    any advice or guidance you can offer would be amazing :)

    Once again, thank you for all of your help over the years. i’m so excited to hear directly from you! (fangirling a little).

    Thank you in advance,


  195. Cindy Lietz, 08 January, 2018

    Thank you Jen for your great question! It has been added to my list!

  196. Trina Corda, 12 January, 2018

    I want to use pastels and paint on baked clay do I mix it with liquid sculpt and the rebake? If so what temp oven and for how long? Or is there something else to mix it wit so I can still get the soft colors but have the pastels adhere better?

  197. Cindy Lietz, 12 January, 2018

    Hi Trina, your question has been added to the list! Thanks!

  198. Chandrika M, 13 January, 2018

    Hi Cindy

    I’m using Sculpey Polymer Liquid Clay which has become quite thick over time and is not solving my purpose anymore. I use it to stick solid polymer clay together in my work and now it has lost that property since it has become really thick and non-sticky.

    Could you suggest a way to make it as liquidy as it is when bought new? Some kind of a thinner may be?

  199. Cindy Lietz, 15 January, 2018

    Hello Chandrika, your question has been added to the list. Thank you!

  200. Sky W, 16 January, 2018

    Hi, I saw your video post on Youtube about sealing polymer clay. I want to know how you sealed the fairy door with the Golden Acrylic Glazing Medium. Did you just use the glaze on top after painting/powdering? Thanks! Have a nice day!

  201. Cindy Lietz, 25 January, 2018

    Thanks for your Question Sky, I’ve added it to the list!

  202. Jody L, 21 January, 2018

    I had years ago, purchased ready-made canes?
    But now cannot find them.
    I have seen these beautiful small brown glass bottles (the kind that Essential Oils come in) which are coated with intricate color designs that almost certainly seem to be clay polymer. The design is So unique & NOT repetitive, how can that be?
    I am creative, and a quick learner, and I so want to learn how to make TINY INTRICATE designs like that which is on this B&W amazing bottle.
    QUESTION: Can you bake polymer on a glass bottle without it cracking?
    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  203. Cindy Lietz, 25 January, 2018

    Great question Jody! It’s now on the list!

  204. Justine Milton, 21 January, 2018

    Hey there!

    I have a question I was hoping you could answer! I have LOVED watching your videos on You Tube! They are SO helpful!

    The tile sandwich was an awesome video and if that worked for me it would solve all my problems, however if I am baking things in a semi circle shape, how do I prevent the bubbles?
    Also the paper preventing the mottled look is a great tip but again, for a semi circle how do i do that, right now i just use a glass bowl.

    Also What about a strength test for sculpey 3 baking times or would you not recommend using sculpey 3?

    Would it be possible to bake a super thin sheet of flat premo with a silkscreen on it then bake it for some time then roll it into some soft clay and put that in a semi circle mold? I’m just making little dishes with them

    thank you so much for your time!

  205. Cindy Lietz, 25 January, 2018

    Hi Justine, I have added your question to the list! Thanks!

  206. Sandy Q, 21 January, 2018

    I am a neophyte and would like to know; when making a cane, how do you store any previous cane parts that have been made? Thanking you in advance for your answer!

  207. Debbie Pieters, 22 January, 2018

    Hi i thought i would step in and help with your question cause i know how it feels when you need an answer ASAP.

    I store mine in a plastic container with lid (to keep off dust) or a plastic sealed bag.

    Search in Cindys blog for videos – bead and beading .com


  208. Bernadette V, 21 January, 2018

    How do I store 3D babies made with super sculpey until I am ready to bake? I did not want to use my oven for or one or two babies. I have 16 to make a for a baby shower.

  209. Debbie Pieters, 22 January, 2018

    Hi i thought i would step in and help with your question cause i know how it feels when you need an answer ASAP.

    I store mine in a plastic container with lid (to keep off dust) or a plastic sealed bag.

    Search in Cindys blog for videos – bead and beading .com


  210. Cindy Lietz, 25 January, 2018

    Perfect answer for Bernadette, thanks Debbie for helping out! I will still add it to the list because it is a common one, that many will appreciate the answer to.

  211. Charlene Owen, 30 January, 2018

    Ms. Cindy, thanks so much for the wonderful and inspiring videos and tuts. I have watched and worked along for quite a while. I issue is (now that I am selling) bracelets. I use Premo mainly, condition well and make canes on base applies to metal bracelet form. Have 2 themos in oven and bake about 60 mins in oven at 275. Let cool completely and remove the metal. I ususaly then add embellishments and rebake 30-45 mins. Always cool, sand or buff. Clear with Varathane and HERE is the problem. I can’t keep from breaking. Sometimes on first wear, sometimes not. I allow an inch between the opening for putting on. I recently went to Fimo Professional and still am having problem. I have not yet given up, now making bracelets in links with jump ring attachments. Do you have any insights on a way to keep from breaking these bracelets? I am very appreciative of any ideas to help. Love what you are doing. Clay like you love. it.

  212. Cindy Lietz, 30 January, 2018

    Thank you Charlene for your question! It has been added to the list!

  213. Shelly C, 30 January, 2018

    Have you ever tried mixing mica powder such as PerlEx directly INTO Premo to achieve the mica shift effect?

    Thanks in advance for your reply. —Shelly

  214. Cindy Lietz, 30 January, 2018

    Your question has been added to the list Shelly. Thank you!

