“Beautiful color combination! It reminds me of Easter and Spring for sure!”~Cindy-E
Most of you probably noticed by now that I don’t make a lot of holiday inspired, theme beads. It’s not that I don’t like them. It’s just that most holidays sneak up on me so fast and I tend to forget they are even happening until it’s too late. Does anyone else have that problem? Or is it just me?
It happened with Halloween last Fall, and more recently with St. Patrick’s Day too. See… I don’t even have a link to a picture of a four leaf clover bead or anything like that.
Well Easter is now upon us, and I wanted to at least show you something Springy for this long weekend holiday.
Pics of anything else spring related – or even happiness related – are really appreciated by me. ~Aims
The photo above is of an egg-shaped bead that I actually made for a friend last Summer. She loves Blues and Greens so this seemed perfect for her.
Beautiful color combination! It reminds me of Easter and Spring for sure! ~Cindy-E
It was made using the Flower Cane Centers from the Gerbera Tutorial Series to cover the entire bead, which ended up as the pretty focal piece for a pendant.
I hadn’t really thought of it as an Easter Egg Bead before. But when I saw the photo again at this time of the year, I can see that it definitely fits the bill.
Happy Easter Everyone! Hope you have a great time with your family and friends!
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buona Pasqua anche a te alla tua famiglia un grazie per tutto
GOOGLE TRANSLATION: Happy Easter to you and your family thanks for everything.
Love this Egg shaped bead. Too late now, but will keep it in mind for next time.
Have a Happy Easter all. I plan to spend it Claying, might catch up a bit.
Elizabeth.K. XXX
I have a whole bin of beautiful “mistakes”, canes that didn’t turn out quite right etc. I can’t tell you how many times I have been able to re-purpose them into something wonderful just by taking an idea like this one, Cindy, and running with it. As always, thank you for what you give us.
Well Cindy It looks good enough to eat, but I better not i am having a scan tomorrow how funny to see that come up on the MRI, but joking apart i love the colors yellow and green have always been my favourite.
Very Easter-y… And pretty pastel colors! Another beautiful bead by Cindy Lietz!!!!!
Beautiful, is it hollow or solid? The holidays do sneak up on me too. I need to prepare for the craft fair season now, while it’s on my mind, but between my real job and singing, the time between the holidays just disappears.
Lovely color combination, Cindy. Holidays have a way of creeping up and by sometimes before I do anything special. It was all so different with kids around. Now with them scattered from Maine to Texas its just my DH and me lots of times. We celebrate but low key. Have a wonderful weekend everyone however you are celebrating.
Thanks for your comments everyone! It’s funny, I just realized that my Easter egg photo above, has some similarities to the Polymer Clay Covered Egg that Liz Smith just recently showed on the Martha Stewart show.
Hers was done on a blown out egg. Mine is solid and although it is hard to tell by the picture, my egg is much smaller than a regular chicken egg. Closer to the size of a quail egg.
If you want to see Liz’ tutorial, check out marthastewart.com the video and instructions are there. The lucky audience each got and AMACO Pasta Machine and a 1lb Block of Premo from Polymer Clay Superstore which was awesome!
I was very pleased to see Polymer Clay getting some notoriety on such a high profile TV show. It’s been awhile since it was a regular feature on the Carol Duvall Show on HGTV. I would love polymer clay to receive a big surge of interest again. It is such a cool medium to work with, everyone should know about it!
@Cindy Lietz from Polymer Clay, Carol Duvall: I just covered my first plastic Easter Egg…posted it on my blog a few days ago. We had a demo on it at our February guild meeting. I rather like it as opposed to blowing out the egg. One of our members who instructed us is in the process of publishing the instructions for covering plastic eggs with polymer clay. I bought a whole bag of them…plan on making some more. Love the colors on your Easter egg shaped bead!
@Lupe Meter: Lupe, I haven’t tried blowing out the eggs and intend to even though Easter is close to being a past holiday. I bought some plastic eggs just on a whim not knowing what I was going to do with them so covering them with clay would be wonderful. I’d be very interested in the published instructions when they are available. Could you keep us posted when that happens and how we can go about getting them? Thank you.
