Video #401: An instant set, bake-able adhesive… perfect for all of your stud earring projects.
Topics Covered In This Video:
- Today we are talking about a wonderful adhesive called, Poly Bonder Glue by Lisa Pavelka.
- Lisa Pavelka is a well known Polymer Clay Artist that designed this high heat adhesive specifically for polymer clay.
- Poly Bonder is an instant super glue type product that can glue raw polymer clay to baked polymer clay; raw clay to raw clay; and raw and/or baked clay to non-porous items such as glass and metal.
- For example, during the process of making my Micro Mosaic Pins, the pieces are made in several stages, combining raw clay, baked clay and non-porous materials such as mirror and a metal pin back. The polybonder glue is the perfect solution for a piece like this.
- Poly Bonder also works fantastically for making stud earrings. I show how to make a pair of post earrings using a cup shaped piece of polymer clay from my Shaded Rose Cane Tutorial by gluing onto a metal post and covering with translucent clay.
Question of the Day:
Have you ever tried Poly Bonder Glue by Lisa Pavelka? And if you have, please tell us how it worked for you and your projects.
I look forward to hearing from you.
By the way, if you have a polymer clay question or challenge you’d like me to address in an upcoming video vlog, do post it in the comments below. I’d love to help you find quicker and easier ways to bring up the professionalism in your polymer clay art.
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I haven’t tried this product yet, but it sounds interesting… Do you know how high a temperature it can take?
Hi Sue, although it doesn’t say on the bottle or the packaging, it says on her website that the PolyBonder can be used up to 300F. Don’t know if those temps can be pushed higher or not. Probably best to keep it under the 300F to be safe.
Thanks for checking that, Cindy!
Sounds borderline for Kato with 150C/300F being standard — I cure Kato at even higher temperatures sometimes too when I want extra strength — but still probably worthwhile trying.
I’ll include a bottle the next time I place an order from somewhere that stocks it, and will let you know how it went at higher temperatures.
Hi Cindy, I have never used the Poly Bonder but thanks so much for the link as
I am on my way now to order some. After your video I can see so much potential for this product.
I’m jealous, I have purchased twice, & both times bottle was sealed shut & I couldn’t use it, so on the good side, it does work, but you have to get a good batch!
I’ m afraid to try a third time….
I had the exact same problem.
Lucky third perhaps ;)
I too had a simular problem. The bottle opened the first time & worked great, but the next time I went to use it the lid was really difficult to open. When I did get it open the glue inside had set rock hard. I thought it was just me, but several of you have had simular issues. The manufacturers really need to fix the bottle & lid problem.
I don’t know if there is a problem with the lid. But if there is a best-before-date (say six months) it should say so on the package. :)
Well, ask & u shall get help! Thank you, Lisa Pavelka, for standing behind your product & sending me a replacement. I truly appreciate that, & want all to know, you are a stand up kinda girl! Now to get my stuff stuck where I want, :)
Thanks again!
Lisa Pavelka will want to know about the problems with the lid and product drying out. She is very contentious and did a lot of research on products before approving them. I encourage you to drop her an e-mail.
I asked her on her webpage. I read a comment on youtube that it could dry out in six months.
Update on the Poly Bonder.
Received answer from Carri Lucero at
Please note that this product does have a shelf life of 18 months
Well, I got my two new bottles last week and they were perfectly fine. :)
It was only a couple of weeks between my opening & using it the first time & the second time I tried to use it & it was totally dried out. Yes, I had screwed the lid on properly in between uses.
I think you should contact them.
Hi guys… I just thought I’d mention that I have sent a message to Lisa Pavelka about your concerns about the PolyBonder drying out in the bottle. I do remember about 5 or 6 years ago when the product was introduced, that people were having issues with that, but had thought I’d heard that the issue had been dealt with.
