Facebook Polymer Clay Photo Gallery | How To Upload Your Pictures

Facebook Polymer Clay Give Away“What a great way
for everyone to show
the results of learning new
techniques here. Inspired
for us to challenge our creativity.” ~Jocelyn-C

A lot of emails have come in lately, asking for instructions on how to upload photos to the new Polymer Clay Facebook Gallery.  So I figured it was time to create a resource page with all of the information you need to know, here on one place.


First of all, everyone should realize that the main reason I set up the Facebook Gallery, was for you guys to be able to share pictures of your beads and jewelry in a central location. You now have the ability to upload your own photos, rather than having to wait for me or Doug to get them posted for you.

The gallery allows both members as well as non-members to easily browse through a large collection of photos for quick ideas and inspiration. And along with each photo, are links that point back to pages here at this site, which provide more information about the techniques used.

And yes… there is a contest that is happening in association with this Facebook Gallery initiative. Periodically, I will be doing a random draw to give away a nice big batch of beads, handmade by me, your Polymer Clay Tutor. The value of my bead giveaway prizes amount to roughly what you would pay for a 2 year membership at the Polymer Clay Video Library. This is just an added perk to give you extra motivation to share your photos with everyone.

Cindy and Doug, thanks so much for taking the time to design a fun way for folks here to showcase their wonderful work. I know it takes a lot of time to get all on board with new formats and systems, but, once that’s done, then it’s just a glorious picture share for all of us to oogle either here, or on Facebook. What a great way for everyone to show the results of learning new techniques here. Inspired for us to challenge our creativity. I love it. ~Jocelyn-C

Photo Upload Instructions and Contest Details:

1) When you are logged into your Facebook account, go to… http://www.facebook.com/polymerclay — If this is your very first visit to the Photo Gallery, there will be a Like button showing at the top of the page that you need to click on before going to the next step.

2) Now click on the Wall tab, and the Write Something dialog box will show up for you.

3) In the Write Something Dialog Box, there is a little Attach: Icon that allows you to upload pictures.

a) Upload your photos, one at a time (as many as you like).

b) In the Write Something text area for each photo, add your description, caption or story. If you know how, please also include an http:// web link that points back to the page on my blog which provided you with creative inspiration for your project. Usually the best pages to reference are the are Tuesday posts with the teaser video clips. If you don’t know how to add the link to your description, then don’t worry about it. Someone else will do that for you. Just be sure to say which techniques were used in the making of your project.

c) When you are all done, click on the Share Button to complete the process. Basically, each technique you use in your projects, counts as an entry into the bead giveaway contest. So the more photos you upload and describe, the more chances you have of winning.

d) OPTIONAL: If you have published a longer write-up or story about your contest entry (at your blog for example), add an additional comment to your Facebook photo(s) which includes a link to your own blog post (the permalink url for your post). If your blog article contains additional anchor text links** that point back to my blog, each of those anchor text links will count as 3 more bonus contest entry points for you. This will really increase your chances of winning the grand prize.

Additional Notes About Anchor Text Links:**

  • Although you can not set up anchor text links on Facebook, they can be done at your blog and on many of the other photo sharing sites.  Basically, you highlight the words you want to become your link, and then look for the button or feature that allows you turn those highlighted words into a link. That feature will be labeled as “Insert Link” or “Create Link” or “Add Link” or it might even be a just little symbol icon that looks like a double chain link.
  • And in regards to which words you turn into links, be sure to use keywords that describe the project you are referring to. So… if you are referencing the Jupiter Bead Tutorial (for example), then make sure that only the words, “Jupiter Bead Tutorial” or “Jupiter Beads” are included in your hyperlink.
  • Making your hyperlinks say “Cindy’s Blog” or “Cindy Lietz” or “For More Info” or “Click Here” are definitely not good anchor text choices.

And that’s all there is to it. If I missed anything or if you have additional questions, please use the comment section below. Otherwise I’ll see you over at the Facebook Gallery.

Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor




  1. Phaedrakat, 11 August, 2010

    Very cool—it’s all in one place! I’m so glad that the FB gallery is filling up with such beautiful pieces, too. Cindy must be so proud of what her students can do! It’s very inspirational. Congrat’s everyone!

  2. Lawrence, 11 August, 2010

    Thanks Cindy for the info on how to post our pics. Am I correct in assuming that we have to open a Facebook account to post pics on the site?
    “When you are logged into your Facebook account” is what you said. I have really enjoyed looking at all the member’s work on that site but wasn’t sure if they all had to join Facebook . I did notice that I couldn’t comment.
    Would we have to contact you each time we set up a link from our blogs, Picasa or Flickr?
    I’m not really computer illiterate but try to be resourceful as possible with all these different programs crowding my hard drive , not to mention the vulnerability to fishing, spam and viruses.

  3. Elizabeth S., 11 August, 2010

    I agree, Kat Everything I see I want to try and the result is that I have a million things started and in various stages of completion.

    Just had a “duh” moment–just figured out how to change my facebook name from Betty Ann Broghamer Schyldower to Elizabeth Schydlower. Found this little tab called SETTINGS. Ain’t it amazing? I initially set it up with set it up with my gazillion long names in hopes of connecting with some who may not know my married name. I grew up being called Betty Ann and only in recent years did I decide that I prefer my formal name of Elizabeth. Sigh! I’m a complex being, to be sure and I just know I have made everyone’s day in sharing my name dilemma. Anyway, what pops up on facebook now at least will make more sense. I know I’m a little off topic here but since today’s topic is facebook I hope it’s OK to ramble a bit.

  4. Cindy Lietz, 11 August, 2010

    @Phaedrakat: Yes VERY proud of ALL you guys. Keep those photos coming.

    @Elizabeth (aka “the complex being” :-): That is great information to include in this post. I’m sure it will be helpful for others as well.

    @Lawrence: Yes you are correct about the requirement to have a Facebook account set up in order to be able to upload your pictures to the gallery, and to leave comments. Any social networking or photo sharing site is always going to make that a requirement to use their bandwidth.

    Setting up a Facebook account is free. And the set-up process is designed so that you don’t have to be computer savvy to get through it.

    Keep in mind that just because you set up a Facebook account, that does not mean you have to become a Facebook junkie. In fact, if your only reason was so that you can upload your photos to our community photo gallery… well there is nothing wrong with that. Facebook has lots of security settings that you can switch on to insulate you from any potential vulnerabilities that may be lurking about.

    If you are uploading your photos to Picasa or Flickr, that is great! But you will still need to upload them to our community Facebook Gallery as well. That is command central for me to be ensure that everyone’s entries are included in the contest. Before this Facebook gallery was set up, I was in fact having everyone email me about their photos and links. But as you can imagine, my in-box got swamped to the point where that approach is just not workable.

    When you post your photos at Piacsa and Flickr, simply add a comment below the matching pictures at our community Facebook Gallery page, letting everyone know to check you out at those other sites. By doing this, I’ll see your message too, and will be then able to give you the additional contest “points” for those extra Flickr/Picassa/Blog entrties.

  5. Phaedrakat, 11 August, 2010

    If you’re on Flickr, you have to use actual HTML code for your anchor text links back here (or “link text” as Flickr calls it.) This is optional, for when you want to earn those extra points described in 3.d. above. Flickr has a pull-down menu under the comments section—the code you need is 2nd-to-last on the list. If you want to see what the code looks like, I put it in this comment w/extra info about…
    how to add link text to Flickr.

    @Elizabeth S.: Love your complexities and humor!

  6. Elizabeth S., 11 August, 2010

    Help! I purchased my fire apparatus. I’ve been torching wire all afternoon and just can’t get the rounded ends to form. I have lots of burnt wire ends but nothing more.

    I reviewed all six videos to see what I might be doing wrong. I’ve adjusted the flame, made sure I placed the wire exactly like in the vids, etc. to no avail. I’ve been practicing on 16 gauge copper wire. I purchased the micro torch at Home Depot and it seems to be exactly like one of the demonstrator”s. I just can’t figure it out.

  7. Lisa Whitham, 12 August, 2010

    @Elizabeth S.: It might be too thick of a gauge of wire… Try torching 20- 22 gauge… Hope this helps!

    Torch On Elizabeth!
    ~Lisa :)

  8. Elizabeth S., 13 August, 2010

    @Lisa Whitham: Thanks, Lisa. I’ll try that.

  9. Jocelyn, 12 August, 2010

    @Elizabeth S.: LOL!!! Try nekkid?

  10. Elizabeth S., 13 August, 2010

    @Jocelyn: Of course! Couldn’t risk catching my clothes on fire now, could I?

  11. Jocelyn, 13 August, 2010

    @Elizabeth S.: Elizabeth, your husband must adore you!!! Such a great warm sense of humor….

    Did he try to help?

  12. Cindy Lietz, 13 August, 2010

    @Elizabeth S.: Hehehe… Any who, Lisa is on to something with the thick wire. The smaller Butane torches have a hard time melting the thicker wires. You still may be able to do it if you hold the wire further back (so more of the wire can get hot). Also try pointing the end of the wire into the flame from the end, rather than the top. Once it starts to melt you can bring it up straight again, so the ball forms properly. Hope that makes sense. (Videos are easier to explain things in.) If it doesn’t work, just use 20, 21 or 24 gauge copper wire instead.

  13. Koolbraider, 12 August, 2010

    I uploaded two pics this morning. It took a while, maybe three minutes (am very impatient) for the pics to go to the album after appearing on the wall. I have to say that everyone’s pieces are inspirational, and the variety is incredible. (And have to say it was really wicked easy, even if I had to wait two minutes…LOL!!) And, of course, I forgot to add any links to here. But since the photos today had already been posted before I left that out on purpose! Anyone believe that? I have a big bridge in New York for sale, by the way.

  14. Lawrence, 12 August, 2010

    Thanks Cindy and Kat. I seem to have missed that June post somehow.
    I have cut and paste all this info into an ongoing Word document so I’ll have it in one place for reference.

  15. Elizabeth S., 14 August, 2010

    Thanks for your help, everyone. I can see that there are some things I can try to do differently.

    Jocelyn, thanks for the compliment. He would probably tell you that he does adore me but that I drive him nuts. He politely says that I keep his life interesting.

  16. Laura Z, 17 January, 2011

    @Cindy: So this is a bit off topic, but I couldn’t find an article that applied and this is as close as I could get.

    I was at Polymer Clay Daily and they have a “badge” that members can use to link back to their site. (Pretty sure it’s just html code that links from a series of pics and a link to your site.) I was wondering if you have one, or if you/Doug can make one so that your members can link from their blogs back to yours. I currently have you linked with words, but a cool “badge” would be awesome!

  17. Cindy Lietz, 17 January, 2011

    Hi Laura,

    Excellent suggestion Laura. Others have been asking for that as well… so thank you for the reminder. It is on the list of things to get done. We are even looking at ways to make it worth your while so that you can get paid a bit of a commission if the visitors you send over, end up buying the video course. Stay tuned…

    So much to do, so little time :-)


  18. Laura Z, 17 January, 2011

    That would be so cool! I know of a couple of friends that have used the link both from my blog and facebook page. Would be way cool if they joined – then we could have a clay play date, LOL!!

  19. Jocelyn, 08 June, 2011


  20. Jill V., 11 August, 2014

    I always meant to post to the group Facebook page but never actually got around to it. It looks like there are no posts more recent that April 2012. Is there a reason why no one has posted lately?

  21. Cindy Lietz, 11 August, 2014

    Hi Jill, I am not sure what you mean. There are posts in both the Cindy Lietz page and the Polymer Clay Bead Making Tutorials page from just a few days ago.

  22. Jill V., 12 August, 2014

    Thank you for the clarification. I was only looking at one page.

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