  215. Jennifer Suelflow, 30 January, 2018

    I made a fairy garden tree out of premo clay. I had it in the refrigerator so it would get a little harder so i could etch lines in it to make a bark effect. As soon as I finished the etching, i put it in the oven. The package said bake at 275, however; i think my oven may have been more like 325. After about 10 minutes, the tree bent completely in half and was very dry and crumbly.
    The tree ended up breaking in half.
    Any advice for me?

  216. Cindy Lietz, 30 January, 2018

    Your question has been added to the list Jennifer. Thank you so much!

  217. Alexandra B, 30 January, 2018

    Hi Cindy!

    Thank you so much for your videos about polymer clay! They are so helpful!

    I have a question about sanding. I followed your instructions and sanded a flat piece starting from 400, then 600, then 800 and finished it with 1200. My black piece turned kind of white (like dusty). Do I have to sand it harder and longer? Why is it like that?

    And something else.. Can I buff directly the piece skipping the sanding process?

    Thank you again!

  218. Cindy Lietz, 30 January, 2018

    Thanks Alexandra for your question! It’s been added to the list!

  219. Leah L, 30 January, 2018

    Hi, do you know if you can use kato poly paste with sculpey clay? And if so, what temperature? Thank you.

  220. Cindy Lietz, 30 January, 2018

    Your question has been added to the list Leah. Thanks!

  221. Pam DvW, 10 February, 2018

    How can I make interconnected pieces with polymer clay?
    Examples: chains of polymer links, spinner rings

  222. Cindy Lietz, 13 February, 2018

    Thanks Pam, your question has been added to the list!

  223. Christy F, 11 February, 2018

    I know you must get a million questions and I’m sorry to add to your burden!
    I am looking to make a very thin-walled, hollow tapered point from polymer – like the bottom inch or so of a fine gauge knitting needle.
    Is there a clay you would recommend for this? I assume a pasta machine will be involved :)
    Also is there a liquid clay which could be dipped into and then baked which would give the result?
    Thank you so much for your time. I enjoy your videos.

  224. Cindy Lietz, 13 February, 2018

    Hi Christy, your question has been added to the list. Thanks!

  225. Tay W, 11 February, 2018

    HI Cindy
    I have been watching your videos on YouTube, love them u provide very much information on the topic polymer clay, so thanks for that. I am a new polymer clay crafter and have been wanting to go into it for years but it seems the cost is to much. I have many nieces and they all love their American dolls so I figured I’d make them food, so I did my research and came across polymer clay. Ever since I have been in love with it and have been trying to figure out what brand to buy. The only store that I know that carries it and is nearby is Micheals, and it seems to expensive to give 6 dollars for a 2 oz brick. I know Amazon has it but I’m not sure about ordering it, it could be hard and old. I was just wondering if u could advice me or maybe u could tell me where u get your polymer clay from.
    Thanks u so much for taking the time to read this.

  226. Cindy Lietz, 13 February, 2018

    Your question has been added to the list Tay. Thanks so much!

  227. Katrina B, 23 February, 2018

    I am trying to figure out the best way to get rid of dark spots in mica rich clays when making solid color round beads. I do not usually have much trouble but the Premo Rose Gold is particularly problematic. Do I just need to condition it more?
    Thank you,

  228. Cindy Lietz, 27 February, 2018

    Thank you for your question Katrina! It has been added to the list!

  229. Pamela Lee, 28 February, 2018

    Hi, I’m hoping you can help me. you did a video were you made a pen from the kits from Penn State Ind. I also watched their video and in it the recommended using Aussie Oil to finish it up. What I need to know is long run how is it going to react to cured polymer clay. I 90% of the time use sculpy products. I wanting to make some as Graduation gifts, and want to male sure it not going to turn tacky or cloudy from chemical reaction. So do you know anything about Aussie Oil and possible reactions.

    Thank You So much in advance on any help you can give me.
    Pam Lee

  230. Cindy Lietz, 02 March, 2018

    Thank you Pam for your question! I have added to the list!

  231. Cheryl Geiger, 28 February, 2018

    I love your videos and have watched tons of them. However, I have not been able to find the following… Perhaps you can help.

    1. Where can I find visual color charts for the current Premo, Sculpey III, Fimo Pro, Fimo Soft and Kato colors. I am looking for samples of each brand’s colors on ONE page, ideally with the color names and stock numbers.
    2.For each of the brands mentioned above, which colors are considered the primary and secondary colors?
    3. Fantasy Wish – a color chart that lists the closest color equivalents for each of the brands listed above. Example: A yellow-green column might list Premo-Zinc Yellow, Sculpey III-Lemon, Fimo-Yellow, Fimo Soft-Lemon, Kato-? If I had such a chart, I could convert color recipes from one brand to another.
    4. I make clay food in a 1:3 scale. I have watched many wonderful videos (e.g. Angie Scarr) but they are 1:12 scale. If I knew the actual size of the 1:12 scale items, i could convert the instructions to a 1:3 scale, but none of the videos provide that info. Suggestions?
    5. Your raw vs baked video for Premo was soooo helpful. Might you do similar testing for all of the other brands listed above?

    Thank you in advance for whatever answers you can provide and please don’t ever retire!
    Bunches of hugs,
    Cheryl Geiger

  232. Cindy Lietz, 02 March, 2018

    Thank you Cheryl for your questions, I have added them to the list. Don’t worry, I am not retiring just yet!

