Polymer Clay Color Recipes | Cornflower Blue Palette (Premo Sculpey)

Cornflower Polymer Clay Color Palette

1A – Cornflower
2A – Butterfly Garden
3A – Tea Rose
4A – Wild Rose

Sometimes the prettiest flowers, grow in the ugliest places! This beautiful Blue Cornflower was growing in a weedy ditch alongside a parking lot. It was just so pretty, I had to bring it home for Doug to photograph, so it could be used as inspiration for a new color recipe palette!

Although the green pod at the base of this flower is extremely cool, I decided to use only blues and purples for this palette. That’s because I’ve already provided you with quite a few green shades in previous palettes.

Since these colors seem to shimmer in the light, pearl based clays were added to give the colors an extra sparkle. The mica content in the pearl clay makes the recipes perfect for using in mica shift projects… yet another technique I must add to the growing list of polymer clay how to videos for filming.

By adding some translucent to these recipes, they would also make very lovely rose petals for a Variegated Rose Bead project.

The following individual recipes will be added to the Polymer Clay Members Library during the month of July’09 in Volume-014 [A-Series]:

  • Cornflower Blue (Recipe 014-1A)
  • Butterfly Garden (Recipe 014-2A)
  • Tea Rose (Recipe 014-3A)
  • Wild Rose (Recipe 014-4A)

Cornflower Blue is the shimmery blue of the spiky petals. Butterfly Garden is the rich purple of the petals inside. Tea Rose is the soft pink color at the base of the petals and Wild Rose is the deep pink heart, just barely visible at the center of the blossom.

If you would like more information about the Members Library, here are some direct links:


Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor

  1. Jamie, 26 June, 2009

    Love this palette Cindy! I like to work in these color ranges a lot, so these recipes will come in handy. I like these flowers too, and brought some back to my own garden to grow my own supply. I use them in summer flower arrangements all the time. I like the pods at the base especially. They would make a cool complimentary bead on a necklace of flowers in this colorway, dont you think? XOXO Jamie

  2. Jocelyn, 26 June, 2009

    At some point, Cindy, will you start adding the color mixing recipes for KatoClay as well?

  3. Susan, 26 June, 2009

    I’m taking a bit of a break from claying right now, but I do want to swipe this color combo for an upcoming basket. Really pleasing to the eye. Take care, Susan

  4. Jennifer M., 26 June, 2009

    What pretty colors! These are some of my favorite colors that I like to use.

  5. Sue Whelan, 26 June, 2009

    Oh, goody! Some colours I love. I’m a pink/purple girl, so these will be fun to try next month. Thank you, Cindy.

  6. Cindy Lietz, 29 June, 2009

    Glad you’re liking the colors guys!

    @Jocelyn: I had a shipment of Kato coming but it got lost in the mail, possibly at the border or something. Should have some coming at some point. I may not rush on putting out Kato recipes though. Since Kato’s current formulation is quite hard to condition and may be too frustrating for beginners to use, I might wait to make recipes on it until a new formulation comes out. Of course once I get my hands on some, I may just change my mind!

  7. Jocelyn, 30 June, 2009

    @ Cindy

    Totally agree with you, I am still using old stock and love it. If the new formula is too hard to work with, I am all for easy.

    Do you think one of us could assist you in this process?

  8. Jamie, 01 July, 2009

    That would be great if you could help Cindy! How sweet of you to offer that Jocelyn. I would also volunteer to help, but at the present moment I am totally committed to several things here. Work on my craft “studio” is finally moving again, and I am desperate to have it done soon! It has been forever since I have touched my clay and its driving me crazy! Understandably Hubby hasnt been able to do a lot because of surgeries. But now he has taken a neighbor boy under his wing, and with the borrowed muscles they are making slow but steady progress. And on top of that, my son is getting married in a week and a half, so I am up to my ears in last minute details. Once the wedding is over and I have a little more order in my studio, I will be at Cindy’s disposal for any projects/experiments she might not have time for. But until then? I will be the babbling blur buzzing through when I get a few seconds. XOXO Jamie

  9. Cindy Lietz, 01 July, 2009

    Aww thanks guys! I’ll take any help I can get! If you have some recipes Jocelyn that you want to share with everyone I would be happy to post them!

    Jamie, everything you’ve done around here has been a tremendous help! Take care of your husband, your studio and your son’s wedding they come first. Have fun with your activities. We’ll be here for whenever ready!

  10. Jocelyn, 01 July, 2009

    @ Jamie

    Cindy said it best, we’ll all meet when it’s time.

    @ Cindy

    Here’s the deal….A/C season is coming up. What I would like to do is match all of your recipes as closely as possible, using the type of Kato clay you specify.

    I’ll document everything and send you the samples baked, to match against yours…if you like it, then…done. If it’s not to your approval, I can’t think of a more satisfying learning process than to gain your approval. LOL!


  11. Jocelyn, 05 July, 2009


    Deal? LOL!

  12. Cindy Lietz, 05 July, 2009

    Sorry Jocelyn I’ve been so busy I haven’t been able to respond to most of the comments that are flying in!

    Sure it’s a deal! Email me and we can talk further about how you want to do that. :-)

  13. Cindy Lietz, 19 March, 2010


    Polymer Clay Projects

    Hello to Everyone,

    Some new Spotlight project pictures that relate to the topic of this page (Cornflower Blue Color Recipes), have just been added in another post. They were submitted by Ritzs. The link by my name will take you to where you can see them, along with a bit of a write up. Hopefully they will inspire you to achieve great things with your own polymer clay projects.

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