When I purchased both of my bottles, I found no issues with them at all. I did completely use up the first bottle quite quickly, so did not have the chance for it to sit around for long enough to expire, so that could be it. But the Michaels I bought it from, isn’t exactly busy in the clay department, so I’m guessing that package could have been around for some time before I even bought it. I’m still working on the second bottle, so we’ll see how long it lasts.
I am hoping Lisa can pop by here and address any of your concerns. I am thinking it could have been old stock that some of you have purchased, but it would be good to know if it is still a problem, so that we don’t have any disappointed people here.
It is important to me that the products I recommend be of the quality that I say they are. So far, the product I received has been excellent. (I find the bottle a little tipsy but other than that it works beautifully.) Hopefully it will be an excellent product for you too. :)
I’m sure it is (or will be too) ;)
They offered to send me a new bottle and am excited to see how it turns out. :)
Tried buying it twice & both times bottle was sealed up from the store, even tried to open with jewelry pliers, (figured it would work) , but broke bottle. So, would like to try again, but don’t want to be disappointed, especially when in the middle of product design….
I bought some from Michaels and never got to try it. It was jello like and not usable. Disappointed in this product. I always try my best to get the products you show us knowing that you would not lead us astray. But not so good this time.
Hi Karon… read my comment below with my note from Lisa Pavelka… that should solve the problem. All the bottles I’ve used have worked beautifully. You probably got an old or improperly stored bottle. Sorry to hear it was a problem for you.
Well I got the last two bottles at my Michaels here in Iowa and after reading about a lot of dryed up bottles I immediately checked both of mine and they are just fine. I also have a bottle of brush on Super Glue that I Have been using for about 2 yrs.
Never had problems with any of those drying up but the one I have now is getting a little thick near the end of the bottle. That is a common side effect from opening and using and closing so many times. I think the best course of action would be to check all liquids right away and if they are bad take them or send them back for replacement and always let the supplier know your feedback.
Hi everyone, I have a query I am hoping someone can help with. I have a small square ceramic tile, a medium size rectangle tile and a large tile thats about 9×12
I try to cover all my clay when baking but on the medium and larger tiles the cardboard tent I make always sags in the middle and touches the tops of the clay I am baking. Does anyone have any ideas as how to keep this from happening. I don’t fold it in a peaked tent because it would touch the upper rods. I usually fold it on the ends so it stands up right over the tile. Does anyone else have this problem or is there a better way to make and fold a cover when baking? HELP!
Hi Dixie Ann – the only thing I’ve got now is, maybe a couple stacks of quarters – but maybe someone else has had to deal with this before:)
Hi Dixie Ann, why don’t you try making a cover with thicker cardstock or cardboard, something like a box lid with sides the height that work best for you. You could staple the corners rather than taping or gluing since that would fair better in the oven. Let us know what you come up with!
Thanks Cindy, that’s a great idea
I have plenty of cardboard!
I use a flat flexible aluminum baking pan. I think it may be a brownie pan. I push the bottom out a little, turn it over and put that over my clay while baking. It can handle up to about 1 1/2 inches of clay. Hope this helps.
I am reluctant to try this product again because of it drying out after one use – both the first one l bought and its replacement, which l was told was newer stock. It’s a great shame because l can see so many uses for it – polymer clay box making, for one!
Maybe a traditional super-glue bottle rather than the opening sort with brush would solve the problem.
Hi, All!
Glad this was brought up because I had a big problem with the Polybonder this week and had to do a piece of sculpt twice over. The first time I used this product last October it was awesome, everything stuck to it just like crazy glue. Second bottle I bought seemed like it took longer to bond and sometimes I had to do it twice. I wasn’t too conscious of it, just thought it was me not being careful enough. Also, at the time, I noticed yellowing around the edges where I had applied the bond and then baked it even though the glue was sandwiched between clay. Also, it yellowed some Swarovski clear rhinestones on me which it had not done before. Again, I thought it was me perhaps applying too much but then it happened again. Third bottle and pieces just won’t even stick together. The glue is fine…not dried out or anything. I told myself today I had to find some other glue because I can’t do this all the time. Thank Goodness it happened to me and not a customer! I have read elsewhere there are problems with this product. Cecilia, thanks I didn’t know about the shelf life. They should put that on the packaging then. Cindy, I agree about the bottle being tipsy. I had the same problem with all three. I’m sorry it’s doing this because, as I said, the first time it was awesome and so easy to use.