  233. Carolyn Fischel, 28 February, 2018

    Hi — I love your products and videos!
    I just purchased 2 ounces of UltraDome.
    What is the cheapest UV lamp I can purchase, can it be a 9w or does it have to be 36w?
    Thank you.

  234. Cindy Lietz, 02 March, 2018

    Hi Carolyn, since you already purchased and you will need a lamp asap, get a 36W lamp. It is the strength you will need. I will also add your question to the list so others will hear the answer. Thanks!

  235. Laurie McDonald, 05 March, 2018

    Hello! I love your videos! You said that Varathane Diamond Polyurethane Interior (Water Based) would be good for polymer clay and that it’s tested to not turn yellow (im very happy to hear that because yellowing scares me so much!!) Well how many layers of this glaze would you use for a jewelry pendant?

  236. Cindy Lietz, 06 March, 2018

    Hi Laurie, thank you for your question, it has been added to the list!

  237. Nakale Ayovunefe, 05 March, 2018

    Hello! I have started making figurines with fondant and gumpaste. Now, I want to transition into polymer clay. Can you please tell me what brand is best for making cake toppers? Thank you very much.

  238. Cindy Lietz, 06 March, 2018

    Hello Nakale, your question has been added to the list. Thanks!

  239. Paulette Vliem, 18 March, 2018

    Is it ok to do a second baking of items once they have been painted with acrylic paint, or is it not necessary? I also want to make my item weather resistant

  240. Cindy Lietz, 22 March, 2018

    Thank you for your question Paulette, it has been added to the list!

  241. Marsha Weaver, 21 March, 2018

    While I am writing this email I thought that I would ask a question. I know this is one that you have addressed in video but I am still having problems.

    I have followed your instructions on baking and conditioning clay. In order for the baked clay not to break. But even conditioning the clay well (I even tried conditioned until the clay turned sticky and that didn’t work either). And I checked in multiple ways about my ovens temp. to make sure that I am baking at the correct temp for an hour. All the thin clay (say under a 1/4 of an inch) still easily breaks. I have been unable to bake any clay that doesn’t unless really thick. And since I am going to sell items made with the clay, I can’t have it breaking so easy.

    Please help. Again Thanks.

  242. Cindy Lietz, 22 March, 2018

    Thank you for your question Marsha! It has been added to the list!

  243. Ellie H, 22 March, 2018


    I have few questions that weren’t addressed in your videos or comments. I followed all directions meticulously but my 2”x3”x1/8” charm keeps breaking. I used an oven thermometer, 270 degrees, with premi clay. I used us one whole big bar and it keeps breaking. I tried baking it for an hour, 2 hours, lower temps, tried Sculpey. Used a while car of that as well, tried quenching, watched all your videos and can’t figure it out. Tried reaching out to Sculpey and no help there. I treed baking for 30 mins and 15 mins. I have no idea why it all breaks and it’s no where near as flexible as the video “should it bend”. What I’m I doing wrong. I’m trying to sell and keep pushing the deadline. Please help.

  244. Cindy Lietz, 22 March, 2018

    Your question has been added to the list Ellie! Thank you for asking!

  245. Wil Sanburn, 22 March, 2018

    Will the card stock or file folders not burn when placed in the bottom of the bead baking rack? Even if baking the beads at 275 degrees for an hour. And…why should we put the paper there, what is it’s purpose? Thank you!

  246. Cindy Lietz, 22 March, 2018

    Thank you so much for your question Wil. It has been added to the list!

  247. Jan G, 01 April, 2018

    hello Cindy i just wanna ask what is the best airrdry clay and a strong and very flexible? or if there is no flexible airdry clay at least oven clay? im new in this and i am very courios and i want to buy the clay that is flexible so i wont wast my money. please help me please recommend me. thank you so much. God bless

  248. Cindy Lietz, 02 April, 2018

    Thank you for the question Jan! I will add it to the list!

  249. Yaffa Barelkovsky, 01 April, 2018

    Hi Cindy and Doug,
    Could you kindly let me know if there are PAINTS to paint over polymer clay, just as there is acrylic paint to paint on canvas. If so, could you kindly let us know what they are called, and where we can buy them?
    Also, could you let us know if it is possible to use acrylic paint, to paint over baked polymer clay, and bake it again, without creating cracks in the baked acrylic paint. If so, which time, temperature and weight would you suggest? We are hoping to achieve a SHINY surface.
    Thank you in advance for your reply,

  250. Cindy Lietz, 02 April, 2018

    Thank you Yaffa for your question! I’ve added it to the list.

  251. Helen Heaney, 01 April, 2018

    Hi Cindy,

    I’m a relatively new clayer, in my second year, and have watched and learnt from so many of your video tutorials. Thank you!!

    I’m really interested to make platters and bowls for food however turned off due to the numerous food safe reports. I’ve been confused about the non toxic information and not food safe information. Prompted to investigate further I just found an article by Ginger Davis Allman indicating it’s not about the problem with food and clay touching, but the difficulties to clean the object so food contamination and/or clay deterioration don’t happen.

    Do you have any current information about using polymer clay for food e.g. food platters or bowls? Or any way to cover the clay to avoid the problems?

    I’m in Victoria, Australia FYI.

