Polymer Clay Color Recipes | Blue Hosta Inspired (Premo Sculpey)

Blue Hosta Polymer Clay Color Palette

1A: BlueHosta Blossom
2A: Cafe-o-lait
3A: Stone Hearth
4A: Bitter Chocolate

Up until last month, I was creating my recipe palettes based on all four of the colors being pulled from the same background photo. However, this approach is somewhat limiting since it’s difficult to always find photographs that match all of the color combinations I’ve been wanting to share with you.

So I’m going to try something a little different. This month’s palette begins with a dominant color from the background photo… Blue Hosta Blossom (1A) in this case.  But the three other supporting shades (2a, 3A, 4A) are tied into the pallet based on current fashion and design trends… muted natural tones are popular these days.

I hope everyone is OK with this new approach. Please let me know what you think in the comments section below.

The following individual recipes will be added to the Polymer Clay Members Library during the month of Aug’09 in Volume-015 [A-Series]:

  • Blue Hosta Blossom (Recipe 015-1A)
  • Cafe-o-lait (Recipe 015-2A)
  • Stone Hearth (Recipe 015-3A)
  • Bitter Chocolate (Recipe 015-4A)

Blue Hosta Blossom is a soft smoky mauve blue, inspired by the bell shaped blossom of a flowering Hosta. Cafe-o-lait is a rich deep coffee and milk color that warms the soft blue. Stone Hearth is the smoky gray brown you would find in the stone surrounding a cozy fireplace. And Bitter Chocolate is the deep black brown of a good piece of chocolate enjoyed with a rich cup of Cafe-o-lait.

If you would like more information about the Members Library, here are some direct links:


Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor

  1. Polyanya, 24 July, 2009

    Oh lovely I made a mod cane with the extruder using this colourway but I also added a rich earthy red – we must be dipping into the same inspirational pool Cindy – lol!

  2. MJ, 24 July, 2009

    Hi Cindy,

    Fantastic idea IMO. The more recipes the better and different sources will add to the inspirational pool.


  3. Jamie, 24 July, 2009

    Great idea. Keep them coming please. Mixing is just the start anyway. Knowing how to pair colors with others in a complimentary way is often even harder. So any info you can add on that subject is a big help. XOXO Jamie

  4. Jocelyn, 24 July, 2009

    Cindy, this new palette is gorgeous. I love the way you key your selections to the natural world. Thank you for sharing them!

  5. Anna Sabina, 24 July, 2009

    I noticed Pantone just put out there Fall 2009 Designer Color Pallet. The fall colors are not the traditional fall colors. Pantone is “global authority on color and provider of professional color standards for the design industries” The 2009 color of the year is Mimosa “a warm, engaging yellow”. There is alot on the Pantone site but I have not done a whole lot os expolring. great place to go if you LOVE color.

  6. Ken H., 24 July, 2009

    Cindy, Fire Mountain Gems uses the pantone system as well and I think it’s on their website where they “predict” (for lack of a better word) the upcoming fashion color trends for the next two seasonal groups(ex. fall/winter 09/10). I keep intending to order one of the pantone color fans like the home designers use but it keeps slipping my mind.

  7. Cindy Lietz, 29 July, 2009

    Sorry guys, I just realized I missed commenting in this thread some how. Yeah I know about the Pantone color forecast. Been thinking of making some color recipes to go along with those colors. Could call them Pantone inspired… Are you guys interested?

  8. Jamie, 29 July, 2009

    YES!!!I love your recipes!More, more, more!

  9. Ken H., 30 July, 2009

    I sure am. some of the ones for the spring/summer of ’10 look fantastic.

  10. Ken H., 30 July, 2009

    Oh, BTW I have finished the jade experiment, I hope to have photos done this weekend, will write out the formulas and hope to have this to you Cindy next week, I also strung (very quickly) a multi jade bracelet to show my friends and I’ve already gotten five requests for a bracelet. I am so excited, this is the first time that a hobby has become self sufficient (WOW!).

  11. Cindy Lietz, 30 July, 2009

    @Jamie: I’ll put it on the list!

    @Ken: You have no idea how much that pleases me to hear you say that about polymer clay being the first hobby that was self sufficient! More and more of you guys are finding success in selling your polymer beads and jewelry. I am so, so proud of you!

  12. Ken H., 30 July, 2009

    I thank you for all the great advice and tips plus the encouragement. It helps a lot in thinking I can do this, maybe someone would want to buy this bracelet. I love the faux creations and now that I’ve gotten Jade under my belt, next up will be Lapis.

  13. Jamie, 30 July, 2009

    YAY LAPIS!!!! My favorite! I cant wait to see it! XOXO Jamie

  14. Lindsay Mathias, 18 October, 2010

    Hi Cindy,

    First, I want to say thank you for the great color palettes and amazing projects. I love making canes inspired by your rich color groups, and cannot wait until Fridays to see what wonderful projects you have up your sleeves. :)

    I am however, having a bit of a problem with one of the palettes and was hoping to get some advice.

    The group 15a Blue Hosta palette is giving me trouble on color 2 and 3. this is cafe-o-lait and stone hearth. I have tried to make both colors seven times each and am always getting a very purple grey shade for each(not the lovely brown I am looking for). I have made several other palettes and color 1 and 4 for this palette with amazing results.

    Let me give you some background on how I am mixing the colors so you may be able to better provide a solution(or suggestion) for me. I am using premo clay as noted on the cards and have triple checked that I am using the correct colors. I roll the component colors out on the same thickness in my pasta machine one at a time, cleaning it with alcohol and paper towels each time. I use a 1/2″ square cutter to do my parts. For any fraction, I round all the parts to the smallest fraction. (ie 1/4 parts then 1part=4squares and 1/4part=1 square.

    On both colors, all seven times, I have gotten the same two shades a grey purple color. If there is anything else you need to know please do not hesitate to ask. I am more than willing to provide information if it will help solve my mystery. :)

    Any assistance or advice you can give on this would be wonderfully appreciated.

    Thank you,
    Lindsay Mathias

  15. Cindy Lietz, 18 October, 2010

    Hi Lindsay,

    Hmmm, this is a mystery. Sounds like you’re doing things right, so I’ve just checked the recipes to make sure I hadn’t made a mistake on my part (just in case I was too tired the day I typed it or something) and couldn’t find any errors there. Keep in mind, what you see on your computer screen may look different from how it looks when it is mixed. Every computer screen shows colors differently so the best we can do is a close approximation.

    Though both the Cafe-o-lait and the Stone Hearth colors do have a purplish hue to them they are more on the Grayish-Brown side than Purple. Some colors like Browns, Greens and Reds will look radically different in different lighting conditions. You may find that just taking your mixed colors into some natural light will make all the difference in the world. I used to have a lot of trouble getting the colors right until I got myself an OTT light (Full spectrum craft light).

    After looking at the recipe and hearing what has happened to you I am wondering if you are sure you added the Raw Umber (Dark Brown) to the recipes? Between the Black and the Brown in both recipes, the purple shouldn’t be dominating like that. Unless there is a chance you made an error in converting the fractions. Why don’t you try it again (on a fairly thin setting so that you don’t use much clay) and cut your square corner to corner to get your fractions?

    Try these things and let us know how it goes for you. I am happy to see that you are enjoying the color recipes. Once you get the mixing down perfect you are going to love using the palettes in your projects!

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