A Polymer Clay Christmas Poem About A Crafty Beads And Beading Mom

Cindy Lietz In Craft Studio

Not Your Normal Christmas Eve Poetry… That’s For Sure!

I have one of those brains where rhymes come naturally and easily. Sometimes it’s poetic. And sometimes it’s down right silly. Today’s post is a case where silliness seems to have got the better of me. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

A Crafter’s Christmas by The Polymer Clay Tutor

‘Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the home.
Not a creature was stirring,
Except for the Mom!

She was sewing and gluing,
And beading with glee.
In hopes to get everything,
Under the tree.

All the presents she crafted,
And made with her love.
To supplement Santa’s,
Gifts from above.

So, don’t tease the poor woman,
If she’s not combed her hair.
Or changed from her housecoat,
Or got out of her chair.

She’s busy right now,
Cause she is a Crafter.
There are gifts to be making,
There will be time after.

Once she’s all finished,
And the last bow is tied.
You’ll see on her face,
A great swelling of pride.

She made things for you,
And she made things for me,
Her compassionate heart,
Is now under the tree!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Best Wishes To All… no matter how you celebrate this special season of giving!

Cindy Lietz SignaturePolymer Clay Tutor

  1. Brenda Anthony, 24 December, 2008

    This was really cute! You are so crafty!
    Merry Christmas to you too!

  2. heidi wyrick, 23 December, 2010

    Oh my gosh, that is excellent and exactly how i am feeling right now!!!!! I to love to make poems but this one takes the cake!!! And now I want to extend my thanks for all of your hard work you put into this site!! I know it is not easy and you have other things on your plate and I never want you to think we take it for granted!! You are a fabulous polymer clay artist and I am always amazed at your tutorials, thank you again and I hope you have a very merry christmas!!!!!

  3. Cindy Lietz, 28 December, 2008

    Thanks Brenda… glad to see at least one person gets my sense of humor! :-)

  4. Ida R, 03 April, 2021

    I love the poem Cindy, and I can really appreciate your humor. I hope you don’t mind, I had to save the poem and will hang it up every Christmas. The last verse says it all and I believe this is true of most mothers at Christmas. They always put their hearts under the tree and most people do not have a clue how it all gets done and under that tree. Especially husbands, who go to bed and don’t mind if you do it all as long as they don’t have to. They really don’t mind letting you do it all, no wonder we are so frazzled when it’s all over. Many years of toil and love left me falling asleep at the breakfast table but that love got under that tree no matter how tired I was.

  5. Cindy Lietz, 06 April, 2021

    Thank you Ida for your sweet words! I am so happy that you found some joy in my quirky little poem. Enjoy… and I hope that you have lots of wonderful (even if a little frantic) Christmases ahead for you! Much Love! ~ Cindy

  6. Lupe Meter, 29 December, 2008

    I loved your poem! Love the hat too. Was the picture taken in your studio? Lot’s of bins behind you. Great picture!

  7. Chris, 29 December, 2008

    LOVE it! Hits home as I finished the last gift not more than an hour before company arrived. ;)

  8. Cindy Lietz, 30 December, 2008

    @Lupe: Thanks! Yes that is in my studio. Pretty chaotic with all the stuff I was working on and wrapping. Plus there was a bunch of decor items (pitcher with fake red leaves, etc) Doug’s mom had given to me, that I hadn’t figured out what to do with yet. Goal this year is to do some organizing in here and get it more under control!

    @Chris: I knew there was more than one of us out there!

  9. Helen Sperring (honeyclay), 15 July, 2009

    Hi Cindy, I found the page with the vase dated December 24, 2008. Now if I could only find a way to view the new library video I just purchased. I’m new to all of this and I’m starting to feel really dumb. I know I’ll be a pro in no time. This is the greatest learning network on line. I can’t say enough about it!!!!! It’s really, really, really terrific!!!!! Love it.

  10. Cindy Lietz, 15 July, 2009

    Hi Helen – It’s wonderful to see that you found the vase for the color recipe contest.

    No need to feel dumb. There’s lots of supportive people that cane help you out.

    I looked up your account in the Polymer clay Tutor Library. Be sure to log into your account with the username and password that was emailed to you, and then click on the following link to access the videos and recipes that you just purchased:
    Polymer Clay Library [Volume-009 back issue package]

  11. Rada Francis, 23 December, 2010

    awwweeee too cute!! :) Happy Holidays

  12. Laura Z, 23 December, 2010

    I love this poem! You are so creative and it’s soooo frighteningly accurate, LOL!! As always, thanks for sharing…

  13. Ritzs, 23 December, 2010

    Great poem Cindy it is good, Just want to say have a great holiday you Doug and the children and a happy and good new year. And the same to all the girls and guys on the blog love to you all. Ritzs

  14. pollyanna, 23 December, 2010

    Just wrapped the last package…..I hope…….:). Love the poem. How true for most of us. Hope everyone has a great Holiday and a healthy year to come with lots of clay and ‘stuff’ from Santa.

  15. Beverly Smith, 23 December, 2010

    Oh Cindy…that was soo sweet. You are indeed the most Crafty of the lot! I love you with all my heart. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and yours.

  16. Catalina, 23 December, 2010

    I must have missed this the first time. What a sweet poem! Have a very MARY Christmas and the most healthy, happy and blessed new year to all my clay family! I couldn’t have made it through all the surgeries and the non-clay time without the great blogging here. I’m looking forward to more great videos and recipes in 2011!

  17. Tiffany Morkovsky, 23 December, 2010

    Love the poem Cindy! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Thank you for all of your videos and color recipes, you are a wonderful teacher. I look forward to the new year and that it will bring.

  18. Cindy Lietz, 23 December, 2010

    Thank you guys for your heartfelt comments! It means so much to me. Have a wonderful holiday with your families and see if you can get some rest and relaxation in, because it’s going to be an exciting New Year!

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