    Helen Heaney

  252. Cindy Lietz, 02 April, 2018

    Thanks for your question Helen, I will add it to the list!

  253. Harlan Rieur, 01 April, 2018

    What do you find are the best polymer clay bonders

  254. Cindy Lietz, 02 April, 2018

    Thanks Harlan, your question has been added to the list!

  255. Judy Whittle, 01 April, 2018

    Would it be possible to use an acrylic pour skin on a unbaked polymer clay bracelet?

  256. Cindy Lietz, 02 April, 2018

    Great question Judy, it’s been added to the list!

  257. Eleni Kontou, 01 April, 2018

    heeeey !! i am really glad i found out there are people like u in this world who are here to help me out !!!!!!!!! i am really really really disappointed with my Fimo effect products i just received!!! i made my jewlleries and bake them and then the heart attack came !!!!! why please tell me why did they changed their colour so much ?????????none of these colours remained the same just the black one ! even the white one turned out to become like pink !!!

  258. Cindy Lietz, 02 April, 2018

    Thanks so much Eleni for the question. I have added it to the list!

  259. Laura Williams, 11 April, 2018

    Ok so I’ve working with polymer clay for awhile now (couple months) and I have watched YouTube videos about making fairy lamps from come bottles and polymer clay. My question is will the plastic bottle melt in the oven?

  260. Cindy Lietz, 20 April, 2018

    Hi Laura, I will add your question to the list, but my quick answer is yes, the plastic bottles will melt. They are using airdry polymer clay.

  261. Laurie McDonald, 11 April, 2018

    Hello I’d like to know if you have any experience with Americana Duraclear as a glaze. It seems like a good idea since it’s non-yellowing and I emailed the company asking if it works on cured polymer clay and they said yes. It also seems great since it’s non toxic and cleans up easily. I just want to know if you have any experience using this as a glaze. Thanks and have a great day!

  262. Cindy Lietz, 20 April, 2018

    Hi Laurie, I have added your question to the list. Thanks for asking!

  263. Carolyn Fischel, 11 April, 2018

    I am baking a polymer clay landscape backing and I want to know which side do I bake it on?
    Does the backing lay on the paper/tile with the landscape facing up, or does the landscape lay on the paper/tile with the backing up?

    Please let me know. Nothing on the internet talks about which side to bake on through the various processes.


  264. Cindy Lietz, 20 April, 2018

    Thank you for your question Carolyn. It has been added to the list!

  265. Cindy Lietz, 20 April, 2018

    Hi Laura, I will add your question to the list, but my quick answer is yes, the plastic bottles will melt. They are using airdry polymer clay.

  266. Liat M, 25 April, 2018

    Dear Cindy,

    I hope you have a little time to answer my question :).
    I would like to make fruit canes (lemon, strawberry, etc.). For this i would need translucent fimo.
    Can I use translucent (fimo effect) and professional in the same cane? You said in your video not to mix different hardness fimos in a cane. But I can’t find fimo professional translucent, only fimo effect translucent. Will it be ok to mix them in a cane?

    Thank you so much!!


  267. Cindy Lietz, 26 April, 2018

    Thank you so much Liat for your great question! It has been added to the list!

  268. Jessica B, 25 April, 2018

    Hi there!

    I was hoping you could help, I am new to using polymer clay for making beads and wanted to know the most effective way of creating a long curved tube bead with a hole down the centre.

    I have used wooden skewers to pierce a hole through the length of the raw tube bead, then curved the tube with my hands before baking – but this tends to flatten and disform the hole.

    Also to get crisp sharp edges on your beads do you just sand them?

    Thanks so so much I love your website and clips!


  269. Cindy Lietz, 26 April, 2018

    Thank you for your question Jess! It’s been added to the list!

  270. Teri L, 02 May, 2018

    I watched your YouTube video comparing the Makin’s and Walnut Hollow extruders. I’m in the market for one and came across the Staedtler Fimo 8700 07 professional clay extuder. Do you know if is just the Walnut Hollow extruder sold under a different brand name? They look alike, but price of the Staedtler is $30-$40 more than the Walnut Hollow, so I’m hoping it is a new and improved product—one made of stainless steel for durability and the ability to handle metal clay.
    Thank you,

  271. Cindy Lietz, 07 May, 2018

    Thank you Teri for the great question! It has been added to my list!

  272. Leah C, 02 May, 2018

    I have looked at the internet for the answer to this question, but I figured you know more about poly clay than just about anyone, so I’m going to ask you. I make poly clay pendants that I usually drill holes all the way through and run the 1mm leather core through. But I got the idea to put an eye pin into the raw clay at the top to make a hook to attach bail. Well when the clay was done, I was able to pull the eye pin out. So the clay did not hold onto the metal eye pin. So I thought no problem, I just put a small drop of super glue in the hole and placed the eye pin back in. BUT it seems as though the glue is not holding. It sure has no problem sticking to everything else! So what glue do you use to glue metal to poly clay?? I would be so grateful for your response. Thank you.

    BTW: I love your member videos. They have meant the world to me. I have a lot to caught up on, but I plan to get back at them since I am getting back into poly clay heavy now.

  273. Cindy Lietz, 07 May, 2018

    Thank you Leah for your question! It’s been added to the list!

  274. Meaghan K, 02 May, 2018

    I was wondering if you could do an update video/blog/article on your Mammoth versus your Atlas? It’s possible you may have already answered my questions in your live Q&A videos, but they don’t have topics attached to them (at least that I could find), and I haven’t had a chance to watch them all yet.