Wanted to say that at one point I had glued a large piece of raw clay to glass and it was firmly adhered. After I baked it, I was finishing up the sculpt and the whole piece totally came off in my hand. This is also supposed to be good for other items than clay and I had the same problem where two metal parts wouldn’t even stick together.
Same problem here. I can’t trust it at all and would be mortified if a piece of jewelry fell apart on a customer. The bottle IS very tipsy and the glue is starting to dry out already, It is too expensive to keep replacing. It just didn’t work except when put on the pre-baked pieces but now I wonder if those just stuck because I was re-baking fresk clay onto already baked clay.For me it is not worth the cost or the hassle. If anyone has a suggestion for an adhesive I don’t have to worry about for putting backs on pins and earrings please let me know. I like super glue but it too can become brittle over time and let things drop off.
Glues are expensive, and can dry out quickly. My Dad always stored his Super Glue and the like in those air tight metal clamped canning jars, which kept them fresh longer. You need to use the rubber gaskets with the clamp on glass jars for an air tight seal.
If you have one of those vacuum seal systems for kitchen use, you might consider storing your glues in either the containers or plastic bags, as well.
my husband stores superglue in the fridge. i’m going to do this once i get the polybonder that i have ordered. its a shame that this product has so many problems. i wonder what Lisa would think of this.
Hi guys… I just thought I would pass on this information that Lisa shared with me on Facebook:
Lisa Pavelka said… “I will address the drying issue here. All glues, regardless of their chemical formula, have a shelf life. Poly Bonder is about 2 years. Keeping it cold as indicated on the packaging (stored in a refrigerator for instance), can extend the life as will capping it well. Some people either wait too long before using it or perhaps they have purchased a bottle that has been on the shelf in a store or stored in inventory for many months. This means they can get a bottle with an increased shelf life. If upon purchasing a bottle that has dried out, I recommend returning it to where it was purchased for a refund or replacement. If it is too late to do so (the return/exchange period has past), we will happily replace a dried out bottle through my website if it was purchased within the previous 24 months and this occurred. My company always stands behind my products and we want people to be happy.”
I’ve purchased 2 bottles of Polybonder that were solid when I opened them – and tossed of course before I saw the above post.
Thanks for the info in case I decide to give it another try!
Thanks, Cindy! Got more comments to same effect on FB this week as to problems. I did not see where it says to keep cold, though. I don’t think I’ll try this anymore. Too much hassle going back to a store and so forth. But I will try to see about getting money back. I also learned from two people this week re: her UV resin (one on this site) that it is problematic. Marie Segal recommended Gorilla Super Glue and I’ll try that. Anyone else try it?
I wrote earlier of trying this product & having it dry to a solid lump with in 3 weeks of opening it. I am now using Kato Poly Paste, which is working great.
I would recommend trying it.
Thanks, Cynthia! Might try the paste as I heard good things about it. Had forgotten about it, actually.
Cindy thank you so much for reaching out to Lisa for commentary on this product. Would suggest that if any of us run across problems with the glue from now on, you contact Lisa and let her know the chain purchased from, etc., even if you take the bottle back and get a refund or replacement from the store.
There just might be a production issue or capping issue in the glue that Lisa could redesign to improve the shelf life of the glue in the future. The more feedback she gets now, the faster the issues can be fixed, because Lisa is certainly an “on the ball girl” and wants to please her customers.
Her Facebook link: Lisa Pavelka
Her website and store link: Discover Your Inner Artist
It looks like an amazing boon to us and clayers, and would sure like to see Lisa’s product be as good as it can be, as it is expensive for the size.