Joyce M
@Lupe Meter: I have tried the plastic egg covered with clay! But, I had to be carefullsince the egg sometimes warped. Have you had any problems with that? I think lower temp and longer baking would help. I even had a problem with air bubbles. I think using liquid sculpey would help keep bubbles away. At least I might try it again. I got to go check out your blog!!
@Lupe Meter: Can I ask what brand plastic eggs you used? I’ve had all kinds of trouble with plastic anything (pens, boxes, etc), some melt and some don’t. I love the idea of covering eggs, but don’t want to ruin perfectly good clay or spend a lot of money trying out different eggs. And no, I can’t use real egg shells, I am FAR too fumble fingered for that, LOL. Thanks in advance for any help!
@ceallaig: I bought them at the dollar store (Easter Egg Essentials, distributed by Michael Stores). You do have to poke tiny holes on each end when you bake them and most come with holes already, so you just use the existing hole. I hope that helps. Our Polymer Clay Guild Educational Expert told us that some will burn and there is really nothing you can do about it. I coated mine with cornstarch and baked it in cornstarch and baked it at 250-275 degrees for about 1/2 hr. to 45 minutes. Sorry it has taken me awhile to reply…been out of town for the the weekend and trying to catch up on all messages.
@Cindy L: Martha Stewart had another polymer clay project on her show again today, due to the popularity of the egg you spoke of! How cool is that? We may very well get that resurgence of popularity!
Love your Easter egg bead! We dyed eggs last weekend and I just love doing it! The kids went right through the first batch off eggs I bought and we decided to go and get some more for dying. Now we have dozens of eggs!
Happy Easter Cindy and everyone.
To answer your question since I do mostly things for school children and THEY know their holidays, I am working allmost a season ahead to start them. I was doing Easter during the Christmas break and working on Halloween these days.
ANOTHER CONTEST? What’s going on? I know that Cindy meant something 2 days ago when she said, “AND… there’s PRIZES too!” (talking about the spotlight articles.) I think there’s going to be another bead contest or something. Did you guys see it? It’s at the end of the 1st paragraph on the “Crackled Ink Technique with a Side Dish of Mokume Gane” post. Sorry for the caps, but no one is answering me! :(
Cindy, I love your pretty Spring egg! Sorry to keep asking, but what’s going on with your statement day before yesterday about the PRIZES? Are you going to do another bead contest? A different kind this time, maybe? If you are, I’ve just got to be a part of it this time!
ADDED NOTE: Here’s a bit more info about my PRIZES reference from the other day :-) ~Cindy
Thanks, Cindy! I knew something was up. I’ve been commenting, trying to get some answers. I’m very excited about a new contest, and winning some beads! I wasn’t able to make anything for the last one. This time I’ll be ready. Now I just need some details so I know HOW to be ready, or what to be ready FOR! :D
Beautiful bead Cindy and very ‘Springy’ colors. I decorated blown out eggshells with tissue paper and then used the paints that came in tubes to pipe out designs and varnished them – I did those with my children when they were young and we still use those eggs to decorate the table at Easter. Would love to try this out with polymer clay.
@ Ken- What kind of singing do you do? Classical??
@Cheryl Hodges: Classical and Opera. In rehearsals now for Tosca, I’m in the chorus and have a small solo part near the end.
@Ken H.: Hi! Glad to hear from you. You must be really busy. Good luck with your part and post a video if you can!
Eggs – well, I made one for my son for Christmas, so they are wonderful all year long. Here’s a photo. Mine’s the full size chicken egg, blown out and covered with PC. And I just finished a pen and holder to match. Hopefully he’ll like this as much and will put it on his desk at the UofPenn where he is on the faculty.
Just an FYI – The clover for St. Pat’s day is supposed to have only three leaves – St. Patrick used the shamrock to teach the people of Ireland about the Triune God – the Trinity – Three in One: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So, there’s the spiritual tip of the day!
@carolyn: What a beautiful egg!
“It’s just that most holidays sneak up on me so fast and I tend to forget they are even happening until it’s too late.” I hear that! My Mom was in the hospital earlier this year; I wanted to make her something special so I made an egg (yes a blown out chicken egg) covered with slices from a yellow rose cane (her favorite flower). It turned out really cute and I thought I would make more for Easter gifts for friends, nieces, etc. Oops! Easter is here and no eggs made. Where does the time go?