    I have been needing to replace my crumbling Makin’s machine for a long while now, and both your Atlas and Mammoth reviews were really informative, but the price of the Mammoth is so high that it makes me a bit nervous.

    So I wanted to know, as someone who clays as much as you do, has your Mammoth completely replaced your Atlas, is it *that* much better, or are there drawbacks to the Mammoth that cause you to still use your Atlas more often than not? Also, given how capable the Mammoth is, has it replaced the need to use your Never Knead, or any other tools you have reviewed in the past?

    I’m aware that LC no longer makes the Mammoth, but the Elephants are similar enough, so I feel an update review from you would be incredibly helpful and more fully inform my decision on whether to invest in an Elephant or save my money and deal with the drawbacks of the Atlas (or any other pasta machine, frankly) and possibly also invest in some other tools, such as the Never Knead.

    I know you have a lot of projects and fans and am really thankful that I can reach out to you and ask for this kind of help. Thank you so much for your time and doing what you do, I really appreciate your contributions to our beautiful community.


  275. Cindy Lietz, 07 May, 2018

    Thanks Meaghan for your question! I have added it to the list!

  276. Cristina Gualtierotti, 17 May, 2018

    Dear Cindy, I am a subscriber of your wonderful Library.
    As you are my Polymeric Guru I dare to ask to a solution for a little problem.
    In an old Polymer Cafè Magazine (Summer 2005 issue) I have found an interesting article by the late Gwen Gibson about blending Hue Colors (colors for fabrics) to beard foam and apply this mix to white beads, cooking them and obtaining nice beads with white eggs like spots. I have tried with alcohol inks and also with HueColors but the result is that the bead is all coloured …without spots! Did you see this tecnique? What would you suggest to obtain some spots?
    Great thanks for your attention and as always all my compliments for the huge and wonderful work that you do for polymer world. All my best Cristina

  277. Cindy Lietz, 24 May, 2018

    Thanks so much Cristina for your detailed question. It has been added to the list!

  278. Cynthia W, 23 May, 2018

    Hi there

    I have been making polymer clay jewellery for a little while now and I have been using your technique of baking in between paper and tiles. I have repeatedly been having trouble with the clay sticking to the paper once out the oven and the paper tearing off slightly and leaving grainy marks on the pieces. I bake my pieces face down to avoid rising bubbles and the paper usually sticks to the face of the piece I guess due to the pressure from above. I’m making jewellery to sell online and so it’s a weekly production issue. I have so much cleaning up to do after baking due to this issue.

    Please let me know f you’ve had any of these issues and how I can resolve it.
    Thanks so much!

  279. Cindy Lietz, 24 May, 2018

    Thank you Cynthia, I appreciate your Questions and have added them to the list!

  280. Tara L, 28 May, 2018

    Hi Cindy,

    I have a rather pressing art installation I am working on, and I want to make some polymer clay beads. I did my first batch of beads to find most of them had cracked 45mins into baking( they are between 6-12mm in height/thickness). The smaller beads that were baked fro 30mins seemed to do fine, but I was aiming to bake the larger beads a little longer. It appears they were the ones cracking.
    Do you have any idea why this is happening? Or could you lend some helpful advice as to how to properly bake polymer clay beads ( I am using sculpted III) for 6-12mm round beads.

    Thank you so much! :)

  281. Cindy Lietz, 29 May, 2018

    Hi Tara, thank you so much for your question! It’s been added to the list!

  282. Catherine Morrison, 02 June, 2018

    Hi Cindy. I am new to the polymer clay world and I have found your videos quite helpful. I have a question about clay brands. I had bought all types of clay to make my little stud earrings and after reading about Sculpey 3 clay being brittle after baked I tested the strength of my earrings and those made of that clay snapped very easily even after resin was applied. I tossed all my product and jewelry made from it. I have been looking at trying to make some larger beads for necklaces and I wondering if Sculpey 3 would work for that application if I was making basic beads and not made from canes.

  283. Cindy Lietz, 07 June, 2018

    Hi Catherine, thank you for your question! It’s been added to the list!

  284. Daniell M, 08 June, 2018

    Hi Cindy,

    I’ve seen in a couple of polyclay folks talk about using Golden Polymer Varnish as a sealer and finish on their items. I tried it out on some faux raku beads a few months back, leaving them sit out on my workspace for over a week before something came up that made me put them into storage. I decided to work with them again recently and get them strung into a necklace, but when I took them out of the little cubby I’d put them in, they were all stuck together like the finish hadn’t cured and separating them pulled the finish off many of them leaving me with a huge mess that I’m not sure how to mitigate. I really love these beads and the satin-y look of the finished beads looked so beautiful to me, but now I’m not sure how to best remove the finish and start over. Should I just scrap them instead? Nothing I read or saw mentioned needing to oven cure items again after using the varnish. Do you know or have you heard anything about using Golden Polymer Varnish on polymer clay items?

  285. Cindy Lietz, 12 June, 2018

    Thanks for your question Daniell! I have added to the list!

  286. Bonnie S, 10 June, 2018

    Hi would you be able to tell me if I can use The Paper Studio’s Rub-ons, on baked polymer clay? Will they work the same as a transfer? Would you have to seal them?
    Thank you,

  287. Cindy Lietz, 12 June, 2018

    Thank you Bonnie for your question! I have added it to the list.