Thanks, Jocelyn C for the advice.
I did what you suggested on Sunday last and wrote to Lisa about the trouble I had with my last two bottles, where I bought them and when and I also referred to her comment to Cindy on FB. I also wrote to her about the comments I have read on FB in other groups other than this one…just as I explained to you all. I have not received any response as of yet (I DO check my spam mail). However, it DOES say on the “contact us” that if you don’t receive a reply, to e-mail again. I’ll wait a week or so and do that , if that should turn out to be the case.
Also, I checked out Lisa’s FB page but did not see Cindy’s comment there nor her response. Perhaps I went to the wrong place??? I was curious to see if she had had any feed back there from others and if she had any further updates. Since my last post here, I’ve read further comments on problems with the product and people not wanting to take any more chances on purchasing it. As I stated, it was a wonderful product and I hope they are able to get it back to snuff.
a lot of people communicate by private message on FB when they have something to talk about that they don’t want the world to see:) Maybe the convo was via messaging.
That’s very true, Dawn. Didn’t think of it! Just thought that since Lisa said she was going to “address the drying issue right here”, she meant it was open for everyone to see on FB and also that she would hopefully relay updates and let everyone know re: storage, shelf life, etc.. In any case, I went with Marie Segal’s suggestion and bought Gorilla Super Glue. We’ll see how it goes!
Hi Andrea and Dawn, the comment from Lisa that I posted here was indeed from a private message. I had hoped that she would comment here on the blog personally, like she did on YouTube, but since she is traveling right now, I assume that she did not have the time to address all the comments. So I posted part of her comment here so that it would clarify things.
It is very difficult for many small businesses to handle the sheer volume of customer inquiries (ourselves included sometimes) that can come flying in all at once. Especially when a informational video goes out, like ours did and people have a renewed awareness of a product.
From my interactions with Lisa, I find her to be a hard working and genuine person, who cares very much about her customers and her product line.
I feel that the product is good… bearing that it is properly stored by the company you buy it from and by you yourself once it gets home. I did not realize that so many of you have purchased this product only to find it was improperly stored though, so I feel you pain.
Hopefully Lisa and her team will be able to rectify any problems. She said she would. It would be good for everyone to be patient with them though. It can be hard to get back quickly when your company isn’t very big.
As far as using Gorilla Glue, I have not used that myself, and don’t know whether or not it can be used in the oven. It also is a unsightly yellow color and is not instant, so it couldn’t be used in all the same ways that the PolyBonder could. It may work though, so if you do try it, let us know how it goes.
Cindy, Sure hear you loud and clear on the “response back” issue, but still feel that if based on your tute and result, we all purchase the glue, and more than a third of us find it’s not usable due to working time, packaging, etc., if we send that info immediately and continuously to the maker, Linda is sure smart and savvy enough to know she needs to check further into the bottling capping and or storage distribution issues to insure that for $6 plus shipping, we get the same wonderful results as you did.
To me, the issue is the same as the early production run problems the Kato’s ran into perfecting their new clay, lol! If you need to roll a car tire over it to make it malleable, sure tells the manufacturer that you need to work on the softness of the formula, and get that to those of us who create and sell art with it.
Thanks, Cindy, for your clarification! I know from others re: Lisa Pavelka’s dedication to her products and company, so I know the issue will get resolved. It sure IS hard for a small company sometimes…I’ve worked for several so know first hand, lol!
I haven’t heard from them yet but I will wait, of course, and give them plenty of time before writing again. As I said, it DOES say to write again if you don’t get response, so I wil lfollow her instructions.
Thanks on the Gorilla Super Glue info. Since Marie recommended it I will give it a shot and let you all know.
Thanks to everyone for your time in listing alternatives. Since I’m sort of out in the “boonies”, I rely a lot on the internet for my supplies. Unfortunately, I haven’t found any of those alternatives where I shop, but will keep trying and report back with results.
By the way, I personally did not feel it was expensive at all as it went a very, VERY long way for me the first time around. But, if it works only half way or not at all, then it is certainly expensive.
I still haven’t tried this specific product — the places I’ve ordered from since this topic appeared don’t carry it — but I’ve done a quick internet search for other super glues that can stand high temperatures.
There do seem to be a few alternatives that can also take up to 150C/300F. My two hopes are (1) that my local hardware superstore will carry one of them, and (2) that their packaging would be less prone to the problems described here.
I personally don’t like the idea of the brush — that kind of bottle has always been troublesome in my experience, right back to the “liquid paper” / “white-out” days, and I also prefer to be able to apply the glue much more precisely than a brush would allow — so the normal kind of super glue package presentation would suit me better both for application and for product working life.
K, I’ll bite for more info, lol. Sue, would you mind sharing the names of the superglue equivalents you use in Australia and where you get them? The rest of us can use your info to “google” and find the stuff near us.
Hope you are enjoying your summer!
And again and always, thank you for your outrageously excellent and detailed information and commentary. Just you, one person, read here, has saved me so much time effort and money…adding to my pleasure time, plus the stuff you create is the bomb.
Hi Jocelyn!
You always say such nice things… I’m glad you’ve found the information useful! :)
It’s winter here in Australia, but a very mild one so far. I’ve hardly been able to wear my favourite long coats at all! LOL
Anyway, I haven’t actually tried the Polybonder alternatives out yet, but here are a few that are possible candidates:
Forch HP Rapid Super Glue K132 (-60C/-75F to +150C/+300F)
Permabond 802 (-55C/-65F to +160C/+320F, colourless)
Permabond 820 (-55C/-65F to +200C/+390F, colourless)
There are other Permabond products with even higher temperature resistance, but their application and curing mechanism isn’t suitable.
That was just from a quick check; there are others. I’ll see what I can get hold of (I have to go to the hardware superstore tonight anyway; I need an angle grinder and some long blades for my reciprocating saw for a [non-polymer clay] project this weekend) and will report back with testing results later.
In the meantime, I just thought it was worthwhile noting that alternatives exist.
Have a great weekend,
The local hardware superstore didn’t have those relatively exotic heat-resistant glue brands, but they did have one for me to try.
The manufacturer was Selleys (a really common DIY product manufacturer here in Australia), and the product was Selleys Quick Fix Shock Proof super glue which is apparently heat resistant to 150C/300F.
It comes in 3mL standard super glue-type tubes, which I like, and it cost a whole AU $3.42.
I haven’t tried it yet, and I’m still going to try to get hold of some of the other glues I mentioned above (particularly the Permabond 820, although I know it’s relatively expensive), but if this works it will be a cheap and easily accessible option for us Aussies.
(Note that there are other Selleys Quick Fix versions that aren’t heat resistant to the same degree, so if you’re looking to try this one make sure it’s the right version. It’s the one with black zap designs on the packaging.)
Sue, like with Cindy and others here, I “get” passion and devotion when I see it, for sure.
Thanks so for all your efforts at this blog, you make the upper right search facility sing for me. Plus I really like Kato stuff…..
Many others participate greatly too, and I appreciate that so much. But, happily for me, I am addicted and vibing straight on your wave length, and you make this medium so much better for me.
Love love, lol.
I’ve bought two bottles, from two different stores, in the past week and they’ve both been rock solid and dry. I’m at least glad to see that other people have this problem and I’m not crazy/cursed!
Hi, All!
Glad to know some of you have heard back from Lisa Pavelka. I have not, so I will e-mail again re: my two bad bottles of Polybonder. I have received an e-mail from her stating that the website has been redone,etc., as she has now joined forces with an associate of hers. Because of this, I am sure the company is behind on some things and also that some things that needed attention may have fallen thru the cracks. So, if you have written and not heard back, this may be why. Also, I noticed she now sells a stand for the Poly Bonder so it will not tip over. If it had been available before, I did not notice it.
