Polymer Clay Color Recipes | Siberian Wallflower Palette (Premo)

Siberian Wallflower Polymer Clay Color Palette 1A: Siberian Wallflwr
3A: Sunny Day
4A: Zeal Teal

This fresh and youthful polymer clay color mixing palette was inspired by some wildflowers we photographed while on a recent family vacation up to Whistler Mountain. I had seen these particular orange beauties before and suspected they were Wallflowers, but had no idea they were Siberian Wallflowers.

It was a Google Images Search that helped me to find this out. Just by typing in a few keywords, I was able to quickly identify these obscure little flowers that we happened upon, all nestled beside a rocky outcrop way on top of an alpine mountain. Gotta love that Google!

By the way, the little search box at the top of this page is powered by Google too. It’s a great way to find what you are looking for here at the blog, with regards to polymer clay. I use it all the time. And you should to :-)

Any way… inspired by the fabulous Orange of these flowers, I thought I would take this palette in a more modern direction with the addition of some brighter colors.

The following individual recipes will be added to the Polymer Clay Members Library during the month of Oct’09 in Volume-017 [A-Series]:

  • Siberian Wallflower (Recipe 017-1A)
  • Wasabi (Recipe 017-2A)
  • Sunny Day (Recipe 017-3A)
  • Zeal Teal (Recipe 017-4A)

Siberian Wallflower is the deeper orange color of the little wildflower bud just getting ready to bloom. Wasabi is a fresh lively green so similar to the Japanese condiment Wasabi, that I just had to name it that. Sunny Day is the lovely orangey yellow color of the larger flower petals… reminiscent of the warm sun on your face. And Zeal Teal is a zealous teal blue that makes all the other colors want to party!

If you would like more information about the Members Library, here are some direct links:


Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor

  1. Maureen, 23 September, 2009

    Oh what beautiful colors for the Fall!! Can’t wait to mix them!

  2. aims, 23 September, 2009

    I love these colour recipes Cindy. And I love being able to think of an idea involving different colours and knowing I’ll most likely find exactly how to make it in the library. Thanks.

  3. Claycass, 25 September, 2009

    I did not receive my Friday email with the link to the video. I was able to find it and look at the video, but I was checking to see if there was a change in how things were working. Let me know if there was a problem. I also checked my spam so it didn’t go there either. Thanks in advance.

  4. Cindy Lietz, 25 September, 2009


    Nothing has changed with how things are working. But even at the best of times, emails can get “lost in cyberspace” and never arrive at their intended destination. It happens way more than most people realize.

    However, most Internet Service providers do have ways to help ensure deliverability of email from specific people. There are various names for the process including: Whitelist; Friending; Approved Senders; Allowed List; and probably many more.

    The link by my name above goes to a help page with instructions for some of the main internet service providers. It is worth taking the time to do this so that you don’t miss out on any of the emails coming from me.

    The bottom line is, you need to communicate with your Internet Service Provider and let them know that you are not receiving my emails and that you definitely want to be receiving them. If they ask, tell them that the emails are being sent from the Aweber Email Service.

    In a worst case scenario where an email deliverability problem persists, the easiest work around is to resubscribe to the Polymer Clay Guest List with a different email.

    Every week I receive many requests from individuals asking that I manually re-send the newsletter. Due to time constraints, I am just not able to do this anymore.

    However, this does not prevent you from logging into your library account where you can access your weekly member videos and A-Series color recipes.

    With regards to any of the free B-Series color recipes that you may have missed, I will be coming up with a way to make them available online. Just haven’t had time to get that done yet.

  5. Claycass, 25 September, 2009

    Weird, because I recieved emails about postings made today. I hope I don’t have to resubcribe because this is the only email account that I check daily. I am not good with multiple accounts. I missed the complimentary color. Is it possible for me to get it?

  6. Cindy Lietz, 25 September, 2009


    The notification emails that get sent from this blog (i.e. the emails you received today), come from a different web server than the server that sends out the Friday newsletters (i.e. the email you did not receive this morning).

    If you make sure to “whitelist” my contact information with your email service provider as described above, you should not have to set up a new email account. That is just a “last resort” measure.

    Please everyone be sure to follow through on doing this “whitelist” procedure if you don’t want to miss out on receiving any of the free weekly color recipe cards.

    As I said above, having to manually resend emails to those of you who miss a week here and there, is simply becoming too difficult for me to be able to manage. There are only so many hours in the day.

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