  288. Judi Coss, 20 June, 2018

    Thank you in advance for your time. I have done searches online and cannot seem to find an answer to my question, so I am coming to the expert. I was wondering if polymer clay can be permanently applied to a stainless steel piece. For example, I wanted to decorate the exterior of my cats stainless steel bowls and wondered if #1 it was safe and #2 would it adhere. Thank you again for your time and keep making your videos! I love them and have learned so much.

  289. Cindy Lietz, 22 June, 2018

    Thank you Judi, your question has been added to the list!

  290. Shelly Crossen, 22 June, 2018

    Hi, Cindy,

    Regarding the new Sculpey liquid polymer clay (shown on your 6/23/18 video), on sculpey.com, they illustrate the 2-oz bottles with the twisty cap and clear-to-read labels (unlike the labels they put on that 3-pack you received), much like the labels they had on the older bottles. For those who still have a lot of TLS left and don’t want to invest in buying the new just for the convenient twist-open caps, I took a cheap bottle of Elmer’s white glue and substituted that cap for the leaky Sculpey one.

    Great shows, Cindy. Keep up the good work. After a hiatus from claying for almost 20 years, it’s mind-boggling to see how this artform has progressed. Most of the tricks and techniques from the dark ages of PC still work, but the new techniques and equipment out there are amazing.

    Keep up the good work, sharing your knowledge and obvious passion for this art.

    Shelly Crossen

    P.S. It’s “cooled” down to 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 C) in Arizona where I live.

  291. Cindy Lietz, 26 June, 2018

    Thank you Shelly for the kind comment and great tips! I will add them to the list for a future Q&A so others will learn about them too!

  292. Terry Hoefer, 03 August, 2018

    Hi-I’m new to beading and have been attaching my clasps with jump rings, that seem to fall off easily. When I use the rectangular cord end, the flat tab with opening slides off too easy. Any suggestions? I’m so glad I found you-I’m learning a lot from you!

  293. Cindy Lietz, 06 August, 2018

    Thank you for your question Terry! I have added to the list for a future broadcast!

  294. Bonnie S, 03 August, 2018

    Hi Cindy, I would like to know if you can use the type of rub ons that you would have to take a small piece of wood to burnish on. On to polymer clay once it has been baked and then seal it. Will it wear off? Thank you

  295. Cindy Lietz, 06 August, 2018

    Thanks Bonnie for your question! It’s been added to the list!

  296. Wendy Freedman, 03 August, 2018

    Love your YouTube videos!!! Any advise on how to get rid of crescent shape defects in the clay after it is baked? I have searched many of your videos but could not find an answer to this frustrating problem. Any advise or recommendation would be appreciated.

    Thanks so much!!!

  297. Cindy Lietz, 06 August, 2018

    Thanks so much Wendy! Your question has been added to the list!

  298. Pnina S, 04 August, 2018

    I’ve just watched your lovely informative video on You Tube on the essential tools for beginners working with polymer clay. Thanks, it’s very useful. I also saw the one about how long to bake it in the oven. :-)
    My question is about the toxicity of Polymer clay.
    Is it absolutely safe to bake it in my cooking oven?
    Thank you so much for your wonderful tutorials, tomorrow I set out to buy my first fimo dough.
    All the best
    Pnina from Israel :-)

  299. Cindy Lietz, 06 August, 2018

    Thanks Pnina for your question! It’s been added to the list!

  300. Ruth Rowan, 15 August, 2018

    Hi, i am looking for suppliers of PYMII. Or if you have any other suggestions for priming polymer clay pieces. Thanks.

  301. Cindy Lietz, 16 August, 2018

    Thanks for your Question Ruth! It’s been added to the list!

  302. Terry Milholland, 15 August, 2018

    Have you ever tried a resin/wood composite cookie mold with polymer clay? Do/would they work?

  303. Cindy Lietz, 16 August, 2018

    Thanks Terry for your Question! It’s been added to the list!

  304. Ambia S, 04 September, 2018


    I’m having problems with the back of my clay.
    I cut out shapes to make earrings.
    When I lift the clay off the table, it either sticks, catches and creates a really ugly surface in the back.
    I’ve tried using baking paper, plastic cover, and wood surfaces to work on to minimise the problem. It’s not working though.

    What do you do so that when you lift the clay off after cutting it with a shape, that it stays smooth on the back?

    Thank you so much for your help :)


  305. Cindy Lietz, 10 September, 2018

    Thanks Ambia for your question! It has been added to the list!

  306. Sandy Conroy, 13 May, 2019

    On May 8th video you had a beautiful pair of black and white earrings you said you made is there a video showing how you made those?

  307. Cindy Lietz, 13 May, 2019

    Actually Sandy I do not have a tutorial on that technique yet. If you watch the video again, I do explain how I do it, though that is not near as good as a real tutorial.

  308. Karen Bitter, 17 August, 2019

    Need the name of the “Cernit” texture u used for Monica’s necklace, on Aug 14th’s replay?

  309. Cindy Lietz, 19 August, 2019

    Hi Karen that one is called Harmony. I think Marie Segal from the clayfactory.net has the Cernit Texture Mats. Hope that helps!