Not having any luck finding the glues in Australia around here, so decided to give the Gorilla Super Glue a try. It worked perfectly well on both raw and cured and metal. It dried very quickly, it has a special no-clog tip, the bottle is steady, it left no yellow coloring at all, and it was on sale on Amazon and my local hardware store. So far, I am a happy girl.
Red Devil has a high heat glue, also, available on Amazon.
You are an angel. the last part of the video with the translucent clay was a blessing.. Thanks for the tip.
Just received my Lisa Pavelka Poly Bonder and was going to ask if it could be stored in the fridge, but reading Lisa’s reply now know it can.
I think I’m going to treat myself to one of those counter-top mini fridges to store my glues, finished canes and other polymer related “cool is best” items. So thanks for all the information Cindy. Now just got to decide where to put it!………………cheers xx……………….
Elaine, that is a wonderful idea. Those new little mini fridges are adorable and not that expensive, so to have one set up right in your studio would be such a boon to clayers struggling with the summer heat while creating.
Just checked with Walmart, my go-to discount store, and found several adorable units, one has the popular “Miss Kitty” logo, another the “Coca-Cola” design, etc. For $59.00!!! A bargain for sure.
In my case, my regular fridge is small due to low income housing, and I am always reluctant to put poly clay in it when there is fresh produce exposed, so this is the perfect solution.
A recent test from across the pond showed that regular superglues adhere well under normal clay heat. Cara Jane tested Loctite and Kato.
When I checked Donna’s site for her new superglue, I think I found Cara was testing PolyPaste? It sure doesn’t look like her PolyPaste in my jar here, lol. Mine is a white paste which adheres any sized piece at any angle. Amazing stuff.
So maybe Donna is getting ready to offer a new product and CaraJane is doing some preview testing for her? From the pictures, it sure likes like Donna’s superglue is a clear liquid.
In Cara Jane’s article on testing Loctite, the Kato product she refers to is Kato PolyGlue Black Flex CA (CA being Cyanoacrylate the chemical name for ‘superglue’), NOT Kato PolyPaste. Totally different product. PolyPaste LOOKS like a thick white glue, but is actually a polymer product and cures clear. I love it, but it is not an “instant grab” glue like super glues are. Sometimes you have an application where that is required, so I’m sure Donna is developing her Flex CA for those purposes. The thick Kato PolyPaste does not quick grab but can be used for polyclay mosaic grout, glue, etc. Love the product and can see use for both.
I didn’t explain something correctly – It’s not that the PolyPaste doesn’t grab – it does – but not permanently as a CA glue would. It will grab 2 pieces of clay – cured or uncured, and hold them but still must be cured in the oven to make a permanent bond.
Thanks Dawn! Sure appreciate the clarification on Donna’s superglue, and am very glad to hear we will have another polyclay specific glue on the market soon.
After going thru the “Product Demo’s” before the website changes, I came across this posting. A little while ago I saw someone suggest placing a thin layer of petroleum jelly around the outside rim of the bottle to prevent the glue from adhearing. I have not tried this yet, but it would solve at least one of our problems. I too loved this product, however it was usually only good for one or two applications.
That sounds like an excellent tip Nancy! I bet it would work for super glue bottles too since it is basically the same type of product. I’ll have to try that. Thanks for sharing!
I need to find out how I could make my polymer clay charms stronger.
Eg: charms with small ears,tails,arms,legs etc they tend to brake off after baking I do try to blend them in to the body but sometimes break if bumped too hard Is there a glue I could use to stop this from happening or any other way I could try prevent this . Any ideas or advice would help.
Thank you
Hi Aylisha, the biggest cause of breakage is brand of clay and improper baking. Use a good strong clay like Premo, Fimo, or Kato and make sure it is baked for one hour at the correct temp. There are tons of baking videos on this site that will help you. Also you can use a liquid clay or Sculpey Bake and Bond between the pieces as a bakeable glue. That can help. You can look that up with the search box as well. Good luck!