Christmas Lumberjack Plaid Polymer Clay Cane Project

Lumberjack Plaid Cane - Polymer Clay TutorVideo #760: Use slices from this lumberjack cane to embellish wooden tree ornaments and all kinds of other holiday decor items.

In this video you will learn how to make a super easy extruded polymer clay cane in a Lumberjack Plaid pattern (aka Buffalo Plaid), that you can use to make rustic Christmas Ornaments and decor.

All you need is Red and Black polymer clay (I used Premo Cadmium Red and Premo Black Clay)… an extruder (I used my Lucy Clay Czextruder, but you could use a Makin’s Extruder or a Walnut Hollow Extruder)… and a square die (I used the Lucy Clay 3 square disk from LCD Set #2, but any square die will work).

Do you have any suggestions for videos on tips, techniques or products you would like to learn more about? Let me know in the comments section below!

My goal is to help you to learn quicker and easier ways to bring up the professionalism in your polymer clay art.

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Looking forward to hearing from you!

Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor
  1. Dixie Ann, 07 December, 2016

    Cindy, forget the email I sent you, I did finally get on the recent site. Don’t know what happened but so glad to get you back. I have re-book marked it. Love the little Reindeer ornament, it is such a neat way to use this cane. I use to sew my husbands workshirts out of the Lumberjack wool and flannel material and he just loved them.
    I think it will always be a classic design.

  2. Cindy Lietz, 09 December, 2016

    Thanks Dixie Ann! Yes I do believe it to be a classic that will never really go out of style… though it is especially popular right now, isn’t it? I am seeing it everywhere!

  3. Cheryl Francis, 25 February, 2017

    Those drawer boxes you have on your desk with the clay.

    1. Do you know the brand
    2. Do you know where you purchased.

    I live in Mesa Az and I spent the better part of my day off looking for something and could not find anything like yous. I did find something on Amazon but could not see how it was rated.

    Thank you

  4. Cindy Lietz, 28 February, 2017

    Here is our Amazon Affililate Link to a set of drawers like mine, only the configuration is a little different. Mine has 6 drawers across (wide) and 10 up (tall) = 60 drawers in total. The Amazon one I linked to has 8 drawers wide and 8 drawers tall which makes 64 drawers total. It is made with the same plastics and will be safe for your polymer clay. The brand is one with a good reputation.

  5. Katie Kazan, 25 March, 2017

    Hi Cindy,

    I want to thank you for all you’ve taught me about polymer clay since I retired a few years ago. It’s been very satisfying to move forward in this (new to me) medium, and so much credit goes to your tutorials.

    Thanks so much,

  6. Cindy Lietz, 25 March, 2017

    Hi Katie… so glad to hear that my tutorials have been helpful for you. Thanks for letting me know.

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