  310. Clara L, 14 August, 2020

    Hello Cindy! Sanding is the most difficult part form me. I can’t reach a perfect smooth finish. Which grains do you recommend using and when do i know it’s time to pass to the next grain?

  311. Cindy Lietz, 18 August, 2020

    Hi Clara, the best answer I have for you is to watch this video… Sanding Polymer Clay with Wet Dry Sandpaper

  312. Sherry Gatheright, 10 May, 2021

    HI Cindy,
    First I want to say thank you so much for your videos and all the help you have given me! I have a question-do you have any information about how to cut polymer clay with a Cricut machine? I think it could be done, but any help you or any of the members could give would be very much appreciated!
    Thanks, Sherry

  313. Cindy Lietz, 10 May, 2021

    Actually Sherry I do not have any advice for using a Cricut to cut polymer clay. (I know it is possible but since I have never used a Cricut myself, I can’t teach you how to use it.) I would LOVE to have a Cricut Maker! Once our new website is done and I can justify a larger business expense that is not website related, I will have to get one for the studio. Of course if Cricut (or someone else) was to send me one, I wouldn’t object! :)

  314. Darlene Bruehl, 21 May, 2021

    I decorated a tape dispenser with poylmer clay lace and it was beautiful. I couldn’t find a brush for mod podge (I was on vacation)…so I just grabbed a can of spray varnish. It seemed fine…but almost a year layer it is sticky!!
    Is there anyway to fix it or is it ruined!?!?!

  315. Darlene Bruehl, 21 May, 2021

    About the sticky tape dispenser solution?
    I didn’t see the box for notification till I’d already clicked submit!

  316. Cindy Lietz, 24 May, 2021

    Hi Darlene, sorry for the slow responce. Spray finishes are notorious for getting sticky on polymer clay. You can probably remove the finish though, so don’t worry. Try 99% Isoproppyl Alcohol first. If that doesn’t work try either Acetone or Paint Thinner. One of those will get the sticky finish off. Then you can either leave the piece with no finish (it doesn’t require one), or you can use a brush on polyurethane, Renaissance Wax or resin. Just do a search at the top of the page… I have done many videos on finishes that are polymer clay safe. Good luck!

  317. Diane Honegger, 03 June, 2022

    Where can I get angled makeup applicators like the ones you showed in your June 1 podcast? I find straight-handled ones, but not angle-handled ones online?

  318. Cindy Lietz, 03 June, 2022

    Hi Diane, I picked mine up at Dollarama but I also found some similar ones on Amazon (affiliate link).

  319. Cindy Lietz, 03 June, 2022

    And here’s are the other plastic swabs with the velvet tips (Amazon affiliate link) that I use for putting on pearlex powders and such.

  320. Diane Honegger, 04 June, 2022

    Thanks. I thought those, too, had an angled handle, but I mis-remembered. However, that angled head will work perfectly for pan pastels. Good product. I always get helpful tools and ideas from your blog.

  321. Jill L, 04 June, 2022

    Hi Cindy,
    Always such amazing tutorials and inspiring tips! Thank you. My question is a bit basic but.. I have been having trouble with my pieces breaking. I am Using sculpey Hot Red and baking at 130 c for an hour but after 3 tries the clay is still breaking. Do you have any clues or solutions as to why? Should I be baking at a slightly higher temp? I am really stumped.

  322. Cindy Lietz, 06 June, 2022

    Hi Jill, you haven’t done anything wrong… unfortunately, Sculpey III is a terribly brittle clay and is not good for making jewelry no matter how well you bake it. Switch to Premo or Souffle clay if you want to buy Sculpey Products. Cernit, Cosclay, Kato, Pardo and Fimo Professional are also excellent quality clays for making jewelry. Also make sure that you are using an oven thermometer so that you know your oven is holding the correct temperature for your brand of clay. Continue to bake for one hour. You are doing all the right things… just using the wrong clay! :)

  323. Jill L, 06 June, 2022

    Hi Cindy
    Thanks for answering my question. One more BIG problem. I use an extruder to make rectangular ribbons of clay but Cernit always comes out with a serrated edge on the long sides. My die is crisp as it’s only Cernit that comes out that way none of the other brands.
    What am I doing wrong? Is the clay too hard and I need to add softener, or too soft and I need to leach it?ornot conditioned enough?
    Your help in solving this problem is really appreciated,
    Thanks so much,

  324. Cindy Lietz, 07 June, 2022

    Hi Jill, I need to do some further testing on this, but I suspect it is actually the clay you’re using and not only the consistency. Although you will find softer clay goes through an extruder more smoothly, I just ran some very soft Cernit through my extruder, using a ribbon die and the same thing happened. (I hadn’t actually tried Cernit in my extruder yet, so I wanted to see what would happen.)

    Then I tried running some Cosclay through, and it came out smooth as butter. What I am thinking is that Cernit and Cosclay have quite different properties. Cernit kind of ‘shatters’ when rushed (just like Fimo does)… you will notice it if you try and forced a thick piece of clay through a thin setting on your pasta machine. Cosclay on the other hand is very stretchy. So when the clay is pushed through the extruder, especially in the sharp corners, the Cernit snaps into jagged edges and the Cosclay stretches and holds together.

    You have made me very curious as to how all the other brands respond to extruding in this manner. TBH I have mostly used Premo and Souffle when extruding and only a brief test of Cosclay, so I hadn’t really thought about whether a clay like Cernit would have difficulties or not. Looks like I need to head to the PcT Test Lab! :)

    PS: If you really want to use Cernit, make it as soft as you can and try extruding as slowly as possible… it may work. Don’t know for sure, but that’s where I would start. Good luck!

  325. Minay U, 18 June, 2022

    Hi Cindy!

    I’ve started making polymer clay jewellery recently. However, I live in Turkey and I have hard time finding liquid Sculpey so can I use Bake and Bond for faux quartz or any other technique instead of TLS?

  326. Cindy Lietz, 21 June, 2022

    Hi Minay, yes you can use Sculpey Bake and Bond as a replacement for regular Translucent Liquid Sculpey. It is a little more matte when baked, but can be sanded and buffed to a nice shine. I use it successfully in my faux Opals, so it would be a great substitute for your faux Quartz.

  327. Donna Nouriel, 19 June, 2022

    Hi Cindy,
    I’m sorry if you’ve already answered my question somewhere (if so, please let me know where). I want to know if an irregular-shape piece will lose its shape while baking if not slumped over a mould. I am going to make a superhero cape about 3″ long, 2.5″ wide, and 1/8″ thick. It is going to have ridges, as if flowing in the wind. I use Premo.
    Thank you so much! You are so generous to spend so much time sharing your knowledge and helping us!!! ?

  328. Cindy Lietz, 21 June, 2022

    Hi Donna, that sounds like a fun project! Thank you for your very kind words! Premo can flop a little during baking, so if you’re baking something like a superhero cape, I would put some sort of support in there, while it bakes. Rolled paper or fabric would be perfect. Just make sure that your support material isn’t anywhere near the burner or walls of the oven, and it will be just fine at the low temps that Premo bakes at. In the future, you may want to consider using Cosclay for sculptures of these kinds. It has high green strength (won’t flop when raw or baking), and is strong and flexible after baking. It makes wonderful Superheros! Have fun!

  329. Donna Nouriel, 19 June, 2022

    Shoot! I forgot to say that I read about somebody building a piece over a wire framework. Do you think this is a good idea? Thanks again! : )

  330. Cindy Lietz, 21 June, 2022

    Hi again… yes, building up a framework (aka armature) with wire and tape, is an excellent way to build a polymer clay sculpture. It helps to give strength, use less clay and avoid cracking by needing a thinner layer of clay. Ace of Clay on YouTube has a lot of great videos showing how he uses armatures on his sculpts. You may want to check him out!

  331. Kathay Iskrzycki, 21 October, 2022

    In the past I bought a bunch of wooden birdhouses from the craft store and I want to know if I have to coat them with something before I touch clay to them whether I bake the clay first or leave it raw do I have to coat the bird houses with something? And the second question I have is the same thing I have glass vases do I have to coat the glass with something and can I put it on either raw or baked I’ve asked these questions before I just never got the answer or I missed it somehow.

  332. Cindy Lietz, 21 October, 2022

    Hi Kathay,

    I think I have already explained how to cover wood and glass to you before. I guess you missed it somehow. There are two tutorials that go into both of those techniques in full that if you haven’t done them already, you should. They would be very helpful for you. They both happen to be Christmas Ornament tutorials so the timing is perfect. The skills you learn in these videos will help you with both your birdhouses and your glass vases. Here are the links…

    The one for covering Wooden Items in clay is here…
    Polymer and Wood Ornaments

    And the one for covering Glass in clay is here…
    Mistletoe Ornament

  333. Joanne Faysal, 11 November, 2022

    I am trying to learn how to back a piece of clay with a design on it after it has been baked.

  334. Cindy Lietz, 14 November, 2022

    Hi Joanne, I have done a tutorial called the Street Hearts Tutorial that teaches you exactly that! Here is the link if you are interested in picking that one up, before the price goes up when we launch the new web site :)

    Graffiti Style Street Hearts Tutorial

  335. Marcia L Lander, 10 January, 2023

    I’ve been seeing lots of tutorials to make faux stones or just nice surfaces. I see that folks just start chopping up clay from the package. Shouldn’t the clay be conditioned before chopping?

    I wouldn’t feel good even giving away clay products if they wouldn’t be as strong as the clay is after conditioning.

  336. Cindy Lietz, 13 January, 2023

    Hi Marcia, yeah I’ve seen those chopping videos too… usually they squirt a big blog of paint and some liquid clay onto the chopped bits as well! (They really are using too much paint and the liquid clay is not necessary if the clay is fresh… but people just do what they see others do.)

    Regarding conditioning clay… a really fresh block of clay (like most of what you’re seeing in the videos, considering there’s been a clay shortage over the last few years and most clay is really fresh), doesn’t really need a whole lot of conditioning. Conditioning is done to make the clay pliable, and to really mix the pigments in the clay if they have been sitting for a very long time. Older clay, and some of the stiffer brands of clay, will need more conditioning than a super fresh, squishy clay. And in the case where they’re also dumping a bunch of liquid clay on the chunks, those will be held together by the liquid clay and so it won’t matter at all whether the clay was conditioned first or not.

    Basically, if you have any concerns about whether the clay will hold together, then by all means, condition it before you chop it up.

    Also, strength mostly comes from using a good brand, baking at a hot enough temperature for that brand and baking for long enough that all the particles in the clay fuse together. I have many baking videos that will help you out, so feel free to binge watch to your hearts content! <3

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