“How long into February will you accept pictures for Contest #1? Is it too late for me now?” ~Phaedrakat
Besides being the day that new video tutorials are posted at the Polymer Clay Library (today’s lesson is Easy Kaleidoscope’s), Friday’s have now also become my day to keep all of you updated about the current Bead Giveaway Contest.
Today you’ll be happy to know that 24 more inspiring entries have been added (Photo #043 to Photo #066), directly below the first 42 pics at this link: Bead Giveaway Contest Photo Entries
You guys are doing some amazing stuff. I am so proud of every single one of you!!!
Beautiful pieces of work everyone! Can’t wait to see more pictures. Thanks Cindy for your hard work on coming up with some great tutorials. And this is such a great way to show what everyone else is doing with the tutorials. All, I can say is that I am glad to be included with this talented bunch of artists! Wishing everybody the best of luck!
How long into February will you accept pictures for Contest #1? I am inspired by these beauties, and I’m jealous that I’m not involved! Is it too late for me now? ~Phaedrakat
No it’s not too late for you Phaedrakat, or anyone else that may have been wondering the same questions. Since the main objective of this bead giveaway is to get you guys to spend more time playing with your clay, I’m going to remain flexible on the closing date. So as long as the photos keep coming in, I’ll leave the doors open for new entries.
But please don’t procrastinate. As some point I will have to draw a winner to receive the grand prize. Whoever gets this package is in for a real treat!
To refresh your memory, here is a summary of the contest rules:
Step 1: Email Your Photo(s) To Me:
- In your email, include your First Name; Last Name; City; State/Province/Region, Country; and a Short Caption or Title for Your Photo.
- The photos of the beads and/or jewelry projects you enter must be inspired by one of the tutorials in the Vol-014 Back Issue Package: Jupiter Beads, Faux Raku Smooth, Faux Raku Crackle, Torn Clay Watercolor Technique
- For full details about Step 1, click here: Polymer Clay Bead Giveaway Step 1) Submit Photos
Step 2: Post A Comment:
- In last Friday’s post, I explained how your comments tie into this contest. So if you have yet not seen that post, be sure to read it now. You will need to go there anyway, to leave your contest entry comments: Polymer Clay Bead Giveaway Contest Step 2) Post Your Comments
Step 3: Post Pictures at Photo Sharing Sites:
- Optional. But those of you who do follow through with this step will increase your chances of winning. More info here: Flickr, Photobucket, Facebook, Your Blog
- In upcoming blog posts , I will be doing some mini-spotlight features to bring additional exposure to those of you who create these extra photo pages of your work. When you link back to my site, please use one or more of the following URL’s:
- Polymer Clay Jupiter Beads Tutorial (Video Intro)
- Polymer Clay Faux Raku Tutorial 1 (Video Intro – Smooth)
- Polymer Clay Faux Raku Tutorial 2 (Video Intro – Deep Crackle)
- Polymer Clay Torn Watercolor Tutorial (Video Intro)
- Polymer Clay Tutorials (Vol-014 Videos)
I’ve emailed my photo entries to you Cindy. Thanks so much for having this contest. It’s really motivated me… it’s done precisely what you wanted it to do!! *lol* You’ve motivated quite a few of us from the looks of the current entries. I’m so glad I found you and the rest of our clay community!!! One of your many grateful students.
Wow! What gorgeous work, everybody! This is so exciting, seeing what everyone has been making! I am going to be going over these photos several times, trying to figure out my favorites. It’s also fun to see who the beads belong to. I’m pretty new around here, but I feel like I’m starting to know some of you. Now I can also get to know some of your beads! How cool is that? And there are more photos to come–this is so, so much fun. Thanks, Cindy, for this cool contest. I know that you are busier than a–well, you’re probably working 40 hours a day now, right? C’mon, guys! Those of you who’ve submitted photos, don’t forget to post them on other sites. (Don’t forget the comments that point back here to one of the Vol. 14 lessons at this great site.) If you don’t know how to do it, get some help. Perhaps you could get a family member to post your pics for you on their facebook site, or something? As long as they put the appropriate comments, and you let Cindy know where it was posted, you’ll get credit. For those of you who own Vol. 14 — what’s stopping you? Don’t be shy, let’s see those purties you made. We love you here, and we’ll love what you made! If it’s not perfect, we’ll be kind. You’ll get constructive criticism ONLY if you want it… ~Phaedrakat
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** Links to all of the articles in this fun and educational contest series, are posted here: Polymer Clay Bead Giveaway |
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Dear Cindy and Doug, I hope you are both sitting there glowing with pride at what you have both achieved and what a fabulous community you have created! I am glowing quietly at being able to be a very small part of it! THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH.
The song, “This Little Light of Mine” comes to mind :-)
Doug and I are glowing right along with you Susan. Thanks so much for being part of the community… all the way from Florence, Italy!!!