Oh! and I have been waiting patiently for the next contest announcement. Can’t wait! I’m ready for an assignment. LOL
Has anyone tried any of the Martha Stewart Flocking? I bought some today in hopes I could use it on my clay (little polymer flocked egg earrings for easter…) I’m gonna try tomorrow, I hope it works!
@ Carolyn: That egg is so pretty and that’s a very clever design for a pen holder!
Nice egg bead, the colours are very spring like.
I had a go at covering a blown egg (had forgotten how hard it can be to do that as I haven’t done it since I was a teenager) as a gift for my lovely husband for Easter. Unfortunatley I forgot to pierce a hole in it and when it baked it came up all warty. I love the feel of it though it is so light. Going to give it another go for sure.
Didn’t fancy covering plastic ones after several pen melting experiences in the past!
Beautiful egg bead and I really love the colours. Our Guild also did an egg decorating demo with PC but was one of the few times I had to miss a meeting, all this after blowing out a dozen eggs the weeks prior. However; they won’t go to waste as I can always decorate them for Christmas ornaments.
Thats a very beautiful decorated Egg, Carolyn. I love the reds and gold in it.the pend holder is very clever too.
@ Everyone – I found this verse last night when I was looking for some words to put on an email to my family at home for Easter. They are so beautiful I wanted to share them with you. it was featured on Day Spring – meet me in the meadow.
I came with my struggles and found Your peace,
I came with my bondage and found Your release.
I came with my burdens and found Your care.
I came with my loneliness and found You there.
I came with my weakness and found You strong,
I came with my sadness and found Your song.
I came with my questions and found You true,
I came with my old ways and found all things new.
(The exchanged Life – Hudson Taylor)
Wishing all of you peace , joy and love at Easter. God Bless
Happy Easter
@Cheryl Hodges: Cheryl, this is so beautiful and meaningful. Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you had all that Easter can bring you. We had a lovely day here in Florida. A
truly spring day for the second day in a row. It has been a long winter for us though a lot easier than most. Happy Easter to you and yours.
Joyce M
@ Ken – wow! would love to hear you sing. My daughter Steph is training for grade 6 voice exam with RCM. She has a realy good coach. Which company are you with?
@Cheryl Hodges: Right now I sing with OperaDelaware, in Wilmington,DE. I have my materials in for an audition for the chorus of Opera Company of Philadelphia, haven’t heard yet wether I’ll be granted an audition or not.
@ Carolyn– I meant to ask you did you glue the glow in the dark pendant onto the clay bezel after baking or did you use bake and bond and bake it together?
@ Ken – Good luck for the audition. Yes, we would love to see a video.
Thank you for your good wishes, If you use Facebook, there are two short clips from a role I did last spring in Marriage of Figaro. I should be easy to find, my photo here is the same as it is on FB.
Hi Ceallaig,
Lupe hasn’t made any comments at the blog in the past few days. I checked at her blog, but there were no directions nor mention of the brand she used. Actually, it said it was a guild project, & they used several different types of eggs. What you might want to try is baking one one of the eggs on its own…without clay. Pop it in the oven at the lower end of the clay’s baking range…and see if it can handle the temperature.
Good luck with your project. If you aren’t able to find a good brand, please leave another comment…someone will be able to help! ;·) ~Kat
@ceallaig, while waiting for a reply from Lupe, you may want to try going to glassattic.com/polymer/eggs.htm and click on plastic eggs. There is a ton of information there. I don’t know if you will have what you need to give your project a try but maybe…good luck.
Hey, with all this talk about plastic eggs did you all know that Michaels did sell papermache eggs? Of, course, you’ll have to wait till Easter, or Feb! I got some last Easter on clearance. Papermache works great with polymer clay. So, if you can wait six months, you might find that a lot easier to work with.
Opps, I forgot to mention that they sell wood eggs, too. They might be heavier but they will cover nicely with polymer clay. So try that option if you like.
How about using the wooden eggs as a form, Paper mache is most likely the first craft that many of us got our hands into, form the egg in two parts and glue it together let it dry and then PC it. Just a thought.
@Ken, I like the idea of the wooden egg as a form for Paper mache. Putting this wilh my other info for this project for a later time. Will come back with results when it happens. Not too soon though as claying has been put on the back burner but things are looking better so “clay days” may appear soon. Thanks for your idea.