Vol-047-A Series [Premo Sculpey]
1A: Prairie Sky
2A: Grape Hyacinth
3A: Smoky Purple
4A: Barn Board
Judging by the fact that the last A-series color recipes of Winter 2012 (Shiver Palette) and the first palette of Spring 2012 (Grape Hyacinth Palette shown above) are both Blue palettes, you might get the impression that I love Blue!
Well you be right, I do love Blue. But here are real reasons for the similar palettes…
- First, what says ‘Spring’ better than a tiny Grape Hyacinth blossom poking out of the freshly thawed ground?
- Second, I find it incredibly interesting to have two seemingly similar palettes, coming from two separate seasons, where the colors are actually quite different. The Winter Blue set is grayed down and muted with a Greenish undertone, whereas the Spring Blue set is fresh and brighter, with just a hint of purple in the mix. This is the way it is with colors at different times of the year. That is also the reason for such different color palettes used in Fashion during the different seasons. When you mix these two color palettes and lay them side by side, you will see what I mean.
- Lastly, I messed up. Normally I wouldn’t put two Blue color palettes, one right after the other like that, but I did and ran out of time to change it, when I realized my mistake. So forgive me if you can. The colors are truly lovely and your color recipe box could always have a little more blue in it, right?
The following recipes for this Vol-047 A-series color palette will be added to the Polymer Clay Members Library in April 2012:
- Prairie Sky (Recipe 047-1A)
- Grape Hyacinth (Recipe 047-2A)
- Smoky Purple (Recipe 047-3A)
- Barn Board (Recipe 047-4A)
… Prairie Sky is the soft sky blue found in the highlights of the blossom clusters of the grape hyacinth. Grape Hyacinth is the purpley blue most dominant in this pretty little Spring bloom. Smoky Purple is the dark smoke purple on the tips of the newest flowers, just before they open their bell-like shape. And Barn Board is the sun bleached gray of the barn board planter, that frames the background of this flowering bulb.
Hi Cindy: How you see COLOR… and describe it, is remarkable! You challenge us to work with Nature around us, and IMHO – that is God’s Palette. Keep your palette colors coming Cindy, you are a gifted woman. You see things that most people do not even take the time to see, and you are sharing and teaching us to do that simple task. Sincerely. ~Pauline-D
Cindy, I definitely prefer your nature-inspired palettes! Your original colours are subtle and come from personal involvement in the beauty that surrounds you and your family. While I am certain I would love any new direction you wanted to experiment with, I believe other PC enthusiasts are dabbling in (and selling) Pantone-based palettes. I appreciate your soliciting the opinions of your members. I will continue to enjoy whatever colours you offer, but I am firmly on the side of “Mother Nature”, who gifts us with infinite variety, as opposed to a technical schedule of arbitrary shades in a preset framework. Looking forward to your “personal vision” of Spring 2012! ~Monique-U
Hi Cindy. I’ve purchased color palettes in the past from a different website, and I was disappointed because the recipes did not match the colors. As a matter of fact, the colors all came out looking almost the same (i.e. the pinks all looked alike, and so forth). If you do them I know they will be right. ~Angela-M
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Love the palette. Blues are my favorites!
One can never have to many blue color recipes! It’s a pretty palette. You’re the best! :)
I second that one can never have too many blues. These would be beautiful when making the Extruder Flower Canes. Now, to finish my nap and get ready to clay the rest of the day :-)
Love these colors as well, Cindy. Your “mistake” made me think of artist Bob Ross who said something to the effect of Its your world, you can do whatever you want in it, there are no mistakes, just happy accidents so, in your world you are always making someone happy and I’m thinking that its many, many someones. Also love your explanation of the seasonal colors.
Cindy, even if you were to feature “2012: The Year in Blue”, I am certain every one of your palettes would be unique, subtle and beautiful. When you use the natural world as your inspiration, it probably isn’t possible to repeat the same colour scheme. There are so many variables! Obviously, you are being guided by your MUSE and not allowing commercial consideration to cloud your VISION (Go, Muse!!)
PSHAW !! ( teehee- I think that is how you spell it) – Cindy. You know us -we love what you do. Don’t apoligize ( IS MY SPELL CHECK WORKING?) – We could care less if you have 2 blue color palettes in a row.
Love the Grape Hyacinth -reminds me of the earlier tute – such lovely blues…………. Just keep ’em coming……………
well said Pattw :)
we love what ever colors your muse ( as Monique so well coined it above) leads you to :)
Although I knew about polymer clay “somewhat”, you have shed light on so many little [but QUITE necessary] little intricacies that will make such a difference as I move forward in my journey! Your tutorials truly are as if you were sitting right next to me giving instruction in such an understandable way! I’m so excited, and I’m only about 1/3 of the way through the course videos!
Thanks again! I have paid a whole lot more $$ for a whole lot less – WELL WORTH THE INVESTMENT!
Thank you Sue so much for your kind words! I am so pleased I am able to help you learn more about polymer in a clear and simple way. Welcome to our sweet little clay family!
Hi Cindy, love your twist on combing/marbling/feathering technique and your “very 60’s” choice of new premo colours. These are what I call my happy accident feathered beads as I use a big old goose feather, (not too pointy and light to the touch). They look awesome using the new premo metallic combo of silver, copper and gold.