This one’s for you… Bruce Springsteen and The Seeger Sessions Band performing This Little Light Of Mine in Torino, Italy on the 2nd October 2006
Oh and this one too… The African Children’s Choir…
I love looking at all the pretty beads people have made. Before I even started making beads and before I became interested in polymer clay I LOVED looking at beads and feeling beads and playing with beads. I didn’t make jewelry, I didn’t even wear jewelry but I loved beads. I would go looking at beads with my mom and I couldn’t wait to get home and start touching the beads. Now I just want to touch these beads that you and your site inspired! You let your light shine on us and I am so grateful!
Ditto what Melinda said–I’d also love to get my hands on Cindy’s beads. I’m sure they feel extraordinary to the touch, and they look so beautiful, beckoning to me… I love the feel of beads of all kinds, the way they feel running through your fingers is fantastic. Polymer beads have a different feel that is newer to me, but I love it so much especially since I’ve made some myself–I feel very “in tune” with them. Ah, but to have and be able to touch the beads Cindy herself made. Wow, that would be so amazing.
The musical posts were a wonderful addition to the blog. The song “This Little Light…” was certainly apropos, and it was cool to hear “The Boss” do it. And how cute (and TALENTED!) are the African Children’s Choir? That was truly a remarkable performance!
salve io sono francsca e sono appassionata alle tue lavorazioni voglio comprare i tuoi CD mi sai tradurre quelle cose che mi mandi e i modi di acquisto grazie
TRANSLATION: I am francsca and I am gotten passionate to your workings I want to buy your CD I know to me translate those things that he sends to me and the purchase ways thanks.
@Francesca: Welcome to you from Italy! Thank you for your interest in my videos. Unfortunately they are only available in English at this time. I’m sorry about that :-( … [TRANSLATION: Francesca – benvenuto a voi dall’Italia! Grazie per il vostro interesse in miei video. Purtroppo sono soltanto disponibili in inglese attualmente. I’ m. spiacente a tale proposito.]
@Melinda: I can SOOO relate to what you said about “…looking at the beads and feeling beads and playing with beads.” And you too Phaedrakat.
@Phaedrakat: Glad you liked the musical interlude. Music is such a powerful and emotional medium. It can move mountains if we tune in to it’s potential.
@Francesca Casale
Hi Francesca — I live in Florence (Italy) and would be glad to help you understand any of Cindy’s brilliant videos if you don’t catch some of the explanations.
Ciao Francesca—Io abito a Firenze (Italia) e sarei felice di aiutarti a capire quello che dice Cindy nelle suoi video eccezionale se qualcosa ti sfugge.
About your Polymer Clay Beginners Course… I don’t know how else these video tutorials could be improved. You explain clearly; you demonstrate every step clearly (anything that I can’t see, I click on for a full image view and viola, it is there) – is there anything else to improve it? I can’t think of it – if I can, I’ll let you know.
When I start on polymer clay, I will be accessing the Basic Course again to refresh my memory. As I have written before, I can’t wait to be a monthly subscriber – my loft re-org is getting interrupted ever so often with shoveling snow – but I am getting there. I’ll have the stuff set up the way I’ve seen it, get the supplies in, and be ready to roll – as your many other e-students have.
I know you are EXTREMELY BUSY, but would you please consider PC e-lessons in other forms – like vases, or lamps? I thought much about perhaps applying PC sheets onto homemade light structures – I love lights and I think any kind of lights (little lamps) would attract visitors to say, one’s table in a local craft show – but I don’t know much yet. I have no experience in the local craft scene. There are a whole lot of jewelry artisans here, many of them extremely talented – so there would an influx of jewelry in local craft shows. Of course, I’ll start with very small things – like beads first, and hopefully, I may be good enough to advance to another area and on…and on…and on…
You are a GREAT TEACHER – so thankful that I “found” you online while typing polymer clay lessons in my google search. I just don’t know what else to suggest that will make your e-tutorials a lot clearer. It is pretty clear enough even for a non-artistsan like me. Of course, the problems will crop up when I actually put my hands on the PC. That’s when I’ll revisit, a great deal, the PC basics course.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed – hopefully a PC start in mid-March 2010. I need to practice till I can produce some reasonably good things for sale this coming Christmas. TKU for the bonus videos – TKU for your e-tutoring – I like them better than books (step a fold here, step b …step c… I just run out of time/patience reading and referring to the diagrams and reading through the paragraphs etc. It’s not like reading a mystery novel…at least that’s my personal opinion)
TKU and blessings from ol’ yongi.
Thank you very much Yong, for taking the time to write down your thoughts about my Polymer Clay Beginners Course. I really appreciate it! It is so helpful for others to be able read feedback like this, when they are deciding if the course may be right for them as well.
If you did not already know, comments are treated like “votes” here at the blog. So your request for a video on how to apply polymer clay fabric sheets to vases or lamps, has been noted. Thanks for making the suggestion.
In the mean time, I do have a tutorial on how to make the actual fabric or pattern background sheets, that you may want to check out in the members library. It is in the Vol-011 back issue package.
Have fun as you start your exciting journey into the world of polymer clay. You are going to love it!
Really awesome post. Too Correct.