Your magic card tip is brilliant. I have used cards as a thickness gauge when rolling out silver clay but never thought to use it your way for pasta machine. So thanks, (and my Mother never approved of me playing card games, tee hee )
Love love love your slant on the blues and the names you give them. I can just imagine you all sitting round the kitchen table tossing ideas back and forth. Or do you sit in splendid isolation in your studio letting your mind run free until the right name pops into your head??
I made two sets of the red clover earrings. Different sizes and colours using Pinata and Adirondack inks combined. You have to dilute the pinata more as the colours are deeper but still very pretty. So as I am now addicted to alcohol (inks) I think I will have to combine your two tutes and make an inked, rainbow, marbled, combed veneer to fashion some very “60’s” funky beads and buttons.
Anyone who is reading this and is NOT yet a member yet, what are you waiting for?? I guarantee that you will never again have artists block. Cindy somehow frees your mind, makes you think outside the box and try new and exciting ways with polymer clay.
She does not push you to buy all the tools she uses but suggests household items to use instead. (Just don’t use them again in the kitchen) But because I am a tools person I have collected quite a selection of the ones she shows in her tutes. (Well you’ve just gotta)
Lastly do not be afraid, there is no waste, even horrible old yukky clay can be used, as she shows in her wonderful Arizona Beads and Jupiter Beads, or to be used in hidden cores or covered by patterned veneers. The members are lovely people, will help out if you are in a fix and answer your questions and throw in their advice when Cindy is busy creating.
So what happened to all you guys and girls who made a New Year pledge to join? Where are you? You will find the membership fees really good value, the tutorials are the best, thanks to Doug’s great camera work and the photo shots done by Willow are really beautiful.
So just to conclude I will say a BIG welcome to all new members who have joined this year. I read and enjoy all the written comments, and am amazed to think that a little old block of polymer clay can stretch all across the world joining us all together……..cheers xx
Elaine, have I told you lately how much I love you? You say the sweetest things in the most elegant manner. You are a total delight to have around here! Thank you for your comment and for sharing the info on the Pinata inks!
Ooooo Cindy, just read your sweet comments about my mad ramblings, sorry I do go on so but when you are as passionate about something you cannot help but go on and on and on! So thank you………
Thought you were going to tell me off for writing reams, but by the comments I have received from others members I am sitting here thinking what a great group of people you have collected together. Some even interested enough to ask me questions about my mad experiments. I am hoping my input comes up to your expectations and try to remember that a lot of non-members read these so hopefully know what not to write about.
Have a great 5th Friday my friend and hope you and your lovely family make some happy memories together and relax…………. Cheers xx
Hi Cindy I love blue too, all shades LOl
Cindy, You are so darn good I just can’t stand it!!! With every new video I watch I learn something yummy. Just for example, I’ve tried the combing method the way I learned it (with a ripple blade) and I got gorgeous results. That is, if you only need 2 square inches of a similar pattern :-(( What a mess. And you have a way of simplying unnecessarily complicated methods. And of course, I have to mention your color recipes: how terrific!
I love your approach and your clear, concise, yet best friend, friendly deliverly. You rock!
Thank You, Cindy! Kate
I began beading about 7 years ago with a love for natural stone beads and jewelry making. I recently developed an interest in polymer clay as a way to enhance my jewelry designs. The versatility of polymer clay and the endless possibilities for color blends and designs are truly unique to this medium. I have also been very fortunate to find talented polymer clay artists such as Cindy Lietz who graciously share their skills by teaching new artists the basics and beyond to make learning new techniques fun and easy. I look forward to sitting at my computer every Friday to see my new video tutorial and color recipes and refer back to the tutorials often when starting new projects. My inventory of polymer clay and clay tools are quickly growing to match my bead collection!
Hi Cindy. Just got my gardening bulbs flowers catalog and I never will look at them the same. I have taken art classes in high school and I enjoy painting and now I’m learning from your color recipes how you are influenced by nature.
Also I keep seed pods and flower heads, the part that hold up the blossom, and they make wonderful designs (ie Poppy seed heads or other flower tree Peony dead heads look like little jester crowns. And Day Lilly dead heads also are very nice).
Thanks for your inspiration. I also look forward to your tutorials every week. Very excited about what you are offering here. I can see it is a labor of love.
Take care you two, so you can continue to offer more and more.
Sincerely Patty in Spokane
I am new to your website. I am not sure how to use the color recipes. Are there several colors that you can make with the recipe (displays 3 or 4 colors on recipe card) or is it just one color that you are making with the 3 or 4 that are displayed? Also what is the exact website address I should go to in order to log directly into my account. I go to beadsandbeading and there does not seem to be a place to log in. Thanks for your time. I am really enjoying the tutorials.
Hi Cindy,
Glad to hear you are enjoying the tutorials… thanks for letting me know :-)
On each recipe card you combine the listed “ingredients” on that card to make the one main color posted at the top of that card. Each palette consist of 4 colors (4 recipe cards).
The Vol-033-4 video in the members library is a good resource to learn how to mix the recipes. Here is the link: Mixing Polymer Clay Color Recipes
The home page for the members library is: